I dont really remember Shaun XD
anyways! un petit update
ok, so..today..very very emo day.
I woke up and had this realy bad feeling about school. Like evry part of my body was just screaming "Dont go to school!!!" but I did anyways -.-
so, after 10 mins of maths we got visit from ungdomsmottagningen which I dont know what it is in English but they're like some ppl who help teenagers with anything they want. yea...so we had to talk about *** for ilke an hr and me and Jennie are like : -.- . why? cause we are the only ones in my class and prolly my school who believes in *** after marriage. At the end of the whole meeting thing, we were forced to take strawberry flavoured condoms and try them at home 0.0 what kind of sick ppl are they?!?!
anyways, Me and Jennie ended up pouring water in ours and throwing them on some students XD fun!
later on I had Swedish and my teacher wasn't there so we got that over Jens, so I decided to skip the lesson. Otherwise it would be something like this:
Sammi enters the classroom, sees Jens and shouts:"Hey old perv man, go ahead and rape me!"
yep..-.- ew! ><
I went to the library and borrowed The Da Vinci Code which is totally mindblowing! I recommend that everyone should read that book. You just get sucked into it at the very first sentence and I cant wait to the watch the movie. Then I had French which was awsome ^^ but not very..
you see I've got this problem with Jennie. She's great and everything but sometimes it feels liek she is competing me with grades and everything. She would even cheat t get better marks then me o.0 For instance, Art. I believe that it's kinda my thing right. Started drawing since I could hold a pencil and therefore I've got MVG. Now Jennie does not feel good about that and critizes all the time about how all the teachers are patheticaly in love with me 0.0 dude...what? so yea..that's a problem. Dont really know what to do =/
Moving on, I had my national oral exams in french which went great. But I dont really want MVG, I want the scholarship in French *_* I want the **** diploma >< *desperate* -.-
After lunch we had to see this stupid Swedish movie called Hip Hip Hora which means Hip Hip ****. yea..it was so typical swedish
always about one thing--->***.
after that, I had Spanish which was awsome and the teacher told me that my MVG was fixed and you should've seen the look on Jennie's face -.- I dont want things to be that way =/ it's really uncomfortable and I really dont want things to get awkward.
I hope things will work out
so on friday I've got my spanish exams which my grade depends on and my maths national exams which also my math grade depends on. Wow, no pressure at all :thumbsup:
meeh, I came home and watched Grey's anatomy which rocks and Idk why but I like cried..alot. this girl was dying and it was very sad. And then when I watching lost, someone there died, smoeone important and whom I liked alot and my parents are there so I had to stop crying and my throught really hurts -.- so yea,,even at school, if someone told me shut up, I would get all teary 0.o I think this means only one thing´---> my monthly friend is gonna visit me very soon.
yea, so this was the end of my "petit" update XD
sorry guys.
Love ya <3