Heart LP´s Journal


New member
nah that's alright, that's just me XD

lol I know that one :p

yeah, but right now I've just had enough philosophy for the week I guess lol

And woah Sammi, I've never seen a pic of you before :eek:

Now, I'm not just saying cause we're friends, but, wow, you're so beautiful!

lol I don't want to sound like an internet perv :p but I can't really stop looking at your pic. woah

and lol that lower pic's funny :D



New member
lmao thanx, dont worry, I know you're not a internet perv :p

lmao in the lower pic, Becca is soo funny!!!! :D and I did that cause when I was 2, my mom used to ask me where my nose was and I used to do that :p

lol yeah that kinda stuff can get confusing. that's why I wont choose that subject! o.o

I just found out to go choose I want, I've got to have 360 points and if I have top grades in every subject, I'll 320 points. I dont understand how that can be possible :confused:



New member
Hey Sammi Poo!*hugs and kisses*

AHH! You are so gorgeous,samira! You're so cute.lol

I hope you are doing well.

Take care,lovely.^^



New member
Hey, Sammi!

Just dropping by to see how you're doin...

So, how are you?

Hope everythin is oky doky... :p




New member




haha wow I'm so happy to see you again!!

*hugs tightly*

where have you been? :(

hope to see you more often here ^^


Keza daaaaling, hellooooo

it's ok dear! good to see you here :D

ewything ish coolish *nods*


love ya!!


Sis, heeeey, I do have a soul! :p

but congrats for rhyming XD

<3 <3


Hey diana,good to see you here ^^

thanx for dropping by.

oh, things are coolio

hope they are even better for you ^^

<3 *huggles*

*looks at everything written......o.0 wow XD*



New member
lmao thanx, dont worry, I know you're not a internet perv :p lmao in the lower pic, Becca is soo funny!!!! :D and I did that cause when I was 2, my mom used to ask me where my nose was and I used to do that :p

lol yeah that kinda stuff can get confusing. that's why I wont choose that subject! o.o

I just found out to go choose I want, I've got to have 360 points and if I have top grades in every subject, I'll 320 points. I dont understand how that can be possible :confused:
lol yeah she's so funny on that one, you as well :p

lol I did, cause well, I don't have to, but it's better than other, plus it intrigues (sp?) me :D

wait...what? yeah how's that possible?



New member
Sammi! haha wow! such enthusiasm!

I got lost on the road of life that's what happened to me. no worries I'll be sticking around, maybe not as often as before but I'll be floating here and there hehe. I'll talk to you more soon! I gtg take a shower, and eat...omg I'm starving.



New member
lol I just noticed that my LP poster is visible! ^^ perfect :p

yeah philosophy is really awsome and here you cant choose many subjects =/

if you choose arts, then it's arts + langs and then If I'm "lucky" I can choose other subjects.

I know, I dont understand that either but Josephine went to the same art school as I want to go to, so I guess I'll ask her.



New member

Sweden kicked all of y'all ***** in hockey!!!!! woooooot

it was awsome...well not really cause cze like sucked -.- there was no action at all. I mean we won by 4-0. so yea, I was at Jennie's place watching the game with other guys from the church. It was fun!

Jennie and Linn were wacthing this really boring movie and me and the guys were watching SNL videos which was so much fun XD <3 Adam Sandler!

I love you sweeeaaaat shirt XD

so..yep..and then I watched criminal minds...OoOh. It's so ..educational! 0.0

yep, that's it.

oh btw, i'll reply you guys later.

thanx for reading <3



New member
yeah well if you see the funny pic, you can see "Lin" right behind me.

yep, dont really like the school system here.



New member
ahh ok, I'll check that out.....ok I mean it's not like I use every excuse to look at it XD

naw jk :p

well at least you don't have to pay to go to school, like in many countries.



New member
well it's just a well known fact around here that every Nordic country has a good (IMO at least) social system where you pay for school and medicine and treatment with your taxes.

en lille smule samfundsfag der XD

yeah....wait....don't be looking at me like that XD



New member


ur so pretty, i was going to ask you in my journal if youd posted some pics...spooky spooky!!

ur really really hot (im saying that in a friendly non gay way, honest *brownies honour*)

well hope ur ok sweetie, <3 u



New member
woah thanx :p

I felt like posting some pics cause since the last ones, I've changed :p

yep! ^^

btw glad to see you here, I've missed you, you know!




New member
JEDI MASTER!!!!!!!! see the Yoda pop thread in other artists thread now!! ><

ok, now,

Keza- aww thanx hon ^^ =*

wuv you too

<3 <3

Sis- OMG I love that episode!! XDD it's awsome!

I'm gonna save the pic z3

Well adam is funny in a different way. He is more singing, gay-ish funny o.0

love ya!

Fribby- well, I dont really know what sports Iceland are good it..hm..maybe something to do with ice? :p

exactly! XD even in the poor girl's wedding XD

I dont understand how ppl look good when they are insane o.0



New member
ww, again thankyou, i never seen a pic of you before, *is underprivalaged* lol and i ahve no idea how to spell that...lol

<3 u sweetie!!!! missed u too



New member
JEDI MASTER!!!!!!!! see the Yoda pop thread in other artists thread now!! ><

ok, now,

Keza- aww thanx hon ^^ =*

wuv you too

<3 <3

Sis- OMG I love that episode!! XDD it's awsome!

I'm gonna save the pic z3

Well adam is funny in a different way. He is more singing, gay-ish funny o.0

love ya!

Fribby- well, I dont really know what sports Iceland are good it..hm..maybe something to do with ice? :p

exactly! XD even in the poor girl's wedding XD

I dont understand how ppl look good when they are insane o.0
are you referring to me -.- XD jk

hey sammi just dropping by to say heello XD



New member
Hey Sammi those are nice pics,and you look so cute!It looks you were having fun with your friend in the pic ^.^.

How are you doing btw?Hope you are fine.

Take care and ttyl.

Cya around Sammi ^^.



New member
Hiya Vero! thanx hon!

yep, I was having fun indeed ^^

I'm just fine ^^

yep, ttyl honey!

September 17th

I woke up 11:00 in the morning and read Sandor/slash/Ida, yep there's a book too.the book is waay better. anywho I got up like 12-ish and noticed that my parents were not home and my bro was sleeping ^^ so I ate breakfast, turned on mtv and watched "Behind these hazel eyes" by Kelly Clarkson. She rox!! hehe I told my dad how she was in american Idol and stuff and now he wants me to go in Swedish idol next year o.o I'm not gonna embaress myself infront of whole Sweden! :p the judges here are so rude, they just "you suck and get out" *tear* that's rude!

Anyways mom came and I helped her in the kitchen. Cleaned my room and I get nothing! not even a chocolate lol jk. *shakes head*

meeh I took a shower and took some new pics. Now when I have them as my display picture in msn, guys are like "is that you in the pic" and as soon as I say yes, they start flirting like ****! I mean they are sooo fake! I dont even know them and where the **** were they before I had my pic on? ><'

*shakes head* guys! I'll never understand them lol

so here I am now! have nothnig to do and everyone is offline :(

Thanx for reading.

i'll prolly read the book now.




New member
Okay maybe not look good but look funny. some people, you know, when they act obnoxious funny look scary and stupid. Like me XD

those guys *points* look funny good when insane. :D

am I still incoherent??

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