Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Sis-lol yeah!

I know that a euro is more crowns then a dollar ^_^

I wish I could get some money by the Swedish gov too, ow they are rich! lol

Twi-awwwwwww lmao I miss you too! aww lol ok, I´ll stop. haha today it rained and I was thinking about you while walking outside in the rain and everyone thought that I was mad or something cause no one here likes rain :( meeeh...atleast I know someone that likes rain! yaaay *hugs* hey, remeber, we were attached lol :D yeah only one day left till saturday! I hope you can be online tomorrow aka friday too :thumbsup:

lpp-*whispers* ok, I´ll stay quite about this ;) I´m stay sshhh :p



March 14th-------------------------------------------

Today I woke up being really happy! Why? cuase I woke up by the sound of rain :D It was beautiful. I woke up saying this words "oooh, vilken fin dag" lol It means "oooh, What a nice day" ^.^

First class was art! yay I love art! We had to work with clay today and I made alladins lamp lol so the one where you rub on it and the genie comes out :p Now I have to wait 2 weeks to see how it will be.

Then I had tema lol it means that we can do whatever we want to do..well work with any subject we want to so..I did not work at all but taloked with my working partner, shriti as usuall lol we talking about my hair o_O they like my hair cause it´s pretty thick o_O lol and I like my freinds hair cause hers is pretty thin :p then like half of the class´ girls got involved in the conversation XD When I start talking, I cant stop lol

well, then we had lunch and for the first time after complaining so much, food was good in school, healthy yet tasty!

hehe lol I´m listening to yahoo msngr´s radio and I´m listening to Wannabe by SPice girls lmao! It reminds me of the old days in India..I used to love them and this Madonna song came on the radio and she was singing in Sanskrit...cool yet lill freaky..She is like a Indian Wanna be lol she loooves India aka Madonna.

anyways we had gym later on and it was soooo much fun!! lol We played volleyball and my gym teachers were´nt present so another teacher aclled Fidde took care of it and he is really funny, she does´nt give a **** about anything! o.o he is really cool yet sometimes lill freaky *nodes head*

Well, we were like 5 against 2 lol it was so much fun! there uis this girl in my class called Rita and she is a small and short and sooo funny so she was like running around the court and kicking the ball in every directions, lmao it was really funny to watch her..

Then we had maths and we have this law in school that if teh teacher is not present in 15 mins then the students can leave so before the extra teacher could come,we locked the door and changed the time of the classroom´s clock lmao and went home..actaully the teacher was´nt there for 5 mon but the clock showed 15 mins :p

We do that in french too sometimes lmaoso much fun!

I came home and my bro started to annoying me but I was listening to LP and By myself was on and that song always seems to calm me down...

Then I slept for 2 hrs ad here I am..

That was my...boring yet fun day! * wink wink*


*hugs everyone*



New member
yoo sis ^^

nice to hear that you had a great day..

jah rain is cool but not in the morning on a school day

because that means that i have to cycle through the rain =_=

i hate that.. lol

lol the spice girls? i remember that i was a big fan of them

and they also made a movie and i really wanted to have it

but i couldn't afford it and my dad bought it for me

i was so happy lol

can't believe that i liked the spice girls :rolleyes:

well those where the old days :D

whaha smart to change the clock

we also have a rule that when the teachers doesn't showes up

10 min after the bell the students are free to go..

well today our dutch teacher was late..

she was 10 min to late but we first had to ask it if she reallly wasn't on school

and when we wanted to ask it she came =_=


well ttyl sis lol :p




New member
hey sis! :D

oh I love cycling through the rain..I just like to get wet by the rain :p

It rained all day yesterday and when I was watching through the window, he came up to me and told me that I was sick for liking rain cause only depressing and sick ppl like that :eek: o_O

He is the one who is sick!! >_<

yeah lol I loved their movie too but I did´nt buy it.

Too bad that you could´nt go from the class. =_=




New member
i had to cycle through the rain this day :p lol

it started to rain when school was out

but it was pretty nice to cycle through the rain :D

i hate that when people call me depressive~!

and they always have to wrong thoughts of people =_=

those people are sick.. indeed :p

yeah it was pretty annoying..

but today we had 3 class off ^^

geographie fell out.. yay :D

well ttyl

g2g now

to the market :D

byebye! *hugs*



New member
I had to walk through the rain today... it's pouring hard... stupid weather *pokes it and gets wet finger*

lol, hope you're doing okay... sorry I haven't been online for a day or two!



New member
Sis- well it´s good that geo fell out!

yeah, I love to go scycling when ít´s raining.

Becks-lol it´s ok but it´s good ot have you back so wb :D

April 15th---------------------------------

I really did´nt want to go to school today but I had to so I did. The first lesson was ok. It ´was Swedish and we had write our own ending of the story "Oliver Twist" I liked that story, I have´nt read it but the teacher told us about the beginning. well, I have come to an end.

Later on we had this Tema thing again, where you work with anything you want to and I finished the story there while listening to LP.

Then we had luch and we had hamubuger so that´s good.

Later one we had Tema again and we have Fidde in Tema, he is so funny. The teacher we had in Gym yesterday lol

And he had to talk to teh class about yesterday´s prank, lmao. He still did not find out that we changed the time but he told us that we did´nt have the right to leave cause there was one extra teacher present there who was supposed to take the lesson. So everyone went quite and I was lke WTF? why are they so quite so I told that whole stroy and that it was the teachers fault for coming late and everyone wee like yeah, uh-huh lol. Later on, we discusseed about the school´s situation and I was like "that is bad and this teacher is lie that and blablabla" and whenever I´m in a discussion, I get really seriuos so everyone were like "o_O" lol then one guy in my class made a joke about me being like that and evryone were going to laugh but stopped as soon as they saw my face lmao then fidde joked about it and I thought it was funny so everyone were waiting for my reaction and when I started to laugh, the class did too :D :p

sse that´s why I say, Do not mess with me! :p

yeah well, then I came home and helped my freind with her job and she told me that she would give my part of the money so well ching ching lol

So today I earned my first job´s money and gave it to mom. :p In India we have this thing that when a child earns his/hers first job´s money then we give to the parents as respect for them. So my mom was expecting that from me and she got really happy and hugged me and evrything lo...she is weird :p

later on I took a shower and was online on LPf and a another forum. a whíle ago I was watching terminator cause it´s on tv right now and well, now here I am.

That was my day.----------------------------------

*hugs everyone*


good *yawn* night :p



New member
Hey sammi poo!!

How is you today?!!

That sounded like a pretty exciting day,lol

My English teacher was singing "Let your back bones slide"(again) today, AHHH, it was the worst thing ever,lol:p



New member
Hey Ozzy! :p

lmao everyones´ teachers are really weird this day lol

I is doing pretty fine today, yesh yesh.

and you?



New member

*shouts* tWI IS HERE! lol'

yeah my day was fun

I need a job too lol I was just helping my freind



New member
sorry that i didn't added a comment lately..

didn't had the time to come online..

Sounds you had a fine day lol :p

whaha so you had a discussion with your teacher? lol

don't mess with you.. okay i will be quiet then,, lol

well i hope that i talk to you soon..^^

byebye sis!




New member
Hey sis!

It´s ok..well you gotta have some time to relax..and you wanna hwat´s the best way to relax?

well, lemme tell you..it´s by coming to LPF ;) :p

lol yeah everyone were like quiet and listening to what I had to say against my teacher lol and when I completed my sentence they said" uh-huh yeah, I agree, Samira is right" and that kinda stuff lol :p meeeh..I get seriuos at times..

lol nooo dont be quiet!

only stupid ppl mess with me, and I have´nt met any stupid ppl on LPf actaully! :thumbsup:

well, I´m gonna go for a walk now..so I´ll update my journal laterwhen I come back.



New member
16 th April-------------------------------------

exactly 2 moths to my b´day...anyways..

I woke up listening to my bro irritating voice and I remembered that I had this really weird dream as if I was in a horror movie...I was really scared in the dream but not in reality.

Well, later on I just watched some tv and ate breakfast, helped my mom in the litchen a bit, went grocery shoped...untill it was afternoon.

Then I went for a walk and before the walk I was online for a while.

I came home and I dont feel like doing anything..I feel really depressed and down.. Nothing is working and no one cares but on the other hand, why should they.

I dont even know why I´m writing this down..

I wish I could vut myself again without feeling the guilt after.

meeeh..I´ll just leve now. I cant.........



New member

don't feel down... and don't cut yourself! 0_o

we care about you..

like twi said you can always talk to us




New member

but I cant..I dont think that I´ve ever felt so bad before.

I just cant talk to someone about my problems..I always keep it to myelf and I dont wanna do that but idk..

and I keep thinking of my mom and daddy that are in India.. they are not my real parents, they are my reak mom´s sis and her husband but I´ve called them mom nad daddy since I was born..and I keep thinking about theri death somehow...it just feels that I´m not gonna see them anymore..they are pretty old.

I`m scared...idk why I keep thinking about this..I hate it!



New member
Yeah yeah...I feel your pain...

it seems like veryone in my family dies, is dying, or is unhealthy...so I'm constantly worrying about that...I guess my best advice is just take what life gives you, and give your energy back...hit life with what it gives you...fight back...I really suck at explaining..., :( *hugs* I wish there was more I can do



New member
Dont worry! you explain good.

Yeah I know what you mean. I think that too but sometimes there´s no hope and that´s why I feel so bad.

Hope is such a **** thing, it can really bring you down!

Well, I took a looong hot shower and I feel a lill better after that and talking to you both.

Thank you so much.

No one ever cares about my problems and stuff, not even my own family..well atelast they dont show it.

This means alot to me.



New member
Same here...proabably becuase I don't let anyone in...but can you blame me? if they know how unstable I am, they won't leave me alone, trust me, or treat me like myself anymore... its better that no one cares...but sometimes I can't help but think what it would be like if someone did...I know you guys do(and some friends), but you're my friends, and thats expected of you


New member
no one cares about my problems..

because they don't know them..

i dunno but i don't want them to know..

well you two guys always help me so i'm trying to help you too

not that i succeed but anyway :D

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