Heart LP´s Journal


New member
lmao it´s ok...I´m going to India...I´m really nervous and I dont know why lol it´s just.. wont be like before..

meeh it´s complicated :p



New member
lol naww it´s ok lol he´s offline :p

your still sick?...**** ****

well I hope you feel better! *hugs*

well why are you going to school if you´re sick?

I never do that...that way I dont have to go to school :D



New member
I got a new ailment. T_T

well, if your a geek, nerd, or looser liek me, I go anyway becuase I need to keep up with my work :D I HATE making up missed work. :rolleyes:



New member
lol I´m a geek, nerd, loser! just name it and that´s me...lol well no cant say that *cough* :p

I hatedoing that too but I hate going to school so I hate going to school much more lol



New member
Hey sammi poo!! *hugs and smooches*

Lol,i had a headache earlier too..it wasnt THAT bad,but,i could think in english class,lol

Yea,i dont know why LPP was banned. Maybe it was because of all those threads she was making.



New member
Basmah- haha Sammi poo you´re so *** **** funny! :D

yeah maybe but I still think that it was wrong to judge her even if they dont know her.

**** as I said everyone has headaches today!

Well I hope you are feeling better now

*hugs and kisses*

Heathy-cause I´m sick, hahaha sometimes I´m *cough* sick....*whispers* not really :p

meeh I hate school and sometimes I feel like I need a break so...yeah

oooh no no no no no....not heaven at all no no no no :p

things are just a lill diff but all schools are evil! *nodes*



New member
hehe X-zibit is funny :p

I´ve like seen all the episodes they have shown so they repeat all the time now..

oh come on..jut admit it lol :D



New member
yeah he's funny.

The way they pimp some of the cars is awesome, I just saw an episode where they put a ping pong table on a car!


*** dammit, okay

naww, just kidding :p



New member
cool I´ve not seen that one then!

I think the episode wuth Big Ron is hilariuos!

but I didn´t like that car much..

too bright lol :p

like orange and red,....nee

lol c´mon! it´s good to admit it..like see I admit it..I´m a geek...how simple! :D



New member
yeah he is cool lol

well I´ve g2g now...gotta sleep well I´m not sleepy..just..meeh whatever

well I´ll ttyl :thumbsup:



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