Heart LP´s Journal


New member
And where am I? :p

What happens to Boone? No wait, don't tell me... I haven't seen all the episodes yet and I don't want to hear spoilers.

Lost is awesome though.



New member
OK, about Lost. I thought it was good, but the fact that Lost 2's coming really says it all about the series.

lol no Sammi, that wasn't lame, that was funny......as usual XD

and lol yeah same here

sorry you missed the photo shoot though



New member
Becks- Boone....is brave and a very good person and his sister is a ***** >< stupid girl folling around with....*cough* yeaah...watch the episodes :p

lmao Fri, I just read that and I saw that I wrote "myslef". Isn't it like saliva or something in Icel? lol

well the third season is coming too and I'm really excited about it. It's not that they are showing about one **** thing all the time and that's why I like it. There is always something new in each episode which makes it exciting...that's what I think :p

yeah...there's no next either but meeeh...I can change the fact that I missed it, so there's no meaning of thinking about it *shrugs*



New member
you tell me your journal's dead when there's been like 15 posts since I've been here?? lol :p you're crazy

i have a crazy sister

we can be crazy sisters together





New member
Lol! I like Boone, but my favourite character is Jack. And Hurley is sort of sweet I guess.

Thanks for not telling me what happens lol, I'm trying to avoid spoilers, I want it to be a surprise ;)



New member
the crazy sisters like in HP!!

oh no, that's the weird sisters XD

go crazy sisters *kicks up high*

B-E c-razy! ^^





New member
lmao Fri, I just read that and I saw that I wrote "myslef". Isn't it like saliva or something in Icel? lolwell the third season is coming too and I'm really excited about it. It's not that they are showing about one **** thing all the time and that's why I like it. There is always something new in each episode which makes it exciting...that's what I think :p
yup, slef means drool or saliva lol

well yeah it's exciting alright



New member
Becks- Boone is cute and my fav character is Mr.Locke (cool dude) and CHARLIE!!! XDD woot to Merry :D

Fribs- you dont sound excited lol was that sarcasm? :p



New member
Locke is creepy lol :p

Charlie, my friends all drool all over him... everyone I know likes Charlie, except for me :p

He's an all right character but I don't fancy him or anything like that.



New member
it was the right words...yey!

awww...ur so sweet<3<3<3

my mums bf got my brother the new hp dvd, but meh i havent been able to get it off him yet to actually see it lol...>.<

and the new bk should be coming out soon



hope alls gd luv

x x x



New member
I specielly like him cause he is merry! good old merry :D

anyways I dont really "fancy" him but I think he is cool and like locke cause he is so smart and mysteriuos. He knows about everything o.o



New member
Sis - I know I know!!!

I'm obsessed and I like it :D

*smuggles back*

that's muggles with a S XD

Shaun- good ^^

there are awsome tuts to be found on LJ but you can get acess to it only if you have one.

I learned alot there.

Keza- omg I'm so excited about the book! I have to read it!! just to keep my mind of it I keep on reading the series again and again pretending that there's no other book what so ever :p

You have to watch the dvd! I wish I could get it but I cant =_=

anyways there is this extra cd in it and there is a lot of funny things in there ^^

everyone who has seen it liked it!

so try to sneak and get the dvd :p


love ya =*



New member
Lol! That's true, merry is good :D

Yeah, Locke does know about everything... I guess that's an asset though on an island where it's helpful to know everything :p



New member
I saw it with my friends at the cinema one day

usually when people say harry potter our faces turn in unison from -^^- to =______=

we have a harry potter obsessed friend.

The movie was pretty good though.



New member
Becks- Boone is cute and my fav character is Mr.Locke (cool dude) and CHARLIE!!! XDD woot to Merry :D
Fribs- you dont sound excited lol was that sarcasm? :p
nah I meant it is exciting, but it has its flaws nonetheless



New member
Shaun- good ^^

there are awsome tuts to be found on LJ but you can get acess to it only if you have one.

I learned alot there.

So where can I find this LJ???

I go to Saruna.net they have really spacific Tuts their

They even teach me how to make backrounds and

wall papers and they really show you what to do

like tell you the opacity and shows how it should

look right beside the writings and also It's only for ppl using PSP ^_^



New member
lmao Fi, my friends act the same way when I started babbling about HP XD

Shaun, http://www.livejournal.com but instead of that whenever I find a good psp tut, I'll give you the link otherwise it will be complicated ot find tuts for a noob there :p

the site sounds good ^^

well, tomorrow I'll be taking the very first step of my life. Taking the admission exams for I.B. taking about being nervous, eih?


yep, I'm fine *nods*

XD I'm going insane actually. I have have HAVE to get into IB...!

full stop.

I've been listening to this hindi song called Yeh hai meri kahani which means this is my story, it helps to calm down a bit.

It's so beautiful. I tried to translate some of it in english

here's how it goes:

This is my story

Silence life

The quitness is saying

why are you punishing yourself?

An old story

The language of lonelyness

Every wound is growing

They're telling something to me

Sharp throrns of memories forcing out

As if it's automatically pushing through everything else

Falling walls seem so alive like I'm welcoming them

This is my story, clueless clue

sounds kinda weird when I translate it but it's hard to translate hindi cause the language is very poetic.

I dont know why but it just seems very calming.

So, well, I'm off now.

all I can do is oray that things will work out as I wish they will.

thanx for reading




New member
well I thought sitting and thinking about it will just make me more sad so I decided to come back.

I just came back from piano lessons and my music teacher wants me to play in his school's concerts. I agreed. I dont really like playing piano but everyone thinks I'm so good at it so I'll continue.

I played many meetings from LOTR, I think I know all LOTR songs now except one, Aníron and I have the notes to that song too.

yep so...I better do my homework while surfin on teh net. Persian stuff.



New member
Fri- yes <3 that song.

thanx, that's really sweet of you to say that.


Shaun- you're welcome alot boi ^^

aww thanx..lol


anyways anyone wants to hear that song I was talking about, go to this link and the song will come. It's the just most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

If you want the lyrics then go here

It's in hindi tho..so I'm sure you wont understand cause it does not relate to any western language at all.

If you want me to translate it than just lemme know, I'll be happy ^^

um, about IB. It was pretty difficult but I think I'll get in. I'm not sure tho. I kinda felt like ***** slapping myself at the english exams when they asked what the words meant and I've read them so many ties but never coped to look it up in the dictionary, not even once =_=

but dont worry I did not ***** slap myself infront of like 100 other students XD

If i dont get in than consider my life ruined ^^

Going to Andrea's now.

Thanx for reading.,

I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to reply at you ppl's journals, I'll try to come tomorrow if not then I have no school the whole next week and I'm free and I promise that I'll drop by my other LPF homes ^^

much love




New member
Hey,sammi poo! *hugs and kisses*

Ah! Yay, you got to school on time!*gives you a box of asparagus and throws confetti*

Hope you're doing well,hon.

Take care.^^



New member
Yeah, I know what you mean, sometimes keeping busy is the best thing to do.

Good luck at the concerts, I'm sure you'll do great.

Take care :)



New member
Only 60 students can get in and the whole examination hall was full of students. there must be atleast 100 of 'em and unfortuntely there is only one IB class.

*sigh* so..cant be so confident about it

but thanx ^^



New member
Fribs- yeah I agree, I love that song.

thank you.

Basmah-Hey love!

Throws confetti? lol How come you always make me smile?


*hugs and smooches*


Becks- yeah well it didn't help cause as soon I see that person, I feel ****** again.

thank you.

ttyl hon

Sep 9th

Well today was just hitty. Went to school 10 ins late. got **** *** homework in Persian. Later on I had Tema, it went ok I gues...then I went to students councling meeting which was boring. **** the 7th graders! so ****** stupid and they think they're so smart. Well that's how it is in my school.

meeh then we had the photoshoot and everything just went wrong. First we all laughed, then someone fell (that was the only good thing today), and then some blinked....blablabla...at last we took the photo. meeh I went back tothe class and Rebecca ran into me so I fell...very very hard right on my face. My nose started to bleed and blabla. Later on we had another teacher and that idiot was flirting with me and Louice. He tried to touch us btu I was so mad that I threw the chair and went out of the class. meeh I ate lunch, and for the first time, I had shrimps today. Poor small animal. I think I'm gonna turn veg. I hate eating those poor things. that's just cruel!

yeah so anyways I had PE and that idiot Madde tells me to go to the cleaning room cause I and Annika had to help out but the teachers had done some mistake so I had to help out but I couldn't take it so I just went home.

I felt pretty good cause I had to go to band practice but everything just went wrong again. Jocke and Niklas went out to smoke and the teachers found out so the music room stinked and we were the ones who got all ****. (We= me, Sophia,Therese,Alex) and Alex fainted 2 times. I got so scared that I started to cry and then Sophia started and the therese and then Alex did the same. We all just sat, cried, cheered eachother up. I dont remember crying so much b4. I thought something would happen to her.

Well we decided to go home and here I am listening to "behind these hazel eyes" again and again. It feels that she is singing about me.

Anyways this was my ****** day. Dont blame you if you got bored reading this.




New member
wow really? 0.0

I've never been called smart before o.0

thankies ^^

My day is getting worse and worse my every min.

I woke up, read HP 2 (yes I started fomr the beginning again >.>) and got a call from Jennie, taht I had to finish the newpaper work asap otherwise I would get fired =_= so I got up and it took like 3 hrs for only 15 buildings cause I was alone =_='

I came home, took a shower and started working on PS. The only problem was it wont work so I had this Narnia 100 challenge were you have to make 100 Narnia icons in 4 weeks and today was the last day and didn't make it just for 5 icons =_=' so I have to start all over again

Later on, I got to dance class and finally I have fun and things are going well but the last 10 mins we had to find our own solo and I did. I did very good untill the last second I fell on my face =_= (that's kinda funny tho haha XD)

I came home after talking to my dance mates..it was going all good..yaaay I was saying goodbye and the next step I took towards home, was kinda..slippey. so I fell..in a puddle of icy muddy water =_= (that was embaressing but funny XD) so I take a shower again, come to LPF and find out that I got kicked out of LPF house cause I was waiting for the question as if Azem was gonna PM it but apparently not =_= now that's not funny =(

And mom just came a sec ago with a fruit dish. >.<!!!

so my day kicked ***! =_=

thanx for reading



New member
thanx well yeah and that's sick! that idiot! ><

this is the third teacher that has flirted like this with me. sick men!

oh I'll have to download that song then.

but I feel a lill better after eating a whole lot of chocolate.

2 mars bars, 4 kex, 1 whole catebury (big one)

I still want some but my mom took it away from me :(

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