Kristján-Veeery emotional! *nods*
ohww ok.
thanx, well I'm already finsihed with it so
Fiona- Well I'm not christian but my dad is so yeaah and I dont really have one specific religion. I just take the good thing freom every religion and believe in it
I cried alot too! and whenever I see Maria cry, I cry even more.
thanx hon
Immortal-Dont worry, I'm not so religious myself.
It's ok, we've not rehearseld yet and not started the voting thing so idk
Noooo, you think? *sarcasm* lol
omg lol! sry about that.
Yeah exactly, There used to be A-E in every grade. Awsome memories.
Where do you live now?
30th September
Today I did'nt do much. Got to know that I'm having french and spanish exam next week =_= I'm gonna write spanish in french and french in spanish
Later on, I watched a movie in English, it's about a british lad who is quite amuzing
um..later on I had maths and when we were supposed to go, Kerstin wanted to talk with me. I thought she will talk about how much I talk in the class insteading working
but nope, it was about Rawah. She wants me to change the class to A
**** no! They said the same thing about Rebecca but nuh-uh it's not fair! none of us has done anything then why shall we change the class?! I said I did'nt want to and Kerstin said that it wont work out if I dont change the class
no matter what happens, I'm not changing the class!
Then I had lunch and I was all worried about it but then I met Lena and she gave me this cd with anime soundtracks in it! In Japanese! It rox my sox
umm....yeah so then I had Social and I got the french revolution essay back. I got VG+....I'm not so satisfied cause I worked really hard on it. But better then all the **** Gs I have been getting lately ><
ooh for those of you who dont know and I think none of you know (lol)
G= godkänd (pass)
VG= Väl godkänd (passed well)
MVG= Mycket Väl Godkänd (Very well passed)
These are the Swedish grade rating. :thumbsup:
yep, then I came home, took a shower and viola! now I'm online.
thanx for reading.
take care
Au revoir