Hezbollah pledges "Open War"

Hamza123 said:
If you can't hold up your side of a debate with a speaker like me, I can't imagine how you would hold up against an Imam! I can't even imagining you holding up. They have the Qur'an memorized. Instantly they prove people wrong by the verses they have memorized.

LOL. MRIH can't win an argument against a dog. That's not fair of me, right?
I should give dogs more credit. :D
Hamza123 said:
I never said you were wrong. I just said it's funny because I am 16 years old, you always find a reason why I am stupid or retarted, and you can't seem to prove anything against me.

If you can't hold up your side of a debate with a speaker like me, I can't imagine how you would hold up against an Imam! I can't even imagining you holding up. They have the Qur'an memorized. Instantly they prove people wrong by the verses they have memorized.
1) You first claimed the Talmud was the Torah
2) You claimed that this hertzl guy was a nazi.

That's two things right there...

want more.

Ted Turner is NOT a jew.
It is your responsibility to argue your own statements.

There is much more... but I am tired of arguing stupidity with a jack off. You and AIG can just basque in your own delusional glory...

and once again,

Thank you for proving me right.
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
1) You first claimed the Talmud was the Torah

The Talmud is to be followed by people of the Jewish faith in accordance to rules from the Torah.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
2) You claimed that this hertzl guy was a nazi.

Quit putting words in my mouth... I never said he was a Nazi. I said his Zionist movement was supported by Nazis. I am sure if Nazis were still around they would support your stive to bring genocide to all Muslims...

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
That's two things right there...

You can count?

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
want more.

More of what? More of your needless babling?

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
Ted Turner is NOT a jew.

Ted Turner is also not the only one to own Time Warner, and he is not the only person who has the same kind of power he does.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
There is much more... but I am tired of arguing stupidity with a jack off.

Arguing with a Jack Off? Were you debating with yourself on which hand to use to choke the chicken again?

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
Thank you for proving me right.

Nothing about your debate is right... You may have skills my friend, but don't you think all Moderate Muslims... Are good people? ;)
In all reality, your debating skills are pretty good. The reason you loose is your subject matter, not you. Islam is a big pile of ****, no amount of debate will support it's stench.

You wouldn't know a good argument if it crawled up your seething ****.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
In all reality, your debating skills are pretty good. The reason you loose is your subject matter, not you. Islam is a big pile of ****, no amount of debate will support it's stench.

Well MRIH, It's not you I have something against. Nor do I have something against the fact that you have a bad opinion of Islam. It would be hard for me to have a nice opinion of the self-proclaimed reason why 9/11 happenned, so I do understand. Long story short, you're entitled to your opinion, as wrong or as right as it may be, and as a Moderate Muslim, I respect your opinion, and the fact that we can debate about a topic, (without hurting eachother I hope), of which thousands of gallons of blood have been spilled over. I think we can leave it at that?

Oh NazzNegg, I always Shripad Tuljapurkar was a biologist?
GF Admin said:
Among other things, yes, a collage professor who frequently used his position to;

1. Decry America
2. Spout about all kinds of crap including Islam


You sure about the second one? I can't find much if any regarding him and Islam.

It may be because I am just googling it, but perhaps you could show me.