GraDoN's Journal


New member
Uh, awesome that you have trampoline...and that you work out...that's very nice... :D

And it's also nice to see your journal back...^^



Active Members
weeee this ***** is open again heheheheok so update:

today had a boring start... i woke up at 10 am then watched tv and played pc and posted here till 3 pm and then worked around the house a little

then jumped on our trampolene, then i went to the gym to play squash vs my brother and work out

now im here heheheheh

thats my day

cool..I saw that trampolene before in the picture section...I guess



New member
omg, u like work out? doing what excatly, apart from the squash?
u got msn?
lol sorry no i dont, well i swim and do other normal things in a gym :p

hehe yip jeezy i posted a few some time ago

thanks maya :)



New member
ok Update:

yesterday was all good, watched rugby SA vs NZL we lost again, its out thrird team cause the world cup is coming soon and the best players are being rested

anyway so the rest of the day was rather boring, sothis morning me and my brother went to the gym again and played squash and i won again, then we enjoy'd the swimming pool.

so now im here...



New member
hmm so Update

well nothing happend today so far... had school and then me and my friends went to burgerfare where we had some good times

and is it just me or is LPF using a new font?



New member
lol i'd swear theres a new font 0--0

burgerfare is a place where you get 9 burgers, 9 baskets of chips and 9 drinks fo 12$

awesome aint it :D



Active Members
hmm so Updatewell nothing happend today so far... had school and then me and my friends went to burgerfare where we had some good times

and is it just me or is LPF using a new font?
maybe you changed the font on your web browser



New member
i suppose its awesome if its really that cheap, just be careful with food that cheap m'darling you never know, it may be dodgy and u may get food posioning *shiffty eyes*


New member
hehe yeah its rather dodgy but hey who cares really, we had good times >_<

**** i need to work on my java project now :(

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