[Hawk's Journal]


New member
Wow. You can roll up on people now? Lmao.

Don't worry I made this fatal mistake that I only picked up on this morning, the latest post, it's Jonathon's diary (Sarah's father) and it says

I hear the Olympics are on in Australia next year (allusion to Sydney 2000)

and then I wrote a a couple of pages later

Sarah flipped back to the page that her father had wrote on the day of July 19th, 2000

lmao. get it?

Yeah the second example is good, concerning formatting. Double paragraphing gets to me over time.



New member
lol i get it and will fix and i will change my formatting just for you...and why the **** is half of my last post missing?


New member
[June 26, 2008]

**** has been crazy lately I have to get a demo turned in fast to regain studio time since I kinda abandoned Josh at the last minute and lost all the studio time before. So an untitled song called "Someday" is being demoed so I can get back into studio. I am really excited but now busy since I quit band to go solo.

Also some personal stuff is getting really weird. So now its odd I have something exciting and sucky going on at the same time.



New member
"The Morning After" - Chester Bennington?

Yeah we are in constant contact again and that is part of some of the weird stuff happening i will probably have something up in dark room about it...

and IDK what to do



New member
Is it really worth me downloading it?

p.s. I replied to your story Justin and I haven't seen you around in my story for a couple or so days now :(



New member
I just posted why I hadn't been around in your journal ironically.

Basically I have been very busy lately I haven't spent much time here last 3-4 days so I am behind reading your story and reading a bunch of threads. I been dropping by LPF for only like 5 min a day. I plan on reading your story and being here more tomorrow...I also will put an entry here cause I have a lot to talk about :p



New member
[June 28th and 29th 2008]

Last night was great it started off with me going to see Bill Cosby (who I didn't realize was 70 years old) put on a show at the Honeywell Center. He is so funny! I wish I could go again and was real nice and did a of improv stuff talking to the audience. He only told like 3 jokes and the rest was improv.

After the Cosby Show (no not the TV Show) I went to my friends party. I didn't drink much though since it was my first time drinking in a year or two. I just got a little drunk not totally wasted. I had some mixed drinks: 2.5 shots of rum with some coca cola and then 3 shots mixed with coca cola after that I had a few glasses of a mix of Sunkist and Vadca that stuff was really good. Then my friends parents cut us off from the liquor. Mainly cause Marc down a couple of glasses of some pure **** and blew chuncks bad (he isn't a light weight either). So everyone kept drinking beer but me cause I don't like beer. While we were still wasted a bunch of us got on a golf cart and that was fun. I can't really remeber much else.

I woke up today feeling kinda bad but Marc's parents made us all a good breakfast. My arm was like dead when I woke up since I slept on it. I am feeling better now though. One week until we leave for Cedar Pointe!

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