Heart LP´s Journal


New member
lmao aww obligated? well that' s what I dont feel, for sure! :p

ohw byw I'e g2g now. B4 mom comes home, I have to do some stuff in the kitchen =/

so ttyl!



New member
Diana Shaun - *DOUBLE GASP* how did you know too?

what are everyone here, some kind of..um..um...idk what's the word ><

anyways yes, I'm gonna. Then 'll have bling bling in my teeth XD

shaun - thank you! ^^

yea well, it doesn't feel like I've not known you since long. ^^

Bling bling in your teeth ROFL

yeah but how would you feel like you've known me for a long time o_O



New member
sorry havent been in journals in AGES!!

awww...that haircut is so purty!!! <333 but then ud look purtyful with any hair cut of course lil girlie

well hope alls well...<33 u lots x x x



New member
about your last update..

your blues rocks sis! lol.. i thought it was pretty good ^__^

you played the **** out of the drums? i wish i could play the drums..

anyway take care sis! *hugs and kisses*



New member
Well, thanx for replying..wowa wiva! always makes me happy :D so...um..I got a hair cut ^^ and it looks so cool so I'm extra happy ^^

it's this one:


now I'm just gonna highlight my hair with either blonde or red stripes. or both!^^

oh oh!!! plus!! I got in in the Art institute :D Got 215 points which is okey-ish...could do better and came 12th from 40 students so that's good ^^

all that matters is that I got accepted. Now, I hope I do good at my IB exam which is next week :eek:

thanx for reading my lovely poos ^^


and then you say you don't have any friends here! preposterous I say! haha

cool haircut

and congratulations on getting in ;)



New member
Fri- well does'nt that mean have a nice meal or something? lol I know in french it's Bon apetite..so I just guessed it would something like that in german *shrugs*

Sis- lol! thanx hon! hope you learn how to play drums one day! :)

*hugs and kisses back*

update about yesterday

yesterday, I woke up at 9 and went to school after an hour for the "Stadsgårdstrofén" which means "the Stadsgård cup" and Stadsgård is the name of my school :p anyways I was at the computer *woot* and kept on searchig after info that others needed. this yr was really stressy! So we did not win but came third again =_= If you're second, you get 1000 SEK and if you're first then you get 1500 SEK but well we didn't win *shrugs*

Later on me and Rebecca just went around the school and stuff. I went home and read HP 6 and later that evening, I had to go at Andrea's place. So me, Jennie and her 2 freinds went. I met Sandra there, she is one of my freinds but all she does is talk about boys..it's annoying :p She falls in love with every guy she sees. Then she wanted me to hook up with someone she knows and I'm like **** no girl, stay away from me lol

anyways...*cough* it was fun, we watched this Swedish movie and it was sooo stupid! the comedi was so bad that we were laughing at how bad it was lol for instance this mental guy is learning how to ski and he falls into the rocks and says "oy oy oy" and we laughed so much at that :rolleyes: it was soo incredibly stupid. meeh later on me and Jennie went home and I read the last pages oh HP, it was so sad. I've never cried so much while reading. I have to read the 7th one!! >__<!! I cant wait a whole yr for it.

Well that's pretty much what I did yesterday.

ooh ooh today I'm gonna go to the fair, the rides are awsome! :D

Thanx for reading


EDIT:: btw the thing I wrote with Louice was this, it's in Swedih so hope you understand :p I'll translate it later.


Tårar kommer rinnande ner från min kind,

Vet du hur mycket jag drömmer om att du ska bli min?

Varje morgon, vaknar jag med dig i mina tankar,

Ååh, vet du hur mycket mitt hjärta bankar?

Det enda jag vill är att få vara där du är,

vet du egentligen hur kär jag är?

Jag hoppas att det en dag blir du och jag,

för jag kommer inte kunna leva utan dina andetag


Hon älskade någon så högt på jorden, någon som aldrig sa de tre små orden

Hon ville alltid i hans närhet vara, han brydde sig inte, han ignorerade henne bara

Hon står på vägen och tänker på sin "vän", en bil kommer och hon tänker aldrig

mer igen

Han står vid graven med en ros som är röd, Jaa nu är hon borta nu är hon död

Han viskar tyst de tre små orden hon så gärna ville höra

Men orden når aldrig hennes öra

Orden som hon aldrig ska få höra

Jag älskar dig...



New member
Fi - thanx ^^

yea, I'll do them like next wekk or su'm

Shaun - Idk, I just do :p

yep...fo rizzle yaw XD

Keza - aww hon, dont say sorry..it's totally fine but it sure is always awsome to see you ^^ or read..you..o.0

You're so cute :p

thanx hon, take care


Matt - I almost feel like calling you Matt-eh XD but idk if you would be so very "fond" of that..meeh :p

thanx lol

you 2!

Fri - you remember that I said that =_=' I wasn't in quite a very good modd that day...heh...but meeh..who cares..I love ya guys ^^

yep agreed! ^^


take care buddy

Well today was a complete disaster..kinda..

Things were going good...Spanish exam went awsome...We saw this cool kangaroo movie in english..dont remember it's name and then BAM! there comes maths *shakes head*

I got 25/36 in my math test and got a freakin G for that..I could atleast get a VG! and the whole **** test was very unfairly corrected. I hate her ><

and that's why I freaked out that I wouldn't in in IB cause they have this huge math exam to get in including English and Swedish. Thanx to Jennie, I could control myself from not breaking down =/

meeh I felt better later on..I mean, who can cope with being so hangy and grumpy all day right? so it's better to get over it ^^

Social pretty much sucked and we are studying about religion so we saw this tape about Hinduism and India, and I got all emo again =_=

I'm so glad that Jennie is with me all the time :rolleyes:

meeeh we both went a6 after school which is the biggest mall in my city and quite boring if you ask me but I saw this huge elephant soft toy and just fell in love iwth it so mom promised me to buy that for me XD cant control myself when it comes to teddy bears and elephants XD

now, I've got this horrible headache but meeeh..

I cant reallt read so much right now cause it makes me dizzy o.0 so sry if I haven't replied in your journal =/

Thanx for reading

Love ya loads




New member
well okay, but I still don't know lol

how sweet, your rap's about love :)

can't live without his (breath?) very good rap

btw I heard this Swedish rap song the other day, it's called Mister Cool by a band called Snook

"han är hvad? han er clint eastwood, han är hvad, han är mister cool!" lol :p



New member
omg everyone here hates that song! lmao

it's the stupidest swedish song ever..well no Björk makes the stupidest swedish songs ever but yeaah :p


btw it's "vad" but yeah good :p

yeaah. we were at the bridge I go to and it was so beautiful so well we wrote this.

The first verse is mostly what I've wrote and Louice has written most of the second verse .

You can tell she is a feminist :p

btw I was at the FM forums today and it was so much fun! there are sooo many swedish members there! :D



New member
you never know..

never say never..

I said never


that, I hope too!

now I'm gonna go eat my dinner XD

it's like 23:05 right now XD

now wonder I have a headache :p



New member
yep, they're like everywhere mwuahahaha :D

nope, the swedish Björk. There's an Icel Björk?!?

woah there are a whole lot of Björks out here.

hehe did you know Björk is a tree's name? :p

anyways yeah mr cool was famous first but then everyone thought it was weird and all.



New member
Shaun - Idk, I just do :p

yep...fo rizzle yaw XD

Well today was a complete disaster..kinda..

Things were going good...Spanish exam went awsome...We saw this cool kangaroo movie in english..dont remember it's name and then BAM! there comes maths *shakes head*

I got 25/36 in my math test and got a freakin G for that..I could atleast get a VG! and the whole **** test was very unfairly corrected. I hate her ><

and that's why I freaked out that I wouldn't in in IB cause they have this huge math exam to get in including English and Swedish. Thanx to Jennie, I could control myself from not breaking down =/

meeh I felt better later on..I mean, who can cope with being so hangy and grumpy all day right? so it's better to get over it ^^

Social pretty much sucked and we are studying about religion so we saw this tape about Hinduism and India, and I got all emo again =_=

I'm so glad that Jennie is with me all the time :rolleyes:

meeeh we both went a6 after school which is the biggest mall in my city and quite boring if you ask me but I saw this huge elephant soft toy and just fell in love iwth it so mom promised me to buy that for me XD cant control myself when it comes to teddy bears and elephants XD

now, I've got this horrible headache but meeeh..

I cant reallt read so much right now cause it makes me dizzy o.0 so sry if I haven't replied in your journal =/

Thanx for reading

Love ya loads

OOhhhh poor sammi I hope you feel okay about your G

and lol kangaroo movie I wonder what it oculd be called

and hope that everything works out for the best



New member
Well, I haven't actually been around much on FMF, except when me and Reflectionist were trying to put together a song, didn't really work out, at least not yet.

there's an Icelandic Björk? she's like the most famous Icelander of all times, she's also called Bjork, if you will. You can ask many people, even on here, and they'll know who she is.

yup, that's a tree that grows in Iceland, and many more of course lol



New member
you never know..never say never..

I said never


that, I hope too!

now I'm gonna go eat my dinner XD

it's like 23:05 right now XD

now wonder I have a headache :p
yeah that sentence is kinda weird, it logically doesn't work XD

never say never and you're doin it lol

o.0 yeah I'd think that maybe that's the reason! :p

so I guess it'll go away :) let's hope so



New member
when I was at job, I say one who's last name was Björk and I asked Jennie to show me a Björk. She was like "o_O" but I was really interested lol idk why *shrugs*

me just being weird I guess..

do yuo know mean the Björk who has weird videos? lol in her new video she falls in love with a cat or something....yeah...o_O



New member
Shaun - hells no!

sweet revenge....*rubs hands* mwuhahahaha....

I'm actually making a group of students that are with me when we make a somewhat huge prank om the teachers on our graduation day *evil smirk*

so far things are going good ^^

Fri - I know! even in the sentence "never say never"; then what the **** did you just say?! o.0

yep, it has too :rolleyes:



New member
lol what was that all about?

anyway yeah she has a video with her and some cat...lol :p

funny thing is, she used to go to the school that I go to :D



New member
woaah cooool :thumbsup:

but videos...weird *nods*

meeh ignore it, I'm just tired...really tired. when my bro coughed, I thought it was so funny that I was literally rolling on the floor laughing lmao

anyways I'll go to bed now.


Goda nott!



New member
lol I know that, really tired and start laughing at everything :p

like someone says phone, you go like that's funny and start laughing :p we have a weird word for that, I'll tell you later

*** natt :)



New member
lol you've gotta tell me! :p in swedish it's telephone but witha diff pronouncation.

no I just said phone to say something, I meant there's a funny word for the thing that makes you laugh at everything late at night. :p



New member
Hi sis!

sorry I haven't been here in a while!!

I heard something about you changing your hair? have you done it yet?

well I hope you're okay

<3 ya



New member
Shaun - *gives you some pie*

you know the rules!

psst (no throwing pies on anybody) *wink wink*

Hi Shaun! ^^

Twinklebunny - XD rofl I'm gonna call you twinklebunny from now XD

neeh, it's fine, nothing really has been going on, just the haircut.

Yep, I've cut my hair now ^^

I'll post some pic after washing my hair prolly tomorrow cause it's all greasy now XP

love ya loads




New member
Yo sis! :D

you made me in a gansta mood.. lol

sounds like you had a fine day :D

lol it can be annoying when your friend only talks about boys.. :p

ehm.. well i can't read your rap.. and when i did.. i don't think i could understand it.. lol

but i'm sure it's great ;)

take care sis! *hugs*

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