Heart LP´s Journal


New member
thank you thank you *bows* **** I´ve said that like 100 times today and my back hurts from bowing so much times now :p

oh btw I understood the erase thing taht you told me on yahoo...about 2 pics thing :thumbsup:

thank you!...again!!!! :p

I hope it´s not true either cause they were like so happy togather!



New member
Good morning ppl according to swedish time...well actually good afternoon but good morning for me :p
Silver_wolf- lol ppl get confused...I´m going to India this summer cause I´m visiting my freinds and family there. I used to live in India but almost 3 yrs ago I moved to Sweden and I´m going to Canada for university so it´s not yet :p

well only one of my math teacher is cool, I dont understand what the others say! lol that´s why I´m so stressed about it. My math teacher is not mean but really retarted somehow..hm...just weird lol Thanx I feel much better now.

lol! your good morning is my morning at 5 am! o_O

cool! which university are you going in Canada?...I’m trying to get into UBC right now, lol won’t know till my exams are over :mad:

Oh and yes I love your siggy, looks really good, very artsy and I like that old feeling to it.

gonna go to work now ttyl! :D



New member
Fribby- lol! well I hope your dream comes true! :D

I have the third movie cause Jennie gave to me in b´day present! :D

she´s not so crazy afterall lol

well bon apetit! :thumbsup:

SW-yeah according to Swedish time it was idk like 14:00 so that´s good morning for me :p

I´m trying to get in Toronto university or ryerson university..I´m really interested in both of them.

well I hope you get in there! :thumbsup:

have fun at work...if that is possible lol and thank you! :D

ooh I forgot to say this in my journal but I was playing piano this morning and now I can play whole Rohan (éowyn´s theme) and In dreams on piano!! I´m so happy :D



New member
cool! hope you get into either of the universities, one of my friends might go to UT, I think he got accepted, he’s just thinking about the cost.

heh I did have fun at work o__O call me strange! :D



New member
no universities here are known "higher" education, aka its harder to get in in terms of marks and all. Colleges are a lot easier to get in, but I heard that colleges can provide you useful hands-on knowledge that universities can’t provide, so when considering entering universities or colleges it is best to consider what type of job you are going to do later on in life. Oh and you can only get degrees in universities, colleges provides you with diplomas.

and you go to highschool then when you graduate to either college or university

*steps back and looks at what she’s written*

scary, I know a lot about this stuff o__O :D



New member
i like piano ^^ i love it when mike plays it.. and i'm sure that you are good at it too..

well how it going?

hope you're doing fine sis :)

take care *hugs*



New member
Fribby- My pleasure and thanx :p

well do you have the movies?

Silver_Wolf- man I forgot your name um...it was something chinese..lol I forgot! can you temme again, plz? :p

meeeh work can be fun sometimes...but only sometimes lol

well yeah I´ve heard that the cost is alot so I´m trying to get scholarship. :thumbsup: and thanx for the explanation , you did a great job :D

*hugs* ttyl hon

Mel-yeah I think that too but where I´m gonna live will be just walking distance to the university ^^

Sis Hybi-yah Mike plays waaaaaaaaay better then me! lol

there´s this part where he plays solo in LP TV and it´s soo beautiful!

I have it on my compy ^^

things are going fine thanx..I hope it´s the same for you!

*hugs back*

ttyl hon

have fun at the fair! :thumbsup:

Becky- Hey! yeah I´m just fine thank you love, hope it´s the same for you!

guitar is way more awsome...trust me ;) ^^



woah that´s a wholw lots of hugging lol

well I´m sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy today!!!!!!!!!!!1

I can barely type, my hands are shaking lol

well I logged in to my yahoo acount and omg! lol I saw a mail from my best best best freind from India, Meghna! :D

I was ilke...O.O NO ****** WAY! :p

*cough* sry, I just had to use capslock! ^^

I still cant believe it..this is too awsome to be true lol

well I´ll update my journal later cause I´m too hyper to type all that now! :p


*hugs everyone* ^^



New member
lmao no after high school

so I have to complete highschool, further education and then go to college :thumbsup:



New member
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH okay! okidoki a ok gotcha

lmao lmao

*smacks head* becuase I thought....AW, nevermind what I THOUGHT ***... :rolleyes: hehe



New member
lmao!! well I hope I´m right cause as tsoi said it´s diff in diff countries but for me it´s gonna be that way as I explained but I´m not going to college, I´m going directly to university...


New member
well time to update the journal.......

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::May 15:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I woke up having a weird dream...again!Well it was quite similiar to what Hybi had...well anyways all lpf members were gathered at Sweden at the ice hotel lol and I met all you guys there and well we all went outside and Hybi taught me how to ice ski yet she was the one falling all the time so she was like "yeah you gotta fall like this" and I´m like "o_O.....aah ok then *falls*" :p

hm....weird well thank *** I woke up after that lol

I ate breakfast, watched some tv and had nothing to do so watched rotk again! :D I love the part where Pippin sings...He sings awsome! and when éowyn kinds the witch king! well anyways..I helped mom clean up a lil after that and then my bro started discussing about "men rights" so I got up and started listening...seriuosly I´m so sick of it when men call themselves stronger and all that ****...and then when I tell that, he tells me I´m a feminist so my mom gets mad at me =_= I dont get it...I mean I am not a feminist but I do know some that are and I think a feminist is some girl/woman who fights for the women rights....nothing else..not that they are men haters or something for *** sake that´s all ****! so me and my family got into a discussion for that...whatever. :rolleyes:

I took a long shower and went online for a while when I saw that my best freind from India had sent e-mail to me!!!! :D I am so freakin happy about it! that means that I will be able to contact all of my freinds now!^^

well I listened to some music, did some art homework and then went out for a walk. I took my bro´s mp3 and went for a long walk. I went to this place where I had never been before in the woods and there was a weird road there so being a curious person that I am, I went there and I saw like 10-15 horses o.o right infront me! so I tried to pet a horse and I could! :p so well I went back and I totally forgot where I was and which I took from home..and that was not fun...well luckily I just walked a lill and found my way out ^^

meeh anyways..I came home and took out my old cd´s that I almost never listen to now and I saw my eminem´s cd in there so I out it on..man I love that cd..I´ve nurned all my fav songs from him.

anyways I went online after that and now I´m doimg my art homework again which is fun! ^^


That was my boring day!

thanx for reading


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