Head in the sand ****ers.

Jhony5[ I posted a link to pictures that undoubtedly show Boeing 757 aircraft fragments all over in plain sight said:

Although the outside of the plane may burn, the inside fram is virtually indestructable.

I want to see it.

Show me a photo.
What a lame-arsed ****ing photo. Looks like something out of an old MASH rerun. What the **** is that supposed to prove, you ****ing idiot? An arrow pointing to a roof? Where the **** is that pic supposed to be from?
Its goes much farther then the pictures you have supplied to support your argument, pal.

Posted by Hamhead:
Although the outside of the plane may burn, the inside fram is virtually indestructible.
You obviously need some education in aircraft frame construction.
Buddy, IT'S A ****ING 747.
uhh.. no its not.
Posted by builder:
**** you idiot. Show me three holes where two six ton engines entered the Pentagon each side of the fuselage
There is no requirement for this. Three holes would not necessarily be present. Your assuming this on your own accord.
**** you idiot
At least your keeping a cool head. Lets both try and return to being civil. I apologies for the 'tinhat' comments.
Hamza123 said:
What? A few craps? A rim?

Buddy, IT'S A ****ING 747.

Although the outside of the plane may burn, the inside fram is virtually indestructable.

I want to see it.

Show me a photo.

Damn, I had 747 in several posts here, and changed it to suit the plebs.

Thanx dude. ;)
Jhony5 said:
Its goes much farther then the pictures you have supplied to support your argument, pal.

What pictures? I posted links that you didn't bother to read.

Jhony5 said:
Posted by builder:
There is no requirement for this. Three holes would not necessarily be present. Your assuming this on your own accord.

I'm positing an undeniable physical fact, and you are avoiding it like the plague.. Nothing unusual in that. You know I'm right, so you change tack, and try elsewhere.

Jhony5 said:
At least your keeping a cool head. Lets both try and return to being civil. I apologies for the 'tinhat' comments.

Naah, **** that ****. This is GF. Gloves off time. You're a ****ing twinky.

Be a man and own up to knowing that your gov is complicit, and do something ****ing positive about it, for a ****ing change. ;)
builder said:
Oh, ****. you asked me to respond to your lame-arsed ****ing photo, snatchfood, and I did. That's not even the ****ing Pentagon in that pic. Is that a packing yard in Wisconsin? :rolleyes:
Okay I'll give you that one. It was a pretty lame pic. The others showing the titamium wheels and such are much better. But they didnt' take the pic's in someones back yard. ;)

After all how many back yards are littered with boeing 747 parts.:D
snafu said:
Okay I'll give you that one. It was a pretty lame pic. The others showing the titamium wheels and such are much better. But they didnt' take the pic's in someones back yard. ;)

After all how many back yards are littered with boeing 747 parts.:D

For ****'s sake, snafu, photos are not even evidence these days. How many pics have you photo-shopped here?

I could show you a pic of my freckle, and swear blind that it's really Jonny Holmes' freckle.

How ya gonna say it's not really his?
Jhony5 said:
"I want it 9/11 TO SEEM like an Islamic terrorist attack". My god thats horrible. You've got to be kidding me right? Why do Americans have disdain for Muslims in general.

Because you're mainstream media is just a branch of your ****ed up government.

It wants to portray Muslims as evil for their own agenda, and thats war. And when war is profitable, you will see war.

Jhony5 said:
I can't believe you will follow your twisted faith so ****ing blindly

I run my life. Not Islam. My wife doesn't have to be a Muslim. She won't wear a Burka. I don't eat Ham or Drink Alcohal. I don't smoke weed. I go to the Mosque once in a while. I celebrate Ramadan and Eid. I love to live my life and I believe in god. So you can go **** yourself front, back, and side to side. You don't tell me what I follow and how I follow it.

Jhony5 said:
that you are prepared to make such egregious accusations with no basis whatsoever. Just double talking hearsay bullshit spewing from your keyboard.

Think again. Who is making the "eregious accusation" here. You do it to my believes and you also like to frame Muslims for 9/11. I even heard someone on here who wanted Muslims to apologize for 9/11. Well. We're sorry you're so jacked up Bush's ass you can't see or hear anyone else.

Jhony5 said:
I posted a link to pictures that undoubtedly show Boeing 757 aircraft fragments all over in plain sight, and you don't have the balls to even address it.
You didn't even try to dispute it. Why? Because you can't, thats why.

It's been disputed in my other posts.

You have yet to even say anything on Loose Change. Why? Because you know the guys at Popular Mechanics are right. And the movie makes you **** your pants.

Jhony5 said:
God dam your easy to unravel. I was clowin on ya jerkass.:p

Ohhh, quit playin home boy - FAG!.

You're so easy to unravel for Bush. You mine'as well just sell your soul to him and dig a few holes.

Jhony5 said:
What "conclusions" did I jump to? Why is it irrational for me to think and claim that flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? How in the **** does that qualify for the description of "jumping to conclusions". With all the mountains of real tangible evidence (AND DON'T ****ING ASK WHAT EVIDENCE, I PROVIDED ASS-TONS OF IT), its somehow irrational for me to believe that what was reported to have occurred, actually did. You act like somehow I'm so transfixed on my glorious leaders propaganda, that I can't make a simple judgment on my own accord. I don't believe what I do because George Bush told me to, I believe it because there is not one reason why I shouldn't.

No reason? SEELOOSECHANGE.COM!! Google the ****ing ****. Watch testimonials of the JANITOR THAT SAVED LIVES!! I would rather believe the masses of Americans than BUSH. So anyways, while the propoganda from your ****ed up government keeps spewing, you can slurp it up and just keep posting your bullshit.

Jhony5 said:
Maybe because I'm not blinded by faith.

Are you sure? Bushslam is where its at. Bushtian is worse.

Jhony5 said:
Flat out, Hamza, you say you believe the Pentagon was destroyed by the Bush administration because you want to believe this. It fits your agenda. Never mind that its all fantasy with no basis.

Again. Science HAS basis. Facts have basis. The Towers were built to stand ****ing hurricanes and 10x the weight of the ****ing planes.

I will believe what I think is right HOWEVER, there is a difference between what I think is right, and what I saw with my own eyes. And not what others tell me what happened. I don't jump on the band-wagon just because of Bush.

Jhony5 said:
You can't because you know I would rip you apart for even trying to argue it.

In a debate? HAHAHAHAHAH. Stop trying to make yourself seem like Scarface. You're just a ****ing follower of your juiced up governement.

Jhony5 said:
If you want to stare at one zoomed in picture of a 13 foot diameter hole and scratch your head asking "where is the plane then, huh", well keep doing so.


Here, prove this wrong. It has to do with a taxi cab, the light poles outside the Pentagon, and the plane.


Holes appear bigger when zoomed.

Okay. Heres others than *****.



If Flight 77 had crash landed, and skidded into the Pentagon...

It would have looked like this.


Instead, it looked like this, without a single scratch on the lawn.


Third, the light poles. (A few days before, a Cessna crashed into a light pole, exactly like the ones at the pentagon and it shattered without taking out the light pole).

On November 22nd, 2004, a private jet en route to Houston to pick up George Bush Senior clipped a single light pole and crashed a minute away from landing at Houston's Hobby Airport.

The wing ripped off upon impact, scattering debris over 100 yards.

And yet, Flight 77 managed to tear 5 light poles completely out of the ground, without damaging either the wings or light poles themselves. Instead, they seem to have just popped out of the ground.

Fourth, why is there absolutely no trace of Flight 77?

Cnn's Jamie McIntyre was reporting live from the Pentagon, and describes exactly how much of the plane is left...



Oh and the flyer of the plane?

Hani Hanjour as a Cessna 172 pilot would have dealt with this.


At Freeway Airport in Bowie, Md., 20 miles west of Washington, flight instructor Sheri Baxter instantly recognized the name of alleged hijacker Hani Hanjour when the FBI released a list of 19 suspects in the four hijackings. Hanjour, the only suspect on Flight 77 the FBI listed as a pilot, had come to the airport one month earlier seeking to rent a small plane.

However, when Baxter and fellow instructor Ben Conner took the slender, soft-spoken Hanjour on three test runs during the second week of August, they found he had trouble controlling and landing the single-engine Cessna 172. Even though Hanjour showed a federal pilot's license and a log book cataloging 600 hours of flying experience, chief flight instructor Marcel Bernard declined to rent him a plane without more lessons.

In the spring of 2000, Hanjour had asked to enroll in the CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, Ariz., for advanced training, said the center's attorney, Gerald Chilton Jr. Hanjour had attended the school for three months in late 1996 and again in December 1997 but never finished coursework for a license to fly a single-engine aircraft, Chilton said.

When Hanjour reapplied to the center last year, "We declined to provide training to him because we didn't think he was a good enough student when he was there in 1996 and 1997" Chilton said.


On December 12, 2000, [Nawaf al Hazmi and Hani Hanjour] were settling in Mesa, Arizona, and Hanjour was ready to brush up on his flight training [Brush up? He could barely fly a Cessna]. By early 2001, he was using a Boeing 737 simulator. Because his performance struck his flight instructors as sub-standard, they discouraged Hanjour from continuing, but he persisted.

DIY Top Gun Pilot Training - Only $40!

The FBI has determined that some of the [9/11] terrorists bought life-size training posters of the inside of Boeing ****pits from a flying shop in Ohio. The posters - priced at $39.95 - show the exact locations of controls and detail the view the pilots would have from the Boeing 767s. Pilots use the posters for training. [Guardian]

Here is the ****pit that Hani somehow upgraded to... A ****ING 757!!


At a speed of about 500 miles an hour, the plane was headed straight for what is known as P-56, protected air space 56, which covers the White House and the Capitol.

"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane," says O'Brien. "You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe." [NATCA]

But just as the plane seemed to be on a suicide mission into the White House, the unidentified pilot [Hanjour] executed a pivot so tight that it reminded observers of a fighter jet maneuver. The plane circled 270 degrees to the right to approach the Pentagon from the west, whereupon Flight 77 fell below radar level, vanishing from controllers' screens, the sources said.

Less than an hour after two other jets demolished the World Trade Center in Manhattan, Flight 77 carved a hole in the nation's defense headquarters, a hole five stories high and 200 feet wide.
Aviation sources said the plane was flown with extraordinary skill, making it highly likely that a trained pilot was at the helm, possibly one of the hijackers. Someone even knew how to turn off the transponder, a move that is considerably less than obvious. [Washington Post]


"For a guy to just jump into the ****pit and fly like an ace is impossible – there is not one chance in a thousand," said [ex-commercial pilot Russ] Wittenberg, recalling that when he made the jump from Boeing 727’s to the highly sophisticated computerized characteristics of the 737’s through 767’s it took him considerable time to feel comfortable flying. [LewisNews]

So for $40.00 you can learn how to fly a 757? **** IM THERE!!

FBI Withholding 84 More Tapes of Pentagon on 9/11
Magically Only 1 shows impact so why not release the rest?

Steve Watson / Infowars | May 17 2006

The FBI is withholding at least another 84 surveillance tapes that were seized in the immediate aftermath of the attack on the Pentagon.

There is an ongoing lawsuit to get these tapes released via the Freedom of Information Act. The FBI has admitted in a statement to attorney, Scott Hodes, representative of Mr Scott Bingham who runs the website http://www.flight77.info/, that they have these tapes, that they have already analyzed them and are still keeping them under lock and key.

A great deal of speculation has surrounded reports that on the morning of september 11th, 2001 the FBI visited two private businesses near the pentagon and confiscated several security camera video tapes.

The first is said to be the Cigto gas station with several security cameras aimed in the direction of the pentagon. Flight 77 flew directly over the gas station at an altitude of roughly 50 feet, less than 3 seconds from impact.

Three months after 9/11 The National Geographic and others reported on this, publishing short interviews with the gas station owner, Jose Velasquez.

"His gas station, open only to Department of Defense personnel, is the last structure between the Pentagon and the hillside that, hours later, would become a wailing knoll. "By the time I got outside all I could see was a giant cloud of smoke, first white then black, coming from the Pentagon," he said. "It was just a terrible, terrible thing to be so close to."
"Velasquez says the gas station's security cameras are close enough to the Pentagon to have recorded the moment of impact. "I've never seen what the pictures looked like," he said. "The FBI was here within minutes and took the film."

The second business was initially believed to be the Sheraton National Hotel which overlooks I395 and the Pentagon. Initial reports pointed out that hotel staff had sat watching the video surveillance in horror before the FBI arrived and shut down the scene.

However, according to FBI statements in response to the FOIA request from Mr Bingham, The hotel in question was not the Sheraton but was in fact the Doubletree in Arlington, VA. AND this video did not capture the impact of the flight. (Maguire, page 7)

According to the same document, the Citgo gas station video DOES NOT show flight 77 impacting the pentagon either. (Maguire, page 6, item 15)

If this is the case then why did the FBI confiscate the gas station and hotel security videos within minutes of the crash and why haven't they subsequently released these videos?

Watch Alex Jones' Martial Law free online to get the truth about 9/11 or buy the DVD here!

According to a CNN FOIA request however, the nearby hotel's video DID capture the impact. The following exchange is from a CNN transcript of a report on the 2002 release of the original four frames of Pentagon footage:

MCINTYRE (on camera): These pictures are the first to be made public, but they are not the only images of the plane hitting the Pentagon. Sources tell CNN that the FBI on September 11th confiscated a nearby hotel's security camera videotape, which also captured the attack. So far, the Justice Department has refused to release that videotape. Aaron.

BROWN: Why? Do we have any idea why they won't release it?

MCINTYRE: Well, the claim - we have filed a freedom of information request for it. They claim that it might provide some intelligence to somebody else who might want to do harm to the United States. But officials I talked to here at the Pentagon say they don't see any national security or criminal value to that tape. The FBI tends to hold on to things. But the government may eventually release that tape, and if they do, we'll bring it to you.

BROWN: Jamie, thanks. I must have missed something in how, where the intelligence possibilities are there, but that happens with me sometimes. Thank you for your work today, nice job.

Whichever story you believe, whether the footage does or does not show the impact, the fact that the footage exists is not denied. So something does not tally up here. Both FOIA requests were denied yet we have one FOIA request denial saying the footage does not show the impact, yet a second FOIA request denial saying it does show the impact.



Honestly? The FBI have apparently seized a video of what really happened to the pentagon that day. Just show it to the public and silence all of us.
Holy ****, Hammy. Calm the **** down.

Repugs love nothing better than gettin you all worked up.

Chill, mother****er. :D
builder said:
Holy ****, Hammy. Calm the **** down.

Repugs love nothing better than gettin you all worked up.

Chill, mother****er. :D

Sall good. They want a debate they can have one... ;)

They want to get under my skin. Well they've done a great job. As for making me angry? No. It just makes me do more research and realise how gullible some ****ers can be.

As for the whole 757 747 issue.

I wouldn't matter if it where either.

http://www.warbirdaviation.com.au/images/gall/other/RNZAF B-757 C.jpg

Hamza123 said:
Sall good. They want a debate they can have one... ;)

I like a good stoush myself. Glad I posted this thread while drunk as a lord. I'm just sick to ****ing death of the endless propaganda spewing onto the world. No wonder dumb ****ers lap it up. It's ****ing endless.

Hamza123 said:
They want to get under my skin. Well they've done a great job. As for making me angry? No. It just makes me do more research and realise how gullible some ****ers can be.

Good for you. Researching is what these tryhard rightard apologists should have been doing from the start. Trouble is, there are no good alternatives to the shrubber. The hidden control mechanism, meaning the ****ing Carlyle group of ex-****wit money men, won't let a reasonable man manage the country for them. Only ****wit dunces allowed. :D
builder said:
Good for you. Researching is what these tryhard rightard apologists should have been doing from the start. Trouble is, there are no good alternatives to the shrubber. The hidden control mechanism, meaning the ****ing Carlyle group of ex-****wit money men, won't let a reasonable man manage the country for them. Only ****wit dunces allowed. :D

HOLY **** I KNOW!!

They'd rather have a person elected that has a GMC Pickup than Rationality.

Check the shout box. I hope snafu understands how vunerable images are now.
Hamza123 said:
HOLY **** I KNOW!!

They'd rather have a person elected that has a GMC Pickup than Rationality.

Check the shout box. I hope snafu understands how vunerable images are now.

Snafu is a wizard with photoshop. I'm surprised he believes the work of other wizards. :cool:
Posted by Builder:
What pictures?
Exactly. There is no photographic evidence supporting your outrageous claims.
I'm positing an undeniable physical fact, and you are avoiding it like the plague.. Nothing unusual in that. You know I'm right, so you change tack, and try elsewhere.
First of all, I have already explained clearly why there aren't three distinct holes in the structure. These three holes you claim must be present if a 757 hit the building are:
1)The 13 foot diameter hole caused by the 13 foot diameter fuselage.
2)the impact spot for the left engine.
3) the impact spot for the right engine.
Ok, lets take it from there. If an airplane of this type (a 757) struck a reinforced concrete wall head on with its wings stable and level and the plane was flush with the structure, then yes there would definitely be at least a primary impact hole for each of the two wings. On this assumption your correct.

But there are a few factors which created a situation in which the plane was NOT flush and horizontal upon impact.
1)The right wing engine came into contact with a large generator, among other things, tilting the plane slightly to the left.
2)The left wing contacts the ground just prior to hitting the building.

Now the plane is tilted with one wing high in the air, and the other smashing into the ground. Remember, this is at approximately 450 MPH. Why are you demanding that there be three holes present then? The wings of a 757 come off rather easy under such duress.

posted by Hamza:
Honestly? The FBI have apparently seized a video of what really happened to the pentagon that day. Just show it to the public and silence all of us.
Whats so odd about that? If a child is kidnapped from a parking lot, the FBI will confiscate all video from any camera that may have recorded it the general direction of the crime. What does it matter anyway? If they released a video showing clearly in high definition, flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon, you tinhat wearing shut-in America bashing ingrates would just claim the video was doctored anyway. There is no silencing a nut job. Facts to the contrary are just a deeper part of the conspiracy, huh?
Because you're mainstream media is just a branch of your ****ed up government.

It wants to portray Muslims as evil for their own agenda, and thats war. And when war is profitable, you will see war.
Ya see, I'm fine with Muslims till I hear them inevitably say some ****tard **** like this. WTF Hamza? How is the media "portraying Muslims as evil" by reporting on terrorist deeds? I saw a report about a child molester a week ago, and I didn't feel as if the media was trying to portray white people as pedophiles. I saw a report about a Canadian dude that shot up his college. I didn't get the feeling that the media was portraying Canadians as violent. Muslims are responsible for 9/11, not George Bush. If you don't like that its to bad. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "nanananananananana...i cant hear you ...nananananna" doesn't prove your point, bud.
I celebrate Ramadan and Eid.
Don't 'cha mean Ramadan and IED?
You don't tell me what I follow and how I follow it.
I'm not. Your telling all of us. Your pseudo-patriotic support of Muslims who kill innocent people, tells me everything I need know about you. When you start believing some ridiculous and 100% unfounded conspiracy theory, the size of which would be unimaginable, it goes far to show blind following. Thats what the word "blind" means. To not see. And that is what you have chosen to do here, not see the facts so you can continue to hold onto your fantasy.
you also like to frame Muslims for 9/11.
Something tells me thats gonna be real easy for me to do. Considering I have mountains and stacks and piles of photos, eyewitness reports, physics studies, engineering diagramming, disaster engineering summaries, live video, audio recordings, expert investigations, and common sense to prove my case. What you got on yours? ohhhhhhh...............You hate America. Well thats....uhhh...wow thats some evidence you got there pal. Intriguing to say the least.
You're so easy to unravel for Bush. You mine'as well just sell your soul to him and dig a few holes.
Would the two of you stop using that as your defense to everything? Stop making this direct tie between my opinion that Muslims did 9/11, and the suggestion that I'm a Bush supporter. I'M NOT A BUSH SUPPORTER! There can be another explanation for why I don't believe the conspiracy.
Are you sure? Bushslam is where its at. Bushtian is worse
...and here it is ....again.

So ****ing typical of you ****ing robots out there. It just blows your circuit breaker to think that its possible someone could believe Muslims were responsible for 9/11 because of their own opinion. Like all Americans are brainwashed zombies watching the evening news so they can learn what their opinion is supposed to be. This is becoming a recurring theme. I state why I believe what I do, and you and ButtBuilder there keep firing back that I believe this way because I've been transfixed by the Government controlled media.

Here, prove this wrong. It has to do with a taxi cab, the light poles outside the Pentagon, and the plane.
WTF? The taxi was in the grassy knoll? WTF was that all about? All I saw was a taxi with a broken windshield.
Holes appear bigger when zoomed.

Okay. Heres others than *****.
LOL @ U .

Wow...its the same picture...only from 5 feet back. Thats still not "the big picture" idiot. If you want to view this disaster the same way you view the rest of the world, with tunnel vision, go right ahead. That hole there represents only a small part of the accident scene. The photos your not so fixated on are the other ones with engine debris and plane parts smoldering on the front lawn.
If Flight 77 had crash landed, and skidded into the Pentagon...

It would have looked like this.


OMG...YOUR RIGHT!! I see it so clearly now, you've been right all along and that picture of a completely unrelated accident that has nothing whatsoever to do with this discussion at all, has proved it to me. The plane at the pentagon didn't do a loopty loop before crashing either. This photo is bunk, because the plane at the Pentagon didn't skid along the ground for hundreds of feet, ya jackass. It crashed INTO the building as the evidence I provided you clearly showed.
Instead, it looked like this, without a single scratch on the lawn.

What a surprise. A plane that never touched the grass, didn't touch the grass. Who woulda thunk'd it?
On November 22nd, 2004, a private jet en route to Houston to pick up George Bush Senior clipped a single light pole and crashed a minute away from landing at Houston's Hobby Airport.

The wing ripped off upon impact, scattering debris over 100 yards.

And yet, Flight 77 managed to tear 5 light poles completely out of the ground, without damaging either the wings or light poles themselves. Instead, they seem to have just popped out of the ground.
Hang your head low boy. For shame posting this tripe. How dare you.

Again you have taken a completely UNRELATED matter, and tried to tie it to this occurrence and make a point. A "private jet" on approach for a landing and a 757 at full throttle have nothing in common physically, you god dam idiot.

This bunk you get from loosechange is as elementary as it gets. Heres more of the easily debunked garbble.
"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane," says O'Brien. "You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe."
This doesn't even suggest that the plane in question wasn't a 757, only that the controllers aren't used to monitoring a 757 flying in such a reckless fashion.
Someone even knew how to turn off the transponder, a move that is considerably less than obvious.
LOL omg this is retarded.
I love how this tinhat tries to make it sound like a big secret on how to turn off a transponder. I can spend 3 minutes on the internet to figure that out. Its an incrediblely sophisticated and almost indescribably complicated piece of gear called "a switch". Yep thats right. Somehow the terrorist learned how to flip a switch. How did they ever get a hold of such top secret information as learning how to use switches? We may never know.

Hamza, your comments have gone from baseless and unfounded accusations, to quoting the most ridiculous comments I've ever heard. You should quit now before you look any stupider
Righto, you brought up the Pentagon, Jhony5.

Now I'll bring up the demolition of WTC 7.

Why is it avoided like the black plague by NIST, and the media, and the gov?

It was clearly gutted by explosives. The admissions are there that it was dropped intentionally.