Heart LP´s Journal


New member
ohw...no I actually have forgotten most of it lol

I watched POC and I hate that movie. Well, it was really hard to see it.

aah hard to explain.

oh I understand. I'm sry.

I've g2g. I've mucho h/w to do and well mom is shouting :rolleyes:

I'll ttyl



New member
lol I can understand that :eek:

I really need to see that one, I hear it's very good, well, it'll at least be interesting

Sorry about what? There's no problem here that I see :thumbsup:

OK, I'll ttyl then

I should really start doing my homework as well :p

bye bye



New member
It's good that they showed how Jesus sacrificed himself for us but it was really hard to see that. That's why I dont like to watch that movie.

I'm sry that I asked about it..

yeah, I better getting going, Idk, I feel like something is wrong :(

Good luck with your homework!




New member
Oh yeah that can be hard to watch, and emotional too I guess.

Oh no no, that's ok, I just meant I don't really share my views with the church, I feel okay saying that I'm Christian, that's fine :)

thanks, you too

bye bye



New member
POC made me feel like a really bad christian lol i started crying when they were beating him to death

74 people is an alright number for an indian school

lolll wooooo! there is half of me!!

good luck with that pagent thinggooo..



New member
Sorry folks, an athiest entering the grounds but im not disrespectful of ppl's religion tho.

Anyways, How's the Lucia thing going along?

Wow, you and Fribby get along so well.Omg, i remember in India, near Christmas (since i was in a Convent skool), all the students in our class were taken ot the audtiorium to view the new setup thing for a play about Jesus's birth and I was so engrossed in hte painting hanging off the wall that i didnt realsie there was a pole thing infront of me and i banged my head into it. Yea i dont know why i just shared htat memory.

In India, we used to have about 60 students in one classroom with about 5 classes of the same grade. Yea, nice memories of India. I wanna go back.



New member
Kristján-Veeery emotional! *nods*

ohww ok.

thanx, well I'm already finsihed with it so :p


Fiona- Well I'm not christian but my dad is so yeaah and I dont really have one specific religion. I just take the good thing freom every religion and believe in it :p

I cried alot too! and whenever I see Maria cry, I cry even more.

thanx hon

Immortal-Dont worry, I'm not so religious myself.

It's ok, we've not rehearseld yet and not started the voting thing so idk :p

Noooo, you think? *sarcasm* lol

omg lol! sry about that.

Yeah exactly, There used to be A-E in every grade. Awsome memories.

Where do you live now?

30th September

Today I did'nt do much. Got to know that I'm having french and spanish exam next week =_= I'm gonna write spanish in french and french in spanish :rolleyes:

Later on, I watched a movie in English, it's about a british lad who is quite amuzing :p

um..later on I had maths and when we were supposed to go, Kerstin wanted to talk with me. I thought she will talk about how much I talk in the class insteading working :p but nope, it was about Rawah. She wants me to change the class to A :eek: **** no! They said the same thing about Rebecca but nuh-uh it's not fair! none of us has done anything then why shall we change the class?! I said I did'nt want to and Kerstin said that it wont work out if I dont change the class :eek: no matter what happens, I'm not changing the class!

Then I had lunch and I was all worried about it but then I met Lena and she gave me this cd with anime soundtracks in it! In Japanese! It rox my sox :D

umm....yeah so then I had Social and I got the french revolution essay back. I got VG+....I'm not so satisfied cause I worked really hard on it. But better then all the **** Gs I have been getting lately ><

ooh for those of you who dont know and I think none of you know (lol)

G= godkänd (pass)

VG= Väl godkänd (passed well)

MVG= Mycket Väl Godkänd (Very well passed)

These are the Swedish grade rating. :thumbsup:

yep, then I came home, took a shower and viola! now I'm online.

thanx for reading.

take care

Au revoir



New member
lmao I LOVE british english!

It's so...marvellous :D

yep, I'm in class C right now and they want me to change my class and go to A instead.

**** no, I love my class, everyone are so...physco XD



New member
oew yeeees indeed, marvellous and splendid indeed! XDD

Oh Ok, but is that like that A is the best or something, or is it just random?



New member
No just random. If it was like that and I would be in C, then my om would prolly kill me. She wants me to have top grades in every freakin subject o.o

lmao that reminds me of Austin Powers XD



New member
Ok, it's just that some places it's like that :rolleyes:

yeah too much expectations, pff

lol that was supposed to come out cockney, not dutch :p



New member
Austin is not dutch, Gold member is dutch! :p

yep! you see, she wants me to be a doctor :rolleyes:

*thinks: Dr. Samira*

neeeeeeh :p

what do you want be like..like in future?



New member
oh lol I thought you meant the movie :p

ooo a doctor? so I'm guessing you're not up for that...?

hmm, right now a philosopher, but otherwise I'm not sure :rolleyes:



New member
aah cool. Sounds like mucho fun.

no, not really. you see, I hate sceince XD Technology is ok but not Biology and Physics.

I'm more into being some kind of artist. Maybe a graphic designer but I'm still not sure.



New member
yeah, at least to me lol... :p

oh yeah me too, I can't stand science, it's sooooo boring

and yeah me too, I'd like to be a professional musician, but since that's out of the question, I'm sticking with the philosopher, which is great too ;)



New member
Actually when I think of it, the only reason I want to choose IB is cause it has phiosophy :p

lol out of the question XD yeah I agree, it's so unfair how some stupid 13 yr olds get popular by singing about their ......candies o_O



New member
lol it is?

uhuh! so unfair.

well I don't actually have to do it for money, I'll just be happy if anyone hears my music and likes it.



New member
True :)

yeah, I dont like the other subjects so much but I saw that IB had philosophy and yeaah you know the rest :p

There is one Swedish singer, Amy Diamond. She is 13 and got famous by her song called "nightie night" o_O ><

anyways I've g2g. Do lill shopping =_=

wish me luck (I'm going with mom)

Take care




New member
my 3500th post! w00t! anyway... :p

I see, you're kinda like me then, the only subject I really take interest in now is Philosophy, just something about it I can't explain lol :p

lol we don't have anything like that here, because being famous here is quite different from being famous elsewhere lol

lmao good luck then :p


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