Heart LP´s Journal


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No reply at this journal is ever boring! :D

Well yea, what I really like that he's really shy too XD

I did not know taht cause he doesn't seem shy at all but at graduation we had a party and like everyone was dancing their *** off except him XD

aww so cute! haha

anywho, oh my new school is just amazing specieally IB students. They are really crazy. wow, it's shocking really.

But I hope that your school is fun too!

You know what? when ppl meet me they dont think that I'm shy at all o.o

weirdos o.0

but dont worry, as I said, as soon as ppl get to know you they'll see that you're awsome :D



New member

You look pretty pretty in oyur pic, yea like angelic but since you dont consider oyurself that, then i'll just say pretty.

Anywas, there is nothing wrong with marrying an Indian, until now i used ot htink all the indian guys were losers until i saw Zayed Khan but too bad hes getting married, wow he was the first Indina guy htat bowled my imagination but oh well.

I have never liked an Indian guy hto, i dont know hwy im os into gora guys.

Anyways, if you think there are no metalheadss in India, get over it.



New member
Haha I actually like shy guys in a way.. as they understand me..

Ppl on your school.. as long as they're crazy in a good way! ^^;

Hehe I hope so too.. tuesday introduction oh my >_< dunno how that's gonna turn out..

4 years ago freshman of last school I was like 10 times shy-er.. so I hope I'll improve on this school.. too bad I had to leave the school I met my best friends only in the last two years of being on there (the friends I had in the first 2 years were **** :/)

but even they support me saying that I'll meet people like them on there.. haha no one has ever been so honest and sweet with me really..

I'm going to a Secretary school.. being a secretary has never been my dream but I did a professional Career Test and my strongest points were Computers and Language.. which 'Secretary' perfectly included..

anyways I assume people who chose that school have those interests too so that'd be cool..

=) And Thank Yew ^^



New member
Thanx immortal. Well as I have lived in India and know many Indian guys...believe me, the ones on tv and the ones just around you are different.

Well it's not like I'm against it or something :p but you know a girl has this image of his husband and it's just not an Indian in mine :p so no offence to the Indian guys lol

I dont know who I may end up with XP



New member
Just to reply to some threads before....

awww sammi, *hugs*

you're having a real tough time and I don't blame you :( , we all qeustion our lives once in a while...why me? or why him....but I always find that I get stronger through these tough incidents. and sorry for the SUPER DUPER late reply =.+ I've been away for a bit

I'm glad you're having a blast at school...haha I hiope it'll be a blast for me too when it starts o_O """"""



New member
^true true, my image of a guy doenst fit on an indina here either but meh some are not htat bad but some are like oh please go away from me


New member
Hellooooo! ^^

guesh who?

-.-' yep it's me..again! :eek:

Okish, I have been away for quite a while now ..hehe..but now I felt that I must check out LPF and see who are left!

And so I did :p or atleast will do..

What else? I miss writing journal entries and reading sweet comments from my loverly friends ^^

hm...where was I? I was really busy with school and stuff. Nothing else really...

so yea, I'll drop by others' journals after I finish studying for my history test which is tomorrow so..yep..

missed ya!


Sammi poo -.-'



New member
Dude yea, we are so alike thats its sorta creepy. im hardcore indina man cept i dont wear indian clothes but im seriiously into my metal. Yea but you two dont sound indina either.


New member
Uh, uh, hey, girl! Welcome back!^^

It's nice to see you again...*hugs*

Hope to see ya around...

Take care... :)



New member
woaah no way! I dont believe you two XD

I did not know that :p

yaaay that's so cool! now There's um...2 of us (immortal, ½ Fiona, ½ me) :D


29nd September

Today I woke up at 8:00 and went to my first class persian. Learned some weird stuff I dont remember XP anyways later on I had Tema. I talked to Rebecca and did some Social h/w. Then I had music which was fun! the whole class had to play different instrument together for blues ^^ I was playing Bass (woot!) Next time we're gonna practice for Lucia =_= It's a tradition here that in every school in whole Sweden, one girl gets selected to be Lucia from 9th. Naturally tis means, Beauty contest >< The girl has to be thin, have long blonde hair and nice blue eyes with face full of make-up ofcourse. So...me and Louice decided that instead of voting, we'll choose the girl from our class by picking a girl's name from our class list. :thumbsup: That's what I call justice! sooo...anyways then I had student councling and today we had to choose 5 members for the board of councling and guess what?! I'm vice secretary! :p So when Louice is sick (which I hope she does'nt get) I write what's happening in the meetings and much more and oh Kicki is in too! lol his name is actually Kristjan but we call him Kicki cause he talks like a cute bird lmao :D Then I went home and soon I had band practice, I went there and find Alex crying o.o she saw her very best freind making out with her X >< that's soooo rude! you never do that to a freind **** it! so me, soyfa anmd Therese tried to make her feel better. Luckily it worked and Daniel came ^^ he is really funny and no one can ever even dislike him. We did'nt really rehearse anything but meeh...I dont care.

now I've gotta do my maths h/w. *nods* =_=

thanx for reading

Asta la vista



New member
lol that's kinda unfair, not every girl had blonde hair and is thin, although it's Sweden lol

:p I'm just glad people don't call me Kicki XD



New member
lmao if you talk like a cute bird then I'll call you Kicki. :p

well it doe'nt have to be like that but I hate the fact that it becomes a beauty contest instead of choosing someone you think will be a good Lucia.

meeeh it does'nt matter what I am as long as I know that I'm singing solo :p



New member
Yeah I like to sing ^^

The whole 9th grade are gonna be in this Lucia thing so there will be like 160 students. I hate it when the guys sing all together cause they dont sing, they scream :p

Lol actually when I think of it, Kicki looks like a bird o_O



New member
160? :eek:

woah that's so many 9th graders

when I was in 9th grade, we were like 45 lol

of course, no guy can be seen in public singing, that's a guy tabu

lmao he does? :p



New member
yeah I dont know but he reminds me of a sparrow now, omg ...

*shakes head*

woah 45?! that's like 2 class of 9th grade and I thought my school was small lol

I remember, in India, in 7th grade there were 64 students in my class. Only one class with only one teacher but still we used to be quiet so we all were scared of the teacher. They can beat up a student there o.o

yeah I nkow but in Lucia thing, the guys are forced to sing XD

This is gonna be fun :p



New member

and yeah, there were only two classes of each grade in my school :D

but wow 64? :eek:

I had a similar thing once, a play about the birth of Jesus, I was a shepherd lol. Which was great, I was not in the choir, so I didn't have to sing, and I only had one line, and could sit at the back for most of the play :p



New member
Fribby- 2 classes of each grade? :eek:

We have 8 classes.

yep, 64! It was fun tho. Many great memories.

awww, I always get to be the bad guy in diff plays :rolleyes:

Vero- Hiya! :D

Estoy bien! y tu?

aww it's ok. I'm glad to see you here :)

um...not much...pretty much the usuall.

thanx hon, same to you




New member
yeah it was a small school, even for an Icelandic school lol :p

that's funny you see...cause in the play about Jesus...there was no bad guy XD

but I'm sure you'll be the good guy sometime :thumbsup:



New member
There is one bad guy! the dude who betrayed Jesus 3 times and I think he commited suicide hm...idk

Otherwise I get to be jewish lol but I dont go to the church anymore.

I used to be really religious when I was younger but not anymore.

Are you religious? I know many ppl who are christians but they dont go to the church or anything.



New member
No, he's not a bad guy even though he betrayed Jesus three times. And no I don't think he killed himself, not sure tho That's what the religion is about lol, not making a bad guy out of people.

Still, what I think would've been the bad guy is Judas :p you didn't remember him? :D

anyway it doesn't matter, the play was about the birth of Jesus, there were no bad guys there

Yes, I'm religious, but not in the same way as the church. I also just like to keep my views to myself.

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