Heart LP´s Journal


New member
lmao noooo! I know you´re not that kind of guy :D I´ve never heard that before o_O hmmm but now I know

ooh there´s Viggo mortensen´s autograph in there too! :eek: :D

but still I cant stop thinking of who sent it to me!

I dont wanna return it lol but it is adressed to my place o_O

oh btw in swedish it would be "kan jag röra dig?" lol

I hate the word röra, it´s so ugly :p

even öl o_O

öl? wth?

öl means beer btw
Yeah I thought you knew :thumbsup:

Yeah I like the fact that Viggo's half Danish. That's where his name comes from (both names I think).

So at the premiere in Norway, he just spoke to the audience in Danish, and made jokes about the other actors, bc they couldn't understand him, but the audience could :p

Röra? That also could mean can I move you? isn't it, well that was the meaning at least some centuries ago. Icelandic word for röra (doesn't mean the same though) is hræra, those two are related. I'm thinking of learning language something at university, I'm so interested in it.

Öl? Yeah, that means beer lol



New member
yep ofcourse ^^

but I just thought it was funny lol

anyways yeah that´s cool , I wish I would be there in the audience, I´m not sure if I would understand much of what he said tho :p

Norwegian is much easier for me to understand cause it´s more proper spoken somehow lol

Swedish ppl say that Dansih is like Swedish but they talk like that cause it seems they ahve hot potato in their throught lol I agree! :D

yeah it means move too. I usually mix röra up so I say "toucha" instead lol Rebecca taught me. So when someone touches us, (just normal touching lol) then we say "toucha inte" means dont touch :p

Icelandic is so cool! lol

I still remember u,...eg älska chicken lol dont remeber chicken tho :p and dont remember the spelling either lol

Languages are cool :thumbsup:



New member
Lol If i remeber them I'll talk about them in my journal when I have more time.

Yeah I guess jack Black is sorta funny ^^;

haha, I guess neither of us will ever know XD

woooo, well good night sis ^_^ *hugs* have sweet dreams



New member
lol okay

well yeah, and I have to learn it, I have to learn how to speak Norwegian basicly with a potato in my neck. :p

toucha inte? lol

yeah ég elska kjúkling? yeah that IS hilarious :D



New member
asta la bye bye rofl thats the funniest thing ever!!! awww i <3 u haha

i <3 ur sig atm..its so purty *steals*

well have a fabby relaxing sleep lil one^^

<3 and huggles xxxx



New member
yep then you´ll get Danish :p

oh wait....you learn Danish right?

then you must know how to pronounce stuff lol

oh btw I g2g now, it´s late and my bro is annoying the **** outts me =_='

You are lucky, you are the oldest.

well bu bye



New member
lmao yeah I always sing along him :p I saw a part of movie today again, when Goldmember is introduced. :p

"hello ppl, I´m from Holland, isshn´t that weird?, yesh yesh *claps*"

lmao! :D

oh btw I forgot to say I got the official TT book in post! o.o

I have no **** idea who has sent it but I got it. Viggo Mortensen has written the starting of it.
is that so funny?? never metioned it..

dutch people must be funny he?? lol

ja ja wij zijn zeker grappig :D .. tuurlijk =P

cool that you got that book ^^

i've read it once.. at least i think.. lol

book from TT were Viggo write the introduction.. so yeah i think i've read the same one :D

well take care sis



New member
you ppl are so loving...you all are so good in loving and giving including sharing and receiving XD (you've gotta see freinds to understand that)

Matt- lol thanx. idk..I mean I do wanna get atleast one vote :p

ttyl ^^

Sis- lol great! :D

lol that's right XP

thank you, I did.

take care

love ya =*

Kezi- lmao I <3 u 2oooo!

aww thank you! ^^ I'm was thinking of changing it today actually..hm...

thank you ^^

take care

<3 <3

Fribby- takk!! (somehow I just love saying that XD)

hejsan hoppsan! yes...you wont understand that but I jsut feel like saying that *shrugs*

Un petit update for today

skip to I went to school, late >< meeh swedish was ok, maths was boring but I kept on listening to the OSTs from School of rock so I was like "and today's asssigment is...*cough* KICK SOME ***!" XD

Frech was boring, lunch was disgusting, then we had tema cause my textile teacher was sick..um..yea it was boring. Science sucked too. thank lord, this my last term of sceince..well except biology but in collage I wont be having fysics not chemistry nor an other boring sceince stuff ^^

then I had dance and it was muchooo fun! we're gonna learn the dance on "my humps" by B.E.P XD that song is sooo annoyingly awsome, the guys were singing Will.I.Am's part and the girls were singing Furgee(?)'s part. yep, fun! ^^

oOoh I forgot to mention about Billie! remember I said that I met this guywho looked alot like Billie Joe from Green day? if you dont then you dont "really" read my updates =_='

anyways, he's so cool! not to forget hot ><

well, his name is Linus..yep..there's a sliiight chance that lill Sammi has a crush on him :p

weeelll, I've got nothing more to say so...

thanx for reading

and take care

asta la bye bye ;)



New member
Fribby, that´s true! :p yw!

all I kow in Danish is....*thinks* nothing! :eek: but I do understand some hm....yeaaah...

ttyl! ^^

Sis, O.O ...................................................................

................................huh? lol what does that mean?

yeah dutch ppl are awsome. :thumbsup:

yep that´s the one!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::May 28th:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'

I woke up and got to know that my family wanted to spend some quality time with me o_O *is that some kind of sick joke?* um..yeah o_O so anyways I had to get ready and then we all went to the market again and then went for a mini picknick. There is this place in Husqvarna ( a place near to where I live) it´s so beautiful!! like a nature resort **** XP It´s like...almost undescribable...like a mountain and then there´s no bridge or anything when you look down you see the whole sea (vättern) and the other half of Jönköping including Husqvarna....like almost the place where Fribby used to live b4 and if you stand like on the mountains and watch the place...like that! see told ya? pretty undescriabale :p

But it was too cold and windy, I liked it! but we couldn´t stay *shrugs* so we went to husqvarna and it´s liek a hill station. You have to drive up the mountains and there is this place where you can watch whole Jönköping from the tip of the mountain!! :D sooo beautiful!! and Jönköping is almost like an Island cause the northern part is like a beach...cant explain! ><

Well we couldn´t stay either cause there was no place to barbeque =_= soooo...we went to Dalvik, it´s also like a hill station. and there´s this park there where you can see whole Jönköping and Vättern XD again BEAUTIFUL!!! ^__^ atleast we stayed there and ate, gave food to birdies! (yeah I´m happy lol) watched Family guy and freinds on my bro´s laptope and then we went to this place there, there are lots of birds therespecielly ducks so I was standing there watching them and suddenly I think there´s something on my feet, I look down and I see baby ducklings! :D they were so cute! XD

ooh all this thing, we went out and stuff was also cause I had to take a movie of Jönköping with me to India cause my freinds wanted to see me there :p

man, Jönköping is beautiful. Well we went back hom and I was tired so went top sleep at like 6 in the evening lol I woke up after 1½ hrs and programed some new **** on my video camera, watched a tennis match and now I´m online.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.

That was my day! it was pretty good for me but my bro and father were all grumpy o_O I just talked and talked and joked about them and they are like "yeah,,,,Sam? shut up!" Me and mom were like "o_O you both shut up" lol yeaah good times ;) :D

yep yep sooo thanx for reading¨




New member
oOoh I forgot to mention about Billie! remember I said that I met this guywho looked alot like Billie Joe from Green day? if you dont the you dont "really" read my updates =_='
*****, that was good>.<

heya sammi bear *waves*

awww wow sounds like an awesome day^^

ur gonna change it, oh well i'll like the one u change it to most probably lol>.< i just thin the one u have up atm is really awesome^^

well hope alls well <3<3<3

*gives u a lollipop*

tat lil one^^ *hugs and kisses*



New member
Haha, I hate 'quality time' with my family. Sounds like you had a good time though :) Sometimes it's nice to kind of get out with nature and everything :)

Well, take care. See you later :D



New member
lol sammi bear?

that's something new XD

well you know what? when I get tired of the new one, I'll change it back to the old one, so you can enjoy the view of my talents of art creations XD

lmao jk XD

oOoOh I looove lollipops!!

thank you! *tackles you*

love ya =*



New member
sammi bear>.< tix cute for you lol

awww well this sig is purtyful anywho but my favourite so far is the one you had before *smiles*

*falls on floor* lol

thans for that^^ <3<3



New member
Matt, yeah it was fun, I love nature. :D

I hate the quality time too and the weird thing was that I just woke up and they were all talking in the living room and I go there and they all look at me and say "Hey, We thought that we could spend some quality time with you" and I´m like *are they gonna kill me?* :p

They had a "deviuos" look on their faces :p

Sis, yeah I had fun, specielly with the cute ducklings :D



New member
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::May 28th:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'I woke up and got to know that my family wanted to spend some quality time with me o_O *is that some kind of sick joke?* um..yeah o_O so anyways I had to get ready and then we all went to the market again and then went for a mini picknick. There is this place in Husqvarna ( a place near to where I live) it´s so beautiful!! like a nature resort **** XP It´s like...almost undescribable...like a mountain and then there´s no bridge or anything when you look down you see the whole sea (vättern) and the other half of Jönköping including Husqvarna....like almost the place where Fribby used to live b4 and if you stand like on the mountains and watch the place...like that! see told ya? pretty undescriabale :p

But it was too cold and windy, I liked it! but we couldn´t stay *shrugs* so we went to husqvarna and it´s liek a hill station. You have to drive up the mountains and there is this place where you can watch whole Jönköping from the tip of the mountain!! :D sooo beautiful!! and Jönköping is almost like an Island cause the northern part is like a beach...cant explain! ><

Well we couldn´t stay either cause there was no place to barbeque =_= soooo...we went to Dalvik, it´s also like a hill station. and there´s this park there where you can see whole Jönköping and Vättern XD again BEAUTIFUL!!! ^__^ atleast we stayed there and ate, gave food to birdies! (yeah I´m happy lol) watched Family guy and freinds on my bro´s laptope and then we went to this place there, there are lots of birds therespecielly ducks so I was standing there watching them and suddenly I think there´s something on my feet, I look down and I see baby ducklings! :D they were so cute! XD

ooh all this thing, we went out and stuff was also cause I had to take a movie of Jönköping with me to India cause my freinds wanted to see me there :p

man, Jönköping is beautiful. Well we went back hom and I was tired so went top sleep at like 6 in the evening lol I woke up after 1½ hrs and programed some new **** on my video camera, watched a tennis match and now I´m online.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.

That was my day! it was pretty good for me but my bro and father were all grumpy o_O I just talked and talked and joked about them and they are like "yeah,,,,Sam? shut up!" Me and mom were like "o_O you both shut up" lol yeaah good times ;) :D

yep yep sooo thanx for reading¨

Husqvarna? Those are sewing machines too, right? lol

:eek: Dalvik? There's a place in northern Iceland called exactly the same lol

Woah good scenery huh? That must've been awesome.

Woah that's must've been a great day! :thumbsup:



New member
bubi =(

and the thanks was for knocking me over haha..**** u getting my clothes dirty *shakes fist*

love u ^^



New member
yeah those are Swedish sewing machines from Husqvarna factory from Husqvarna city :p

aah cool, Jönköping is like surrounded with 2 other cities.

So 3 cities: Husqvarna, Jönköping and Dalvik are really close to eachother.

yeah the scenery was awsome. whenever I see a scenery I love I just spread my arms and wide,feel the breeze and just have huge grin on my face :D

Just love the nature :thumbsup:



New member
I so love nature to. Like this morning when I was walking to work, I just stopped and admired the mountain view I had in front of me, it was a beautiful sunny day, mmmm. I love nature.

Yay I was right about Husqvarna lol :p



New member
an anime character..how come lol 0_o

oh i'll stop tlking cuz ur going *waves u away*

tata bear^^




New member
aah I do that too when I go for a walk. The place I talk about, the bridge where I go, I just stand there, listening to music and just watch lol

I´ll take a photo as soon as I know how to use my camera that dad brought from Iran :p

Today was yet a weird day here, first it was really cold but then suddenly it got really hot then when we were just going to go out, it started to rain and then warm and blabla lol

I can just sit under a tree all day if no one bothers me :p just love it.

Good job Fribby :D I thought they were only in Sweden hmmm



New member
you ppl are so loving...you all are so good in loving and giving including sharing and receiving XD (you've gotta see freinds to understand that)
Matt- lol thanx. idk..I mean I do wanna get atleast one vote :p

ttyl ^^

Sis- lol great! :D

lol that's right XP

thank you, I did.

take care

love ya =*

Kezi- lmao I <3 u 2oooo!

aww thank you! ^^ I'm was thinking of changing it today actually..hm...

thank you ^^

take care

<3 <3

Fribby- takk!! (somehow I just love saying that XD)

hejsan hoppsan! yes...you wont understand that but I jsut feel like saying that *shrugs*

Un petit update for today

skip to I went to school, late >< meeh swedish was ok, maths was boring but I kept on listening to the OSTs from School of rock so I was like "and today's asssigment is...*cough* KICK SOME ***!" XD

Frech was boring, lunch was disgusting, then we had tema cause my textile teacher was sick..um..yea it was boring. Science sucked too. thank lord, this my last term of sceince..well except biology but in collage I wont be having fysics not chemistry nor an other boring sceince stuff ^^

then I had dance and it was muchooo fun! we're gonna learn the dance on "my humps" by B.E.P XD that song is sooo annoyingly awsome, the guys were singing Will.I.Am's part and the girls were singing Furgee(?)'s part. yep, fun! ^^

oOoh I forgot to mention about Billie! remember I said that I met this guywho looked alot like Billie Joe from Green day? if you dont then you dont "really" read my updates =_='

anyways, he's so cool! not to forget hot ><

well, his name is Linus..yep..there's a sliiight chance that lill Sammi has a crush on him :p

weeelll, I've got nothing more to say so...

thanx for reading

and take care

asta la bye bye ;)
haha I understand that...well sorf of, I at least know that's what Pippi Langstömp always says lmao

XD kick some *** :D

ooo o.0 our Sammi here has a crush! :eek:



New member
Well apparently they're not lol :p

Yeah, or sitting in the tree itself, that's also marvellous. lol I love that word, marvellous, it's so cheezy :D

That day sounds like Iceland, you can have rain, snow, sun, fog, wind, all the same day at the same place. That's why there's a saying, if you don't like the weather in Iceland, just wait for five mins lol :p



New member
lol I forgot to log off and then I saw this and I just had to know what you guys wrote XD

Kezi- idk lol ilke the actions and everything but I meant in it a good way ofcourse! I heart anime ^^

*giggles* bear..lmao!!

anyways bu bye..o_O


Fribby- lol she said that? I've never read the book >.>

lol yep I love that part! :D

yea..sooo? big deal! *hides*

omg that reminds me...I've been on LPF for almost a yr and I've never mentioned me liking some guy o_O


meeeh bu byee~!!

omg!! how could I be so blind? ><

it's becky's b'day!


she's not gonna see this but still..

aww <3 her and miss my brittish freind loads :(



New member
lol awsome saying! :D

well Swedish weather is weird too, one sec it´s sunny the other sec it´s rainy. *shrugs* I´m still not used to the Swedish weather...after almost....3 yrs in June :eek: woah **** times ticks away fast!!

yeah I love sitting on the trees too! I used to do it alot in India :p

In my school we had a tree in the corner, it was like almost dead so no one liked it but me and my freinds always went there in the resus and climbed up on the tree.^^

There was this hole in the tree and we used to keep our secret things there :p Mine are still there O.O

hm...I hope the tree is till there! lol

lol Marvellous reminds me of British english :p so whenever I talk in britsish accent like I did this morning ( I was kidding around with my Bro, he hates it when I do that hihi) I use the word "marvellous" :p



New member
Un petit update for today

skip to I went to school, late >< meeh swedish was ok, maths was boring but I kept on listening to the OSTs from School of rock so I was like "and today's asssigment is...*cough* KICK SOME ***!" XD

Frech was boring, lunch was disgusting, then we had tema cause my textile teacher was sick..um..yea it was boring. Science sucked too. thank lord, this my last term of sceince..well except biology but in collage I wont be having fysics not chemistry nor an other boring sceince stuff ^^

then I had dance and it was muchooo fun! we're gonna learn the dance on "my humps" by B.E.P XD that song is sooo annoyingly awsome, the guys were singing Will.I.Am's part and the girls were singing Furgee(?)'s part. yep, fun! ^^

oOoh I forgot to mention about Billie! remember I said that I met this guywho looked alot like Billie Joe from Green day? if you dont then you dont "really" read my updates =_='

anyways, he's so cool! not to forget hot ><

well, his name is Linus..yep..there's a sliiight chance that lill Sammi has a crush on him :p

Once again, your school sounds so much cooler than mine. o.o

Lol Linus reminds me of the dude from Charlie Brown who always carried around his blanket... XD *pinches cheeks*

<3<3<3Twi :D



New member
lol awsome saying! :D well Swedish weather is weird too, one sec it´s sunny the other sec it´s rainy. *shrugs* I´m still not used to the Swedish weather...after almost....3 yrs in June :eek: woah **** times ticks away fast!!

yeah I love sitting on the trees too! I used to do it alot in India :p

In my school we had a tree in the corner, it was like almost dead so no one liked it but me and my freinds always went there in the resus and climbed up on the tree.^^

There was this hole in the tree and we used to keep our secret things there :p Mine are still there O.O

hm...I hope the tree is till there! lol

lol Marvellous reminds me of British english :p so whenever I talk in britsish accent like I did this morning ( I was kidding around with my Bro, he hates it when I do that hihi) I use the word "marvellous" :p
Yeah I'm sure it's weird too.

3 years? Yeah time flies by. Just like Mike says in ITE. *sighs*

Where I used to live, there were these really big and tall trees, and me and my friends used to climb them sometimes. Good times.

o.0 a secret hole? :thumbsup:

Yeah when I wrote marvellous, I said it with a cockney accent in my mind. lol :p



New member
Fribby- lol she said that? I've never read the book >.>lol yep I love that part! :D

yea..sooo? big deal! *hides*
oh well yeah me neither I think but there's these tv shows and plays and cds and stuff here in iceland, she's really popular lol

haha someone does indeed have a crush! :eek:



New member
lol yeah...we used to like keep things that we didn´t want to show our parents or secret letters....sometimes even make-up :p we were too young to use that, I´ve always disliked make up but one of my freind was/is lill preppy so she used to do that lol

yeaah...I always think what would it eb like if 3 yrs of my life were in India instead? cause When I moved to Sweden, my 2 yrs of education got wasted. I would be in further education thing in India now and giving SATs soon. but one thing I know is that I would´nt get the oppurtunity of seeing blondes :p I thought it was weird when ppl had blonde hair, I was like o_O why do that have white hair? lol

yeaah :p Marvellous also reminds me of Austin Powers o_O lol

whenever I chat with Becky, I get this british accent in my mind. o_O :p



New member
Awe, Sammi + Linus :) Yea, like Twi said, whenever I read that name, all I can remember is Linus from Charlie Brown, haha.

lol, take care :)

Oh, and PS, My Humps is the most annoying song. EVER. Seriously. lmao.



New member
lol yeah...we used to like keep things that we didn´t want to show our parents or secret letters....sometimes even make-up :p we were too young to use that, I´ve always disliked make up but one of my freind was/is lill preppy so she used to do that lol
yeaah...I always think what would it eb like if 3 yrs of my life were in India instead? cause When I moved to Sweden, my 2 yrs of education got wasted. I would be in further education thing in India now and giving SATs soon. but one thing I know is that I would´nt get the oppurtunity of seeing blondes :p I thought it was weird when ppl had blonde hair, I was like o_O why do that have white hair? lol

yeaah :p Marvellous also reminds me of Austin Powers o_O lol

whenever I chat with Becky, I get this british accent in my mind. o_O :p
Make-up? Not very impressive if you ask me. If you want to look for a party, then that's ok, but natural beauty is much more beautiful. Take me for example (lol jk :p )

Lol blondes? Yeah if any country's blonde, it's Sweden, no question lol :D blonde hair and blue eyes, very Nordic indeed. I've got blue eyes, and used to have blonde hair as well before it changed when I was 10 or so. Now it has an ugly colour.

Anyway I'd love to chat but I'm going out with some friends.

ttyl bye



New member
Sis - lol neeh belive me, all schools suck.

lol! aww I've never seen it but sounds cute :p

love ya!


Fribby- lol yep, here too. well it's kinda obvious that she would be popular here :p

that..you'll see in my update..if you read it :p


Matt - that sounds weird lol

lmao! I know that's why I like it

I did say "annoyingly awsome" XD


Well I'm not gonna really update mucho. dont have much time..

so it's gonna be petit.


school boring (big suprise :rolleyes: ), I dont have english anymore, instead of eng I'll be having swe. Gym went awsome!! ****, I was good at it XP

Tema was boring, talked the whole 2 hrs.. and read about Adolf (hitler) v_v

Home ecnomics was fun! we had this theme of World War och how ppl had to buy limited food and it was so much fun to buy stuff like that lol (I still haven't grown up >.>)

During tema I was thinking that I shouldn't be stupid and just like..fall for Linus like that. I mean he is cool but I'm too tired to get my heart broken cause I usually like guys who end up to be real jerks. So freinds sounds ok I guess *shrugs*

meeeh, later on, me and Jake went shopping and it was fun! :eek:

he's such a fun guy! I always love hanging out with him.

ok, this was kinda like a real update but meeeh..thanx for reading ^^

um..yea g2g, sceince test tomorrow and I dont understand a single **** about it >< **** sceince and **** all those stupid sceince stuff o_O

*cough cough*

yep so...



take care

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