Help To Change LPF


New member
This forum is like an open forum to me about anything. I know I haven't been contributing much but am trying my best to keep up with what's happening but what's really sad to see is that not much has changed. I remember the old days of LPF where if you missed out on checking what was happening on LPF you fell behind in what was happening, like the new threads/posts. I just miss that I guess. But now there's nothing to miss out on really nowdays which is kinda reflecting on how active we are as a community, really.


New member
Just to let everyone know, my friend James has offered to help me set up a website, and I talked to him about it and a forum is easily a possibility. So I plan to have it set up before Christmas sometime. Anyone interested?


New member
Just to let everyone know, my friend James has offered to help me set up a website, and I talked to him about it and a forum is easily a possibility. So I plan to have it set up before Christmas sometime. Anyone interested?
I've been trying to follow this thread - but has a subject for a new forum been chosen? Or did you have something in mind?



New member
I've been trying to follow this thread - but has a subject for a new forum been chosen? Or did you have something in mind?
Nothing in mind, I'm going to see where it goes, but so far it's looking like it will be general since I know a fair few people who hate Linkin Park that are looking for a forum to go on, adn they always ask me if I have found them a forum yet. So I'm going to make it and I decided while I'm at it I'll invite LPF to join.

I'll keep everyone updated as to the progress, but it should be all good before Christmas.



New member
sweet, just ask for help if you need, graphics or something

making a forums seems to be easier than i thought you simply buy the vBulletin program and from there you customize it, as far as i understand you need some knowledge about it though. But you dont start from scratch. Then its just hosting costs.

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New member
sweet, just ask for help if you need, graphics or somethingmaking a forums seems to be easier than i thought you simply buy the vBulletin program and from there you customize it, as far as i understand you need some knowledge about it though. But you dont start from scratch. Then its just hosting costs.
I've paid for the domain, it will be at as for the forum, my friend is going to set it all up, plus he will keep a close eye on the site and help when we are in need.

Graphics would be cool, but I'll probably get into that a little while after I manage to get the site started.



New member
just to throw this out there. mods have been working on something.
I'v been planning to make a site for a long time, really what I'm doing isn't me saying "Here LPF this is your new home!"

My site is more dedicated to what I do (or will be) and there will be a general forum attatched to it so anyone is free to come and join up, it's just that it won't be a fully dedicated forum site, it will have other things on it as well.



New member
I'v been planning to make a site for a long time, really what I'm doing isn't me saying "Here LPF this is your new home!"My site is more dedicated to what I do (or will be) and there will be a general forum attatched to it so anyone is free to come and join up, it's just that it won't be a fully dedicated forum site, it will have other things on it as well.
we are also doing something like that but we will be lp friendly in a way



New member
I don't really mind who starts what where pertaining to whatever, I just want to see some much needed change. I'm happy at the thought there appears to be at least one maybe two projects in the works. Good. Bring on New Year I say. New Year, new changes, new place. Looking forward to seeing something... something positive of course ;)

Thanks guys (collectively)



New member
were gunna kinda keep this under wraps...but this will hopefully be a fun more streamlined "thing." if it launches well its definately gunna be something ull wanna be apart of ;]

and were trying to make this site making process as...democratic? possible...definately a suitable replacement for this site...a

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New member
Let's introduce post moderating in the new site

> resolution to the lack of mods available to confirm posts

= get more mods

(and scrap the elite status's as they are pointless anyway and half of the elites aren't even on)

I'm sick of the spammers on here.

If anybody has been part of LPF's sister board (and the most up to date site for music news non-LP and LP) LPA you would know the first 50 posts are moderated. we just need more mods to mod the site. That's my own opinion.

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