Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Fri- mat be I understood but what's the funnt word? If I still didn't understand then leave it b4 I annoy the **** out of you :thumbsup: lol

Sis- hey hey heeeey! :D May be I did...hmm I dont remember :p

I knowww....aaah he is so cute and oooh he likes me and aaah yadiyadiyadi :rolleyes:

well i'll translate it soon

ttyl sis


Well I wont be updating today cause I'm studying about French revolution and I dont understand a **** so yeaaah...

then I have to read about Viking gods and Fribby! you HAVE to help me! :p

I dont understand it either...

I suck at Social =_='



New member

thought id drop by and say hiya..so hiya i guess ^^

good luck with that thingy, french revolution! *pats u on the back* <----good luck pat

whats social?? 0_o

well bubi hon *huggles* hope ur okies and alls well!!! <3



New member
*sings* u r my sunshine my only sunshine, u make me happy when skies are grey, ull never know dear how much i <3 u please dont take my sunshine awwwwwway...

i dont think those are the right words...ah well it works to a certain extent lol>.<

<333 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu



New member
Fri- mat be I understood but what's the funnt word? If I still didn't understand then leave it b4 I annoy the **** out of you :thumbsup: lol
Well I wont be updating today cause I'm studying about French revolution and I dont understand a **** so yeaaah...

then I have to read about Viking gods and Fribby! you HAVE to help me! :p

I dont understand it either...

I suck at Social =_='
the funny word is svefngalsi

it makes you laugh hysterically at anything when you're tired. know the feeling? :p

Want me to help you with Thor, Odin, Loki, Heimdallur and all those guys? lol well I might actually be of some help, I studied those last semester. :thumbsup:



New member
shaun - not much, just nearly breaking my leg and reading.

oh yea, I'me fine ^^

thanx for asking


Twinklebunny - rofl! I'm loving this name <3 ya

well, I'll post some pics soon ^^ ...hopefully.

Much love

Kezi - now, that...is ..SO SWEET! *throws my arms around ya hugging*

those are the exact words..there was this movie where Elijah Wood is a kid and he sings it to a girl and I thought it was so cute that I downloaded it XP



I haven't been up to much. oh nearly borke my right foot yesterday XD

well it wasn't really funny and cause it hurt >< and believe me, the whole keep-some-ice-on-your-wound-thing does not help at all =_=

well now I've just got a black foot ^^

what else..um..reading HP 6 all day. it's such a bummer that Dumbledore dies *tear* and the sad part is that it's only a book >< so you cant do anything about it *double ><*

that's pretty much everything of my so called not-quite-adventurous days ^^

thanx for reading tho




New member
Keza- hellloooo

thanx for the good luck pat! appreciate it hon *nods*

well social is the subject, you know..social studies...geography,history,civics, religion blablabla

I'm oki ^^

ttyl hon!


Fribs-lmao even if I'm not so tired rigth now it makes me laugh :p

does that mean phone?

oki...I only know about Thor and Odin and..freja...??yeaaah but I'll ask ya for help when I need it :thumbsup:

thankies ^^

Brkng_Th_Hbt- hellloooo ^^ thanx for dropping by ^^ btw what's your name? *scratches head*


Becks- Helllooooo

I'm just fine, thank you. Hope it's the same with ya :thumbsup:

thanx hon



Sep 6th

wow days go so fast...it seemed like it was sep 1rst yesterday o_O

hmm anyways I went to school and had english. I had to do my h/w in the class and luckily my teacher did not notice it :p learned some grammatic stuff but it was easy...yeaah...so moving on to PE =_= we had to go out again and find the **** stations in the **** forest with **** insects in it *shudders* I actually saw a spider just going with it's eight legs..ewwww

yeaah so I followed Carro as usually. then I met Louice and she told me she had this party at her home cause her parents are in Germany woot woot! and then I'm gonna sleep over there :D Martina ( a freind) is coming too so we are definetly not going to sleep at night, she is veeerry talkative o.o'

yeash so I took a shower and had Tema. Ity was ok, I could study in school o.o! for the first time and did not talk. That's like impossible :p Then we found out that we were gonna end after lunch cause they ahd some meeting and lunch was rigtht after Tema so me and my freinds ate lunch..it was pretty good, Hamburger! yeaaah....then I went home. ofcourse :p

I did my brows, took a shower and went to sleep. Watched lill tv and now I'm online, making sigs ...

yep....I'm kinda upset cause Alex is mad at me. Well she told me that she wanted to play drums and well wtf shall I do then? she was the guitarist and then she quit, now she wants to get back in but we already have Jocke instead. So she is blaming me for that cause I was the one who found Jocke =/ I dont know what to do. I dont know if it's my fault. But she did quit =/

well anyways that was day.

Thanx for reading ^^




New member
Fri - Well I wanted to change the computer's mouse cause it wasn't working that well so I took the cpu out and next I knew was that it was on my foot and after a few secs it hurt...bad :p

but it's ok now ^^

Josh- Hiya!

It sure has but well, nice to see you here again ^^

thanx but meeeh things happen :p

*hugs back*




New member
nope that doesn't mean phone lol :p never mind, it's VERY hard to explain lol

oh yeah I used to do that all the time once, do my homework in class, the teacher didn't notice, plus it was so easy to do that I could finish it in minutes.

HAMBURGER?????? *drool*

lol I'm really hungry right now, and dinner's not until like 2 hrs



New member
aww here you go *gives Fri hamburgers*

Made by me *feels proud*

aww well ok then, ow lol now I get it lmao you just picked the word phone cause you were just giving an example! oohhhw I'm such a dummy head :p

yeah, wehn I do the h/w at home, it seems boring and stuff but whenh I do at school, I can finish it in a min

well, I'm kinda forced to finish so maybe that's why :p



New member
mmm yummy thank you Sammi :thumbsup:

nice hambs

no you're not a dummy head, not getting something straight away happens to everyone :thumbsup:

I know what you mean



New member

okay I've been wanting to ask you, in your location thing, what does subba mean? I know what angår inte dig (excuse me if that's incorrect lol) means, but not subba...



New member
well I've been calling myself dummy head all day o_O I dont remember what happened that I called myself that...hmmm ooh once! I tripped over Louice's foot so yeaaah :p

Danke! :D



New member
haha subba means ***** XD

or well more of a ****** and in Sweden to call someone a ***** is not as bad as it is in the US.

Maybe you've noticed that my friend, Louice calls me a ***** and it's just a in a loveable close friend way.

well angår dig inte means none of your bussiness or never you mind..and then just for more drama I also added a snap XD



New member
lol you tripped? I've had that, I was running, out in the wild, and some plant roots above ground got in my way so I fell straight down on my face :p


New member
aah I'm sry. That hurts...ouchie! :p

I and Louice have really bad balance and we keep on falling on eachother or just kinda thro eachother somehow.

She nearly tripped in the changing room cause my sport shoes were in the middle :p



New member
haha subba means ***** XDor well more of a ****** and in Sweden to call someone a ***** is not as bad as it is in the US.

Maybe you've noticed that my friend, Louice calls me a ***** and it's just a in a loveable close friend way.

well angår dig inte means none of your bussiness or never you mind..and then just for more drama I also added a snap XD
haha :p

yeah it's the same here




New member
lol no.

lmao ppl at my schoo think we're lesbians :p

but we're not! >__> o.o

*cough cough* anyways...

when do you usually have your dinner? o_O I think you eat really soon lol

waooah like 7:ish?



New member
yep, it's like ****.

here it's a everyday word but in some countries, it isn't.

when I come to think of it, there are actaully no swear words in Swedish.



New member
**** yeah! :p I eat around 8-9 and if holiday then later or I dont eat XP

yep, we both talk about eachother so much and then once Louice told me that I was her soulmate and ppl took it the wrong way lol



New member

and those who aren't considered very politely spoken are just because of that sweden is a christian country and words like devil or **** would be considered as a swear word but not exactly..

like almost everyone uses these kinds of words as daily spoken language.

Not really a big deal butchristians still dont use those words.



New member
yeah I think it's proper dinner time cause I cant eat when there's till light outside :p

Maybe it's dark there rigth now. But the weather here is acting weird cause summer was not summer and now it's all summer-ish when actually it is supposed to be dark. o_O

lol but soul"mates" Mate! not other :p

woah I just noticed my post count and it's 300 more then I should actually have o_O when I logged in it was 2500-ish and now...much more.

I dont think I can post 300 posts in one day :p



New member
woah haha it's almost exactly the same here

there are curse words, just like the swedish ones, devil and **** etc.

they're used in every day talk, but you can't say them on TV, well you can, but it's a gentlemen's agreement not to (there is no censorship)

how's censorship in sweden?



New member
you can't? why's that?

anyway we always eat the same time, no matter what, unless there's something special during the day.

lol yeah I noticed that with Fi's pst cnt as well. weird.



New member
there isn't really any but as you mentioned about not cursing on tv; it's the same here.

It would be better if you didn't but it doesn't make a big difference.



New member
I dont know, it feels weird and I dont get hungry unless it's dark...some kind of physcology thing I guess :p

ohww well my afimly tries to have lunch togather on sundays but it's impossible with my bro being so annoying. Someone always gets upset on sundays...either it's me or my bro *sigh*

when will HE grow up? :p

fi? you mean Fiona? woah doesn't she have 12000 something already ?

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