Head in the sand ****ers.

Jhony5 said:
Hes not my ruler. Hes just some rich guy that gets paid alot of money. I swear allegiance to no man.

He's your prez. Whether you voted for the tard or not, he's making your decisions for you.

Jhony5 said:
This is the critical error that you foreigners make on a constant. Assuming that all Americans love and support the president and every decision he makes.

He came in at tenth in the list of the most hated people in the world here. Well behind Osama. Try to keep up, won't you?

Jhony5 said:
So I'm a racist now?

Good for you. Epiphanies happen at anytime in life.

Jhony5 said:
This term means nothing anymore. Gets thrown around to much.

Like the tinfoil hat jibe, it's the gift that goes on and on.

Jhony5 said:
Its not racism to state the obvious truth. Black people can run fast.

Steroids are wonderful for that. ICE is another good one.

Jhony5 said:
Mexicans drink ALOT of beer.

They don't have anything to brag about. Aussies would drink them under the table.

Jhony5 said:
Chinese are good at math.

They own the US economy.

Jhony5 said:
Muslims support terror by-proxy if not directly.

The US DOD does too. How ironic.

Jhony5 said:
It has zero, zilcho, to do with what the government "claims" happened to the towers. We all watched it and are capable of deciding for ourselves what happened.

You can't decide on which puppet looks best on the tv. We all watched it too. And we decided, along with the rest of the developed world, that it was controlled demolition that brought all those buildings down. WTC 7 wasn't even discussed by NIST. Everyone knows it was the CIA that dropped that one to the ground. Cleaned up a lot of dirty laundry that day.

Jhony5 said:
The truth is, its far more reasonable based on the evidence, to believe that the towers were attacked by Muslims, and fell due to their actions only.

The truth is, those buildings were insured for far more than what they were worth, and they were imploded by sophisticated weaponry. Not a couple of planes. Oh, and Saudis, rather than Iraqis or Afghanis were on the job.

Jhony5 said:
Al-Quida released a lengthly video showing the preparations for 9/11. They did this because of all the insane tinhat conspiracy theorist like yourself that won't shut up about who really did it.

Osama looks different in every video released. The latest one, released right on the anniversary, is so hollywood, even the rightards like you are wondering who made it.

Jhony5 said:
Its not about subscribing to the popular believe system handed to us.

Oh, yes it is, Jhony5. You took the bait.

Jhony5 said:
Its about being reasonable and logical about an event.

No, it's about avoiding a stint in Guantanamo Bay prison. Don't be tuggin' my chain, loser.

Jhony5 said:
Just the logistics of such a conspiracy in this age of information, is ludicrous at the very least.

The laughable fact is, more than half your people are with me on this one. Try to keep up. ;)
GF Admin said:
Sorry my error, random setting issue ya know

Then we agree, never went off topic, just exploring alternate reality.

You mean you've got your head out of the sand? Wonderful, NazzNegg. ;)
builder said:
**** me drunk. Is that all you got Snaf~U? :rolleyes:

I posted resoponses but no one has tried to refute the facts. Just Hamza reverting back to those stupid films that prove aboslutely nothing.
Plus I was testing you to see if you had me on your ignor list or something. :rolleyes:
builder said:
Hundreds of CIA operatives have mysteriously dissappeared since that **** happened. Perhaps they didn't wash their hands after using the dunny?
CIA opreatives Missing? Who?

I'm not talking just about the government. I'm talking about eye witnesses, police, civilian workers in and out of the pentagon, grounds workers, airport employees, air traffic controllers, family members, etc....
Remeber your talking about 9-11, four different planes leaving different times from different places.

This would be a massive conspiracy.
snafu said:
CIA opreatives Missing? Who?

I'm not talking just about the government. I'm talking about eye witnesses, police, civilian workers in and out of the pentagon, grounds workers, airport employees, air traffic controllers, family members, etc....
Remeber your talking about 9-11, four different planes leaving different times from different places.

This would be a massive conspiracy

I think that is why the debate has lasted for five years, Mister.

Evidence that should have been aired way back at the start was quickly hidden.

The DOD couldn't manage getting a couple of fighter jets into the air to defend the Pentagon, but the CIA managed to round up all the security videos from surrounding establishments within minutes.
builder said:
I think that is why the debate has lasted for five years, Mister.

Evidence that should have been aired way back at the start was quickly hidden.

The DOD couldn't manage getting a couple of fighter jets into the air to defend the Pentagon, but the CIA managed to round up all the security videos from surrounding establishments within minutes.
Well if they couldn't get the fighters up how did they shoot a rocket? Ohh that's right the USS George Bush. gotcha.
still haven
I think that is why the debate has lasted for five years, Mister.
This debate has lasted for years because a select few refuse to let it go in the face of undeniable evidence.
The laughable fact is, more than half your people are with me on this one. Try to keep up.
In all the years I've only met a few people who believe this conspiracy angle. They were the Jerry Springer type of slack jawed yokels that can barely read. I have yet to actually meet an intelligent American that believes this tripe.
Oh, yes it is, Jhony5. You took the bait.
Explain what the **** this means?
those buildings were insured for far more than what they were worth, and they were imploded by sophisticated weaponry. Not a couple of planes
Absolutely preposterous. A reasonable person with no prior predisposition towards American government or the Bush Administration, cannot withdraw any evidence to support this. Not even circumstantial evidence. When the buildings fell, they did not make an audible 'BOOM', as one would expect with a controlled demolition. Watch the video again, Builder. Your missing something there.
We all watched it too. And we decided, along with the rest of the developed world, that it was controlled demolition
"We"??? Who the **** is we? Now you speak for the entirety of the civilized world? What corner of the dessert are you hiding in bud?

The ONLY people who claim to believe this, either have a pre-existing disdain for America, or they are terribley uneducated. Which category do you fall into?
They own the US economy.
The fact is when the US economy slumps, the world economy suffers. There is a reason for this. Can you guess it?
He's your prez. Whether you voted for the tard or not, he's making your decisions for you.
He makes no decisions on my part. I am my own man and I snub the establishment and its crooked laws. G.W. may have a part in deciding the laws of my homeland. But he makes no decisions for me, personally. You refuse to comprehend what I say and you stand by your insistence that my denial of a Government conspiracy is evidence of my loyal allegiance to Bush. I make my own decisions which owe no allegiance to a political party. I've been called a "pinko liberal" and a "right wing conservative" by people on this board. Because they can't put a finger on where I stand politically. I'm neither right or left, liberal or conservative. I'm Ken, and I do what I ****ing please.

Think outside the box if your going to battle with me, because your assumptions and baseless allegations of political alignment, fail when aimed at me.
snafu said:
Gottcha Jhony. Thanks.
refute this builder or Hamza for that matter.
http://Off Topic Forum.com/showpost.php?p=1042669&postcount=40
I'd like to see either one of them dispute the evidence from those photos. The conspiracy nuts that run loose on the net, prefer to look at that one photo zoomed in on the 13 foot diameter hole in the side of the Pentagon. To properly debate any subject, one must view the big picture. In that you will see all of the residual evidence one would expect after such a collision between a jetliner and a stout building.

The posting I provided a link to earlier in this thread, lays out line for line evidence which debunks everything that Builder and Hamza have claimed. Like true conspiracy theorist, they have unsuccessfully attempted to evade the evidence provided. I guess its safe to say that we aren't letting you go on this one guys. debunk the article I linked to, and the photos, or admit defeat.
snafu said:
builder! like I told Hamza read the ****ing article.
You don't just totally destroy a generator of this size.

What a lame-arsed ****ing photo. Looks like something out of an old MASH rerun. What the **** is that supposed to prove, you ****ing idiot? An arrow pointing to a roof? Where the **** is that pic supposed to be from?

snafu said:
Builder the titanium parts are in the pictures. And the glass is BLAST PROOF! Guess what? They worked!

Guess what? The pictures don't show anything conclusive as to the location of the mess. Could have been staged in my ****ing back yard, Hombre.
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Jhony5 said:
I'd like to see either one of them dispute the evidence from those photos. The conspiracy nuts that run loose on the net, prefer to look at that one photo zoomed in on the 13 foot diameter hole in the side of the Pentagon. To properly debate any subject, one must view the big picture. In that you will see all of the residual evidence one would expect after such a collision between a jetliner and a stout building.

The posting I provided a link to earlier in this thread, lays out line for line evidence which debunks everything that Builder and Hamza have claimed. Like true conspiracy theorist, they have unsuccessfully attempted to evade the evidence provided. I guess its safe to say that we aren't letting you go on this one guys. debunk the article I linked to, and the photos, or admit defeat.

**** you idiot. Show me three holes where two six ton engines entered the Pentagon each side of the fuselage. :rolleyes:
builder said:
Guess what? The pictures don't show anything conclusive as to the location of the mess. Could have been staged in my ****ing back yard, Hombre.
Oh ****! that's so funny.:D :D

Yeah we never went to the moon either. It was all staged. :D
I remember when they were saying that too. :D
snafu said:
Oh ****! that's so funny.:D :D

Yeah we never went to the moon either. It was all staged. :D
I remember when they were saying that too. :D

I'm not so sure you understand the devious nature of your country's agenda makers.
snafu said:
Oh ****! that's so funny.:D :D

Oh, ****. you asked me to respond to your lame-arsed ****ing photo, snatchfood, and I did. That's not even the ****ing Pentagon in that pic. Is that a packing yard in Wisconsin? :rolleyes: