Heart LP´s Journal


New member
The grudge is pretty cool, idk...my brother thought it was pretty scary but I thought it was a lill stupid lol

I found the Ring scarier then grudge...oh yeah! lol

I still think at nights that cause I saw the video, Samara will come soon and kill me :p

Why do Japanese ppl like to make horror movies so much?

They are freaky....

omg lol I was searching for chester´s pics and I got this pop up thing and it said

"Save money and buy Chester Bennington on Ebay today"


that´s freakin sick! :p



New member
lmao I know!

whahaha, first I did´nt think of it that way but then I read it agin and I was likw wtf?!?! O.O lol



New member

I know!!

I´m like...**** yeah, **** it where´s my creditcard?! Screw Samantha!

naaaawwhahaha lol

jk jk! :D

well I think I´ll update my journal now

April 10th----------------------------------------

Well, I woke up when I thought that mom was gone so I would be all alone at home but I was wrong lol she was still there meeh..well then asually I turned on MTV and today´s top ten was American rock videos..I saw the whole thing hoping that one LP song would one but nooo!! GC and GD were there but no LP :eek: I was so ****** but I was glad to see the video if "smells like teenspirit" by Nirvana. I love that song!

later on I helped mom abit in the kitchen and I burned up food again lol finally my mom told me today that she would never more ask me to cook cause she is fed up now! lmao, thank goodness! :p

The only thing I can cook is....noudles!! :thumbsup: hehehe

Then drew the animation a lill and continued with it listening to LP and idk why but Mike has been in my mind all day today! idk...specielly parts from the frat party at the pancake festival dvd..so I was like thinking and then laughing and my mom is like o_O wtf is wrong with you? lol

Then I watched Scrubs! whaha I love scrubs! so hilarious!! :p and then drew animations and finally I have came up with a story thanx to mom. I´ll draw all random **** and then on the last page, I´ll show the main character waking up looking all weird...yeah so she has been dreaming all the time ^.^

so that´s my day..well now I´m here! and am lill freaked out about going to school tomorrow ._.




New member
:D ! I laugh out loud becuase of the frat party too, and people are just like "o.o! what??"

lmao, good stuff!

You should put some of your drawings on here, if you can! :D I'd love to see them!



New member
hihihi yeah same here!

and then when I tell them that it was something to do with LP, they are like..ooh riiiight, you and your LP addiction.. :rolleyes:


aww thanx. I would love to but I dont have scanner or a digital camera or anything. I´ll try to convince my bro to take some photos by his mobile..

now when I think of it, I have to show you girls, Chester, Brad´s and Joe´s potrait!

I´m very staisfied with it but I also wanna know ppl´s opinions..I am the only LP fan I know lol so no one I know is a fan of LP :(



New member
oooh so cool!

why you lucky girl you...lol

hey Twi?

I was wondering....

why´s your name Twilightcrimson? *thinks* nope nothing..see that´s why I asked you :p



New member
oh...lol idk.. it was my aim sn, so I used it here. I piked it cuz it sounded cool! I love the color crimson and twilight=darkness! >=D! whahaha plus, 7 is my fave. number!


New member
Hey Heart_lp,how are u???Btw do u have a short name to call u?Was it Sammy?Cuz I forgot what your name was*hides*

What is noudles(sp?)?Sorry sometimes I´m slow.

Mike is soooo **** cute and hot!!!!!I love everything in him,that´s why I´m suffering an illness called Mike´s obsession:p

Scrubs is a funny program 2 watch.

Have fun drawing,I´m not a good drawer tho:p,my cousin really draws pretty good,in fact I remember he drew me a draw and when I saw it I was like :eek:wow that kick ***!!!He really has gift 2 draw and he amazes me:p.

Well I´m gonna update my journal while I´m listening music so cya^^.

Good luck at school:thumbsup:

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