Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007

On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:55:04 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 21:10:11 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>This is funny. LOL!
>>>I dont have to apologise for Muslims no more than I have to apologise for
>>>Christians Jews Hindus or members of any other religion.
>>>> http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-2343180/Photos-point-to-removal-of.html
>>>> U.S. intelligence agencies have obtained satellite photographs of
>>>> truck convoys that were at several weapons sites in Iraq in the weeks
>>>> before U.S. military operations were launched, defense officials said
>>>> yesterday.
>>>LOL! Funny how the US didnt say that at the time isnt it?

>> You think _everything_ is declassified in a situation like that?


Then you're a moron.

Seriously, a fool.


Interview With Gen. Michael DeLong
In his new book, Inside CentCom: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq, retired Gen. Michael DeLong
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:55:04 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 21:44:13 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>biased surce.
>>>> DROP ****ING DEAD!
>>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3872201.stm
>>>> The US has revealed that it removed more than 1.7 metric tons of
>>>> radioactive material from Iraq in a secret operation last month.
>>>> "This operation was a major achievement," said US Energy Secretary
>>>> Spencer Abraham in a statement.
>>>This claim is clearly WRONG!


>It is WRONG! It was not enriched



The departments of Energy and Defense removed "1.77 metric tons of
low-enriched uranium and roughly 1,000 highly radioactive sources from
the former Iraq nuclear research facility,"

>>>The 1,000 "sources" evacuated in the Iraqi operation included a "huge
>>>range" of radioactive items used for medical purposes and industrial
>>>purposes, a spokesman for the Energy Department's National Nuclear
>>>Security Administration told AP news agency.

>Yeah and there is a huge range of medical radioactives


Radiological sources for medical, agricultural or industrial purposes
were not removed, the department said. Less-sensitive materials were
repackaged and remained in Iraq.

>>>Bryan Wilkes said much of the material was "in powdered form, which is
>>>easily dispersed".

>I have used radioactives for research. It isn't uncommon to have small
>pieces! so what?


The material could have potentially been used to make a "radiological
dispersal device" -- a so-called dirty bomb -- "or diverted to support
a nuclear weapons program," the department said Tuesday.

The low-enriched uranium will be sold to "vendors" for use at nuclear
power plants, he said. U.S. authorities were concerned that the
uranium could have been converted to weapons-grade material.

Ivan Oelrich, a physicist at the Federation of American Scientists,
said the Energy Department's information is vague, but added that he
is pleased the United States took possession of the material.

"This is something that we should be doing all over the world," he

You are a ****ing lying piece of **** - as proved!
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:44 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:36:19 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>> **** off LIAR!
>>>>>> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,200499,00.html
>>>>>LOL Fox news is a reliable source now is it?
>>>> Care to factually REBUT it?
>>>I already did!

>> Nope.
>>>Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground
>>>Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum
>>>said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500
>>>weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.
>>>Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical
>>>munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are
>>>assessed to still exist."

>Sorry but where is this declassified report? You claiom it exists so where
>is it?

How ****ing stupid are you anyway?

The link was right there in the article!


>how did they test for SARIN? SArin denatures so how could they detect
>it? And where are the "filled" SARIN munitions they claim to have captured
>stored? I don't know wat "degraded Sarin" si. either it is there or you will
>not detect it!


This now unclassified portion of the National Ground Intelligence
Center (NGIC) report on pre-1991 Iraqi Chemical Weapons Recovered in
Iraq reveals some chilling points concerning weapons not recovered but
assessed to exist.
Munitions recovered - 500.
Some contained degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.
Pre-Gulf War munitions are assessed to still exist outside of
coalition control.
Remaining uncontrolled weapons could be sold on the black market.
Terrorist and Insurgent groups inside and outside of Iraq desire to
acquire and use chemical weapons.
Condition of weapons uncertain. Some stilll potentially lethal. Many

The full 34-page NGIC Report was initially published on April 4 of
this year, but partially declassified (The 7 pages available HERE.) on
July 31.

Subsequent to the publication of the NGIC report, PJM has learned the
following. In early August on a patrol north of Baghdad, us soldiers
made another startling and important discovery. Searching near an
Iraqi construction site, the troops uncovered at least 240 chemical
weapon shells. Although they had not been filled with any agents, they
were still more remnants from Saddam
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:44 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:30:05 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>NO LINKS between Al Quaeda and Salman Pak!
>>>> AQ is NOT the only terror sponsor!
>>>Oh I do aplogise. No evidence of Saddam working in international terror

>> YOU ****ING LIAR!!!!!

>It is a clarification which broadens "no al quaeda connections" to "no
>working in international terror "

Stop ****ing squirming, you dishonest ****WIT!

>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2846365.stm
>> Saddam Hussein has paid out thousands of dollars to families of
>> Palestinians killed in fighting with Israel.

>Yes. so what . NORAID had

Unbelievable what a lying squirming little turd you are!

The "so what" is he was incenting human BOMBERS!

That's called SPONSORING TERRORISM, you ****ing mendacious, mutant


Quit tossing out red herrings when you're cornered.

You ****ing dishonest turd!
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:49 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>>>>>It isnt up to me to do that
>>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>No it isn't

>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!

>It isn't!


>You claim WMD and links to Islamism


This now unclassified portion of the National Ground Intelligence
Center (NGIC) report on pre-1991 Iraqi Chemical Weapons Recovered in
Iraq reveals some chilling points concerning weapons not recovered but
assessed to exist.
Munitions recovered - 500.
Some contained degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.
Pre-Gulf War munitions are assessed to still exist outside of
coalition control.
Remaining uncontrolled weapons could be sold on the black market.
Terrorist and Insurgent groups inside and outside of Iraq desire to
acquire and use chemical weapons.
Condition of weapons uncertain. Some stilll potentially lethal. Many

The full 34-page NGIC Report was initially published on April 4 of
this year, but partially declassified (The 7 pages available HERE.) on
July 31.

Subsequent to the publication of the NGIC report, PJM has learned the
following. In early August on a patrol north of Baghdad, us soldiers
made another startling and important discovery. Searching near an
Iraqi construction site, the troops uncovered at least 240 chemical
weapon shells. Although they had not been filled with any agents, they
were still more remnants from Saddam
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Hertz Donut" <somewhere@outthere.net> wrote in message
>> "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> wrote in message
>> news:MW16j.2$fl3.0@amsnews12...
>>> "Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>> news:vg2hl3158mtip5mmoerkienih3v42s0l25@4ax.com...
>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:30:05 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>NO LINKS between Al Quaeda and Salman Pak!
>>>> AQ is NOT the only terror sponsor!
>>> Oh I do aplogise. No evidence of Saddam working in international terror
>>> with any Islamic fundamentalist group.
>>> I take it you accept he whsnt working with AQ then? By the way what is a
>>> "terrorist" according to you?

>> Liberals do no believe in terrorists...they think they do not exist (or at
>> least that's the way they act).

>Sorry but were you actually answering a question there? What is a
>"terrorist" according to you?

Why don't you **** the HEll off you lying piece of ****!
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:55:03 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 21:22:34 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>You are
>>>>>not going to see WMD in IRAQ
>>>> http://www.2la.org/syria/iraq-wmd.php
>>>You keep reposting stuff that has already been debunked.

>> Not by the likes of you, SHITWAD!

>Several times repeatedly.

Denial is not debunking, LIAR!


Interview With Gen. Michael DeLong
In his new book, Inside CentCom: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq, retired Gen. Michael DeLong
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:45 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:55:03 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>>>Not evidence of any link between Iraq and Al Khyda!

>> None neeeded.

>Actually that is a logical fallacy!


All the evidence provided was dismissed by you, thus we examine Iraq's
sponsorship of OTHER terrorism and draw parallels.

They were a terror sponsor state - period.


Saddam Hussein has paid out thousands of dollars to families of
Palestinians killed in fighting with Israel.
Relatives of at least one suicide attacker as well as other militants
and civilians gathered in a hall in Gaza City to receive cheques.

"Iraq and Palestine are in one trench. Saddam is a hero," read a
banner over a picture of the Iraqi leader and Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat at the ceremony.

With war looming in the Middle East, Palestinian speakers condemned
the United States and Israel, which dismissed the ceremony as support
for terrorism.

Saddam's payments
$10,000 per family
$25,000 for family of a suicide bomber
$35m paid since September 2000
PALF figures
One by one, at least 21 families came up to receive their cheques from
the Palestinian Arab Liberation Front (PALF), a local pro-Iraq group.

A Hamas suicide bomber's family got $25,000 while the others -
relatives of militants killed in fighting or civilians killed during
Israeli military operations - all received $10,000 each.

Another banner in the hall described the cheques as the "blessings of
Saddam Hussein" and PALF speakers extolled the Iraqi leader in fiery

"Saddam Hussein considers those who die in martyrdom attacks as people
who have won the highest degree of martyrdom," said one.

The party estimated that Iraq had paid out $35m to Palestinian
families since the current uprising began in September 2000.

Saddam's avowed support for the Palestinians, and his missile attacks
on Israel during the Gulf War, have won him wide backing in the
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

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Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007 or.politics 97
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Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007 or.politics 97
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Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007 or.politics 15 hours
How Merlin takes to the moral high ground with his ego
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How dare those Americans try to stop this type of savage behavior!
soc.culture.iraq 19 hours ago
Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007 or.politics 20 hours
Holocaust Denial, American Style 29 Nov 2007 or.politics 20 hours
Can America survive another Republican presidency?
alt.politics.bush 21 hours ago
America is NOT a Christian nation


Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is a software program for teaching touch
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"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:44 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:30:05 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>NO LINKS between Al Quaeda and Salman Pak!
>>>>> AQ is NOT the only terror sponsor!
>>>>Oh I do aplogise. No evidence of Saddam working in international terror
>>> YOU ****ING LIAR!!!!!

>>It is a clarification which broadens "no al quaeda connections" to "no
>>working in international terror "

> Stop ****ing squirming, you dishonest ****WIT!
>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2846365.stm
>>> Saddam Hussein has paid out thousands of dollars to families of
>>> Palestinians killed in fighting with Israel.

>>Yes. so what . NORAID had

> Unbelievable what a lying squirming little turd you are!
> The "so what" is he was incenting human BOMBERS!

Incenting? Im not sure what you mean but...
No he wasnt. He was giving money to the wives of dead terrorists. It want a
"pay off" for killing thimselves" He didnt make a contract or deal to pay
them foff for committing terrorist activities. He didnt plan or partake in
assisting them to do terrorist acts

> That's called SPONSORING TERRORISM, you ****ing mendacious, mutant
> miscreant!

No it isnt1 sponsoring someone is when you pay someone money to then go and
do an act. he did NOT pay money to terrorists do terrorist acts!


> Quit tossing out red herrings when you're cornered.

Americans paid money to people who were families of dead and imprisoned
Terrorists. does that mean they were sponsoring terrorism?

Quit running away for the questions and answer them honestly
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:49 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>>>>>>It isnt up to me to do that
>>>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>>No it isn't
>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!

>>It isn't!

> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>You claim WMD and links to Islamism

> http://pajamasmedia.com/2006/09/_exclusive_secret_iraq_wmd_rep.php
> This now unclassified portion of the National Ground Intelligence
> Center (NGIC) report on pre-1991 Iraqi Chemical Weapons Recovered in
> Iraq reveals some chilling points concerning weapons not recovered but
> assessed to exist.

PRE 1991! LOL! When are you going to come up witrh POST INVASION?

> www.command-post.org/oped/2_archives/015496.html
> Interview With Gen. Michael DeLong
> In his new book, Inside CentCom: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars
> in Afghanistan and Iraq, retired Gen. Michael DeLong - the former
> deputy commander of the U.S. Central Command - writes about a new
> style of war against a new style of enemy. DeLong helped Gen. Tommy
> Franks plan America's post-9/11 efforts against al Qaeda and Saddam
> Hussein's regime using new weapons, a new strategy of speed and
> flexibility, and a new urgency to protect the U.S. homeland from
> terror attacks.

Ok at least this is post 9/11 anyway. Good so far.

> TCP: The Iraq Survey Group is expected to file a comprehensive report
> soon on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Expected to? They did. "None found"

> Reports indicate that it
> will conclude Saddam had no WMD. But you disagree with that belief.
> Why do you disagree and is it more likely WMD are still inside Iraq,
> or have they been moved?
> DeLong: I think what the report will say is, just like everybody else
> has said, there is no proof there was WMD.

Yep. thats what it said!

>There will be no definitive
> statement in this report. I can state, unequivocally, there was WMD in
> Iraq before and during the war.

Of course he can say that!
He can say the Moon is made of cheese if he wishes.
But can he produce any evidence?

>You have multiple-source intelligence.

Nope. All my multiple sources came up with NADA! nothing! No evidence of

> Also, from other Arab leaders - as Tommy Franks says in his book -
> King Abdullah said Saddam has WMD. President Mubarek of Egypt said you
> have to be very careful going in, because Saddam has weapons of mass
> destruction. Other leaders who have chosen not to be named said the
> same thing. We had technical intelligence that saw the same thing.

I know someone who said they saw Elvis!

> Two days before March 19, 2003, we saw quite a number of vehicles
> going into Syria. We could not go after them because we said we'd give
> Saddam 48 hours. A lot of (Iraqi) leaders went into Syria, and a lot
> of WMD went into Syria. We've gotten indications some went into
> Lebanon, and probably some went into Iran.

LOL! They claimed they KNEW therre were WMD around Bagdadh and Tikrit but
now they claim that these sudenly took lege and moved a thousand miles in
two days! LOL! The US Army tookl two weeks to move 500! WOW! How stealthy
and fast teh Iraqui Army are. how could they have been beaten?
> The size of Iraq is roughly, in square miles, the same size as
> California.

Yes but MUCH wider! and Bagdadh is on the opposite side to Syria! Oh and you
have to traverse south of the Kurdish territory and into the no fly zone
constantly patrolled by aircraft too!

>Seven-eighths of the country is arid desert land. We've
> done calculations that you could probably bury 16 Eiffel Towers or
> Empire State Buildings and never find them in the desert.

So wht? Yu could bury a million Unicorns too but it still wont mean that
they exist either!

>Just four
> months ago, they were digging for something out in the middle of
> the desert and they hit something. It was a MIG-25 Foxbat that the
> Iraqis buried in the sand.

I doubyt it! Most of the Airforce flew to Iran! this could have been ditched
but it is more likely a sandstorm covered it. But so what? Wher is the link
to this discovery anyway?

>We never would have found this thing.
> Biological Weapons, you could put almost your whole program in a
> suitcase. You could probably put your whole chemical weapons industry
> inside a van. Yes, they did have it and right today they can't find
> it. The people we've captured, like Dr. Germ and Chemical Ali, the
> murderer of the Kurds, aren't talking.

All this is just saying "this is why we havent found anything" . thats

The claim was loads of WMD and that they knew where they were! So???? Where
are they??? show them to me!
don't tell me why you think you know why you can't answer.
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 22:28:56 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:49 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>>It isnt up to me to do that
>>>>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>>>No it isn't
>>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>It isn't!

>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>You claim WMD and links to Islamism

>> http://pajamasmedia.com/2006/09/_exclusive_secret_iraq_wmd_rep.php
>> This now unclassified portion of the National Ground Intelligence
>> Center (NGIC) report on pre-1991 Iraqi Chemical Weapons Recovered in
>> Iraq reveals some chilling points concerning weapons not recovered but
>> assessed to exist.

>PRE 1991!

Guess what, still toxic.

Still illegal.

>> www.command-post.org/oped/2_archives/015496.html
>> Interview With Gen. Michael DeLong
>> In his new book, Inside CentCom: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars
>> in Afghanistan and Iraq, retired Gen. Michael DeLong - the former
>> deputy commander of the U.S. Central Command - writes about a new
>> style of war against a new style of enemy. DeLong helped Gen. Tommy
>> Franks plan America's post-9/11 efforts against al Qaeda and Saddam
>> Hussein's regime using new weapons, a new strategy of speed and
>> flexibility, and a new urgency to protect the U.S. homeland from
>> terror attacks.

>Ok at least this is post 9/11 anyway. Good so far.
>> TCP: The Iraq Survey Group is expected to file a comprehensive report
>> soon on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

>Expected to? They did. "None found"

Wrong - about 5-700 found.

>> Reports indicate that it
>> will conclude Saddam had no WMD. But you disagree with that belief.
>> Why do you disagree and is it more likely WMD are still inside Iraq,
>> or have they been moved?
>> DeLong: I think what the report will say is, just like everybody else
>> has said, there is no proof there was WMD.

>Yep. thats what it said!
>>There will be no definitive
>> statement in this report. I can state, unequivocally, there was WMD in
>> Iraq before and during the war.

>Of course he can say that!
>He can say the Moon is made of cheese if he wishes.
>But can he produce any evidence?

Guess who's more credible, a field General or some dumb Mick with an
obsession over dissing the US?

You mental midget.

>>You have multiple-source intelligence.

>Nope. All my multiple sources came up with NADA! nothing! No evidence of


>> Also, from other Arab leaders - as Tommy Franks says in his book -
>> King Abdullah said Saddam has WMD. President Mubarek of Egypt said you
>> have to be very careful going in, because Saddam has weapons of mass
>> destruction. Other leaders who have chosen not to be named said the
>> same thing. We had technical intelligence that saw the same thing.

>I know someone who said they saw Elvis!

You don't debate well and hate facts.

>> Two days before March 19, 2003, we saw quite a number of vehicles
>> going into Syria. We could not go after them because we said we'd give
>> Saddam 48 hours. A lot of (Iraqi) leaders went into Syria, and a lot
>> of WMD went into Syria. We've gotten indications some went into
>> Lebanon, and probably some went into Iran.

>LOL! They claimed

Enough, you're a useless assmunch.

Delude yourself in private.
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 22:28:56 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:44 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:30:05 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>>NO LINKS between Al Quaeda and Salman Pak!
>>>>>> AQ is NOT the only terror sponsor!
>>>>>Oh I do aplogise. No evidence of Saddam working in international terror
>>>> YOU ****ING LIAR!!!!!
>>>It is a clarification which broadens "no al quaeda connections" to "no
>>>working in international terror "

>> Stop ****ing squirming, you dishonest ****WIT!
>>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2846365.stm
>>>> Saddam Hussein has paid out thousands of dollars to families of
>>>> Palestinians killed in fighting with Israel.
>>>Yes. so what . NORAID had

>> Unbelievable what a lying squirming little turd you are!
>> The "so what" is he was incenting human BOMBERS!

>Incenting? Im not sure what you mean but...

That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an

>No he wasnt.

**** off you luying stupid Mick.
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 22:28:56 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:49 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>>>It isnt up to me to do that
>>>>>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>>>>No it isn't
>>>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>>It isn't!
>>> YES it IS, you ASSWIPE!
>>>>You claim WMD and links to Islamism
>>> http://pajamasmedia.com/2006/09/_exclusive_secret_iraq_wmd_rep.php
>>> This now unclassified portion of the National Ground Intelligence
>>> Center (NGIC) report on pre-1991 Iraqi Chemical Weapons Recovered in
>>> Iraq reveals some chilling points concerning weapons not recovered but
>>> assessed to exist.

>>PRE 1991!

> Guess what, still toxic.
> Still illegal.

Still found in 1991! Where arethe WMD thy claimed in 2003?

Not "assessed to exist" but actually in existance?

Not ones you "think may be ther" but ones that were claimed "ARE actually

Where are they? Where is there ANY evidence of WMD in Iraq today? Especially
ones ready to launch? And I do not mean ones that were sealed by the UN over
a decade ago?
>>> www.command-post.org/oped/2_archives/015496.html
>>> Interview With Gen. Michael DeLong
>>> In his new book, Inside CentCom: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars
>>> in Afghanistan and Iraq, retired Gen. Michael DeLong - the former
>>> deputy commander of the U.S. Central Command - writes about a new
>>> style of war against a new style of enemy. DeLong helped Gen. Tommy
>>> Franks plan America's post-9/11 efforts against al Qaeda and Saddam
>>> Hussein's regime using new weapons, a new strategy of speed and
>>> flexibility, and a new urgency to protect the U.S. homeland from
>>> terror attacks.

>>Ok at least this is post 9/11 anyway. Good so far.
>>> TCP: The Iraq Survey Group is expected to file a comprehensive report
>>> soon on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

>>Expected to? They did. "None found"

> Wrong - about 5-700 found.

Wrong! NONE found. The 500 so called "weapons" you suggest are at best 500
USED artillery shells. They are NOT WMD! And you have shown NO EVIDENCE that
any of them ever contained SARIN as you climed have you?

>>> Reports indicate that it
>>> will conclude Saddam had no WMD. But you disagree with that belief.
>>> Why do you disagree and is it more likely WMD are still inside Iraq,
>>> or have they been moved?
>>> DeLong: I think what the report will say is, just like everybody else
>>> has said, there is no proof there was WMD.

>>Yep. thats what it said!
>>>There will be no definitive
>>> statement in this report. I can state, unequivocally, there was WMD in
>>> Iraq before and during the war.

>>Of course he can say that!
>>He can say the Moon is made of cheese if he wishes.
>>But can he produce any evidence?

> Guess who's more credible, a field General or some dumb Mick with an
> obsession over dissing the US?

Racist comments really don't assist your already untenable position. Nor
does any motivation on my part have anything whatsoever to do with YOUR
claims of Saddam working with Intenational Terrorists like Al Qaeda or your
claims about WMD in Iraq today and after the US invasion.
I guess the whole CIA NSA DIA FBI and a plethora of other security agencies
who stated that they have NO EVIDENCE and NO KNOWLEDGE of WMD don't count

> You mental midget.

Thats meant to be counter argument is it? Please look up "ad hominem".

>>>You have multiple-source intelligence.

>>Nope. All my multiple sources came up with NADA! nothing! No evidence of

> Wrong.

CIA NSA etc. ALL stated that they had NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE of WMD in Iraq.

>>> Also, from other Arab leaders - as Tommy Franks says in his book -
>>> King Abdullah said Saddam has WMD. President Mubarek of Egypt said you
>>> have to be very careful going in, because Saddam has weapons of mass
>>> destruction. Other leaders who have chosen not to be named said the
>>> same thing. We had technical intelligence that saw the same thing.

>>I know someone who said they saw Elvis!

> You don't debate well and hate facts.

LOL! This is rich coming From someone who relies on ad hominem, shifting the
burden and insisting people prove a negative!

>>> Two days before March 19, 2003, we saw quite a number of vehicles
>>> going into Syria. We could not go after them because we said we'd give
>>> Saddam 48 hours. A lot of (Iraqi) leaders went into Syria, and a lot
>>> of WMD went into Syria. We've gotten indications some went into
>>> Lebanon, and probably some went into Iran.

>>LOL! They claimed

> Enough, you're a useless assmunch.

Thats EVIDENCE of WMD is it? LOL! Loo you haven't got any evidence so you
might as well just admit it and stop evading the issue.
You have brought up material hopelessly out of date, un corroberated,
unsupported by any reference to technical tests nne of which shows ANY WMD
in Iraq today like they claimed BEFORE the invasion! At best you CHANGED the
claim of WMD in Iraq into a claim that they are not in Iraq but in Syria.
You expect people to believe that?

> Delude yourself in private.

Support you claims in pubic!
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 22:28:56 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:44 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:30:05 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>>>NO LINKS between Al Quaeda and Salman Pak!
>>>>>>> AQ is NOT the only terror sponsor!
>>>>>>Oh I do aplogise. No evidence of Saddam working in international
>>>>> YOU ****ING LIAR!!!!!
>>>>It is a clarification which broadens "no al quaeda connections" to "no
>>>>working in international terror "
>>> Stop ****ing squirming, you dishonest ****WIT!
>>>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2846365.stm
>>>>> Saddam Hussein has paid out thousands of dollars to families of
>>>>> Palestinians killed in fighting with Israel.
>>>>Yes. so what . NORAID had
>>> Unbelievable what a lying squirming little turd you are!
>>> The "so what" is he was incenting human BOMBERS!

>>Incenting? Im not sure what you mean but...

> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an

But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt actually
meet or pay commit further violence?

And how is giving a poor widow encouraging her to violence? Are you claiming
NOONE should support the widow? If someone should support her then you claim
that person is a terrorist?
"P-38" <light@ning.pln> wrote in message
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:48:46 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:08:44 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>"Western Road Co." <hydr@ulics.biz> wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:36:19 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
>>>>> <Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:
>>>>>>> **** off LIAR!
>>>>>>> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,200499,00.html
>>>>>>LOL Fox news is a reliable source now is it?
>>>>> Care to factually REBUT it?
>>>>I already did!
>>> Nope.
>>>>Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground
>>>>Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum
>>>>said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500
>>>>weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.
>>>>Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical
>>>>munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are
>>>>assessed to still exist."

>>Sorry but where is this declassified report? You claiom it exists so where
>>is it?


> http://www.foxnews.com/projects/pdf/Iraq_WMD_Declassified.pdf

It des not answer the following questions:
>>how did they test for SARIN? SArin denatures so how could they detect
>>it? And where are the "filled" SARIN munitions they claim to have captured
>>stored? I don't know wat "degraded Sarin" si. either it is there or you
>>not detect it!

But intelligence officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of
the subject's sensitive nature, said the weapons were produced before the
1991 Gulf War and there is no evidence to date of chemical munitions
manufactured since then. They said an assessment of the weapons concluded
they are so degraded that they couldn't now be used as designed.
He said experts on Iraq's chemical weapons are in "almost 100 percent
agreement" that sarin nerve agent produced from the 1980s would no longer be

"It is less toxic than most things that Americans have under their kitchen
sink at this point," Kay said.

And any of Iraq's 1980s-era mustard would produce burns, but it is unlikely
to be lethal, Kay said.

Asked about the potential danger to U.S. troops, Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld said: "They are weapons of mass destruction. They are harmful to
human beings. And they have been found."
Intelligence officials said the munitions were found in ones, twos and maybe
slightly larger collections over the past couple of years. One official
conceded that these pre-Gulf War weapons did not pose a threat to the U.S.
military before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. They were not maintained or part
of any organized program run by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

> http://pajamasmedia.com/2006/09/_exclusive_secret_iraq_wmd_rep.php
> This now unclassified portion of the National Ground Intelligence
> Center (NGIC) report on pre-1991 Iraqi Chemical Weapons Recovered in
> Iraq reveals some chilling points concerning weapons not recovered but
> assessed to exist.
> Munitions recovered - 500.
> Some contained degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.
> Pre-Gulf War munitions are assessed to still exist outside of
> coalition control.
> Remaining uncontrolled weapons could be sold on the black market.
> Terrorist and Insurgent groups inside and outside of Iraq desire to
> acquire and use chemical weapons.
> Condition of weapons uncertain. Some stilll potentially lethal. Many
> degraded.
> The full 34-page NGIC Report was initially published on April 4 of
> this year, but partially declassified (The 7 pages available HERE.) on
> July 31.
> Subsequent to the publication of the NGIC report, PJM has learned the
> following. In early August on a patrol north of Baghdad, us soldiers
> made another startling and important discovery. Searching near an
> Iraqi construction site, the troops uncovered at least 240 chemical
> weapon shells. Although they had not been filled with any agents, they
> were still more remnants from Saddam's WMD stockpiles.
> For those keeping score, this most recent discovery raises the total
> number of chemical weapons found in Iraq since 2003 to more than 700.

For those keeping the score David Kay says they do not constitute WMD and
were nothing to do with SAddam:


>>Spent artrillery shells which have no evidence of ever having contained
>>Sarin are just NOT WMD!

> http://politicscentral.com/audio/2006/09/Iraq_NGIC_Unclassified_WMDs_083106.pdf
> "Since may 2004, Coalition forces have recovered more than 500
> munitions, some of which contained degraded mustard or sarin nerve
> agent."

One official conceded that these pre-Gulf War weapons did not pose a threat
to the U.S. military before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. They were not
maintained or part of any organized program run by Iraqi leader Saddam
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> wrote:

>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an

>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt actually
>meet or pay commit further violence?
>And how is giving a poor widow encouraging her to violence? Are you claiming
>NOONE should support the widow? If someone should support her then you claim
>that person is a terrorist?

you must be so incredibly stupid because you mis-state everything that
you reply to - either you are stupid or a born liar (probably both,
eh? ) now have a nice night, homo boy
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>Where are they?

****ing MORON!


It's become a Liberal "article of faith" that Iraq had no weapons of
mass destruction and no intention to build them, despite all the
evidence that Saddam Hussein possessed and used them many times. When
the CIA didn't immediately uncover huge stockpiles of illegal weapons,
critics of Iraqi liberation were able to push the false meme that
Saddam never had WMDs in the first place, or secretly disposed of them
long ago, or that he was "contained" by UN sanctions. With the US
invasion of Iraq telegraphed for well over a year in advance, it
boggles the mind that Liberals still refuse to even consider the
possibility that Saddam moved or hid whatever WMD materials he had to
prevent them from being discovered.

The idea that every inch of Iraq has been examined and pronounced
clean is ludicrous. Reports are still coming in of storage sites that
were completely ignored by the Iraq Survey Group, which concentrated
heavily on previously known WMD storage sites. Simple common sense
would tell anyone that a place marked on every inspector's map "WMD
Storage Facility" might not be the best place to hide your WMDs.
Instead, something like buried and locked concrete bunkers not marked
on any map might be a more likely location. Lo and behold, several
such sites were reported to the ISG... and totally ignored.

David Gaubatz, a former member of the Air Force's Office of Special
Investigations, was assigned to intelligence research. He was shown
four sealed underground concrete bunkers in southern Iraq with the
tunnels leading to them deliberately flooded. His sources told him
that the facilities had contained stockpiles of biological and
chemical weapons. He filed reports with photographs, grid coordinates,
and testimony from multiple sources. But the ISG never unsealed the
bunkers. "We agents begged and begged for weeks and months to get ISG
to respond to the sites with the proper equipment," Gaubatz told the
NY Sun. Yet the ISG felt comfortable filing a final report, in effect
closing the case.

Several sources have previously indicated that Saddam sent some WMDs
and equipment related to chemical and biological weapons production to
Syria and Lebanon in the months preceding the US invasion. In May
2003, DEBKAfile reported that "the relocation of Iraq's WMD systems
took place between January 10 and March 10 and was completed just 10
days before the US-led offensive was launched against Iraq." CIA
satellite imagery showed "convoys of Iraqi trucks that poured into
Syria in February and March 2003."

David Kay, original head of the Iraq Survey group, reported that "we
know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a
lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some
components of Saddam's WMD program." Among the things left behind, Kay
reported finding a "clandestine network of laboratories and
safehouses," and "a prison laboratory complex... that Iraqi officials
working to prepare for UN inspections were explicitly ordered not to
declare to the UN." The ISG's investigation revealed "new research on
BW-applicable agents, Brucella and Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever
(CCHF), and continuing work on ricin and aflatoxin." Charles Duelfer,
who replaced David Kay as head of the ISG, wrote in his final report
that, "ISG received information about movement of material out of
Iraq, including the possibility that WMD was involved... these reports
were sufficiently credible to merit further investigation." Senator
Pat Roberts, (R-KS), chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence,
even acknowledged that "there is some concern that shipments of WMD
went to Syria."

John Shaw, former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for International
Technology Security, has charged that Saddam's WMD stockpiles were
moved by Russian special forces into Syria and Lebanon. According to
Shaw, former Russian intelligence head Yevgeny Primakov supervised the
removal operations. GRU military intelligence and Russian "spetsnaz"
(special forces) troops moved Saddam's WMDs to Syria by truck
beginning in December 2002.

Former Iraqi Air Force General Georges Sada has come forward to
corroborate and supplement these reports. Sada stated that hundreds of
tons of chemicals were smuggled into Syria as early as June 2002,
under cover of humanitarian aid to flood victims. Two commercial jets,
a 747 and 727, were used to move the WMDs and banned material. "They
used to do two sorties a day," said Sada. "Fifty-six sorties were done
between Baghdad and Damascus."

Twelve hours of unclassified tapes were recently released to the
public by the Intelligence Summit, a non-profit group headed by former
Federal prosecutor John Loftus. The contents of the tapes make it
clear that Saddam Hussein was determined to retain as much of his WMD
capability as could be hidden from the UN weapons inspectors. The job
of the inspectors, however, was not to discover what was hidden, but
to verify what Iraq claimed to have destroyed. In 1991, Iraq was given
three months to surrender or destroy everything related to weapons of
mass destruction.

According to the tapes, Iraq did seem to have an active nuclear
program as late as the year 2000. Iraqi scientists were working on
enriching uranium using the plasma separation method. On one tape, Dr.
Thamir Ma'aman Mawdud reported to Saddam on "the production we
achieved in the advanced stages at the end of the Nineties." Mawdud
went on to say that "activity hasn't died in plasma because it is
allowed in some of the tests which we use. Then, sir, according to
what we have done in the Iraqi National Laboratory in building plasma
activity, we have a very large industrial base... We have built a
factory to produce plasma systems... the truth is the applied activity
is present and found in the industrial sector, and not only in the
Military Industrial Commission, but in the Atomic Energy Agency, under
Dr. Amer [Rashid al-Ubaydi]."
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:12 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>> That's what happens when you give money to terrorists, you create an

>But how can a suicide bomber who is already dead and whom you didnt actually
>meet or pay commit further violence?

There is something so inherently intellectually dishonest about you
that it defies comprtehension.

Clearly the incentive is for more young men to die so their families
will profit.

I wish someone would blow your worthless ass up.
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:05:13 GMT, "Mavisbeacon"
<Mavisbeacon@nospam.forme> mumbled:

>It des not answer the following questions:

I don't ****ING CARE!!!!

Got it asshole?

The SOB either played good global liar's poker and got
caught...or...the goods are in Syria.

For the sake of the world I actually hope YOU are right!

But I'm not stupid enough to service that level of naivete for a

Now **** off and DIE!