Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007

"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>Where are they?

> ****ing MORON!
> http://www.theconservativevoice.com/articles/article.html?id=12525
> It's become a Liberal "article of faith" that Iraq had no weapons of
> mass destruction


Why do you continually recommit this logical fallacy! Look up "proving a
negative" will you?
I didn't claim "NO WMD"
YOU are the one claiming WMD in Iraq when the invasion happened and that
Saddam was linked to al Quaeda and suchlike Islamists who want Islamic
states and are planning terrorism on an international scale! You have
produced NO EVIDENCE to support these hypotheses!

Please don't try to shift the burden onto me as if I should prove the

>and no intention to build them, despite all the
> evidence that Saddam Hussein possessed and used them many times.

He certainly posessed them! On soc.culture.iraq I published a list of what
the the US SOLD HIM in the eighties!
The Us then stood by and Rumsfeld even shook Saddam's hand when he used them
against IRAN!
But most of them were decomissioned by 1991! By "most" read 90 per cent. But
1995 almost all were gone and the inspectors stayed till 1998! They then
came back in 2003 and guess what still NO EVIDENCE OF WMD in Iraq! These
were not pictures form space but actual people on the ground in Iraq and the
US couldn't tell then ANY places to go where they found WMD! Days before the
US invaded!

What evidence he used them many times? I am aware of two or three times!
Twicew against Iran and once against the Kurds. The Kurdish one is even
disputed in the suggestion that it was Iranian WMD used to provoke them
against Saddam but I don't believe that. It is plausable however. But if by
"many times" you nean "THREE times" well then I agree.

> the CIA didn't immediately uncover huge stockpiles of illegal weapons,

There were hundreds of inspectors not just a few CIA and BEFORE the invasion
the US Authorities assured us they know wher the WMD were!

> critics of Iraqi liberation were able to push the false meme that

The theory of memetics is soundly rebutted elsewhere.

> Saddam never had WMDs in the first place, or secretly disposed of them
> long ago, or that he was "contained" by UN sanctions.

Saddm HAD WMD in the eighties! We KNOW that because the US (and others) SOLD
that capability to him and he USED them!

Saddam did NOT secretly dispose of them. ALL the launchers rocket moulds
etc. were disposed of BY THE UN! There remains materials (not actual WMD but
the machinery and materials which could make WMD) 95 percent of which were
disposed of BY THE UN! Of the other 5 per cent most would render itself
unusuable after the intervening time. Of the rest,yes, the Iraquis in
charge of the WMD programme claimed to have disposed of it. they provided
the locations it was stored (again NOT WMD but what would be unusable but
used to be materials capable of making PART of a WMD) and destroyed. UN
inspectors found NO stores of WMD materials by 1998!

>With the US
> invasion of Iraq telegraphed for well over a year in advance, it
> boggles the mind that Liberals still refuse to even consider the
> possibility that Saddam moved or hid whatever WMD materials he had to
> prevent them from being discovered.

This is a rubbish claim! The reason is that they don't have to prove how
there are "NO WMD"! The original claim was that there were loads and loads
of WMD and that they were pointing at the West and the US knew where they
were and would show them to the rest of the world! They didn't! CHANGING the
claim to an explaination of why they think they were WRONG does not mean
they are suddenly right! The claim is STILL WRONG!

> The idea that every inch of Iraq has been examined and pronounced
> clean is ludicrous.

correct. One can not porove a negative! It is a fallacy! One can not prove
NO WMD in Iraq! But it is on the claimant who claim thar ARE WMD to provide
evidence! I will remind you one can not prove the involvment of Space
aliens, unicorns, pixies, the tooth fairy or Sauron either! But if YOU CLAIM
Unicorns are involved it is not for me to go all over Iraq looking for
buiried unicorns is it?

>Reports are still coming in of storage sites that
> were completely ignored by the Iraq Survey Group,

Which reports?
WHICH storage sites?
Care to cite these reports?

> which concentrated
> heavily on previously known WMD storage sites. Simple common sense
> would tell anyone that a place marked on every inspector's map "WMD
> Storage Facility" might not be the best place to hide your WMDs.

Simple common sence might tell anyone that if you claim there is a report
you should be able to produce it!

> Instead, something like buried and locked concrete bunkers not marked
> on any map might be a more likely location. Lo and behold, several
> such sites were reported to the ISG... and totally ignored.

When and where were these reposted. LOL you mean to say you have a map of
"invisible sites". Does the Emperor store his invisible clothes there?
> David Gaubatz, a former member of the Air Force's Office of Special
> Investigations, was assigned to intelligence research. He was shown
> four sealed underground concrete bunkers in southern Iraq with the
> tunnels leading to them deliberately flooded. His sources told him
> that the facilities had contained stockpiles of biological and
> chemical weapons.

When was he told this? By whom? Where is the site? Has it been examined for
trace materials? Where is that technical report? And do you claim the UN
were aware of this site and never inspected it?

>He filed reports with photographs, grid coordinates,
> and testimony from multiple sources.

Great! Where are these reports? I would love to see them?

>But the ISG never unsealed the
> bunkers.

Oh! so they were (and apparently still ARE) SEALED! Great we can still go
there and check for WMD! Where are these bunkers?

>"We agents begged and begged for weeks and months to get ISG
> to respond to the sites with the proper equipment," Gaubatz told the
> NY Sun. Yet the ISG felt comfortable filing a final report, in effect
> closing the case.

Where are these bunkers? and pics, docs, anything on them? Caome on? You
claim to have whole reports.

> Several sources have previously indicated that Saddam sent some WMDs
> and equipment related to chemical and biological weapons production to
> Syria and Lebanon in the months preceding the US invasion.

Maybe he did maybe he didnt! But the CLAIM WAS WMD in Iraq! thats apparently
WHY the US invaded! And they claimed in the area of Tikrit and Bagdadh which
is on the opposide side of the country to Syria!

>In May
> 2003, DEBKAfile reported that "the relocation of Iraq's WMD systems
> took place between January 10 and March 10 and was completed just 10
> days before the US-led offensive was launched against Iraq."

LOL! You invaded to find WMD and a week before while you were blanket
bombing the eitire country. secret convoys crossed a thousand kilometres of
desert skirting the Kurdish controlled border and right through the "no fly
zone" constantly patrolled by US aricraft and not a single convoy was hit!
Saddam should have used thes troops against the US and they would never have
beaten such an invisible foe capable of moving faster than the US and
completly undetected and unhurt!
In fact the plausability of this happening is ever more extraordinary and
bizzare than Saddam havinf the WMD in the first place.

This is classic "conspiracy theory" reasoning. If the WMD conspiracy theory
does not fit then that is because there is an even bigger conspiracy
covering it up! LOL!

> satellite imagery showed "convoys of Iraqi trucks that poured into
> Syria in February and March 2003."

Sure why do they need satellites. they were flying planes over the whole
area all the time!

Look here are LOADS of maps of WMD facilities.

You can see that some are well over a thousand kilometeres from the Syrian
border! And Bagdadh and Tikrit are across rivers and deserts from Syria!
It just does not stand up to scrutiny! But the real issue is that the US
CLAIMED WMD and they KNEW where they were!

> David Kay, original head of the Iraq Survey group, reported that "we
> know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a
> lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some
> components of Saddam's WMD program." Among the things left behind, Kay
> reported finding a "clandestine network of laboratories and
> safehouses," and "a prison laboratory complex... that Iraqi officials
> working to prepare for UN inspections were explicitly ordered not to
> declare to the UN." The ISG's investigation revealed "new research on
> BW-applicable agents, Brucella and Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever
> (CCHF), and continuing work on ricin and aflatoxin." Charles Duelfer,
> who replaced David Kay as head of the ISG, wrote in his final report
> that, "ISG received information about movement of material out of
> Iraq, including the possibility that WMD was involved... these reports
> were sufficiently credible to merit further investigation." Senator
> Pat Roberts, (R-KS), chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence,
> even acknowledged that "there is some concern that shipments of WMD
> went to Syria."

Yes. But SUSPICION of SOME MATERIALS which might be used to make WMD going
to Syria is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT to the claims of loads of actual WMD in Iraq
ready for launchand that the US knew where these were in the Tikjrit and
Bagdadh region surroundin the city.

So you accept whay Kay says?
The SAME David Kay who stated:
But intelligence officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of
the subject's sensitive nature, said the weapons were produced before the
1991 Gulf War and there is no evidence to date of chemical munitions
manufactured since then. They said an assessment of the weapons concluded
they are so degraded that they couldn't now be used as designed.
He said experts on Iraq's chemical weapons are in "almost 100 percent
agreement" that sarin nerve agent produced from the 1980s would no longer be

"It is less toxic than most things that Americans have under their kitchen
sink at this point," Kay said.

And any of Iraq's 1980s-era mustard would produce burns, but it is unlikely
to be lethal, Kay said.

Asked about the potential danger to U.S. troops, Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld said: "They are weapons of mass destruction. They are harmful to
human beings. And they have been found."
Intelligence officials said the munitions were found in ones, twos and maybe
slightly larger collections over the past couple of years. One official
conceded that these pre-Gulf War weapons did not pose a threat to the U.S.
military before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. They were not maintained or part
of any organized program run by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
[end excerpts]

You accept what Kay says do you?

> John Shaw, former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for International
> Technology Security, has charged that Saddam's WMD stockpiles were
> moved by Russian special forces into Syria and Lebanon. According to
> Shaw, former Russian intelligence head Yevgeny Primakov supervised the
> removal operations. GRU military intelligence and Russian "spetsnaz"
> (special forces) troops moved Saddam's WMDs to Syria by truck
> beginning in December 2002.

Strange that they didnt accept this story in December 2002 then and
continued in their "lots of WMD " till May 2003 isnt it?

[snip - deal with rest later]
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:58:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

> On soc.culture.iraq I published a list of what
>the the US SOLD HIM in the eighties!

Why don't you **** off, you useless America-hating Mick.

The choice was Sod-em or commies on the oil.

And we were far from the top end of the list on those who armed or
made money off his regime.


Facts on Who Benefits From Keeping Saddam Hussein In Power
by Carrie Satterlee
WebMemo #217
France controls over 22.5 percent of Iraq's imports.[1] French total
trade with Iraq under the oil-for-food program is the third largest,
totaling $3.1 billion since 1996, according to the United Nations.[2]
In 2001 France became Iraq's largest European trading partner. Roughly
60 French companies did an estimated $1.5 billion in trade with
Baghdad in 2001 under the U.N. oil-for-food program.[3]
France's largest oil company, Total Fina Elf, has negotiated extensive
oil contracts to develop the Majnoon and Nahr Umar oil fields in
southern Iraq. Both the Majnoon and Nahr Umar fields are estimated to
contain as much as 25 percent of the country's oil reserves. The two
fields purportedly contain an estimated 26 billion barrels of oil.[4]
In 2002, the non-war price per barrel of oil was $25. Based on that
average these two fields have the potential to provide a gross return
near $650 billion.
France's Alcatel company, a major telecom firm, is negotiating a $76
million contract to rehabilitate Iraq's telephone system.[5]
In 2001 French carmaker Renault SA sold $75 million worth of farming
equipment to Iraq.[6]
More objections have been lodged against French export contracts with
Iraq than any other exporting country under the oil-for-food program,
according to a report published by the London Times. In addition
French companies have signed contracts with Iraq worth more than $150
million that are suspected of being linked to its military
operations.[7] Some of the goods offered by French companies to Iraq,
detailed by UN documents, include refrigerated trucks that can be used
as storage facilities and mobile laboratories for biological weapons.
Iraq owes France an estimated $6 billion in foreign debt accrued from
arms sales in the 1970s and '80s.[8]
From 1981 to 2001, according to the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute (SIPRI), France was responsible for over 13 percent
of Iraq's arms imports.[9]
Direct trade between Germany and Iraq amounts to about $350 million
annually, and another $1 billion is reportedly sold through third
It has recently been reported that Saddam Hussein has ordered Iraqi
domestic businesses to show preference to German companies as a reward
for Germany's "firm positive stand in rejecting the launching of a
military attack against Iraq." It was also reported that over 101
German companies were present at the Baghdad Annual exposition.[11]
During the 35th Annual Baghdad International Fair in November 2002, a
German company signed a contract for $80 million for 5,000 cars and
spare parts.[12]
In 2002, DaimlerChrysler was awarded over $13 million in contracts for
German trucks and spare parts.[13]
Germany is owed billions by Iraq in foreign debt generated during the
German officials are investigating a German corporation accused of
illegally channeling weapons to Iraq via Jordan. The equipment in
question is used for boring the barrels of large cannons and is
allegedly intended for Saddam Hussein's Al Fao Supercannon
project.[15] An article in the German daily Tageszeitung reported that
of the more than 80 German companies that have done business with
Baghdad since around 1975 and have continued to do so up until 2001,
many have supplied whole systems or components for weapons of mass
Russia controls roughly 5.8 percent of Iraq's annual imports.[16]
Under the U.N. oil-for-food program, Russia's total trade with Iraq
was somewhere between $530 million and $1 billion for the six months
ending in December of 2001.[17]
According to the Russian Ambassador to Iraq, Vladimir Titorenko, new
contracts worth another $200 million under the U.N. oil-for-food
program are to be signed over the next three months.[18]
Russia's LUKoil negotiated a $4 billion, 23-year contract in 1997 to
rehabilitate the 15 billion-barrel West Qurna field in southern Iraq.
Work on the oil field was expected to commence upon cancellation of
U.N. sanctions on Iraq. The deal is currently on hold.[19]
In October 2001, Salvneft, a Russian
On Dec 4, 5:46 am, "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbea...@nospam.forme> wrote:

> BEFORE the US occupation there was not Al Qaeda or any
> other Islamists groups of note in Iraq!
> the US occupation facilitated rather than mitigated against Islamists!

You love to try that meaningless bit of information in almost all of
your posts.

You're wrong. One has nothing to do with the other.

What an idiot you are for not seeing so.
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"Hertz Donut" <somewhere@outthere.net> wrote in message
>>> "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> wrote in message
>>> news:MW16j.2$fl3.0@amsnews12...
>>>> "Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> news:vg2hl3158mtip5mmoerkienih3v42s0l25@4ax.com...
>>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:30:05 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>NO LINKS between Al Quaeda and Salman Pak!
>>>>> AQ is NOT the only terror sponsor!
>>>> Oh I do aplogise. No evidence of Saddam working in international terror
>>>> with any Islamic fundamentalist group.
>>>> I take it you accept he whsnt working with AQ then? By the way what is
>>>> a
>>>> "terrorist" according to you?
>>> Liberals do no believe in terrorists...they think they do not exist (or
>>> at
>>> least that's the way they act).

>>Sorry but were you actually answering a question there? What is a
>>"terrorist" according to you?

> Why don't you **** the HEll off you lying piece of ****!

Stated just exactly like a true Islamic fundamentalist!

Why are you evading the question? Are you afraid of telling prople what you
honestly thin a terrorist is according to you?
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an

>>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt
>>meet or pay commit further violence?

> There is something so inherently intellectually dishonest about you
> that it defies comprtehension.
> Clearly the incentive is for more young men to die so their families
> will profit.

How is that clear in ANY way whatsoever? Care to please show me the clear
steps betwen giving money to the family of a dead or imprisioned terrorist
and supporting other terrorist actions? Betya you wont!

Were Americans ALL clearly contributing to Noraid so that the IRA would bomb
I don't think so! So how is it so "clear" as you claim?
> I wish someone would blow your worthless ass up

clearly when you lose the argument you resort to attacking the person. How
un Christian you are! You realise that rather than adopt the mainstream
Christian point of view you exactly replicated the fundamentalist mindset in
this remark?
"Sir Sam" <nite@cru.sade> wrote in message
> On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 10:46:58 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>BEFORE the US occupation there was not Al Qaeda or any
>>other Islamists groups of note in Iraq!

> http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/iraq/salman_pak.htm
> Salman Pak / Al Salman
> Former Iraqi military officers have described a highly secret
> terrorist training facility at Salman Pak, where both Iraqis and
> non-Iraqi Arabs receive training on hijacking planes and trains,
> planting explosives in cities, sabotage, and assassinations.

November 2005: More than two years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq,
there has been no verification of the general's account of the activities at
Salman Pak. In fact, U.S. officials have now concluded that Salman Pak was
most likely used to train Iraqi counter-terrorism units in anti-hijacking
techniques. It should also be noted that the general and other defectors
interviewed for this report were brought to FRONTLINE's attention by the
Iraqi National Congress (INC), a dissident organization that was working to
overthrow Saddam Hussein.

More than two years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, there has been no
verification of Khodada's account of the activities at Salman Pak. In fact,
U.S. officials have now concluded that Salman Pak was most likely used to
train Iraqi counter-terrorism units in anti-hijacking techniques. It should
also be noted that he and other defectors interviewed for this report were
brought to FRONTLINE's attention by the Iraqi National Congress (INC), a
dissident organization that was working to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Since
the original broadcast, Khodada has not publicly addressed questions that
have been raised about his account of activities at Salman Pak
More than two years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, no evidence has
surfaced showing that Saddam Hussein had had the capability to deploy
nuclear weapons. After Saddam's fall, Hamza was appointed by the Coalition
Provisional Authority to be senior adviser to Iraq's Ministry of Science and
Technology. In this role, he had partial control of Iraq's nuclear and
military industries. In March 2004, Hamza's contract was not renewed. To
date, he has not addressed questions about the failure to find weapons of
mass destruction

IT WAS THE WMD facility in 1990!

It is a geographical region also containing a camp


Douglas MacCollam wrote in the July/August 2004 issue of the Columbia
Journalism Review that "There still remain claims and counterclaims about
what was going on at Salman Pak. But the consensus view now is that the camp
was what Iraq told UN weapons inspectors it was - a counterterrorism
training camp for army commandos."

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence concluded that "Postwar findings
support the April 2002 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) assessment that
there was no credible reporting on al-Qa'ida training at Salman Pak or
anywhere else in Iraq. There have been no credible reports since the war
that Iraq trained al-Qa'ida operatives at Salman Pak to conduct or support
transnational terrorist operations."p. 108 in

Inconsistencies in the stories of the defectors led some U.S. officials,
journalists, and investigators to conclude that the Salman Pak story was
inaccurate. One senior U.S. official said that they had found "nothing to
substantiate" the claim that al-Qaeda trained at Salman Pak.[10][11] The
credibility of the defectors has been questioned due to their association
with the Iraqi National Congress, an organization that has been accused of
deliberately supplying false information to the US government in order to
build support for an invasion of Iraq.[12] "The INC's agenda was to get us
into a war", said Helen Kennedy of the New York Daily News.[13]

The DIA told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in 2006 that after
Operation Desert Storm, "fabricators and unestablished sources who reported
hearsay or thirdhand information created a large volume of human
intelligence reporting. This type of reporting surged after September 2001
and continued well after the capture of Salman Pak." Yet the DIA's postwar
exploitation of the facility found "no information from Salman Pak that
links al-Qa'ida with the former regime." (p. 84)
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:13 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>It des not answer the following questions:

> I don't ****ING CARE!!!!

Well that seems obvious. But whether you care or not ut still does not
answer the questions! Caring about it or not will not change the facts! In
fact it does not matter what I believe either. what we are arguing about
here is objectively established facts! You haven't established any of your
so called "evidence".

> Got it asshole?
> The SOB either played good global liar's poker and got
> caught...or...the goods are in Syria.

This is a false dichotomy.
In fact it might well be that there were NO WMD in Iraq for a at least 5
years before the US occupation!

I also suggest you also look up the "fallacy of the excluded middle".

In fact some might be in Syria some might exist and be hidden in Iraq. But
all this is beside the point.

The point is THE CLAIMS that
1. There were WMD in Iraq just before the US invasion!
2. There were links between Saddam and islamic terror to the extent that
Saddam trained funded or helped plan international terror
3. At least some of WMD referred to before the invasion have been

None of these points are substianted facts!
claiming "we cant find them because..." is a DIFFERENT claim to "we know
wher they are and will show you"

> For the sake of the world I actually hope YOU are right!

Well this is only the "spread fear" tactic which got you the Patriot Act and
locked up about 700 people for six years so far without due legal process.
You are appealing to ignorance! Look that up under "fallacy" too!
> But I'm not stupid enough to service that level of naivete for a
> living.

Fool me once shome on you fool me twice shame on me! Or as some people say
"the fooled guy won't get fooled again"
"Rid Skewrr" <calton@creek.council> wrote in message
> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:58:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>> On soc.culture.iraq I published a list of what
>>the the US SOLD HIM in the eighties!

> Why don't you **** off, you useless America-hating Mick.

Well in spite of you racist comments which are bereft of Christmas cheer
(NB: I actually answer questions and dont evade them?)

maybe because I chose to point out that the likes of you have NO SUPPORT for
empty claims? Maybe for a lot of other reasons? But the magic of usenet is
that while you may ignore me if you wish (and that is your perogative) You
can't make me go anywhere and I cant make you go anywhere! If you can't
support you claims about WMD in Iraq then don't think that a personal attack
on me will make your unsupported claims true.
> The choice was Sod-em or commies on the oil.

This is a rather niave analysis. The case of Iran proves it! The Iranians
threw the US out of Iran. But they didnt replace it with commies. In fact
they introduces Islamism! In the meantime, in case you haven't noticed the
Soviet Union collapsed! So you analysis if far from apt!
> And we were far from the top end of the list on those who armed or
> made money off his regime.

That is beside the point! I doubty you can prove the US was not top on a
list of WMD suppliers. But in any case it isn't a scale of "badness". either
one does the right thing or not. If Germany andf France and Britian ALSO
supplied Islamists (like the US DID with for example the MuJIHADeen) then
they were also wrong. I do not believe two wrongs makes a right. The US is
certainly on the Top of who is making money off Iraq! But anyone who
promotes war for economic interests is wrong.

> http://www.heritage.org/Research/Iraq/wm217.cfm
> Facts on Who Benefits From Keeping Saddam Hussein In Power
> by Carrie Satterlee
> WebMemo #217

Before you go any further please note the political contest of this memo. It
was in early 2003 before the invasion. France had told the Us that if they
requested the Security Council for another Resolution to invade Iraq that
France would veto it! The Us then withdrew their resolution and started
hostile publicity against France. LOL! People even poured wine down the
drains and started callinfg French Fries "freedom Fries" . Clever campaign.

> France
> France controls over 22.5 percent of Iraq's imports.[1]

This may have been true in 2003 before the US invaded. I dont dispute it.
But who controlled the other 77.5 per cent then ?
>French total
> trade with Iraq under the oil-for-food program is the third largest,
> totaling $3.1 billion since 1996, according to the United Nations.[2]

Who were No 1 and 2? Mind you the Us had just had a war with Saddam but ill
bet they were still buying oil!

> In 2001 France became Iraq's largest European trading partner. Roughly
> 60 French companies did an estimated $1.5 billion in trade with
> Baghdad in 2001 under the U.N. oil-for-food program.[3]

Yeah. So?

> France's largest oil company, Total Fina Elf, has negotiated extensive
> oil contracts to develop the Majnoon and Nahr Umar oil fields in
> southern Iraq. Both the Majnoon and Nahr Umar fields are estimated to
> contain as much as 25 percent of the country's oil reserves. The two
> fields purportedly contain an estimated 26 billion barrels of oil.[4]

Aha! Only to be replaced by WHOM AFTER the US had invaded?

> In 2002, the non-war price per barrel of oil was $25. Based on that
> average these two fields have the potential to provide a gross return
> near $650 billion.

It is $100 now and guess who has control of it?

> France's Alcatel company, a major telecom firm, is negotiating a $76
> million contract to rehabilitate Iraq's telephone system.[5]

And who is doing the contract now?

> In 2001 French carmaker Renault SA sold $75 million worth of farming
> equipment to Iraq.[6]

Who is supplying it now?

[snip Germany/Russia]

If you read any of my posts on this on soc.culture.iraq you would realise
that I have pointed to British (I note you left them out) French German and
any other post colonialist arms dealers.

> The United States remains the largest importer of Iraqi oil under the
> UN Oil-for-Food program.

Oh so they WERE NO 1!
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:16 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an
>>>> INVCENTIVE to further VIOLENCE!
>>>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt
>>>meet or pay commit further violence?

>> There is something so inherently intellectually dishonest about you
>> that it defies comprtehension.
>> Clearly the incentive is for more young men to die so their families
>> will profit.

>How is that clear in ANY way whatsoever? Care to please show me the clear
>steps betwen giving money to the family of a dead or imprisioned terrorist
>and supporting other terrorist actions?

Are you THAT stupid???

What do you think the message is?

You blow yourself up, family gets stipend - you get glory.

Damn you FOOL, it's a recruiting incentive!

What a ****ing dishonest muzzie puke you are!
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 20:13:37 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Rid Skewrr" <calton@creek.council> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:58:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>> On soc.culture.iraq I published a list of what
>>>the the US SOLD HIM in the eighties!

>> Why don't you **** off, you useless America-hating Mick.

>Well in spite of you racist comments

Since when did the Irish becoem a race?



What is a significant, and mostly overlooked, aspect of the Iraqi
political landscape is the relatively strong revolutionary communist
parties in Iraq. As one of the most highly educated countries in the
Middle East Iraq has been a breeding ground for Marxists since the
days of Kassem. The Ba'ath Party came to power with American approval
precisely because they were an anti-Communist organization, and have
taken strong action to fight Communists in Iraq over the years. The
Communists of Iraq have historically presented some of the strongest
opposition to the Saddam regime.

I believe that one of the major, and unspoken, elements of American
policy towards Iraq is, and has been, that the last thing that America
wants is a natural regime change in Iraq that comes from within the
Iraqi borders, because there is a significant chance that regime
change could mean the formation of a Democratic Communist government
in Iraq.

Saddam has been wary of this as well, and it is one reason that he
changed from his secular approach to government to one that supported
fundamentalist Islam.

Iraq has traditionally been one of the most, if not the most, secular
country in the Middle East. This is one reason that Osama Bin Laden
has been largely at odds with Iraq and Saddam over the years.

Some of the most advanced opposition groups to Saddam
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:16 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Sir Sam" <nite@cru.sade> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 10:46:58 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>BEFORE the US occupation there was not Al Qaeda or any
>>>other Islamists groups of note in Iraq!

>> LIAR!
>> http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/iraq/salman_pak.htm
>> Salman Pak / Al Salman
>> Former Iraqi military officers have described a highly secret
>> terrorist training facility at Salman Pak, where both Iraqis and
>> non-Iraqi Arabs receive training on hijacking planes and trains,
>> planting explosives in cities, sabotage, and assassinations.


Snip right back you scumbag liar!


On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:16 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>The point is THE CLAIMS that
>1. There were WMD in Iraq just before the US invasion!

You scumsucking lying pig, ****ing muzzie sympathizer!


It's become a Liberal "article of faith" that Iraq had no weapons of
mass destruction and no intention to build them, despite all the
evidence that Saddam Hussein possessed and used them many times. When
the CIA didn't immediately uncover huge stockpiles of illegal weapons,
critics of Iraqi liberation were able to push the false meme that
Saddam never had WMDs in the first place, or secretly disposed of them
long ago, or that he was "contained" by UN sanctions. With the US
invasion of Iraq telegraphed for well over a year in advance, it
boggles the mind that Liberals still refuse to even consider the
possibility that Saddam moved or hid whatever WMD materials he had to
prevent them from being discovered.

The idea that every inch of Iraq has been examined and pronounced
clean is ludicrous. Reports are still coming in of storage sites that
were completely ignored by the Iraq Survey Group, which concentrated
heavily on previously known WMD storage sites. Simple common sense
would tell anyone that a place marked on every inspector's map "WMD
Storage Facility" might not be the best place to hide your WMDs.
Instead, something like buried and locked concrete bunkers not marked
on any map might be a more likely location. Lo and behold, several
such sites were reported to the ISG... and totally ignored.

David Gaubatz, a former member of the Air Force's Office of Special
Investigations, was assigned to intelligence research. He was shown
four sealed underground concrete bunkers in southern Iraq with the
tunnels leading to them deliberately flooded. His sources told him
that the facilities had contained stockpiles of biological and
chemical weapons. He filed reports with photographs, grid coordinates,
and testimony from multiple sources. But the ISG never unsealed the
bunkers. "We agents begged and begged for weeks and months to get ISG
to respond to the sites with the proper equipment," Gaubatz told the
NY Sun. Yet the ISG felt comfortable filing a final report, in effect
closing the case.

Several sources have previously indicated that Saddam sent some WMDs
and equipment related to chemical and biological weapons production to
Syria and Lebanon in the months preceding the US invasion. In May
2003, DEBKAfile reported that "the relocation of Iraq's WMD systems
took place between January 10 and March 10 and was completed just 10
days before the US-led offensive was launched against Iraq." CIA
satellite imagery showed "convoys of Iraqi trucks that poured into
Syria in February and March 2003."

David Kay, original head of the Iraq Survey group, reported that "we
know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a
lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some
components of Saddam's WMD program." Among the things left behind, Kay
reported finding a "clandestine network of laboratories and
safehouses," and "a prison laboratory complex... that Iraqi officials
working to prepare for UN inspections were explicitly ordered not to
declare to the UN." The ISG's investigation revealed "new research on
BW-applicable agents, Brucella and Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever
(CCHF), and continuing work on ricin and aflatoxin." Charles Duelfer,
who replaced David Kay as head of the ISG, wrote in his final report
that, "ISG received information about movement of material out of
Iraq, including the possibility that WMD was involved... these reports
were sufficiently credible to merit further investigation." Senator
Pat Roberts, (R-KS), chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence,
even acknowledged that "there is some concern that shipments of WMD
went to Syria."

John Shaw, former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for International
Technology Security, has charged that Saddam's WMD stockpiles were
moved by Russian special forces into Syria and Lebanon. According to
Shaw, former Russian intelligence head Yevgeny Primakov supervised the
removal operations. GRU military intelligence and Russian "spetsnaz"
(special forces) troops moved Saddam's WMDs to Syria by truck
beginning in December 2002.

Former Iraqi Air Force General Georges Sada has come forward to
corroborate and supplement these reports. Sada stated that hundreds of
tons of chemicals were smuggled into Syria as early as June 2002,
under cover of humanitarian aid to flood victims. Two commercial jets,
a 747 and 727, were used to move the WMDs and banned material. "They
used to do two sorties a day," said Sada. "Fifty-six sorties were done
between Baghdad and Damascus."

Twelve hours of unclassified tapes were recently released to the
public by the Intelligence Summit, a non-profit group headed by former
Federal prosecutor John Loftus. The contents of the tapes make it
clear that Saddam Hussein was determined to retain as much of his WMD
capability as could be hidden from the UN weapons inspectors. The job
of the inspectors, however, was not to discover what was hidden, but
to verify what Iraq claimed to have destroyed. In 1991, Iraq was given
three months to surrender or destroy everything related to weapons of
mass destruction.

According to the tapes, Iraq did seem to have an active nuclear
program as late as the year 2000. Iraqi scientists were working on
enriching uranium using the plasma separation method. On one tape, Dr.
Thamir Ma'aman Mawdud reported to Saddam on "the production we
achieved in the advanced stages at the end of the Nineties." Mawdud
went on to say that "activity hasn't died in plasma because it is
allowed in some of the tests which we use. Then, sir, according to
what we have done in the Iraqi National Laboratory in building plasma
activity, we have a very large industrial base... We have built a
factory to produce plasma systems... the truth is the applied activity
is present and found in the industrial sector, and not only in the
Military Industrial Commission, but in the Atomic Energy Agency, under
Dr. Amer [Rashid al-Ubaydi]."
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:15 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>> Why don't you **** the HEll off you lying piece of ****!

>Stated just exactly like a true Islamic fundamentalist!

Hey muzzie, how long have you lived in Ireland?
On Sat, 8 Dec 2007 08:47:47 -0800 (PST), Merlin
<johndoe99@fastmail.fm> mumbled:

>On Dec 4, 5:46 am, "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbea...@nospam.forme> wrote:
>> BEFORE the US occupation there was not Al Qaeda or any
>> other Islamists groups of note in Iraq!
>> the US occupation facilitated rather than mitigated against Islamists!

>You love to try that meaningless bit of information in almost all of
>your posts.
>You're wrong. One has nothing to do with the other.
>What an idiot you are for not seeing so.

You're dealing with a deluded liar - no reason in there to access.
On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:26:03 GMT, Rid Skewrr <calton@creek.council>

>On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:16 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
><Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an
>>>>> INVCENTIVE to further VIOLENCE!
>>>>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt
>>>>meet or pay commit further violence?
>>> There is something so inherently intellectually dishonest about you
>>> that it defies comprtehension.
>>> Clearly the incentive is for more young men to die so their families
>>> will profit.

>>How is that clear in ANY way whatsoever? Care to please show me the clear
>>steps betwen giving money to the family of a dead or imprisioned terrorist
>>and supporting other terrorist actions?

>Are you THAT stupid???
>What do you think the message is?
>You blow yourself up, family gets stipend - you get glory.
>Damn you FOOL, it's a recruiting incentive!
>What a ****ing dishonest muzzie puke you are!

Interestingly enough, several years back a group of English academics
researched that very question. It was more than clear that the
suicide bombers were prepared to blow themselves up without Any
recruitment or inducements from anyone.

When I get some time, I'll see if I can find the study. It was not
particularly surprising.
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:23:11 -0800, Don Homuth
<dhomuthoneatcomcast.net@> mumbled:

>On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:26:03 GMT, Rid Skewrr <calton@creek.council>
>>On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:16 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>><Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>>>> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an
>>>>>> INVCENTIVE to further VIOLENCE!
>>>>>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt
>>>>>meet or pay commit further violence?
>>>> There is something so inherently intellectually dishonest about you
>>>> that it defies comprtehension.
>>>> Clearly the incentive is for more young men to die so their families
>>>> will profit.
>>>How is that clear in ANY way whatsoever? Care to please show me the clear
>>>steps betwen giving money to the family of a dead or imprisioned terrorist
>>>and supporting other terrorist actions?

>>Are you THAT stupid???
>>What do you think the message is?
>>You blow yourself up, family gets stipend - you get glory.
>>Damn you FOOL, it's a recruiting incentive!
>>What a ****ing dishonest muzzie puke you are!

>Interestingly enough,

STFU you fat gasbag bird killer!
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:55:04 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 21:10:11 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>This is funny. LOL!
>>>>I dont have to apologise for Muslims no more than I have to apologise
>>>>Christians Jews Hindus or members of any other religion.
>>>>> http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-2343180/Photos-point-to-removal-of.html
>>>>> U.S. intelligence agencies have obtained satellite photographs of
>>>>> truck convoys that were at several weapons sites in Iraq in the weeks
>>>>> before U.S. military operations were launched, defense officials said
>>>>> yesterday.
>>>>LOL! Funny how the US didnt say that at the time isnt it?
>>> You think _everything_ is declassified in a situation like that?



Especially when the US say We know where the WMD are and we will show
the world. then apparently they find them but keep quiet about them for
years! LOL! At the same time you claim that they DIDN'T find them because
the clever Iraqis sneaked them into Syria past the whole US army! so they
knew they were in Iraq and also know they they were in Syria at the same
time! LOL! And I thought only God could be in two places at once!
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:


> The character of "Mavis Beacon" is not a real person, but rather a
> fictional character created to bring a personal touch to the tutorial.

LOL! You are beginning to understand something!

> The original photo of Mavis Beacon was of a bankteller in Sherman
> Oaks, California, the city in which Software Toolworks, the original
> publisher, had its offices. Former TV talkshow host Les Crane, who was
> then a partner in Software Toolworks, invented the name. Her first
> name is meant to evoke the concept of a maven. Her last name
> represents her role as a light to guide your way.

If you look you might find the Beacon which has illimunated the way! LOL!
But it really has nothing to do with you argument in this thread has it?

You are trying to make a personal attack because all your invective and
unsupported claims have failed! Which only makes me more intent on posting.

> Mavis Beacon was mentioned in the US version of the TV series The
> Office by the character Jim while talking to Pam about how fast she
> types. Actor Josh Hartnett said he used Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing to
> teach himself to type in preparing to play a journalist in the movie
> Resurrecting the Champ [2]
"Rid Skewrr" <calton@creek.council> wrote in message
> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:16 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an
>>>>> INVCENTIVE to further VIOLENCE!
>>>>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt
>>>>meet or pay commit further violence?


>>> Clearly the incentive is for more young men to die so their families
>>> will profit.

>>How is that clear in ANY way whatsoever? Care to please show me the clear
>>steps betwen giving money to the family of a dead or imprisioned terrorist
>>and supporting other terrorist actions?



> You blow yourself up, family gets stipend - you get glory.
> Damn you FOOL, it's a recruiting incentive!
> What a ****ing dishonest muzzie puke you are!

So then was Noraid which depended on Americans donating money and the
Brirish and Irish government a recruting agency for the IRA? They all gave
money , houses, allowances to the families of convicted or dead terrorists!

Clearly, giving something to the wife or children of a dead terrorist is not
in and of itself a "payment" not does it constitute the signing of on a
terrorism "contract"!
"Don Homuth" <dhomuthoneatcomcast.net@> wrote in message
> On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:26:03 GMT, Rid Skewrr <calton@creek.council>
> wrote:
>>On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 19:51:16 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>><Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>>>> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an
>>>>>> INVCENTIVE to further VIOLENCE!
>>>>>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt
>>>>>meet or pay commit further violence?
>>>> There is something so inherently intellectually dishonest about you
>>>> that it defies comprtehension.
>>>> Clearly the incentive is for more young men to die so their families
>>>> will profit.
>>>How is that clear in ANY way whatsoever? Care to please show me the clear
>>>steps betwen giving money to the family of a dead or imprisioned
>>>and supporting other terrorist actions?

>>Are you THAT stupid???
>>What do you think the message is?
>>You blow yourself up, family gets stipend - you get glory.
>>Damn you FOOL, it's a recruiting incentive!
>>What a ****ing dishonest muzzie puke you are!

Who sadi anything about me being Irish or Islamic. I could be neither or
both but it really has NOTHING to do with the point has it?

> Interestingly enough, several years back a group of English academics
> researched that very question. It was more than clear that the
> suicide bombers were prepared to blow themselves up without Any
> recruitment or inducements from anyone.


> When I get some time, I'll see if I can find the study. It was not
> particularly surprising.

Im not surprised :)