Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007



Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
29 Nov 2007 http://www.legitgov.org/ All items are here:

http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news Holocaust Denial, American
Style By Mark Weisbrot 21 Nov 2007 Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad's flirtation with those who deny the reality of the
Nazi genocide has rightly been met with disgust. But another holocaust
denial is taking place with little notice: the holocaust in Iraq.
The average American believes that 10,000 Iraqi civilians have been
killed since the US invasion in March 2003. The most commonly cited
figure in the media is 70,000.

But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
more than one million.

More Iraqi civilians shot dead by U.S. troops 27 Nov 2007 Iraqi
officials say American troops in Baghdad have killed as many as
seven Iraqi civilians, including a child, in two separate shootings.

U.S. general wants big cuts in Iraqi prisoners 28 Nov 2007 The
commander of U.S. prison camps in Iraq said he wants to cut the
number of Iraqis in his custody by around two thirds by the end of
2008 as part of a wider counter-insurgency plan to bring down

Survey Shows Dangers for Iraq Reporters 28 Nov 2007 American
journalists covering Iraq say they face unprecedented dangers with
many reporting that they've worked closely with Iraqi colleagues
who have been killed or kidnapped, according to a survey released
Wednesday. The survey by the Washington-based media watchdog Project
for Excellence in Journalism offered a grim picture of reporters
trying to work under they describe as the constant threat of violence
and intimidation in Iraq.

US air strikes kill civilian roadworkers in Afghanistan 28 Nov 2007
US forces 'mistakenly' killed at least a dozen road construction
workers in air strikes in eastern Afghanistan, Afghan officials
said today. As many as 14 engineers and labourers were killed in
the incident on Monday in Nuristan province, which officials blamed
on faulty intelligence.

Two civilians killed in Kabul bombing Staff and agencies 27 Nov
2007 At least two civilians were killed in the Afghan capital,
Kabul, when a suicide bomber launched an attack on occupation forces
today. The bomber damaged two armoured vehicles and destroyed the
wall of a nearby house, witnesses and officials said.

Afghanistan 'falling into Taliban hands' 21 Nov 2007 A Taliban
fighter The Taliban has a permanent presence in 54% of Afghanistan
and the country is in serious danger of falling into the group's
hands, according to a report by an independent thinktank with long
experience in the area.

Pervez Musharraf steps down from military command 28 Nov 2007
Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf has officially stepped down
as head of the armed forces, ending eight years of military rule.
He has handed over his uniform to his designated successor, General
Ashfaq Kiyani.

Ten Reasons Why "Save Darfur" is a PR Scam to Justify the Next US
Oil and Resource Wars in Africa By Bruce Dixon 27 Nov 2007 The
star-studded hue and cry to "Save Darfur" and "stop the genocide"
has gained enormous traction in U.S. media along with bipartisan
support in Congress and the White House. But the Congo, with ten
to twenty times as many African dead over the same period is not
called a "genocide" and passes almost unnoticed. Sudan sits atop
lakes of oil. It has large supplies of uranium, and other minerals,
significant water resources, and a strategic location near still
more African oil and resources. The unasked question is whether the
nation's Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite are using
claims of genocide, and appeals for "humanitarian intervention" to
grease the way for the next oil and resource wars on the African

Israeli airstrike hits Gaza as peace talks continue in U.S. 28 Nov
2007 An Israeli airstrike Wednesday hit a Hamas post in southern
Gaza, killing two Hamas security men in Khan Yunis, according to
Hamas sources. The Israeli army said the airstrike -- the third in
Gaza this week -- was in response to the firing of mortars into

Olmert, Bush hold private meeting on Iran 28 Nov 2007 Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert held his second private White House meeting of the week
with President [sic] George Bush on Wednesday to try to translate
the summit's momentum into a more effective effort to thwart Teheran's
nuclear drive.

Japan missile drill to counter China, N Korea 27 Nov 2007 Japan is
to deploy Patriot missile batteries on the streets of Tokyo in a
security drill designed to prove that it is capable of defending
itself from any threat posed by North Korea or China.

Habib charges contradictory, records show 29 Nov 2007 In their first
interview with Mamdouh Habib at Guantanamo Bay, Australian Federal
Police officers accused the Sydney man of two contradictory activities
- training in arms and explosives with al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] and
"engaging in hostile activity"

against the Taliban.

Doctor Sentenced in Terror Case (Manhattan) 29 Nov 2007 A doctor
who was convicted of conspiring to treat injured Qaeda fighters was
sentenced yesterday in Federal District Court to 25 years in prison
by a judge who said a sentence that would deter others was needed
because terrorists cannot carry out their deadly aims without help.
Before the sentencing, Dr. Rafiq Sabir insisted that he was "completely
innocent" and said a co-defendant, Tarik Shah, had duped him into
taking an oath to Al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] with an F.B.I.

agent who was posing as a Qaeda recruiter.

Saudi arrests 208 suspected militants 29 Nov 2007 Saudi forces have
arrested 208 suspected militants who formed six cells, one of which
plotted to attack a logistical oil facility, interior ministry
spokesman General Mansur al-Turki said.

3 arrested trying to sell unspecified radioactive material in E.
Europe 28 Nov 2007 (Bratislava, Slovakia) Three people have been
arrested for trying to sell more than two pounds of an unspecified
radioactive material, which officials then seized, police said

Indian MPs Slam Government Over U.S. Nuclear Deal 28 Nov 2007 Indian
lawmakers opposed to a landmark nuclear energy deal with the United
States slammed the government in parliament on Wednesday, saying
it was misleading the country and compromising national interest.

Bush administration forced to turn over spying documents by Friday
28 Nov 2007 A federal judge has ordered the Bush regime to divulge
documents related to immunizing telecommunications companies from
lawsuits, saying they illegally opened their networks to the National
Security Agency. U.S. District Judge Susan Illston in San Francisco
gave the Office of the Director of National Intelligence until
November 30 (Friday) to turn over documents relating to conversations
it had with Congress and telecommunications carriers about how to
rewrite wiretapping laws.

Protesters boo Ashcroft at his CU speech 28 Nov 2007 Several
protesters were forcibly removed from the audience at a speech given
by former Attorney General John Ashcroft at the University of
Colorado at Boulder Tuesday night... About 20 student protesters
from CU and Naropa University, wearing shirts with "shame" written
on the backs and wearing American flags over their faces, welcomed
Ashcroft to the stage by standing up and turning their backs to

Montclair State Unveils Mandatory 'School Phone' --Students Must
Carry And Pay For GPS-Based Cell Device 27 Nov 2007 (NJ) College
students at Montclair State University are all talking about a new
requirement that will require students to have a cell phone. Freshman
Angela Vuocolo said 'School Phone' -- as in a Sprint-operated cell
phone -- is now mandatory for all students. It's the first program
of its kind in the country. The cost: $420 a year for a base plan
which is bundled into the tuition bill. It includes just 50 peak
voice minutes a month, but unlimited text messaging to any carrier,
unlimited campus-based data usage, and student activated emergency
GPS tracking. "What it does is allow students to have an extra pair
or group of people watching over them when they're going from one
location to another," Montclair Police Department Chief Paul Cell

Flu Drugs May Cause Dangerous Behavior 27 Nov 2007 The safety of
influenza drugs is under scrutiny as advisers to the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration on Tuesday analyzed abnormal psychiatric behavior
seen in some patients, especially children. Medical experts are
reviewing cases of patients taking Roche Holding AG's Tamiflu and
GlaxoSmithKline Plc's Relenza experiencing hallucinations, delirium
and other abnormal behavior. In the case of Tamiflu, several cases
resulted in erratic behavior, including jumping from buildings,
resulting in death. [see: Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu 31
Oct 2005 Defense Secretary, ex-chairman of flu treatment rights
holder, sees portfolio value growing.]

Head of Rove Inquiry in Hot Seat Himself --Bloch Used Private
Company, Geeks on Call, to Delete Files On His Office Computer 28
Nov 2007 The head of the federal agency investigating Karl Rove's
White House political operation is facing allegations that he
improperly deleted computer files during another probe, using a
private computer-help company, Geeks on Call. Scott Bloch runs the
Office of Special Counsel, an agency charged with protecting
government whistleblowers and enforcing a ban on federal employees
engaging in partisan political activity.

Huckabee's Surge Stirs the Pot in Iowa 29 Nov 2007 The Republican
presidential race is becoming even more unstable, as a surging Mike
Huckabee has caught up in Iowa with Mitt Romney, long seen as the
front-runner in the first-in-the-nation caucuses.

City Said to Have Paid Bills as Giuliani Affair Began 29 Nov 2007
Late in his tenure as mayor of New York, Rudolph W. Giuliani billed
tens of thousands of dollars in travel expenses to little-known
city agencies as he was beginning an extramarital affair, a political
Web site reported yesterday.

Giuliani billed obscure agencies for trips 28 Nov 2007 As New York
mayor, Rudy Giuliani billed obscure city agencies for tens of
thousands of dollars in security expenses amassed during the time
when he was beginning an extramarital relationship with future wife
Judith Nathan in the Hamptons, according to previously undisclosed
government records. The documents, obtained by Politico under New
Yorks Freedom of Information Law, show that the mayoral costs had
nothing to do with the functions of the little-known city offices
that defrayed his tabs, including agencies responsible for regulating
loft apartments, aiding the disabled and providing lawyers for
indigent defendants.

Bush economic adviser Hubbard resigns 28 Nov 2007 Top White House
economic adviser Allan Hubbard resigned on Wednesday and will be
replaced by his deputy, Keith Hennessey, the latest in a string of
departures as President [sic] George W. Bush's [illegitimate] term
winds down.

Florida School Fund Rocked by $8 Billion Pullout 28 Nov 2007 Florida
local governments and school districts pulled $8 billion out of a
state-run investment pool, or 30 percent of its assets, after
learning that the money-market fund contained more than $700 million
of defaulted debt.

Existing home sales fall to record low in Oct 28 Nov 2007 Existing
home sales fell 1.2 percent in October to a record low 4.97
million-unit pace, according to a report on Wednesday that showed
the downturn in the U.S. housing market was deepening.

Fire shuts main Canada-U.S. crude oil pipeline 29 Nov 2007 A fire
and explosion in Minnesota on Wednesday forced Enbridge to shut
most of the main pipeline that supplies Canadian crude to Midwest
refineries, halting nearly a fifth of U.S. imports and sending
prices up more than $1.

Study: Canada failing polar bears 27 Nov 2007 The federal, provincial
and territorial governments of Canada are all failing to protect
polar bears from the threat of extinction, a new study charges. The
report, produced by the David Suzuki Foundation, concluded Monday
that only two of seven Canadian provinces and territories (Newfoundland
and Labrador and Ontario) recognize that the species may be at risk.

CLG needs your support.

http://www.legitgov.org/#contribute Or, please mail a check or money
order to the CLG:

Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) P.O. Box 1142 Bristol, CT
06011-1142 Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible.

[Previous lead stories:] Blackwater guards pumped on steroids,
lawsuit alleges --Suit accuses Blackwater of fostering "culture of
lawlessness" 27 Nov 2007 A quarter of Blackwater mercenaries in
Iraq use steroids and other "judgment-altering substances," according
to a lawsuit filed by the families of several Iraqis killed or
wounded in a Baghdad shooting in September.

Reporters say Baghdad too dangerous despite surge 28 Nov 2007 Nearly
90 percent of U.S. journalists in Iraq say much of Baghdad is still
too dangerous to visit, despite a recent drop in violence [?!?]
attributed to the build-up of U.S. forces, a poll released on
Wednesday said. The survey by the Washington-based Pew Research
Center showed that many U.S. journalists believe coverage has painted
too rosy a picture of the conflict.

35 Are Killed in Iraq, 5 by U.S. Troops 28 Nov 2007 American troops
in Iraq killed at least five people, including a child, when they
fired on vehicles [allegedly] trying to drive through roadblocks
in two separate episodes over the past two days, military officials
and witnesses said Tuesday.

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CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright ) 2007,
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"cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message

> But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
> more than one million.

Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv

I promise you that almost everybody here will lack the courage to watch the
whole thing.

The next time you accuse America of murdering people there, make sure you
subtract the number of people you see being beheaded, macheted, executed in
the name of Islam or Al Qaeda. You're blaming America for that as well.

By the way, maybe you can ask AQ to treat this kid instead of deliberately
dumping gasoline on him and setting him on fire:

"Gatt" <gatt@damnnearwiley00.com> wrote in message
> "cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message
> news:13ku2rca6dc3742@corp.supernews.com...
>> But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
>> more than one million.

> Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv
> I promise you that almost everybody here will lack the courage to watch
> the whole thing.
> The next time you accuse America of murdering people there, make sure you
> subtract the number of people you see being beheaded, macheted, executed
> in the name of Islam or Al Qaeda. You're blaming America for that as
> well.

America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible for
the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:53:17 -0800, cor <corDEL@exchangenet.net>

>Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Illegitimate Government

**** off.
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:18:44 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>

>"Gatt" <gatt@damnnearwiley00.com> wrote in message
>> "cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message
>> news:13ku2rca6dc3742@corp.supernews.com...
>>> But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
>>> more than one million.

>> Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv
>> I promise you that almost everybody here will lack the courage to watch
>> the whole thing.
>> The next time you accuse America of murdering people there, make sure you
>> subtract the number of people you see being beheaded, macheted, executed
>> in the name of Islam or Al Qaeda. You're blaming America for that as
>> well.

>America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible for
>the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
sectarian violence?
"Zeno" <Zeno@home.kom> wrote in message

>>America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible
>>the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
> sectarian violence?

Yeah, man. If I hack his head off in the street and soccer-ball the bitch
into somebody's yard, it's not MY responsibility, it's the cops'. They're
"responsible for the safety of the citizens," are they not?

It wasn't Manson that was evil, it was the police for not protecting the
safety of the citizens.

Gatt wrote:
> "cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message
> news:13ku2rca6dc3742@corp.supernews.com...
>> But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
>> more than one million.

> Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv
> I promise you that almost everybody here will lack the courage to watch the
> whole thing.
> The next time you accuse America of murdering people there, make sure you
> subtract the number of people you see being beheaded, macheted, executed in
> the name of Islam or Al Qaeda. You're blaming America for that as well.

So America has to stoop to their standard of justice?
Bush presidency is a genocidal, criminal organization. Don't be
surprised that in a few years he will not be able to travel abroad for
fear of prosecution.

> By the way, maybe you can ask AQ to treat this kid instead of deliberately
> dumping gasoline on him and setting him on fire:
> http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/11/29/youssif.surgery/index.html
> -c
Zeno wrote:
>> America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible for
>> the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
> sectarian violence?

The USA has financed their weaponry and facilitated the killing of
Shiites or/and Sunis. The USA provided billions of untraceable cash for
them to buy weapons, explosives, and even rechargeable drills for their
torture operations. The USA has facilitated corruption and ineptitude
and provided the pseudo legal foundation for torture, illegal and
indefinite detention, and over all, impunity at all levels.
Gatt wrote:
> "Zeno" <Zeno@home.kom> wrote in message
> news:3hjuk3p4h2dot1ul7d028uf1f1sn3ojbps@4ax.com...
>>> America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible
>>> for
>>> the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

>> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
>> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
>> sectarian violence?

> Yeah, man. If I hack his head off in the street and soccer-ball the bitch
> into somebody's yard, it's not MY responsibility, it's the cops'. They're
> "responsible for the safety of the citizens," are they not?
> It wasn't Manson that was evil, it was the police for not protecting the
> safety of the citizens.

If someone heads an assault group into your house, who do you think
would be responsible for any deaths that result from such attack?
On Nov 29, 10:53 am, cor <cor...@exchangenet.net> wrote:
> Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government


So cor, when is that military draft coming? You know, the one you
said we would have by electing Bush? When are they coming to draft
you in the USMC? Maybe you'll get lucking and will get to spend next
August at Paris Island.
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 20:47:50 -0800, cor <corDEL@exchangenet.net>

>Zeno wrote:
>>> America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible for
>>> the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

>> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
>> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
>> sectarian violence?

>The USA has financed their weaponry and facilitated the killing of
>Shiites or/and Sunis. The USA provided billions of untraceable cash for
>them to buy weapons, explosives, and even rechargeable drills for their
>torture operations. The USA has facilitated corruption and ineptitude
>and provided the pseudo legal foundation for torture, illegal and
>indefinite detention, and over all, impunity at all levels.

LOL, and then the Iraqi's pulled the trigger and slaughtered their

The point remains. The Iraqis are responsible for the violence.
lein <boomer_the_cat@my-deja.com> wrote:

> On Nov 29, 10:53 am, cor <cor...@exchangenet.net> wrote:
>> Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government

> <snip>
> So cor, when is that military draft coming? You know, the one you
> said we would have by electing Bush? When are they coming to draft
> you in the USMC? Maybe you'll get lucking and will get to spend next
> August at Paris Island.

I was at Lackland from mid July through mid November. It was atrocious, but
I cannot begin to imagine Parris Island.
"cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message

>> Yeah, man. If I hack his head off in the street and soccer-ball the
>> bitch into somebody's yard, it's not MY responsibility, it's the cops'.
>> They're "responsible for the safety of the citizens," are they not?
>> It wasn't Manson that was evil, it was the police for not protecting the
>> safety of the citizens.

> If someone heads an assault group into your house, who do you think would
> be responsible for any deaths that result from such attack?

If the assault group is Al Qaeda or henchmen of some warlord, they are. If
it's us, we are. How goddamn hard is this for you to figure out, Cor?
If AQ kidnaps somebody, they're responsible for it.

If I were to kidnap and torture you, I promise you wouldn't blame the
police. (But I bet you'd still find a way to blame George Bush.)

"cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message

>> Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv

> So America has to stoop to their standard of justice?

Show me a video of Americans beheading hostages with an operatic musical
score in the background.

You still haven't watched the video.

> Bush presidency is a genocidal, criminal organization. Don't be surprised
> that in a few years he will not be able to travel abroad for fear of
> prosecution.

Blahblah, election 2004 cancelled, draft in 2003, draft in 2004, draft in
2005, draft in 2006, New World Order illuminati blah. Heard it all before.

Y'all hear that Murtha flipped on you? Says the troop surge is working.

"Zeno" <Zeno@home.kom> wrote in message
> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:18:44 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>>"Gatt" <gatt@damnnearwiley00.com> wrote in message
>>> "cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message
>>> news:13ku2rca6dc3742@corp.supernews.com...
>>>> But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
>>>> more than one million.
>>> Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv
>>> I promise you that almost everybody here will lack the courage to watch
>>> the whole thing.
>>> The next time you accuse America of murdering people there, make sure
>>> you
>>> subtract the number of people you see being beheaded, macheted, executed
>>> in the name of Islam or Al Qaeda. You're blaming America for that as
>>> well.

>>America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible
>>the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
> sectarian violence?

Iraqis have been killed by Americans in massive numbers, which is our
responsibility. Iraqis have been able to kill eachother because we haven't
established control over most of the country. As the occupying power, we are
responsible for the safety of the people.
Are you unaware of that?
"Gatt" <gatt@damnnearwiley00.com> wrote in message
> "Zeno" <Zeno@home.kom> wrote in message
> news:3hjuk3p4h2dot1ul7d028uf1f1sn3ojbps@4ax.com...
>>>America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible
>>>the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

>> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
>> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
>> sectarian violence?

> Yeah, man. If I hack his head off in the street and soccer-ball the bitch
> into somebody's yard, it's not MY responsibility, it's the cops'.
> They're "responsible for the safety of the citizens," are they not?

The police are responsible for establishing and maintaining "law and order".
If you hack off somebody's head and the cops do nothing, you think that's
"Gatt" <gatt@damnnearwiley00.com> wrote in message
> "cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message
> news:13kv5v7n9cp376b@corp.supernews.com...
>>> Yeah, man. If I hack his head off in the street and soccer-ball the
>>> bitch into somebody's yard, it's not MY responsibility, it's the cops'.
>>> They're "responsible for the safety of the citizens," are they not?
>>> It wasn't Manson that was evil, it was the police for not protecting the
>>> safety of the citizens.

>> If someone heads an assault group into your house, who do you think would
>> be responsible for any deaths that result from such attack?

> If the assault group is Al Qaeda or henchmen of some warlord, they are.
> If it's us, we are. How goddamn hard is this for you to figure out,
> Cor? If AQ kidnaps somebody, they're responsible for it.

Al Qaeda is in Iraq because of the USA moron.

On Sat, 1 Dec 2007 14:39:17 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>

>"Zeno" <Zeno@home.kom> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:18:44 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>"Gatt" <gatt@damnnearwiley00.com> wrote in message
>>>> "cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message
>>>> news:13ku2rca6dc3742@corp.supernews.com...
>>>>> But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
>>>>> more than one million.
>>>> Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv
>>>> I promise you that almost everybody here will lack the courage to watch
>>>> the whole thing.
>>>> The next time you accuse America of murdering people there, make sure
>>>> you
>>>> subtract the number of people you see being beheaded, macheted, executed
>>>> in the name of Islam or Al Qaeda. You're blaming America for that as
>>>> well.
>>>America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible
>>>the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

>> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
>> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
>> sectarian violence?

>Iraqis have been killed by Americans in massive numbers, which is our
>responsibility. Iraqis have been able to kill eachother because we haven't
>established control over most of the country. As the occupying power, we are
>responsible for the safety of the people.
>Are you unaware of that?

One day you will realize that al Qaeda is a criminal gang.
On Sat, 1 Dec 2007 14:39:17 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>

>"Zeno" <Zeno@home.kom> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:18:44 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>"Gatt" <gatt@damnnearwiley00.com> wrote in message
>>>> "cor" <corDEL@exchangenet.net> wrote in message
>>>> news:13ku2rca6dc3742@corp.supernews.com...
>>>>> But the actual number of people who have been killed is most likely
>>>>> more than one million.
>>>> Enjoy: http://ia331307.us.archive.org/2/items/tromenter/almoghad.wmv
>>>> I promise you that almost everybody here will lack the courage to watch
>>>> the whole thing.
>>>> The next time you accuse America of murdering people there, make sure
>>>> you
>>>> subtract the number of people you see being beheaded, macheted, executed
>>>> in the name of Islam or Al Qaeda. You're blaming America for that as
>>>> well.
>>>America is responsible because as the Occupying Power we are responsible
>>>the safety of the citizens of Iraq. Or didn't you know that?

>> You are thinking that america is "responsible" for Iraqis killing
>> their fellow Iraqi? Or, are you unaware of the (almost nothing but)
>> sectarian violence?

>Iraqis have been killed by Americans in massive numbers,

On Sat, 1 Dec 2007 14:40:48 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>

>Al Qaeda is in Iraq because of the USA



The CIA has confirmed, in interviews with detainees and informants it
finds highly credible, that al Qaeda's Number 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri,
met with Iraqi intelligence in Baghdad in 1992 and 1998. More
disturbing, according to an administration official familiar with
briefings the CIA has given President Bush, the Agency has
"irrefutable evidence" that the Iraqi regime paid Zawahiri $300,000 in
1998, around the time his Islamic Jihad was merging with al Qaeda.