GraDoN's Journal


New member
**** another boring day of school.... o well now i have to work on my java then go to hockey then java again maby gym if i have time... thats the way it goes :\


New member

ok so today went down like this: first i went to school and i was late again but i dont really care.. i gotta walk to school and i never get myself to get out of the bed :]

so then i went home and watched some tv and played came here...

then i went to my friend to fix my and my dads pc, so mine aint fixed but my dads pc is :\

so im on my dads pc now

o well too bad so then i went to a playboy themed party, was okay... there was no real drinks if you know what i mean... :\ so was a little dry but all my friends was there so it was all good.

now its almost 12 at night and im here :>



New member
and now its 6:50 am here and im about to play a hockey game vs Milnerton and they are a very good team eventhough we are better. it will be a tough match. wish me luck :>


Active Members
and now its 6:50 am here and im about to play a hockey game vs Milnerton and they are a very good team eventhough we are better. it will be a tough match. wish me luck :>
Good luck man



New member
O, its so gay when there is an alcohol at parties, anyways, i hope that the hockey match went well!


New member

today was pretty nice... school was ok i guess, nothing too much happend

then when i got home i made myseld some fried tomatos and onions with a t-bone steak, was YUM YUM then i worked on my java project while multi tasking here and on LPU

then i went to the gym and had a awesome session. Played squash for 40 mins, won both times, then i did some wights and bike with my bro and then had a awesome swim.

now im here :>

great stuff gonne sleep soon

thats it for now



Active Members
Mee, too.. But i gotta wait till later the the fam. gets home to eat.. You seem to spend alot of time at the gym.. Hmm, but thats what my backyard is for I guess ( I got a pool, swing set, tether ball, trampoline, and other various things) and those keep me busy.. So.. yeah.. Talk to you later!!


New member
lol same we also got a pool and a trampolene but its winter here atm so the pool is COLD and the trampolene is wet most of the time, so the gym is nice cuase the pool there is 29 degrees, thats soooo nice to swin in.

**** gotta go to school now :\



New member

Today was okay.. school was kinda boring, had Afrikaans and english and maths... bla bla bla

then worked a little on my project then my aunt came to visit.

So then i went to hockey pratice in teh rain. it was rather nice. we played a game and won

then i came home and my mom and bro went to gym without me cause i have too much work :\ bummer

now im working on my project and bleh i need to study fo a math test tommorow and science :(

o well back to work

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