Heart LP´s Journal


New member
OMG... sammi! *BIG BEAR HUG*

i'm so sorry to hear what happened.. i wish i could be there for you..

well i mean really with you..

i can't believe that he treats you that way..

you can always talk to me or pm me.. or other people on lpf..

we are there for you

but you also have to tell someone.. nobody can treat you like that

i'm so sorry.. *hugs*

i wish i was there to talk to your father or do something about it.



New member
LOL pregnant with no BF O.O that is weird XD

and also that yeah classes arwe fun when you talk away

most of then time I do that alot :p



New member
Thank you guys, Well alteast I know my freinds here do care about me :)

Vero- I did argue that's why it got worse this time but I dot care. I'm not scared anymore. I'm right and that's why I'm not scared.


Sis- Thank you sis! I know you're there for me *big bear hugs back*

I cant tell anyone, I dont really trust anyone so much to just tell them about this in reality. I can handle this.

*hugs and smooches*

love you!

Well I just came back from job. There was a whole lot of **** to do.

I'll just take a shower and go to Louice's place.

Try to enjoy the night, I guess..



New member
Shaun - yea, that's true. But the dream reminded me of the whole Jesus getting born thing. I think Mary had a dream too that she would get a son. But, I dont think I'm such a good person like Mary. And I dreamed about it during easter so ..a bit weird but interesting :p

loo me too! ^^

Fri - wow thanx. I've just never heard that before. Ppl usually think of me as a weirdo *shrug*

but thank you :)

April 22nd

I woke up,,(duh!) and felt good that it was saturday ^^ Jennie ringed soon after I had just finished breakfast and asked if we could go out and I'm like : o.0 it's morning! but um..it was 13:00 -.- so I went for a walk. Not really we went to this playground near by, sat on the swings and just talked. In the afternoon, I went to sleep and dreamed the exact same dream again. (the one with the getting pregnant) I wasn't as scared as the first time but it's got me thinking of what it really means cause the dream feels so real. I can feel it when anyone touches me and I see everything clearly...

anyways, I got ready to go TLR /the living room) which was fun but Jennie was clearly not having fun cause of Linn and Lina. (2 brats) Long story short, they are really really fake and totall betrayers and Jennie being a good person, unfortunately falls for their lies everytime and lter on feels terrible. So I just came home from a long convo of how it's hard for ppl to be themselves and those who are, are not accepted.

For instance me. From the beginning, I have always been weird and as some ppl also say awkward. They just dont know how to act around me. I accept that I'm weird, you know but ppl dont need to treat me different cause of that. I'm a good person. It's the same with Jennie. She's a bit shy and doesn't like to express herself so ppl treat her like she does not exciste but honestly, she is the most real and affectionate person I've ever met.

I wont be going more into this cause maybe it's awkaward for you to reply on this update and you dont need to know about my problems cause you dont know me.

I just wish that my personality wouldn't be so goofy and weird *shrug*

thanx for reading.

You dont need to comment but I just felt like typing my thoughts.

Take care



New member
LOL your dream What I heard

Is If it happens repeadedly it means

your dream is trying to show you somthing in your near future or far future

and that you can either get ready for it or you can ignore it and wait for it to happen

So You should get ready if it happens again cause tht would just be weird if you had it again

I've had dreams over and over but mine we're like a few days apart

oh yeah just letting you know

before my friend died she was having dreams about her or her killing someone

and I told her someone's gonna die or your gonna die

and someone did die my friend tha was all a day apart

you can deny it but it really did happen



New member
omg. I'm so sorry about your friend. May she rest in peace.

I believe that dreams try to tell me somthing and lately I have been very religious. Idk I just feel very near *** and I just know that he's with me which makes me very emo lol but it maybe is because of that but I'm sure Shaun, that I am not gonna have children before marriage and that would be after 10 yrs and I dont believe in *** before marriage either so I just dont see any reason for this dream to repeat.

I belive it must have happened cause you know..science says that you dream because you think while you're sleeping but I also belive that science is nothing else but pure bull ;)



New member
mg, i havent been here in ages...oh *** *hugs u until u stop crying and hands u a big wad of tear soaking tissues* please dont do anything stupid!!! we <3 u

hope u enjoy the night despite...havent u told anyone outside of ur immidiate family who can help u? *huggles u again*



New member
LOL terue and I've kinda been religious my whole life but

haven't really been following it and I don't believe in *** before

marriage either :p

and also Yeah I think science is bull

and my friend that died wasn't too long ago

also forgot to add that if it feels real it's going to happen.

Yeah science is bull



New member
I adore you all! ^^

Fri- yes indeed!

Vero- thank you hon, I'm feeling much better ut I'm not talking to him till he apologizes.

*hugs back*

Keza- thank you honey! Dont worry about that. No The one close ones I have are my freinds. I dont have any relative here. and I dont trust ppl that easily so I wont.

*hugs back*

Sep 10th

I went to Louices house and man I had so much fun! I dont think I've ever had so much fun...ever! hm...anyways we watched a awsome Swedish movie calles Sandor/slash/Ida. It was sooo cool! I love that movie. It was about 2 teenagers who's lives suck and then they meet on the net, find out that they are going thro same **** and meet eachother and fall in love :p Sandor is soo cute! ^^ meeh anywasy I ate alot of junk food. mmmm..junk fooood yummmy. Then we all got drunk lol and went outside singing La tortura XDD Then we met this guy called Fredrik who lied and said he was from US just to impress o_O typical guys (no offense but many guys try to just impress girls all the time which I find really idiotic) meeh and he was like "wtf have you all taken?" and we were like "um...beer, wine, something that tasted bitter and um....Coke!" and Alex is like "I think I got drunk by drinking all the coke" and we both started to laugh so much! lmao . Well Louice wanted water and Martina gave her toilet water and she drinked it XDDDD poor girl!! ***** We all danced like freaks, raped on Mr. Cool (****, I'm starting to love that song!) and had a looooot of fun ^^

We woke up like 11:00 in the morning and not feelin so good. Bad headache and all that ****. So we had to clean up the house and brush like 1000 times

I'm feelin kinda Idk...just bad.

Well I'm home now and I've gotta study soon =_='

So I'm off now.




New member
Hey Sammi.*hugs and kisses*

Lol,sounds like you had a great day. That movie sounds good.

LOL! Toilet water!? Eww=p

Aww,Im sorry to hear you have a headache.*gives you advil*

Take care,love.*hugs*




New member
well what can I say..

*stamps agreed*

In Sweden, ppl are forward about those things. Like they have children and live togather before marriage and it's totally usuall but I think it's just unneccessary cause if you want to live togather and want to have kids, why not get married?! o.0

Marriage is like a very hard thing to do here. Instead of thinking that you'll spend the rest of your life with someone you love, it's more like you're trapped till the rest of your life with someone. :rolleyes:



New member
LMAO yeah that is true :p

You just opened my eyes towards that stuff their

and I've thought about that before but didn't really care

but now I think It does seem true cause my cousin is marrioed and

you know that rest :p



New member
That's great!

Wow, I feel good now XD

marriage is so missunderstood these days and it's kinda sad cause I think it's a great thing! ^^

go marriage! XD



New member
Sep 10th

I went to Louices house and man I had so much fun! I dont think I've ever had so much fun...ever! hm...anyways we watched a awsome Swedish movie calles Sandor/slash/Ida. It was sooo cool! I love that movie. It was about 2 teenagers who's lives suck and then they meet on the net, find out that they are going thro same **** and meet eachother and fall in love :p Sandor is soo cute! ^^ meeh anywasy I ate alot of junk food. mmmm..junk fooood yummmy. Then we all got drunk lol and went outside singing La tortura XDD Then we met this guy called Fredrik who lied and said he was from US just to impress o_O typical guys (no offense but many guys try to just impress girls all the time which I find really idiotic) meeh and he was like "wtf have you all taken?" and we were like "um...beer, wine, something that tasted bitter and um....Coke!" and Alex is like "I think I got drunk by drinking all the coke" and we both started to laugh so much! lmao . Well Louice wanted water and Martina gave her toilet water and she drinked it XDDDD poor girl!! ***** We all danced like freaks, raped on Mr. Cool (****, I'm starting to love that song!) and had a looooot of fun ^^

We woke up like 11:00 in the morning and not feelin so good. Bad headache and all that ****. So we had to clean up the house and brush like 1000 times

I'm feelin kinda Idk...just bad.

Well I'm home now and I've gotta study soon =_='

So I'm off now.

You know, I'm a fan of Swedish movies, they're usually very good :thumbsup:

ooo you like Mr. Cool, you know it XD

lol I thought you meant coke as in cocaine :p

but eww toilet water! :eek:



New member
April 22nd I woke up,,(duh!) and felt good that it was saturday ^^ Jennie ringed soon after I had just finished breakfast and asked if we could go out and I'm like : o.0 it's morning! but um..it was 13:00 -.- so I went for a walk. Not really we went to this playground near by, sat on the swings and just talked. In the afternoon, I went to sleep and dreamed the exact same dream again. (the one with the getting pregnant) I wasn't as scared as the first time but it's got me thinking of what it really means cause the dream feels so real. I can feel it when anyone touches me and I see everything clearly...

anyways, I got ready to go TLR /the living room) which was fun but Jennie was clearly not having fun cause of Linn and Lina. (2 brats) Long story short, they are really really fake and totall betrayers and Jennie being a good person, unfortunately falls for their lies everytime and lter on feels terrible. So I just came home from a long convo of how it's hard for ppl to be themselves and those who are, are not accepted.

For instance me. From the beginning, I have always been weird and as some ppl also say awkward. They just dont know how to act around me. I accept that I'm weird, you know but ppl dont need to treat me different cause of that. I'm a good person. It's the same with Jennie. She's a bit shy and doesn't like to express herself so ppl treat her like she does not exciste but honestly, she is the most real and affectionate person I've ever met.

I wont be going more into this cause maybe it's awkaward for you to reply on this update and you dont need to know about my problems cause you dont know me.

I just wish that my personality wouldn't be so goofy and weird *shrug*

thanx for reading.

You dont need to comment but I just felt like typing my thoughts.

Take care
I totally understand what you mean about how she stays pretty quiet and people just ignore her, and then under her perhaps thick shell lies a great person. I've seen that, well, I've experienced it really, I don't really say much, and people kinda start ignoring me. I don't however consider myself a great person lol

And of course it's the net and I don't know you really, but from what I've seen, well, maybe you're a bit weird, but if you really are, then you're weird in a good way :)

Just like myself, I like to hope :D



New member
lol you're just great! XD

well yes, that's true. she is this amazing person with bad self sonfidence which I have too but I have no doubt in saying that I'm a good person cause I am. I haven't sone anything that bad to make me a bad person. everyone makes mistakes and some try to learn from and some dont. I like to do.

I say that ppl should know how they are. You are a good person Fri and you should think like that. Otherwise you would be denying the truth and I dont think you're that kind of person, now, are you?

I hate it when ppl just ignore some just because they are not so noticable. So what? why not make them noticable instead of just ignoring him/her? >.<

I'm sorry that ppl do that to you but I feel even more sorry for them.

I've kinda learned to accept the ppl think I'm weird but meeh..that's who I am. haha



New member
hey sis =)

i'm glad that you feel better

lmao! you had a wild night.. eww! toilet water??

poor friend of yours..

anyway.. take care sweet lil' sis ^^




New member
True indeed.

If we don't see how good we really are, how are we gonna do anything in life? ;)

You're right, cause nothing good comes out of always feeling sorry for yourself :rolleyes:

I thank you though :D

That's the spirit :p



New member
im sorry to hear that sweetie!

that movie sounds really cool, wish they could mnake it in english >.<

*huggles* hope your ok and if you ever feel like anger venting u can hit me *extends her arm*

<3 u hon, take care of yourself!!!



New member

I'm so proud of you XD

I hope you dont mind me asking this. If you think it's uncomfortable answering this then you dont have to :)

well, I've always wondered, if you say you feel like my friend and that you can be shy, why is that for? I mean, is there a particular reason?

kinda stupid question but I think that ppl are shy because they are afraid of some particular situations which I have noticed in some ppl but can it really depend on that?



New member
Basmah- Hi love! ^^

I know lol, really eww.. :p

yeah I had fun ^^

thanx honey ^^ I feel better but I've still got headache :rolleyes:


*hugs and smooches*

Vero-Hi Vero ^^ I'm just fine hon thanx, how about you?!

yep, something are new and some are just teh usuall.

Nothing exciting so meeeh....

well ttyl


Fri-really? but how can watch Swedish movies? Are they available there? :eek:

lol yeaah...after the party, I love that song. It was actually the soundtrack of Sandor/slash/Ida.

Nooooo, I haven't gone that far and never will, just good old Coca Cola is good for me :p

yeah I know lol, She is still feeling bad about it. it's funny but soooo discusting.


Sis- Hey sis! yep and I loved it! lol I know....hahahahaha toilet water :p

She was too drunk to understand that...awww

thank you my awsome sis. ^^

*hugs and smooches*

Keza- yeah I hope that too. aww nooo, I dont wanna hit my freind, that would make me feel even worse! *hugs ya*

*hugs and smooches*

thank you^^

Wow I feel so loved and very happy. I dont have to worry about my periods anymore, I'm pregnant!

***** no just kidding! :p anyways I got it today and I dont think I've ever been so happy about it. I dont think I will tho in some hrs..o_O

Sep 12

I went to school and had assembly, tomorrow I'm starting late ^^ so I can sleep but then I have to run like 3 kms. =_= meeh so later on I had Swedish which was ok. Rebecca kept on talking as usall :p Not that it's bad, I like listening ^^ um...moving on to maths...I got the headache there! Beside me there was a whole group of Iraqis sitting and learning maths in their lang. OMG!! no offence but not the nicest lang I've ever heard. It seemed like they were fighting o.o

Next time they will not be in the class *phew* meeh I had French after that. Boring, learned about Paris. *shrugs*

I had lunch and after that I had textile thingie...you know you sew stuff in that class. I'm going to sew this shirt that I designed myself but I did pretty much nothing cause I dont know a **** about sewing and the teacher was too busy helping others ofcourse! *sigh* Afer that I had science which was ok. Jocke and Zinn kept on telling me that I and Louice were talking **** about them =_= why would we do that? they are ****** at us *shrugs* I dont care cause I have'nt done anything.

um..I came home and Jennie was going to eat lunch at my place. So we did and just talked. She just went home and now Ihave the home to myself listening to Mr. cool :D

Thanx for reading.




New member
thanks XD

if you mean why exactly I'm shy in real life, then I can tell you it's all about fear. lately for me, I've felt it's not fear really, as much as just this thing in your brain that tells you that you just can't do stuff, not allowed. Think it's mostly fear though. I'm afraid to do a lot of stuff cause I'm afraid of how people might react. Like that I might be made fun of, or similar.

And it's not like just being uncomfortable with like performing something on a stage, it's just everyday things, like talking to a stranger.

I'm like that on MSN too, I'm kinda afraid to start to talk to people, but I'm okay if they start talking. Then I feel comfortable enough to talk.

I hope that answered your question :)



New member
Hey Sammi,it sucks that u have your period:(,I really hate when mines come 2,and my back sometimes hurst so badly:(.

Btw,thanx for dropping by into my journal,much appreciated and thanx for those updates on the HP book:thumbsup:

Take care,ttyl hon



New member
my pleasure ^^

wow that's so interesting. I do feel the same way about convo but the crazy thing is that when both ppl feel that way, it is definetly not easy to make a convo. Like msn for ex. it's almost frightening XD

I think that what this means is that shy ppl to know more about themselves. Good things, their strenghts instead of their weakness. Like positive attention.

That defintely did.

thank you

This is one of the reasons of why I cant wait to start gymnasiet. (psst: physcology classes:psst) :p



New member
Hiya Vero!

noo it does not suck at all! I was worried like **** cause I had'nt got it in 3 months! :p

My back does hurt really bad but I try to forget that but eating chocolates and stuff. Like a bucket of Icecream...stuff like that :p

aww hon dont say that! love coming to your journal :thumbsup: and my pleasyre! read the **** book...FAST! lol

ttyl ^^




New member
that's very true.

Maybe that's why we don't talk more than we do on MSN o.0

Good point :thumbsup:

Gymnasium's nice, at least the one I go to. Way more freedom than the school from 6-15.

Oh did I tell you we have IB at my school?

I would take psychology for extra credit, but there's loads of like lectures you have to give in that course, and because of my psychological thing, I'm never taking that class because of it! lol how ironic



New member
haha that's the reason why Jennie would not take physchology classes. She does not like "speak out" and I love that. -.- I hope it does not sound as bad as I think it sounds o.0

wow that's so cool! We can choose if we wanted to study in other IB schools in foreign countries in the second and third year and hey, who know, I may end up in your school! XD

lol exactly. I hate it that it shows when you type something. Tt just makes me so nervous -.-



New member

don't worry about it

really? cool

well I don't think it's likely, but hey :p

yeah those kinda instant live chat things sometimes freak me out...<.<

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