Heart LP´s Journal


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
Fjällhöga Nord
yeah, so I decided to make a journal too..first I doubted it cause I dont think I´ll have much to write about my boring life but FB told me so I decided to make a journal after all..*hugs FB* :p

so let´s see...
March um..14th? yeah 14th
Today was a pretty good day actually! Stayed out of trouble for once :p
School was boring as usuall but today in our class we had to vote for a student to get into um..I dont the english word for it but it´s maybe called student councling ? I´m not sure, in swedish it´s "elevrådet" so yeahh I get selected for that...wonder how it´s gonna be...
I´ve been on the computer since I´ve came from school that would be from 15:50 according to the swedish time! hehe I looove my computer :p
Nothing much has happened today as you can see...just some old boring stuff....
yah so that´s about it for today..
OH yeaah, It´s Joe´s B´day tommorow!! I hope he comes to the LPMB but I dont think he will..only Mike comes and sometimes Brad..anywho..um..nothing more soooo..
*hugs you back*:)
That sounds like a fun filled day! :D

You got selected for student council! Yay *hugs*
Thats awesome.
I hope you have fun for the rest of your day.
hey, thats so kewl the student councl thing, i neva get picked cuz i always forget about it....but the yrs i have its always been really repetative and boring, we got free coke and crisps even though im not a huge crisp fan but heh...whos so complain

well hope urs is better than the ones i went to

:D luv em
You're in the student council? My friend did that once, just as a joke.

How do you write it, like prataru Svenska? Or something like that, I don't know.
Fridbjörn - Ja, Jag pratar svenska!! :D was that icelandish you wrote or did you try to write Swedish?

Well,Emma, I´m sry you dont like crisps cause I love crisps!! hehe but in our student councling, we dont get food lol, we just like discuss about the school and classes and the cool thing is that I can change class times if I want to, I dont need teachers permission to do that so...I like that

FB - *hugs you back* today is Joe´s b´daaaaayyy!! woah, I think I´ve said taht like more then 10 times today only on websites ^.^

now let´s see what happened today...'
March 15th = JOE´S B´DAY!!!! WOHOO! *dances*
Just now I´m listening to the icelandish song that Fridbjörn posted here, haha it´s awsome, ba-bugga ba-bugga!! :p
So as you can see I´m in a pretty good mood today..why? I have no damn idea...My dad went to Iran today and I´ll not be seeing him for like 2 months...and no that´s not the reason I´m ina good mood today :p
I just came from school and fresh prince of Belair is on tv right now...that´s soo old but they show it again and again...
Today in biologi, we had to take a dead frog and cut it´s tummy and look into it by a microscope...ewww...it was GROSS!! and I was like oh, man! dont make me do this on Joe´s b´day! it was a sad moment...
ok, so this was my day untill now and I probably have to go now cause I have my spanish exam :( so I gotta study cause I dont know a **** about it..
Asta luego
I hope your daddy comes home safely:D
Lol, i love that icelandish song!! Its so catchy and fun:p
Hes 28,lol:p
Heart_LP said:
Fridbjörn - Ja, Jag pratar svenska!! :D was that icelandish you wrote or did you try to write Swedish?
Just now I´m listening to the icelandish song that Fridbjörn posted here, haha it´s awsome, ba-bugga ba-bugga!! :p
Today in biologi, we had to take a dead frog and cut it´s tummy and look into it by a microscope...ewww...it was GROSS!! and I was like oh, man! dont make me do this on Joe´s b´day! it was a sad moment...
ok, so this was my day untill now and I probably have to go now cause I have my spanish exam :( so I gotta study cause I dont know a **** about it..
Asta luego
No, that's not Icelandic, prataru Svenska is common knowledge where I live. For the rest of you, it's do you speak Swedish. It goes like this in Icelandic: Talarðu sænsku?
And yeah rock on, ba-boogah! Must be even funnier listening to it, not speaking that language, at least I think would. It's like when I heard Spanish rap, I laughed my ass off!
In the school I went to once we, how do say it? Oh, well, we opened up a dead pig and took a look at it's intestines. I thought it was pretty cool.
woah I really, I thought he turned 26 or 27 but that´s not a huge diff there either. I think Rob is youngest, isn´t it he?

In the school I went to once we, how do say it?
I dont know what you mean there Fridbjörn ?_?
I know, it´s really funny to hear a song in another language, like at a friend´s house, I listnened to Japanese hip hop and even now when I think of it I laugh so hard! lmao

March 16

Today´s is my freind´s b´day but she does´nt live in Sweden. she lives in India. ohh man I miss India! you ppl dont know about this so lemme explain. I´m born in Sweden but I moved to India when I was a kid and then I moved back to Sweden for like 2½ years ago so now I´m here! today is the last day to decide where I can go for the summer vacations cause tomorrow my parents or actually mom (cause dad is in Iran) is gonna book the tickets. I have 3 options-
1. INDIA!!!
2. florida
now, I love all of these places but I just can´t decide where to go *sigh* I really miss India but the weather is sooo bad there in the summer...it´s really hot, like 45 to 46¤ c and that´s hot! but I really wanna go to toronto too cause I love it there and hace always wanted to go there someday. However, folrida seems real fun! so you see, I can´t decide but I guess I´ll have to.
the Spanish exam went well *sigh* no study "stress" for a while now.
I found out today that one of my schoolmate cuts herself :( I really dont want her to do that. I told her about that but she did´nt want to talk about it. I understand taht maybe she felt bad about it but still I´m worried for her. I feel so helpless cause I can´t do anything to help but to just hope that she will just listen to me and stop cutting..

well, this was a another boring day of my life..
see ya later.
Heart_LP said:
I dont know what you mean there Fridbjörn ?_?
I know, it´s really funny to hear a song in another language, like at a friend´s house, I listnened to Japanese hip hop and even now when I think of it I laugh so hard! lmao
I meant what's the word for what you do when you like cut a person up and examine and find out cause of death, I know the word, it has just completely disappeared out of my mind.
Friðbjörn said:
I meant what's the word for what you do when you like cut a person up and examine and find out cause of death, I know the word, it has just completely disappeared out of my mind.

biopsy...................is this the word u re looking for
Damn! Your friend cuts herself!? *cries*
Thats really bad..:sad:
I think you should go to Toronto:D
Toronto is awesome!! Really fun, and you can go to Wonderland:weeeee:
lpp said:
biopsy...................is this the word u re looking for
Not sure about that word, if it's not, you at least reminded me of the word, it's autopsy I was talking about. So thanks! :thumbsup:
Friðbjörn said:
Not sure about that word, if it's not, you at least reminded me of the word, it's autopsy I was talking about. So thanks! :thumbsup:

no prob.................anytime
thanx for the help FB and I know it´s bad..I was like sssoooo close to convince her to quit but other pl dont mind their own business so she got pissed and started again..it´s always like this! I try to explain someone and then other ppl just ruin it :( :mad: damn other ppl except the good other ppl ofcourse :p

I´m tooo laaazzzyyyy to update my journal today, isso wht´s up with you guys? :p
Im good, i have a headache though cuz i got a needle today:(
It got worse when my mom was shopping at some Middle East store, and i got sick and almost puked cuz of all the meat..

Screw you meat..:p Jk, meat is good, especially chicken..
aww I´m sorry you felt bad!actually I´m having a headache too..=o/
yay to chicken...fricasse!!...or not lol

March 18th (?) *checks the date on the computer* yep it´s 18th

Today was a umm...boring day again. I have a loooads of boring days. Let´s see, I went to school and according to me school is jail and then I came back and I dont know why but I reeeeaaally missed mom when I was at school lol so when I came back I screamed like a lill baby after her mommy and just hugged her tight and she was like ooooookkkkk.heh o_O lol cause I dont do that so often..meeeh *shrugs*
then I was soo damn tied so I just went to sleep. ooh today after suuuuch a looong time, I had indian tea, I missed it so much..oh man I miss India sooo much *cries* *keeps the national song of India on computer* lol jk jk but I AM listening to a hindi song right now...jo hai samaa...kal ho naa ho...oookk w/e (that was hindi btw)
I miss Britt! I hope she did´nt leave. we have´nt chat many times on LPf but still...it felt good that she was here. oh well, I see her on msn..
I HATE to sing in a microphone..it´s so stupid listening to your own voice!! it´s much better singing without a microphone..ppl say that it´s better on the mic but it´s not! meeeh w/e
well, this was my boring day. ooh I got mails!! I´m gonna cheack ´em now soo bu-byeee
lol yeah, I think I explained it before somewhere or maybe not..
I´m half Iranian and half indian and I was born in sweden but then i moved to India and now again I´m in sweden lol
moving all the time :p
Heart_LP said:
lol yeah, I think I explained it before somewhere or maybe not..
I´m half Iranian and half indian and I was born in sweden but then i moved to India and now again I´m in sweden lol
moving all the time :p
Iran, India, Sweden wow! You must be thinking what next!
Friðbjörn said:
Iran, India, Sweden wow! You must be thinking what next!
hehe well, actually I´m going to move to Canada that´s the reason I moved to Sweden again so that it would be easier for me.
I just love it there! Canada rox! :p