HIIIII, im Hazi[LP]Tonz =D


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
LIKE HELLO, this isnt really my first post but hey hu cares right?
iv made a few posts and told off a noob so far *lol* the irony is im new to this forum. Iv been to other ones, buh this ones really good =D

anyways, im a HUGE linkin park fan, why??
reasons: 1) GREAT MUSIC, u cant complain eh? =]
2) they are great ppl, theyre not like, u know,NOT druggos who trash hotels, they play XBOX or refine their music when theyre bored *thumbs up*
and 3) THEY LOVE THEIR FANS, they woodnt desert them, they do music for the love anf for the fans, not the money. You see what they do and u jus hafta sit bak and think WOW

i have nearly 700 tracks of FM and LP, iv ony been to one concert...fort minor sydney, which i say was FUKKKKEN AWESOMMMEEE.
Last time LP were in australia i kinda missed it...i didnt know it was on...*cries* but id love to go and just mosh the whole time.
ive been a fan since 2002 jus before the release of Meteora, and my hope is one day i can go to a small LP concert, like ones where Mike can jus reach over and slap hands? and then afta show meet them and like jus hav a chat to them :thumbsup:
anyways, hope u guys accept me as one of ur own =P i feel at home among LP fans like u guys, in my skool theres lik 4 of us...and even then the other 3 arent as hardcore as me \m/

rocken out- Hazi[LP]Tonz
Well hello their you are a n00b as well o_O
You n00bs have to stick together XD jk
but welcoem to LPF hope you have a great time need help PM
me i'm mostly on when your On cause I'm on most the time XD
i only ask that ur cookies are chocolate chip and that u keep me updated with all da latest LP news, and LP come to Sydney to play a concert x]
Hazi[LP]Tonz said:
NOT druggos who trash hotels

haha, ok, they arent druggos, but the trashing hotel bit reminded me of a hidden thing in frat party. When Mike broke the glass table, and then they pulled it apart and hide it under the sofa, the bed, etc etc. hahhaa

Joe: Mike walked over there, put a CD in, looked at the TV, sat on the table, and broke it in half!
Mike: OMG I'm so bummed.
Joe: Stupid rockstar!
Mike: How funny is this? I put my fat ass on this table and broke it!

funny as :D