Fri - oh,..oh want the chocolate or not?!
Sis - yesh, you are right! right you are.
I miss you tooo *huggles*
<3 <3
Drew - lmao! XD that's awsome
happy late easter to you too! ^^
shah - OMGZZ!!! you're here....were here and I wasn't 0.0 I should be here more often ><
well, I've been kinda..lazy as usualy..^^
hope things are fine with you hon!!
miss ya loads
21rst april
let's see, I woke up from having the most weirdest but I think the most wonderfull dream I've ever had. Well anyways, there I was, 16, sitting on roller chair, pregnant 0.0 the thing was, I hadn't really been with a guy. I just got pregnant 0.0 one believed me but than my mom did. Anyways, I've always thought that my first child would be a girl..idk why, i think it's becaue I'm the only girl in my gigantic family (keep in mid that in India, all relatives and close friends are counted as family), I'm the only girl *nods sadly* but I had a son. and first I was kind dissappointed but then it was just so wonderfull. I think that, that's the best feeling I have ever felt. And now, I cant wait to have children! XDD
well I got late to school. Spanish was boring; In english I had oral national exam and it was pretty good cause I kept on babbling like for the most of time till my teacher had to tell me to keep quiet and let the others talk =_= eerr..hehe?
Maths was dreadfull. Lunch was disgusting. Later on we had to watch this theater about a jewish man who meets a guy who is also jewish but gay. It was excellent! The story was about how hard it is to live according to what *** says in this society and the actors were so good! Evrything felt so real!
so bravo to them.
After school, I went to the gym with Jennie. Yes,
I went to a gym. XD it was fun! Jennie had to almost drag me out of there >< I hate running but it's so much fun running on those machines 0.0
Came home, ate pizza, worked no some Emma watson icons. I ahve ebtered this challenge there I have to make 100 themed Emma watson icons within sometime.
it's fun!
well, I updated!
um...yea, that's it.
thanx for reading.
if you bring my journal back to life, I will love forever...0.0..?