lmao!! I´ll let you girls know one thing..yeah it was soooo funny reading your funny comments ^_^
Dont worry blue that is faded, I´ll protect you!
I have the almighty spork and the egg gun!
It´s ok...but hey, welcome baaaaack! ^.^ *hugs you back*
lol anywaaays
*finds Vero* oh there you are! Dont hide! My name is all weird so I understand if you dont remember it lol
My name is Samira and twi likes to call me Sammie or Sammi or something else lol so other ppl do that too sooo you go ahead and make me a a new name or call me w/e you wanna call me!
I meant noodles lol not noudles..I misspeld (spelling?) it lol
I dont have a speciell "talent" lol cause I dont think I´m that good at drawing but I just love to draw! It´s cool that your freind is such a good drawer! :thumbsup:
I agree that Mike is reeaaly hottah! lmao
I´ve not met 1 girl that does´nt think that Mike is hot...no spurise lol
ooho btw I´m fine lol..y tu?
*hugs everyone* lol I love hugs! I´ve probably said that like 1000 times but meeeeh...now it´s 100 and 1 lol
Gotta go and play piano now cause later on I have piano lessons...aaah boring!
well ttyl
*hugs again* lol