Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Congrats on 3500th post! XD lmao

yeah I understand. It's like...it matters and yeah you know :p

aah like how?


shopping went really well. We started our lill cat fight but then as soon as we entered the mall, everything was alright!

I saw this reeeeeaaaallllllly cute hat!!! I want it **** it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao but it was quite expensive but screw the money! >< tomorrow I'll go buy a winter jacket and then buy one of the hats that match my jacket :p

I like hats and earings so that matters!

meeh I bought a hoodie with few hearts on and really cool teaxt on. It could match the hat if I bought it! >>

and I bought purple eyeshadow and eyeliner!

woot! now I have 4 eyeliners :p

screw that! I want that hat!!!!!!!!!!! *tear* I love hats. I kinda collect them lol

I cant hold on, I have to buy that hat tomorrow. I'm a ...hatoholic! XD



New member
thank you XP

well there's no one that follows you and wants your autograph, and you don't make money out of being famous, so like almost every day famous ppl here come and pay at my cash register thing w/e it's called... lol

that's great!

well g2g dinner, I'll be back in half an hour or so :thumbsup:



New member
You're welcome! :p

woah that's cool. If I saw someone famous I would freak out lol

But not someone like Amy diamond =_=

oki doki ttyl

bon apetit.

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