Well time to update cause I dont think I´ll be able to stay online long this night..evening, afternoon whatever lol
So I woke up at 8 and had to go to the doctor..I dont why but for some reason I was really nervous..I´m never nervous about this thing but the doctor made a appointment himself that´s why I was nervous I gues..well he told me that I dont have much iron so have to talk speciell tablets...**** no! I´m not taking tablets..I hate that ****!
well I went to school and did a lill maths during Tema but I was really frustrated cause couldn´t understand anything...it´s just...idk how to explain and maybe it´s just me but it feels like life is so short and I´m not able to do the things I want to do...the things I´ve dreamt of. I´m really young and all but still you never know what´s gonna happen the next moment so I´m really really stressed today cause of my maths exams and cause it feels like that.
Well I had a talk with my teacher abou this and I felt much better later on. she is my art teacher and I always like talking to her...it feels like she knows who I am and she sees things in me that other ppl dont.
Well I had tema again after lunch and I couldn´t eat cause I was talking to her lol well I had Fidde ( my fav teacher) in Tema and he is maths teacher too so he explained stuff and things got much better but I´m still very very stressed lol sooo typical..I´m sick of it but I cant help it.
anyways...I got to end earlier cause I told him I wanted to and I was aloud lol he is cool!
I came home, took a long hot shower whuich helped a lill and watched some tv, listened to music and went out for a walk. Later on I came online and chat with my freind from Brazil, Alessandra. She is so amazing! lol she always says stuff that makes me feel better somehow!..I dont know how she does it....very few ppl can do that lol
and chated a bit with lpp till found out she got banned! I think it´s really stupid....I know members that are so rude yet they are like favs of the other members here...
so I feel even worse now plus I have headache and I took medicin but nothing helps...
I thinnk it´s just cause feel so stressed right now..
I tried everything, even drawing didn´t help *sigh* but I made a awsp,e pic...it´s like a girl with closed eyes and sun is shining on her eyes and you can see lill sparkling tears on the corner of her eye. It´s not completed yet but so far I really like it.
well that´s my day.
I´m gonna do some maths =_= and then dont know what..
****, jsut wish me luck for the ****** exam...I dont think I´ll get a C...I´m sooo stressed!!!! *bangs my head*
well anyways thanx for reading