Heart LP´s Journal


New member
wait, I'll post a pic of him! *chuckles*

o___O he is starting to freak me out!
oh that Napoleon? I've seen him

lol someone was talking about Napoleon Dynamite, so I thought you meant that one XD



New member
Thankies Fri ^^
Shaun- well, she is a funny ***** XD

aaah..that sounds familiar..never have really left the class but always tend to get late -.-

April 30

Today I did absolutely nothing! tada!!

well, I did work a lill on PS and I wa finding some textures which I couldn't find and I found 2 awsome pics.

Here's one:


and here's the other one:

LMAO those pics are cool :p :cool:

and what sounds familiar o.o?



New member
Sis- yeah that's Napoleon lol...weird o_O

anyways dont worry hon, as you know I'm also busy busy busy :p

I feel like burning the school and the teachers in it, except Josephine and Fredrik (The coolest teachers ever XD)

anyways....I'll ttyl

*hugs and smooches*

Fri- oh ok. yeah I wanna see that movie but it did'nt come out here, idk why :(

Short update (I'll try XD)

I went to school and had persian. I cant write so we had to talk today and finally I've learned all the persian alphabets. woot!

Later on I had tema and I worked with the assigment and then I had music!! :D so I had play my blues on piano and it went superb :p

later on I had lunch and I went to the library to check if new "Tokyo mew mews" had come :p that manga is the cutest thing I've ever read. meeh they're coming tomorrow. then I had PE and it started raining and I had to run =_= greaaaatttt!!! *sarcasm* meeh me and Rebecca went, getting soaked and singing rain songs ^^ it was so much fun! finally, I found someone who likes to get soaked in the rain :p so we were late and I really did'nt want to run so I just said that I had doc's appointment and went a bit away and then Rebecca followed me saying she had to get migraine tablets sooo, we went home lol I took a looong shower and went to school for band practice and those ******* did not show up :eek: So I practiced for like an hour and went home. Got a lill annoyed on the way back hom, well Rebecca's bro kinda likes me and he really makes me uncomfortable. He is really hot but he is Rebecca's bro!!! so I met him and we talked a lill. he is crazy! he is 18 and disn't even think! it would be like dating his lill sis for gods sake! *sigh* meeh...soo um...yeah

pretty short update eh? ...hehehe, sorry :p

well thanx for reading. Gotta study.




New member
I dont really remember Shaun XD

anyways! un petit update

ok, so..today..very very emo day.

I woke up and had this realy bad feeling about school. Like evry part of my body was just screaming "Dont go to school!!!" but I did anyways -.-

so, after 10 mins of maths we got visit from ungdomsmottagningen which I dont know what it is in English but they're like some ppl who help teenagers with anything they want. yea...so we had to talk about *** for ilke an hr and me and Jennie are like : -.- . why? cause we are the only ones in my class and prolly my school who believes in *** after marriage. At the end of the whole meeting thing, we were forced to take strawberry flavoured condoms and try them at home 0.0 what kind of sick ppl are they?!?!

anyways, Me and Jennie ended up pouring water in ours and throwing them on some students XD fun!

later on I had Swedish and my teacher wasn't there so we got that over Jens, so I decided to skip the lesson. Otherwise it would be something like this:

Sammi enters the classroom, sees Jens and shouts:"Hey old perv man, go ahead and rape me!"

yep..-.- ew! ><

I went to the library and borrowed The Da Vinci Code which is totally mindblowing! I recommend that everyone should read that book. You just get sucked into it at the very first sentence and I cant wait to the watch the movie. Then I had French which was awsome ^^ but not very..

you see I've got this problem with Jennie. She's great and everything but sometimes it feels liek she is competing me with grades and everything. She would even cheat t get better marks then me o.0 For instance, Art. I believe that it's kinda my thing right. Started drawing since I could hold a pencil and therefore I've got MVG. Now Jennie does not feel good about that and critizes all the time about how all the teachers are patheticaly in love with me 0.0 dude...what? so yea..that's a problem. Dont really know what to do =/

Moving on, I had my national oral exams in french which went great. But I dont really want MVG, I want the scholarship in French *_* I want the **** diploma >< *desperate* -.-

After lunch we had to see this stupid Swedish movie called Hip Hip Hora which means Hip Hip ****. yea..it was so typical swedish :rolleyes: always about one thing--->***.

after that, I had Spanish which was awsome and the teacher told me that my MVG was fixed and you should've seen the look on Jennie's face -.- I dont want things to be that way =/ it's really uncomfortable and I really dont want things to get awkward.

I hope things will work out :)

so on friday I've got my spanish exams which my grade depends on and my maths national exams which also my math grade depends on. Wow, no pressure at all :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

meeh, I came home and watched Grey's anatomy which rocks and Idk why but I like cried..alot. this girl was dying and it was very sad. And then when I watching lost, someone there died, smoeone important and whom I liked alot and my parents are there so I had to stop crying and my throught really hurts -.- so yea,,even at school, if someone told me shut up, I would get all teary 0.o I think this means only one thing´---> my monthly friend is gonna visit me very soon.

yea, so this was the end of my "petit" update XD

sorry guys.

Love ya <3



New member
Whoa Sammi you were on :p

LMAO I remember when some ppl done that at our school XD

but I was the one who got it thrown on XD

I just chased that little ***** I didn't do anything just scared him and after that

he quit acting tough around me :p

he's scared of me now XD

but now that I looked back at it, It seems so funny XD



New member
he's really hot but I know what you mean *nods*

Screw the hotness >< :p

yep, i love doing that and love jumping into a small puddles of water :p

yep, I never really grew up :rolleyes:



New member
ugh I remember when you talked about that Jens :rolleyes:

sounds like Jennie could cut the attitude, I guess o.0

school seems to be going good though, right?



New member
yaaay 2 ppl wanted to read the entry!

you know I love you guys, right? :D

group hug! XD

Shaun- you're so funny XD <3

Fribs- yep, he is still there. Hope he doesn't molests more children in the future o.o

yea..but well, things happen and she's after all my best friend ^^

oh yea....no XD but meeeh..soon I'll graduate :D

ok, so what do you think about my new ava and sig? :D

I love it! you know why? cause I just saw fahrenheit 9/11 and after watching that I assure you, that youll hate him too. Hate is actually nothing compared to what he has done. He is surely gonna burn in ****.

I really reccommend that you all should see it. I had no idea that America had such a ******* for a president. I mean, wow! and I thought Saddam was bad. hm...

well, now I'm gonna go log in at other websites and spread the sig.

asta la vista.



New member
Believe me, I know how bad Bush is.

I can almost say that I could watch Fahrenheit 911, and see something new, but not be surprised to hear Bush does it or has done.

I'm 100% anti-Bush. I have some lyrics even, against Bush, and US foreign polocy.



New member
Fri, that post just made me like you even more XP

In fahrenheit 9/11 they show more of how Iraqis reacted and feel about this and it's more than just Bush, it's the whole American politics. yep.I cant believe how ppl can actually support him :rolleyes:



New member
haha thank you

Yeah, because of the Cold War (time of Commie-phobia), when leftist politicians were persecuted, American politics consist only of the two right-wing parties, Democrats and Republicans.

It's unbelievable how hard it is for leftist movements to get attention. It's scare tactics, really. It's almost a curse word to be called leftist there.



New member
wow..I hope Hilary wins this time tho.

it would be really cool to see the first american female president and I'm sure she'll do much better than Bush.

A Very long update...I think..cuase whenevr I write shotr update it gets long -.-

So, these days, I've been doing pretty much nothing. The usuall school ****.

There's only 10 school days left now but including the holidays, like..3 weeks and it's so boring =_= and in school we do nothing at all but just watch movies. Day before yesterday we watched a swedish movie called Hip Hip Hora which pretty much sucked...kinda...yesterday we watched Godzilla o.0 and today we watched Bend it like beckham >< I hate that movie!! It's so typical. There is no Indian mother that would not allow her daughter to play football ,that's just stupid. The kitchen thing, I totally understand :rolleyes:

XD kinda reminds me of my mom, the exact same tone haha XD

anyways, so yes, many movies. oooh yesterday I watched Star Wars I! <3 Anakin cutie ^^

Then we had to play this game in school, we had to choose a guy from 3 other and then we would know more about him each round and the one who would sticj to his guy the longest would win, Guess who won? :p Go Joel with blue eyes! XD

ooh that reminds me, I posted a new pic! :rolleyes:

yep..that has been my pathetic day.

thanx for reading




New member
:confused: you hate BILB? haha :p

well I must be honest, I thought it was gonna suck, before I watched it...but when I watched it I just fell in love with it...

but I mean, it was an Indian who wrote the script so I'm pretty sure she would know if there were Indian moms that wouldn't allow their daughters to play football...

I saw your pic too

you look beautiful on it :)



New member
well all I can say is..

Shame on that Indian!!! ><


well, when it came to the whole "Indian girls dont play football" I didn't like it at all but other than that, weeell, it was quite funny :p

and I can see why you would love that movie :rolleyes: haha



New member
Sep 16th

Today my grandma died, 16 yrs ago. Mom's really emo today her eyes are red so I know she has been crying and whenever she sees me, she hugs me. Well remember, when I was in India I said about how my family belives that I'm a rebirth of my granny? that's why she is crying so much. It's kinda weird cause I dont belive this but there are some stuff that are freakishingly true o.o meeh may her soul R.I.P.

I went to to school and my first class was Spanish. I watched a spanish movie. It was pretty cool. Later on I had to talk with Rawah with our school's physchatrist (?) . I had to someday, anyways that ***** made the whole situation as if she got heart when I stopped talking to her o_O we never talked but sometimes I really get irritated by Swedish ppl. they dont understand! they think that everyone says the truth and obeys the law and you know blablabla! so my teacher actually believes her O.O ***** :mad: I dont care so long she stays away from me and does not show her ugly face!

meeh then I had English but me and Rebecca went to teh computer room and did the sceince homework. Then I had lunch and After that was social. I was 35 misn late :eek: stupid schedule! i have the old one and no one told that the schedule is changed! but meeeh I have Josephine in social too so it was ok. finally, I'm finsihed with the french revolution **** and when I came home, I told my parents not to mention anything about "h/w" otherwise I would cut their heads off. o_O I have been reading alot from the revolution and learning alot as well. they were like o_O lol

sooo....I'm freeeee! :D

thanks for reading.




New member
yea well, the thing is ppl believe that Indians are like that. that's why..

other than that, it's all good indeed :p

btw I've g2g

I've got an indian mom ><

bu byee Fri

take care



New member
awh.. i hope your mom feels better.. it's hard to deal with dead..

hmm a reincarnation of your grandma? that sounds a bit weird..

it can be true.. i believe in a life after death..


you got 35 minutes late? woah.. that's ehh.. late! :p

well good that you had Josephine =)

i hope you're doing fine sis =)

take care *hugs and kisses*



New member
omg Fri, I cannot believe those stupid *** monsters won!

Iceland was better than them ><

(she was pretty ..um..different..heh)

I mean, Carola was wonderfull with the dress and her chin and the song was just beautifull. The stupid thing is that Sweden gave Finland 12 points just cause they thought they would get none so it was kind of pity points and look what happened =_='


ugh it's just pathetic :rolleyes:

oh well..

atleast we kicked Canada's *** in Hockey :D



New member
Fri- yeaaah..Idk, I do belive in life after death but idk..

Hindus believe in reincarnation *shrugs*

idk lol neither did the teachers ><

Sis- hiya!

thanx , yeah I know, I kinda belive in it but till sounds weird.

yeah lol XP

thanx, I am! I mean, no h/w...what else do you need! :p

*husg and kisses back*



New member
no :p

well I don't think so at least

I woulda been interesting to be in the final...but meh

I'm guessing Swedes are pretty envious of Fins now...lol



New member
oh hells no!

that's the last...remember, Scandinavia & Finland XD

you want to be in eurovision? XD

I dont think so..well you never know but um..I think you meant it would interesting for Iceland to come in the final?



New member
Weird? yeah well all religion is kinda weird I guess.

I'm just confizzled after all those philosophy classes, the teacher's been doubting everything a human being takes for granted everyday, not sure I can discuss this lol, so confuzzled XD



New member

aww lol sry youäre confused. but sometimes it helps to discuss about it and you can find out what confuses you, that's what I do. then I confuse my freinds :D

so if you wanna talk, you know eher to find me! ^^

Well i'm sooo happy! Rebecca came over here and I helped her to write her assigment on the computer then we took some photos. I have some on the members pics. thread and here are others.

if you dont recognize me, then I'm the brown girl with darker hair, the other one is Rebecca, ofcourse XP



lmao look at Becca!!! XDD

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New member
heyyyyyyyyyyylo *waves* i havent been here in ages, im so sorry!! i luff luff yew, hope alls coolies...!!

*hugs yew really very tightly, lets u breath then hugs u tightly again*

x x x x

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