Help To Change LPF


New member
Well, this is my argument for the LP themed.

Ur spot on, on why MyEhangout failed.

I just think that a general forums only has to real ranks

either its good or its bad. Look at all the other general forums

loosly moderated sites(similar to ours) are filled with ******** who really in my opinion take away from the fun of the place. strickly moderated sites(like every other lp fansite) make **** boring because while on here u can get away with some **** on their u cant even start threads without being scared of being banned. And when you open a site that welcomes in not just LP fans but every tom **** and harry out there ur bound to get not just one new douche every 3 months but several. Eventually as the site grows larger you get more and more ******** to deal with. I think if we kind of make a specific forum we weed out some of the douchebags...not to mention a lot of ppl look for forum specific websites...think about the forums u visit, i think generally they tend to be something related to something specific u like. Maybe u like guitar, so you go to a guitar forums because u can always get updates on new tabs or brands that come out and on the side u can also take part in socializing in the community.

The reason, this forum in particular doesnt bring in any big numbers is because its failed to promote. Outside of a welcoming community what does LPF have to offer? Up to date lp news? No we get beat out news wise by almost every other site...a consistant amount of updates to the site? our owner probably doesnt even remember his password for this site...contests? we dont even have an owner to help give money...

if we encourage ppl to have up to date news, have new advancements in terms of layouts and additional programs, if we hold contests and really show initiative then ppl from other LP sites will come and in that way our site still grows in terms of activities, but we dont have to jeapordize our overall community

I dont think when ppl search the web they look for forums that are just general forums...i think they look for specific forums that can cater to their needs. How'd di u guys find this forum? Cuz u just wanted a place for community? or because u wanted a place were u could talk about a band u loved at the time and talk about whatever else



New member
I do get the point about the douche bags, but honestly, it would take a **** of a lot of effort to build LPF back up, or even another Linkin Park fansite.

On top of that a lot of us aren't massive Linkin Park fans anymore anyway, the only reason I still log on here is cause a few of the people on here are cool.

A general site means a lot more of my friends are likely to join up. Anyone remember Bairdy? He'd join a general site for sure. The reason he didn't stay all that long was because he isn't a Linkin Park fan anymore. He was into them for a bit, once he was finished with em he ditched.

I feel like ditching here sometimes myself. As I said the only reason I still come here is cause some of the people are cool.



New member
Yeah I'm a bit of an LP fan, but I don't come here for LP stuff anymore, infact I don't go anywhere for it. If there's a concert on near where I live then I'll go, or if they have a new album coming out then I'll buy it, apart from that, nothing else bothers me.

I wouldn't bother keeping this LP themed, just make it a general forum with areas like Music, General Discussion, In The News etc.



New member
I understand the reasons behind wanting to keep it on somewhat familiar terms, but realistically I believe a fresh start should be a fresh start, away from LP - and a general forum is a better option.

As for what brought me here in the first place, yes I was looking up things in relation to Linkin Park (fanfics believe it or not ;) ) but like many that have already spoken, my tastes have changed now, and so have I, so what brought me here isn't necessarily the reason I'd want to stay or to move on to a carbon copy of this exact same thing. I do enjoy this site, I have visited as most of you almost every day give or take for over 4 years and it's as much a favourite site as it is a force of habit. What once excited me about this site no longer does. I still enjoy LP but I am not into them as much as I used to be. These days my tastes are more geared towards general socialising, and again, it's the reason I keep coming back now day after day - to meet up with familiar 'faces' not talk about LP.

Let's face it anything I seriously want to know Linkin Park related, I have always gotten it from The Linkin Park Times over all other sites. As Pete said there'd be a fair amount of effort needed in order to get this place (or even a sister site) even up to par with other fan sites let alone equal or better them. Talks of merging have also been formerly addressed and I feel aren't viable - if the powers that controlled this place then weren't inclined to merge then I can't see any great shift towards doing so now - and let's face it, for a quality site you need more than just facts you need a stellar reputation and this takes time, and time is something we don't have with a new fledgling site. You have to stop thinking so far ahead I think, it's good to aspire towards a goal, encouraged in fact, but you need to start off with realistic goals, within a realistic time frame, and using realistic means.

The fact Chris has even considered creating something new, and reinforced new as if not geared soley towards LP, tells me that even if he has the means to do this, yes it's a leap of faith, but those that trully love LP won't and don't necessarily have to abandon LPF for all your Linkin Park needs. This site will remain. If possible, and so inclined, the loyal can aspire to create this place as the central hub for all things LP - but really again, for all intents and purposes, a fresh start is needed far removed from this place, giving those of us who want it a chance to branch off into something new and diverse and still have the same old security we've always had here at LPF.

And let's face it, as we all grow and our musical tastes change, our lives change, our attitudes and opinions change, why then would we (speaking personally) necessarily want to keep churning over the same old things, why shouldn't we move on to other things that are more generalised? (Using the word general a lot here because I can't think of another word to best describe it, as yet ;) )

I do have to add though that especially over the last few months there has been a general vibe of malconent and dissatisfaction that has arisen over this place and I don't think it's just because those of us who've been here a while wanted somekind of overhaul and never got it, or for whatever other reason - I think in part it's because a few of us are restless, we feel loyal enough to keep coming back to socialise but are frustrated that the site that has so much potential even now seems to be left to fall by the sidelines by those that 'run' it. LPF isn't necessarily dead, it's the same as it's always been really, it's just that people always come and go, and we as a site are not evolving. We're stagnating, and all the good intentions in the world won't fix anything, action will, but our hands are for the most part tied.

Just my two cents, naturally.

So in closing I just want to reiterate that a general forum would be a better idea than another Linkin Park one. If I want to get my LP fix I'll log in here, or TLPT, as usual ;)

And as for needing to have a mainstream 'theme' or backbone in order to draw people in, like a specific show or band, I say that's BS. The net's choked with sites for all that sort of stuff. I don't see the harm in having a general social site specifically designed for people from wherever, and with whatever interests, to catch up. Whether or not Chris has plans for world domination with this site, if it even goes ahead, is strictly up to him. Personally I don't see the harm in having a social forum and having separate threads or 'rooms' for specific sections like Music or Movies or Games or whatever. The only real drawback I can see with this is that it might open the way for the previously mentioned undesirable elements we're trying to avoid here, but so long as we have active admins and moderators (and an owner tha gives a ****) then I can't see why it can't be worked out. Seeing as how for the most part, from what I can see, the few of us that are keen on this shift are somewhat familiar with one another now, I don't see where there'll be a chance to have mods or admins acting either too lax or too strict. Depends on what the owner decides I guess!

If you still want a place with a generalised theme to 'draw people in and boost numbers', take a poll, PM those interested to save any acts of so-called mutiny people may equate this talk to, even look around and see if there is a specific niche out there that needs bolstering. If all else fails I guess we will see as we always have, old members moving on, new ones coming in and the rest of us catchup on Messenger or AIM chat etc when and if we can manage it ;)



New member
^ well if LPF does change woman, don't quit your day job (that is ranting).
Meaning what exactly?

Besides, we both know I have a real day job, if ranting was my job I'd be broke lately, even you have to admit compared to what I used to be like and what I could do, this is nothing.

And you don't have an opinion on the matter (on the proposed site)?

You commented in here just to point out the ranting to me huh?

Wow *claps*

Feel better now? ;)



New member
I do have an opinion, I just don't know how to put it at 2 in the morning. Okay I'll try to make sense.

I'm still hesitate about the new proposed site because of sentimental reasons LPF holds for me. If we were to make a new site, what would be the name of it etc etc etc? But at the same time, the only pros I can think of right now, given my dire state of needing rest (but I have to wait for a program to download so I can watch something before I go to bed along with filling out tax forms) is a change of my username. I think we could also get rid of the "elite" status as I can't remember who pointed it out to me on AIM a couple of months back, I think it was JT who is an elite himself, because really it gives no special thingis...ah **** I can't think of the word right now, to anyone. But it doesn't really bug me it was just something I merely wanted to point out.

I'll be back later with more pros and cons.



New member
I think we need to figure out who's really going to be involved in a new site, if one is made, and then who is going to be responsible and part of the decision making.

cause this flowing of ideas and thoughts is good but it needs to lead somewhere



New member
I think we need to figure out who's really going to be involved in a new site, if one is made, and then who is going to be responsible and part of the decision making.
cause this flowing of ideas and thoughts is good but it needs to lead somewhere
I think as t stands at the moment everything hinges on Chris, whether he can do it, whether he still wants to do it, and what he has in mind in terms of the logistics. Right now, realistically, we're serving a need Chris originally wanted - for feedback. If he likes what he reads, if he's still keen to go ahead, that's when I think the ball will start rolling. As for what we can do, that's not any different to what we're doing here with LPF - a lot of talk because we don't have the ability to actually do anything. Except propose, speculate and wait.
And as far as elite status goes, no you're right Woody, it really doesn't do much. Maybe that's something that could be addressed when / if this goes ahead. I think originally the purpose of elite-ship was to give members something to work towards, but whether it was lack of actual means or the failure of foresight in thinking this site wouldn't take off like it did or something else, really it doesn't serve much of a purpose. I think for effectiveness a site needs only members and moderators, admins aren't overly needed if the owner / operator stays in frequent touch. I don't see the need to overcomplicate the heirachy of power so long as those who are meant to oversee do their job with a degree of efficiency. We all have real lives yes but if you're a mod and you have 2 full time jobs, a wife, three kids etc, and can't be online as much as you'd like, then you won't be of much use to anyone if you can't be online much to oversee the general run (and upholding of rules / mediating / getting rid of the spammers) of anything. So of course Chris needs to work out who he wants, LPFers, others, or what for all this to work out.

Right now it's just a waiting game.

And it's not like we're not used to that here :rolleyes:



New member
i love the fact we're called "LinkinParkForums" and yet alot of LP fans have never heard of us

ironic perhaps?

i think the first thing we should do is establish what the site/forum will do or the theme of it, elite stuff is going to take awhile to establish because it will be slow initially, those kinda things can be implemented later

i find it funny that outside of this thread, people are posting and keeping this place alive while we're planning this place in this thread aahaha



New member
Tonz;588786']i love the fact we're called "LinkinParkForums" and yet alot of LP fans have never heard of us

ironic perhaps?

i think the first thing we should do is establish what the site/forum will do or the theme of it, elite stuff is going to take awhile to establish because it will be slow initially, those kinda things can be implemented later

i find it funny that outside of this thread, people are posting and keeping this place alive while we're planning this place in this thread aahaha
I think this is all stuff/changes that the people in charge of this place have showed they have no interest in, hence all the planning to move on to a new place. the people in charge are so uninterested in this place I'm pretty sure they have no idea this thread even exists. if they do, they've shown a remarkable lack in interest by saying and doing absolutely nothing



New member
On this new site, could we possibly get a larger inbox cspacity as well if that would be possible? I just don't like how we have such a small storage quota right now.


New member
I think this is all stuff/changes that the people in charge of this place have showed they have no interest in, hence all the planning to move on to a new place. the people in charge are so uninterested in this place I'm pretty sure they have no idea this thread even exists. if they do, they've shown a remarkable lack in interest by saying and doing absolutely nothing
Ive been lurking around this thread for a while... waiting for a good chance to add my two cents... and though Im still not gonna say much now, as sad as I am to say it, Id be up for a new place as well. Id still stay here too of course, but Id love to actually have somewhere more active which is run by someone who actually cares about their site...

Oh, and of course, welcome back fribsy, nice to see you again! :clap:

On this new site, could we possibly get a larger inbox cspacity as well if that would be possible? I just don't like how we have such a small storage quota right now.
Whats the current capacity for regular users, I forget... 100?



New member
lol im not bagging anyone when i say it seems like we're about to crash our way outta here

im just saying i find it funny that in the midst of everyone still posting and the fact that this thread is called.."help to change LPF", we're using the thread to abandon ship :p



New member
Tonz;588893']lol im not bagging anyone when i say it seems like we're about to crash our way outta here
im just saying i find it funny that in the midst of everyone still posting and the fact that this thread is called.."help to change LPF", we're using the thread to abandon ship :p
Probably because after months of offering up suggestions and having little if any feedback from those in power that actually could change things, we've run out of steam somewhat, and are colloquialy trying to push **** uphill. We aren't getting anywhere. After a point, even talking beomes old. If we don't move on we probably just... gradually drift elsewhere I guess.


New member
Ive been lurking around this thread for a while... waiting for a good chance to add my two cents... and though Im still not gonna say much now, as sad as I am to say it, Id be up for a new place as well. Id still stay here too of course, but Id love to actually have somewhere more active which is run by someone who actually cares about their site...
Oh, and of course, welcome back fribsy, nice to see you again! :clap:

Whats the current capacity for regular users, I forget... 100?
haha good to see old friends again man :D

but yeah, Im glad at least someone in charge of something is interested in keeping a community alive, and actually visits the place and looks at threads lol

you're in college right? but would you have time to contribute to design or something? just throwing an idea out there

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