Keza- hellloooo
thanx for the good luck pat! appreciate it hon *nods*
well social is the subject, you studies...geography,history,civics, religion blablabla
I'm oki ^^
ttyl hon!
Fribs-lmao even if I'm not so tired rigth now it makes me laugh
does that mean phone?
oki...I only know about Thor and Odin and..freja...??yeaaah but I'll ask ya for help when I need it :thumbsup:
thankies ^^
Brkng_Th_Hbt- hellloooo ^^ thanx for dropping by ^^ btw what's your name? *scratches head*
Becks- Helllooooo
I'm just fine, thank you. Hope it's the same with ya :thumbsup:
thanx hon
Sep 6th
wow days go so seemed like it was sep 1rst yesterday
hmm anyways I went to school and had english. I had to do my h/w in the class and luckily my teacher did not notice it
learned some grammatic stuff but it was moving on to PE =_= we had to go out again and find the **** stations in the **** forest with **** insects in it *shudders* I actually saw a spider just going with it's eight legs..ewwww
yeaah so I followed Carro as usually. then I met Louice and she told me she had this party at her home cause her parents are in Germany woot woot! and then I'm gonna sleep over there
Martina ( a freind) is coming too so we are definetly not going to sleep at night, she is veeerry talkative o.o'
yeash so I took a shower and had Tema. Ity was ok, I could study in school o.o! for the first time and did not talk. That's like impossible
Then we found out that we were gonna end after lunch cause they ahd some meeting and lunch was rigtht after Tema so me and my freinds ate was pretty good, Hamburger! yeaaah....then I went home. ofcourse
I did my brows, took a shower and went to sleep. Watched lill tv and now I'm online, making sigs ...
yep....I'm kinda upset cause Alex is mad at me. Well she told me that she wanted to play drums and well wtf shall I do then? she was the guitarist and then she quit, now she wants to get back in but we already have Jocke instead. So she is blaming me for that cause I was the one who found Jocke =/ I dont know what to do. I dont know if it's my fault. But she did quit =/
well anyways that was day.
Thanx for reading ^^