Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Hey Diana!

great to see you here, as always ^^

everythnig is fine hon!

hope things are great with you =)

<3 <3


aww sis! you look vewy cute ^^

I saw that video on youtube.com XD

it's awsome...and eww at the grandmas part XD

I have no idea what the last word meant but um...no? -.-

love ya! =*


now I'm going to do my h/w thro LPF, weird right?

but I had to makes tis diary in persian and write everything down and I haven't...so I thought I could translate some of my entries from here.

so if you are checking "who's online" and see me viewing my journal, does not mean that I read my own journal ><


thanx for reading

(this entry was so lame :p )

<3 <3



New member
Hey Sammi!

Kelly Clarkson rox indeed,she is awesome and I lover all her songs but I never knew she was from American Idol but now I do XD.

*gives you some chocolates* :D ,you know sometimes it happens to me that when I see ppl online in my msn and I don´t know who the **** are they and why do I have them if I never added them >.< o_O .

*Hugs*take care and ttyl.



New member
lol sammi :p

I always read my journals when I post them. Mabye I'm obsessive compuslive. *shrug* o.o

anyway, good luck with that persian stuff :p

<3 and huggles,




New member
*screams on the top of my voice" PSP IS NOT WORKING!!!!!!! :eek:

omg no...sigs, ava....what..NOOOO

o_O ok, I'll um...*takes a chocholate from the ones Vero gave*

thanx Vero :p

yeah me 2! she is so beautiful, talented, just cool damnit!

Well I usually dont like to add someone on msn :p Idk why, I jst think they what if they dont want to talk to me but fo someone I know and have talked to, adds me on msn, I become happy XD

otherwise I dont =_=

thanx hon, you too! ^^

*hugs and kisses*

Well I just came back from andrea's place. I was not feeling good but as soon as I came home, I was happy.

*cough* mood swings *cough* :rolleyes:



New member

that wasn't lame

at least not lamer than mine >.>


anyway I wanted to ask, is it correct to say en bra lilar/liler/Idunno

and if so, is it something you'd say at all? or something not cool to say

oh and another thing, would you mind me making the peacebear pic public? I love that pic so much :p

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New member
September 17th

I woke up 11:00 in the morning and read Sandor/slash/Ida, yep there's a book too.the book is waay better. anywho I got up like 12-ish and noticed that my parents were not home and my bro was sleeping ^^ so I ate breakfast, turned on mtv and watched "Behind these hazel eyes" by Kelly Clarkson. She rox!! hehe I told my dad how she was in american Idol and stuff and now he wants me to go in Swedish idol next year o.o I'm not gonna embaress myself infront of whole Sweden! :p the judges here are so rude, they just "you suck and get out" *tear* that's rude!

Anyways mom came and I helped her in the kitchen. Cleaned my room and I get nothing! not even a chocolate lol jk. *shakes head*

meeh I took a shower and took some new pics. Now when I have them as my display picture in msn, guys are like "is that you in the pic" and as soon as I say yes, they start flirting like ****! I mean they are sooo fake! I dont even know them and where the **** were they before I had my pic on? ><'

*shakes head* guys! I'll never understand them lol

so here I am now! have nothnig to do and everyone is offline :(

Thanx for reading.

i'll prolly read the book now.

Yeah that song rocks, I'm not much for that kind of music, but that song really does rock.

Come on, you can sing, right? Why shouldn't you? I'm sure the judges would like your singing, unless their all 40 year old fat managers of popstars XD

:eek: guys start flirting with you like crazy? o_0

I actually understand that fact, although I can't say I would though.



New member
Ofcourse you would'nt, we're freinds! :p

yeah, she suits good for an idol. I like her.

lmao!! but I mean, whole Sweden Fri, whole Sweden!!! and what if they insult me *sniff sniff* I would never go out of my room,,,,,ever!



New member
omg Riss you followed the poor guy here too?! XD

aww <3

reading your own journals is completely ok but I hate the who's online thing cause anyone can know what you're doing o.o

creepy ><

and nothing is wrong with anyone of you! :p

<3 <3

Fri, I dont really understand what you mean by lilar..=/

I dunno is Jag vet inte but I dont think you wanna know about that.

awww haha <3

I already have, only some entries back. I dnot think ppl really understood it but w/e! as long as you do, it's great :D

and hey, your journal is awsome! (otherwise I wuoldn't spam so much there)



New member
yeah my point exactly :thumbsup:

I would never go like: so.....what are you wearing?

haha lol XD

lol I guess you have a point, but like people in Umeå or something aren't gonna bug you about it, they don't know you lol



New member
well I heard something that sounded like lilar/liler w/e in the meaning of "player", you know on the Swedish show about the nerds that become a football team XD


ah great :D

and thank you :)



New member
lol yeah but still, atleast they'll say" haha did you watch idol? did you see that stupid ugly girl who sucked?" *starts to cry*

how rude!!

yeah, I would be pretty suprised if you did that lol



New member
my sammi!

how be yoo sweetie<3 sorry ive not been here in ages *hits own wrist for being a bad friend*

how ish yoo?

<3 luff luff yoo

x x x



New member
first of all, they wouldn't talk about you, cause you wouldn't suck :thumbsup:

second, you're smart and pretty :) not stupid and ugly ;)

and lol you would just call my bluff, you'd know I was kidding XD



New member
I dont know what to think anymore, one of my best freinds is actinag really weird these days. He smiles at everything I say and is like..."angel". O.O

stupid dumbass! :p

but still lol



New member
wow omg! How did you know about that show Fri?

anywho, player is spelare and if you mean like a guy flirting with everyone then that's called player too.

maybe it was spelar as in playing.

I've never heard of lilar or liler.

Maybe gillar? which means likes.

my pleasure ^^

Keza - you're just tooo cute to be true! :D

*puts some ice on your wrist*

dont hurt yourself ><

me is fine hon!

and thanx very mucho for dropping by-o

love you too! <3 <3

Sis- thinking that someone is looking at me/what I am doing does creep me out..mhmm..but I know that you dont mean to creep plp out so that's fiiiiine! ^^

love ya! =**



New member
they show it here :p

and they're gonna make an icelandic version XD

ah ok

well it was swedish, it's very likely I mishead lmao



New member

that's hilarious!

we also have an icehockey team Xp HC Z

aaah, well that's possible :p

um...it'seasy cause there are so many different swedish accents and the ppl from stockholm speak with very thick vocals so it's every easy. *nods*



New member
I think it's the other one *nods* yeah! :p

guess what, I'm learning Icel :p

Well I tried to figure out the lyrics in that staring elf song by sigur ros and so far I'm just figured out this 2 lines.

Loka augunum

Ég fel hausin min undir säng

Doe sthat mean:

I close my eyes

I hide myself under the covers or bed?



New member
Drew's joke of the day

i like fruit baskets. because a fruit basket lets you mail fruit without appearing insane

if you just mail someone some appels they're like "??? What the **** is this??!!?"

but it you put those appels in a basket they're like "this is nice!!"




New member
hey guys! thanx for dropping by ^^

everything is fine thanx Fi fi ^^ and pfft that's funny Drew :p

Anywho, I thought I would post my class picture. We have this tradition in Sweden that when you graduate from high school (grade 9th) you take a "suck photo" which literally means a "sigh photo" in english but it has gotta have a theme and it can be funny too. So, this pic is my class' "suck photo" and our theme was supposed to be 70's disco. You'll see that not many of us has succeeded to pull the look but we tried :p

Caution: I look extremely fat XD -.-


my everyday friends: Jennie, Louice, Shriti, Bhavve, Zinn, Simon (in black) & Sonja.

Jennie looks weird cause she was trying to blow a bubblegum but it apparently didn't come in the photo :p

the background is where we all usually hang out, it's in the back side of our school.

The Boards say:-

Zinn: I never really like them.

Annika & Johanna : Nice girls dont grow on trees (me: wtf has that gotta do with the photo?! o.0)

Jocke: (something pointless)

so that's my class :p

anywho, we had cabaret practice all day today. It was so awsome! The play is going really well.

This is my fav sscene from the script:-

Håkan- Vice principle.

Irena - Prinicple.

Carolyn- Teacher.

Håkan finds out that Findus (his freind - a shoe) is lost. He looks for it and finds Irena in the main room.

Håkan- Irena!! You took Findus! You took my job! Money! Imagine how Findus feels! We cant even eat pancakes anymore! We dont have enough money for eggs! we just have flour.

Håkan eats some flour.

Irena- well, it's not my fault I'm more intelligent than you are.

Håkan - Talk to the hand!

Irena looks offended.

Irena - ******!

Everyone behind the curtains gasps loudly.

Håkan looks suprised.

Håkan - oh no you didn't! *snap snap*

Irena - Oh yes I did! *snap snap*

Carolyn runs into the room shouting - Fight Fight Fight..!

All the techers follow her. The curator make peace but everyone jumps on her instead.

---------End of scene-------------

XD it's funnier to watch it then to read it XD

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New member
lol no, you did way better than I would have expected of anyone lol

good job :thumbsup:

duvet means bed cover, the thing you pull over yourself when you go to sleep, it's fx. dyne in Danish, maybe that helps you



New member
Hey, Sammi!

I just thought I could stop by a bit... ;)

He he, cool pic! :D

Anyhow...hope everything is okey with you... :thumbsup:

Take care...*hugs*



New member
Thankies! XP

ohww well I forgot what bed cover is in Swedish. hm...säng täckare? noo lol

oh it's duntäcke in Swedish.



New member
waaaa!! congratulate me ******* cause I've just graduated from high school!

woot woot!

AND I got scholarship in 2 subjects (which is impossible thing cause thatisn't allowed), French and Spanish. Got 200 crownes form my french teacher and a spanish litterature book from my spanish teacher and I love both the presents equally cause I think as you all know, I LOVE books!

then what...umm.. MY HAIR IS RED!!! :D

it looks awsome...I'm on FIRE! lmao I cant belive I just said thatXD

The cabaret was awsome! I've recorded it but unfortunately it's on a VCD so I cant upload it on internet.

Everyone loved it and then in the end just for fun, a girl (Mathilda) thought it would funny to immitate Carola from Eurovision (Swedish singer) and sing Invincible which was the sing she sung. And so she did! With the blue and golden fake clothes and everything! it was hilariuos! XD

Well, 2 days untill my sweet 16 ^^ and I've wished for a guitar which I maybe already said cause I'm very excited about it -.-'

TOO excited too be honest.

What else?..

1 yr left to go to CANADA!!! woot!



New member
säng täckare is pure translation of bed cover but you dont say that. the real word for duvet (that means "you know" in swedish o_O) is Duntäcke!

ok, now I'm a lill confused <_<



New member
Sammi! Looks like you're having some great time now!

I'm so happy for you! *hugs*

Oh, and, congrats! You're such a good girl... :p

Sweet 16!! Woot! Really sweet, yes... :D

Anyway...take care, hon, alright? ;)

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