How will you vote this year?


big kitty

It's early in the Presidental race and alot of people still don't have a clue how to answer the question "How will you vote this year?" I was sitting back, thinking about doing research into how i should vote this year and taking my friends' opions into account when I realized something. In past years, alot of people have voted for "the lesser of two evils." I am not sure thats' how the whole democratic process is supposed to work. A handfull of the people i talked to said they are going to be one issue voters this year and no Bender it wasn't dependent upon Sarah Palin being the next pin up girl. Still another group talked about voting for the underdog just so they could have deniablity for whomever was elected. So with all of that in play I am still looking for the answer to the question - who will I vote for. I am not a strick Republican or Democrate. I typically vote for the person I think will do the best job. It's a novel idea I know but that's what I have tried to do. The problem is I don't see the next great President in the field once again. I did not see one the last few elections so I should be use to this. So I am turning to my fellow JustBs writers to see what the opinion is and why. So here is the question to you and I know if i dug though the threads I would more than likely see my answer or even the same question but hell I am lazy.....

Who will you vote for this year and why?
I live in Texas. Texas is not a battleground state so I do not want to hear how a third party vote is a waste. Personally, I must vote for a true believer in a smaller government. I will either vote Libertarian or write in Ron Paul. We are leaving an awful burden for our children and grandchildren. Whatever happened to the Goldwater Republicans, who believed in small government and balanced budgets? Tax cuts do not pay for themselves. See the second quote on my signature.
"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution ... or have failed their purpose ... or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should be attacked for neglecting my constituents' 'interests,' I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty, and in that cause I am doing the very best I can." Barry Goldwater

I might write in Barry,

What disturbs me is both the Democratic Congress and the Republican Administration have disapproval ratings of about 70% but 95+% of voters will stick to the two parties.
I don't live in a probable battleground state either, but I really don't know if I can pull the lever for either McCain or Obama. As for Barr, he just isn't quite there for the office, even though I agree with many of his talking points, I just don't see the substance of action behind them. Ron Paul would be one of my choices if it wasn't for his isolationist foreign policy stance. As for small government and reduced spending, I'm all for it. I really don't have a candidate in the race or a write in that I could whole heartedly back.
I will be voting for Obama... main reason... politics aside, I feel John McCain is a war monger. America needs to rebuild, not re-deploy. I really don't give a damn if we do go into a depression or not, I don't care about the first or second amendments, I just want the world to go on a path of peace for once. War does NOT equal PEACE. I don't care how you wanna spin it or justify it.

If a poll was taken with THE ENTIRE WORLD and not just Americans, the ENTIRE WORLD wants Obama. Again, you can try and scoff at the rest of the world and it's ideals, but in this WORLD WIDE economy, the smarter choice is going with the guy the WORLD approves of.

I actually despise America for being so arrogant and self serving with it's own ambitions.

Sure this might benefit YOU AND YOURSELF personally, but in the long run, the WORLD needs someone who is willing to co-operate with EVERYONE.... even it's enemies... this, I believe is the only true path to world peace, and world economic growth... that is why I will be voting for Obama.
Bender said:
I will be voting for Obama... main reason... politics aside, I feel John McCain is a war monger. America needs to rebuild, not re-deploy. I really don't give a damn if we do go into a depression or not, I don't care about the first or second amendments, I just want the world to go on a path of peace for once. War does NOT equal PEACE. I don't care how you wanna spin it or justify it.

If a poll was taken with THE ENTIRE WORLD and not just Americans, the ENTIRE WORLD wants Obama. Again, you can try and scoff at the rest of the world and it's ideals, but in this WORLD WIDE economy, the smarter choice is going with the guy the WORLD approves of.

I actually despise America for being so arrogant and self serving with it's own ambitions.

Sure this might benefit YOU AND YOURSELF personally, but in the long run, the WORLD needs someone who is willing to co-operate with EVERYONE.... even it's enemies... this, I believe is the only true path to world peace, and world economic growth... that is why I will be voting for Obama.

That's a hoot! LMAO! Obama, the man that establishes world peace!
We're going to war no matter who's president and I want boots on the ground ASAP. Not someone who thinks they can sit down as president and have an effect on a person like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That shows you Obama has no clue what so ever.
Bender said:
I will be voting for Obama... main reason... politics aside, I feel John McCain is a war monger. America needs to rebuild, not re-deploy. I really don't give a damn if we do go into a depression or not, I don't care about the first or second amendments, I just want the world to go on a path of peace for once. War does NOT equal PEACE. I don't care how you wanna spin it or justify it.

If a poll was taken with THE ENTIRE WORLD and not just Americans, the ENTIRE WORLD wants Obama. Again, you can try and scoff at the rest of the world and it's ideals, but in this WORLD WIDE economy, the smarter choice is going with the guy the WORLD approves of.

I actually despise America for being so arrogant and self serving with it's own ambitions.

Sure this might benefit YOU AND YOURSELF personally, but in the long run, the WORLD needs someone who is willing to co-operate with EVERYONE.... even it's enemies... this, I believe is the only true path to world peace, and world economic growth... that is why I will be voting for Obama.

Obama openly stated that he would invade Pakistan. He want to bail on Iraq and put those troops in Afghanistan. Obama wants to invade and bomb Pakistan that is a current ally of the US, a nuclear power, a Islamc nation, who is on the verge, with it's new government of becoming anti-American, if provoked. Yea, that's not war mongering.

Yet, McCain is the "war monger".

As far as the "Depression" thing. It should be more of a concern to you than any foreign policy of any candidate.
Bender said:
I will be voting for Obama... main reason... politics aside, I feel John McCain is a war monger. America needs to rebuild, not re-deploy. I really don't give a damn if we do go into a depression or not, I don't care about the first or second amendments, I just want the world to go on a path of peace for once. War does NOT equal PEACE. I don't care how you wanna spin it or justify it.

If a poll was taken with THE ENTIRE WORLD and not just Americans, the ENTIRE WORLD wants Obama. Again, you can try and scoff at the rest of the world and it's ideals, but in this WORLD WIDE economy, the smarter choice is going with the guy the WORLD approves of.

I actually despise America for being so arrogant and self serving with it's own ambitions.

Sure this might benefit YOU AND YOURSELF personally, but in the long run, the WORLD needs someone who is willing to co-operate with EVERYONE.... even it's enemies... this, I believe is the only true path to world peace, and world economic growth... that is why I will be voting for Obama.

I never thought I'd see an American write something like this.....

I'd rep you if I could!!
Anna Perenna said:
I never thought I'd see an American write something like this.....

I'd rep you if I could!!

Yeah Bender is a true American. But like Michael he lives in Never Never Land.
ImWithStupid said:
Obama openly stated that he would invade Pakistan. He want to bail on Iraq and put those troops in Afghanistan. Obama wants to invade and bomb Pakistan that is a current ally of the US, a nuclear power, a Islamc nation, who is on the verge, with it's new government of becoming anti-American, if provoked. Yea, that's not war mongering.

Yet, McCain is the "war monger".

As far as the "Depression" thing. It should be more of a concern to you than any foreign policy of any candidate.
To make it short and sweet, Obama is quite simply.. willing to go after the REAL enemy to our Freedom, dis him all you want, try and focus blame all you want, the truth is there. War is NOT preventable, I don't care who is in charge, the LOGICAL choice when going to war, is to fight your TRUE enemies. Obama is for war, absolutely,but he is for war with our TRUE enemies. That, IMHO, is a JUSTIFIED war, unlike Iraq.

Bender said:
To make it short and sweet, Obama is quite simply.. willing to go after the REAL enemy to our Freedom, dis him all you want, try and focus blame all you want, the truth is there. War is NOT preventable, I don't care who is in charge, the LOGICAL choice when going to war, is to fight your TRUE enemies. Obama is for war, absolutely,but he is for war with our TRUE enemies. That, IMOH, is a JUSTIFIED war, unlike Iraq.


Bin Laden is the enemy your talking about. He is living in a cave and can't effectively attack us. No matter who is the president at the time and we have a shot at him we will. But you don't go in and invade an ally country. You just don't do it. We have bigger fish to fry anyway. We have Iran, N. Korea and now Russia. Do you think Obama has the world peace plan? Think again.
Bender said:
Stop right THERE. That is all the further you need to go. That is all the further we need to hunt.

Bender we are. Every single day we have troops looking for him. But in order for these Pakistani out posts to co-operate is not to attack them. That will get the whole country against us. That my friend would be war mongering at its' finest.
What Obama is saying is to have more troops and cross the boarder invading an ally. Now I agree with Obama in that this tactic of hit us and run back across the boadrer is ludicrous. But McCain understands this too.
Bender said:
To make it short and sweet, Obama is quite simply.. willing to go after the REAL enemy to our Freedom, dis him all you want, try and focus blame all you want, the truth is there. War is NOT preventable, I don't care who is in charge, the LOGICAL choice when going to war, is to fight your TRUE enemies. Obama is for war, absolutely,but he is for war with our TRUE enemies. That, IMOH, is a JUSTIFIED war, unlike Iraq.


What you don't realize about Iraq is that McCain has been at odds with the strategy in Iraq since shortly after it's inception. He has just been a realist as far as what to do. He has been stating that regardless of how we got here, unlike Obama, it is more important to come out with a winning strategy than one of cut and run and let our enemies fill the void. McCain was with Colin Powell from the beginning who said we didn't have enough troops to accomplish the goals we wanted to accomplish. McCain for years wanted an increase in troops to help end the conflict early. Bush and Rumsfeld didn't listen. Obama had nothing but a talking point. One that proved to be wrong as far as a troop increase in Iraq is concerned.

McCain is also understanding of the fact that Pakistan is an ally and a nuclear power, with an unstable government. To willy nilly invade their soverign territory as Obama would lie to let us believe would be irresponsible and dangerous, regardless of where Osama Bin Laden and Al Quiada is hanging out.

McCain understands the difference between Chicago style politics and foreign policy.
ImWithStupid said:
What you don't realize about Iraq is that McCain has been at odds with the strategy in Iraq since shortly after it's inception. He has just been a realist as far as what to do. He has been stating that regardless of how we got here, unlike Obama, it is more important to come out with a winning strategy than one of cut and run and let our enemies fill the void. McCain was with Colin Powell from the beginning who said we didn't have enough troops to accomplish the goals we wanted to accomplish. McCain for years wanted an increase in troops to help end the conflict early. Bush and Rumsfeld didn't listen. Obama had nothing but a talking point. One that proved to be wrong as far as a troop increase in Iraq is concerned.

McCain is also understanding of the fact that Pakistan is an ally and a nuclear power, with an unstable government. To willy nilly invade their soverign territory as Obama would lie to let us believe would be irresponsible and dangerous, regardless of where Osama Bin Laden and Al Quiada is hanging out.

McCain understands the difference between Chicago style politics and foreign policy.

Yeah like in his speech he said "you don't say something like that out loud. If you need to do something you do it." If we find out were he is and the Pakistanis won't take care of it we will unilaterally take him out and then defend our actions later.
ImWithStupid said:
What you don't realize about Iraq is that McCain has been at odds with the strategy in Iraq since shortly after it's inception. He has just been a realist as far as what to do. He has been stating that regardless of how we got here, unlike Obama, it is more important to come out with a winning strategy than one of cut and run and let our enemies fill the void. McCain was with Colin Powell from the beginning who said we didn't have enough troops to accomplish the goals we wanted to accomplish. McCain for years wanted an increase in troops to help end the conflict early. Bush and Rumsfeld didn't listen. Obama had nothing but a talking point. One that proved to be wrong as far as a troop increase in Iraq is concerned.

McCain is also understanding of the fact that Pakistan is an ally and a nuclear power, with an unstable government. To willy nilly invade their soverign territory as Obama would lie to let us believe would be irresponsible and dangerous, regardless of where Osama Bin Laden and Al Quiada is hanging out.

McCain understands the difference between Chicago style politics and foreign policy.
What YOU don't understand is ever since McCain stated his BS position, Obama has scoffed at his BS ''Chicago style" rebuttal as a typical GOP
diversion tactic of the VERY REAL issue of Terrorism in America. REALISTICALLY, WHO IS YOUR ENEMY? Iraq?
Bender said:
What YOU don't understand is ever since McCain stated his BS position, Obama has scoffed at his BS ''Chicago style" rebuttal as a typical GOP
diversion tactic of the VERY REAL issue of Terrorism in America. REALISTICALLY, WHO IS YOUR ENEMY? Iraq?

Who's our enemy Bender?