Heart LP´s Journal


New member
wow, ur going to India?? thats so cool! why? for school? with your family?

I love posters too! first when I got new wallpaper i wasnt allowed to put up posters, but ive already put some up! one big LP one with HTsoldier :D love that one.. and Orli posters!! finally more ppls who have that! i thought i was the only one.. :p



New member
lmao yes it is

oops XD

yea, I cant do one maths test or exam without atleast one silly mistake :rolleyes: *shrugs*


Matt, yea, you're right :)



New member
Becky- hm, I´ll tell you about that in my update :thumbsup:

Fribby- We could´nt talk about it today cause the principle was not there so the next chance will be on thursday, I´ll tell more about him in my update.

Marizka- the india thing will be in my update

woah I love hybrid soldeir!! it must be really cool, woot Glad to meet yet another Orli fan ^^

belive me, you´re not the only one ;)

Sis- yeah isn´t it great? ;)

thanx sis, *hugs back*

May 30th:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Today I woke up and was really tired so I kept pressing snooze on my alarm every 5 mins :p but I was running out of time so I woke up and had persian. It was the last class before vacs, Got a new book so now I can read and write persian! woot! ^^

After that I had Spnish which was ok, we had to write a dialogue on a subject so I chose café and wrote a someone ordering something dialougue which went good. Later on I had Tema and me and Rebecca just went out of the class, sat on a bench and talked. My music teacher came and told me I could sing w/e I wanted on the day b4 vacs, we have this thing....dont know what it is called in English..so me and my freinds are gonna sing "I´ll be there for you" the freinds ´s song! :D gonna be so much fun!!^^

then I had French =_=' yep with the molester!!! :mad:

Got to know about my french exam which went like **** cause I suck at spelling french =_= got 70/90 I know I can do better! it´s all Mohammed (the teacher)´s fault and he was so rude to Shriti (one of my classmates) she gave up all the time cause she´s not so good in french but it´s hard to learn when you got a teacher like mine, so I was encouraging here and he told me that I would get minus points for that so I got fed up and started almost yelling at him.....it felt goood lol he just left after that, good for him! he even told her that even if I encourage her or not, she is so bad at it that she´s gonna fail :eek: wtf does he think he is?!?! I felt like killing him , he is always so rude against Shriti :mad: and We couldn´t talk to the principle cause she wasn´t in school today and then tomorrow we´re gonna go out and spend time with class and on wednesday we get a holiday to study (thank ***) so we will maybe get the chance to talk to her on thursday...hope she is there =_='

Well after that I had Tema again and me and Rebecca went out and talked again and she told me the sweetest thing ever!...she told me how I was a great freind to her ...and she made it! she got B in English! I´m so happy for her :D hm..anyways after that I had english so me, Rebecca and Louice had to watch the last part of "Goal" the football movie, it ended good , I dont like bad endings in movie, for ex:- LOTR...so sad ending v_v

anyways I had reses and Jennie, Bhavina and Sara like attacked me and started tickling me like **** o.o' I was like on the floor, begging them to let me breath *chuckles* so I had gym later on and forgotall about it. Well I was wondering all day why I was so....annoyed at everything and next thing I know, I got my monthly **** =_=' in gym , me, Louice, Alex and Rebecca just talked and were really hyper so Alex is jamaican and she told to me that I was a white neger o.o' riiiight and everyone laughed their ***** off...and then Rebecca acted all diva-ish and Louice acted like a **** and me and Alex were white ****** .....*shakes head* *sigh*

Well I came home and burned a cd for mom with hindi songs, went to take a shower and Jennie made me a "Kladkaka" the sticky cookie thing I love, I told her this morning that I really wanted to eat kladkaka and that Jennie made the best ever so she made me one XD she´s crazy...meh I love her :p

I went to piano lessons and got to play new LOTR songs. ^^

mmm....now here I am, online and soon will eat dinner.::::::::::::::::::::

oh btw Idk if I´m gonig to India now!! The stupid agent made a mistake..again! v_v I so badly wanted to go...but if I dont then mom told me she would send me to Toronto but still I wanted to see my freinds and family..

well g2g now so bu byee



New member
May 30th:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Today I woke up and was really tired so I kept pressing snooze on my alarm every 5 mins :p but I was running out of time so I woke up and had persian. It was the last class before vacs, Got a new book so now I can read and write persian! woot! ^^

After that I had Spnish which was ok, we had to write a dialogue on a subject so I chose café and wrote a someone ordering something dialougue which went good. Later on I had Tema and me and Rebecca just went out of the class, sat on a bench and talked. My music teacher came and told me I could sing w/e I wanted on the day b4 vacs, we have this thing....dont know what it is called in English..so me and my freinds are gonna sing "I´ll be there for you" the freinds ´s song! :D gonna be so much fun!!^^

then I had French =_=' yep with the molester!!! :mad:

Got to know about my french exam which went like **** cause I suck at spelling french =_= got 70/90 I know I can do better! it´s all Mohammed (the teacher)´s fault and he was so rude to Shriti (one of my classmates) she gave up all the time cause she´s not so good in french but it´s hard to learn when you got a teacher like mine, so I was encouraging here and he told me that I would get minus points for that so I got fed up and started almost yelling at him.....it felt goood lol he just left after that, good for him! he even told her that even if I encourage her or not, she is so bad at it that she´s gonna fail :eek: wtf does he think he is?!?! I felt like killing him , he is always so rude against Shriti :mad: and We couldn´t talk to the principle cause she wasn´t in school today and then tomorrow we´re gonna go out and spend time with class and on wednesday we get a holiday to study (thank ***) so we will maybe get the chance to talk to her on thursday...hope she is there =_='

Well after that I had Tema again and me and Rebecca went out and talked again and she told me the sweetest thing ever!...she told me how I was a great freind to her ...and she made it! she got B in English! I´m so happy for her :D hm..anyways after that I had english so me, Rebecca and Louice had to watch the last part of "Goal" the football movie, it ended good , I dont like bad endings in movie, for ex:- LOTR...so sad ending v_v

anyways I had reses and Jennie, Bhavina and Sara like attacked me and started tickling me like **** o.o' I was like on the floor, begging them to let me breath *chuckles* so I had gym later on and forgotall about it. Well I was wondering all day why I was so....annoyed at everything and next thing I know, I got my monthly **** =_=' in gym , me, Louice, Alex and Rebecca just talked and were really hyper so Alex is jamaican and she told to me that I was a white neger o.o' riiiight and everyone laughed their ***** off...and then Rebecca acted all diva-ish and Louice acted like a **** and me and Alex were white ****** .....*shakes head* *sigh*

Well I came home and burned a cd for mom with hindi songs, went to take a shower and Jennie made me a "Kladkaka" the sticky cookie thing I love, I told her this morning that I really wanted to eat kladkaka and that Jennie made the best ever so she made me one XD she´s crazy...meh I love her :p

I went to piano lessons and got to play new LOTR songs. ^^

mmm....now here I am, online and soon will eat dinner.::::::::::::::::::::

oh btw Idk if I´m gonig to India now!! The stupid agent made a mistake..again! v_v I so badly wanted to go...but if I dont then mom told me she would send me to Toronto but still I wanted to see my freinds and family..

well g2g now so bu byee
Sticky cookies and LOTR songs? :thumbsup: good times

I hope the India thing will be cleared up soon.

And hey I saw the Indian prime minister today, he's on an official visit in Iceland, and I have to say it was pretty funny hearing him talk. No offence, I'm not saying he talked stupid, but you know, and Indian accent can get me in a good mood :p



New member
it's um..chocolate a crispy kinda biscuit thing and they both are mixed with lots and lots of sugar :D

here's a pic of it:


but it's much bigger in reality :p



New member
Hehe, I like Indian accents too :) Like Fribby said, no offense though :D

Sounds like a pretty good day :) Take care, see you later.



New member
write persian? cool. ruler/king in persian= shah. hehehe. omg, i cant believe this. the **** teacher is muslim??????? and he is so pervetic being a muslim. stupid dork. hopefully the principal is in. complaint to her to your heart's content sammi. hey, we have a similarity. i love happy endings too! and yeah, its sad in LOTR when some peeps including, elijah wood (*melts*) go off in that boat. *sigh* anyway, hope the india ticket stuff turns out ok. by the way, indian accent in english make me laugh, no offence to anyone. cyaz sammi.


New member
Wow, persian! Don't think I've ever even heard Persian before... :confused:

Awwww well if you can't go to India I hope you have fun in Toronto instead!

Glad you had a good day :thumbsup:



New member
persian? WOW! you have a lot of languages, and then i thought i had a lot..

I think the ending of lotr is very sad too, i have to admit: its the only movie i ever cried! but its the best movie evah though! :D



New member
Fribby-yep good times indeed. lmoa he is so short and...silly :p

yeah I like indian accents, I can actually talk like that but normally when I speak english, I dont have an nidian accent (thank *** lol) :p


Matt- nep, as I said, I like indian accents :p thanx

yep, ttyl

Basmah- lmao apoo rox! XDD

*hugs tightly*

ttyl hon

Shahfire- yep that´s right :thumbsup: so you´re username means king of fire....cooool ^^

**** right I will! I hate him =_=

woah you like Elijah Wood too? He is so awsome and he´s eyes...*drools* *cough* I hate it when Frodo leaves v_v so sad!

Indian accents rox! and thanx

well ttyl hon

ss1- yep totally 8 languages o.o' heh...


Becky- thanx Becky! lol Persian is cool..nice language if you ask me.

ttyl hon


Marizka- Hey! ^^ lol yeah I learn and know pretty many languages, it´s all gooood :thumbsup:

woah I cry too! I thought I was the only one :p

I even cry when Frodo almost dies lol I know he doesn´t die but I still cry everytime I see that part lmao

ttyl hon


woah ´lots of comments! thanx for that guys ^^

::::::::::May 31rst (got kinda nervous cause I thought it was June 1rst *phew*)::::::::

I woke up feeling really ******. My back, stomach and head hurt =_=' so even if I wated to sleep I couldn´t. That´s why I didn´t go to school, we were gonna go to Dalvik today as I said to spend some quality tmie with our class. So Rebecca, Louice, Simon, Jennie, Zin and Alex called to ask why I didn´t come....everyone in the morning,....it´s kind of them and all but still, not in the morning! =_=' I got up, watched tv and did the usuall....

Later on I helped mom and dad with some rearranging in the house. My dad is acting weird. I think he is nervous about something and when he is nervous, he works alot. Today, he wants to change the curtains ni every room o.o' so all the curtains are down and he is fixing only one of them.....o_O hm.....

Dont know what´s going on tho...

Mom and I called the Indian air agency and mom got ****** cause they dont know what they´ve done with my ticket o.o' so she started some Hindi yelling + swearing, lmao it was so funny :p

Anyways, I started to clean my room but I´m feeling really lazy so didn´t so anything but just lied down on my bed XP I played some piano, listened to music and now I´m online making mom another hindi cd.::::::::::::::::::::::.

Later on I´ll study for my science exam and maybe go for a walk in the woods.

thanx for reading



New member
::::::::::May 31rst (got kinda nervous cause I thought it was June 1rst *phew*)::::::::I woke up feeling really ******. My back, stomach and head hurt =_=' so even if I wated to sleep I couldn´t. That´s why I didn´t go to school, we were gonna go to Dalvik today as I said to spend some quality tmie with our class. So Rebecca, Louice, Simon, Jennie, Zin and Alex called to ask why I didn´t come....everyone in the morning,....it´s kind of them and all but still, not in the morning! =_=' I got up, watched tv and did the usuall....

Later on I helped mom and dad with some rearranging in the house. My dad is acting weird. I think he is nervous about something and when he is nervous, he works alot. Today, he wants to change the curtains ni every room o.o' so all the curtains are down and he is fixing only one of them.....o_O hm.....

Dont know what´s going on tho...

Mom and I called the Indian air agency and mom got ****** cause they dont know what they´ve done with my ticket o.o' so she started some Hindi yelling + swearing, lmao it was so funny :p

Anyways, I started to clean my room but I´m feeling really lazy so didn´t so anything but just lied down on my bed XP I played some piano, listened to music and now I´m online making mom another hindi cd.::::::::::::::::::::::.

Later on I´ll study for my science exam and maybe go for a walk in the woods.

thanx for reading
Feeling lazy? Boy do I know that feeling. I can be hard-working though, fortunately.

Hope you feel better in your back, stomach and head.

Hindi swearing? lol that must be interesting



New member
lmao yep it is and specielly when my mom does it cause she speaks really good Hindi :p

Thanx I do, I´ve been really lazy and not doing anything so it helped lol

actually I´m lazy most of the time :p but when I have to or want to work then I do it. :thumbsup:



New member
hey hey, u stopped by my journal so now i am urs!!

hi, wow u write long posts, dunno how u can ever be bothered to do that!!!

anyway, may come back later...g2g bubi

love me XxXx



New member

Fri- no, Marabou is like chocolate but in diff flavourse, like milk, dark, mint blabla

and Fi, maybe...it's possible. it's kinda like kitkat but with less chocolate...sort of



New member
hey hey, u stopped by my journal so now i am urs!!hi, wow u write long posts, dunno how u can ever be bothered to do that!!!

anyway, may come back later...g2g bubi

love me XxXx
lol thanx :thumbsup:

yep, if you´ll know me, you´ll notice that I talk alot and comment at many journals and just love talking :p so nope I dont get bothered at all! lol


bu byee

fribby, yep Lazyness rox :p

woah holly ****! I cant belive this, it is snowing!! :eek:

well not snowing much but still! o.o

as I said, you never know the swedish weather =_='



New member
fribby, yep Lazyness rox :p woah holly ****! I cant belive this, it is snowing!! :eek:

well not snowing much but still! o.o

as I said, you never know the swedish weather =_='
It's snowing? Isn't it 31st May today? holy F ****!

You got that right.



New member

Jan 21

I woke up, and wathced Jack Black with the reast of King Kong crew on TRL :D he's so cool! and OoOo PJ was there too, he rox.

after that, I "cleaned" my face..you know...vaxing and threading and all those stuff, mom gave me this awsome face massage and my skin is so preety now! :eek: lol after that I did the pilates and ate.

um..later on I helped mom with cleaning the house and Nita and Damini came, they are nice and all but they interfere too much and when me and my mom talk they always have to listen!! I mean mind your own *** **** business.

and they always make fun of me cause I'm soon to be 16 and still cant cook..aww poor freakin me *breaks the sarcasm machine*

meeh so I just had more than 2 hrs shower and guess what, they were still there, talking about my weight :rolleyes: w/e

I purposely decided to make some sweets to "gain weight" and omg they turned out to be delicious lol it's Gulab Jambun...mmmmmm.....my fav indian sweet dish but ooh I also love bundi ka ladoo yummmmmm

not that you ppl know what that is..but meeeeh..

after they went, I took some pics which I'm not sure I should post cause I prefer not embaress (sp?) myself :p

um..that's all. Now I'm gonna gain some more weight :D it's so easy lol

thanx for reading

take care

mucho love-o



New member
Oh man that sucks. Yeah, my mom talks about my weight all the time. >.> its annoying. but I'm working out more. Don't worry about it too much, you're not fat. ^_^

Ohh I don't know what that is but I'm sure it's delicious :D hehe

yeah it's way easier to gain than to lose XD

good night hon, sleep well! <3



New member
lol thanx :thumbsup: yep, if you´ll know me, you´ll notice that I talk alot and comment at many journals and just love talking :p so nope I dont get bothered at all! lol


bu byee

yey, another person who loves to talk, i do to, i just can never be bothered to type it all out...and i always but into peoples converstaions, they must get a little irratated but, yeah....

it snowed where i am the other day, but scotlands kinda on its own with weirdness so it doesnt matter...lol


New member
lol I actually took a pic of it! XD it looks so...bling blingy-ish

meeh as I said, I purposely try to do stuff infront of them to show that I dont give a piip about 'em :p

but wow thank you! lol

and thanx again, sweet dreams ^^

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