Heart LP´s Journal

yea, click was bit..idk typical somehow but it wasn't bad.
you should! they are so physco-ish but in a funny way :p

exactly! argh >< I'm almost scared of going to school now o.o'
I dont like maths ><'
so yea...heh.. :rolleyes:

aww you dont sound like a suck up at all! you just sound exactly like a very sweet person who likes to care about other ppl :thumbsup:
and thanx hon ^^

hehe yea twas okay..
and I will later I guess >_<

bleh I'm scared of school too.. once again I know no one and I'm a freshman.. bleh.. I don't make friends easy =( I've changed in the last 4 years though so maaaaaaybe it'll go easier as then.. but yea everything could happen.. people base everything on first expression too.. -.-
not really scared about the subjects haha just where to find the classes etc.. lol I sound like a 7th grader all over again :p

hehe thankshyou <3
glad I got to know you ^^
no pressure! and no forcing either XD

ugh that sucks ><
changing school is quite horrible cause you have to start all over again.
and I agree that ppl do judge you by your first impression which really sucks cause that really is a bad thing for ppl like me :p
but yea I hope it gets easier =/
well, everytime you start at a new school it feels like you're a 7th grader so no worries :p
meh, I hope that tehre are ppl who can who you really are and I'm sure you'll get loads of friends ^^

aww *pinches your cheeks* (I cant resist ><)
I feel the same hon ;)
awww *pinches your cheeks*
you're very sweet and I've prolly said that a couple of times now o.o

oh, I'm just fine, wth! things happen! all that matters is that right now things are fine.
and as you said, you've gotta hope for the best =)
heya sweetie
oh yea i do too haha...sirius was one of my fav characters as well as dumbledore so now theyre both gone its like a real downeramazing how a book can have sucha effect on yoor emotions<333

*huggles yoo* ima so glad about yoor daddi...good luck to him and yoor famileh sweetie<3333
LOL Phranka XD

well I had to go yesterday cause err...I stayed online a lill longer than I should have..heh.

8th August
My day started by waking up laughing my ass off. XD
that's like the first time that has ever happened. Apparently, I was dreaming something really funny and I remember waking up sometimes finding myself laughing at something but in the morning I was like laughing and I fell off my bed XD hahaha omg a great start!
so yea anyways I felt like reading a book so I went the library after breakfast and found this book called Fall out which was awsome really. So I like finished the book in the library o.o
Came out, took a shower, ate lunch and watched Desperate housewives. It's such a shame that I wont be able to watch it when school starts cause it comes like almost at midnight =/ so I have to catch up in holidays when they show marathons of previous episodes. Anywho, it was great! <3 Bree, she is so purdy and in some weird way I really understand her. She's way older than me and stuff but idk..
oh! that reminds me I should prolly call my dentist and change the time!
so I should prolly call now otherwise I'll forget again -.-'

Thanx for reading!
take care loves =*