How will you vote this year?

Bender said:
You call THAT answer? Who SHOULD we fight?

My point being. Are you talking of a foregn enemy or a domestic one. If you mean, a foreign one, I willl say Islamic terroism, keeping in mind, even though Obama doesn't seem to understand, that Pakistan is a nuclear power. If you mean the real enemy. It's the domestic economic crisis.
imwithstupid said:
my point being. Are you talking of a foregn enemy or a domestic one. If you mean, a foreign one, i willl say islamic terroism, keeping in mind, even though obama doesn't seem to understand, that pakistan is a nuclear power. If you mean the real enemy. It's the domestic economic crisis.
caused bye???????
Anna Perenna said:
If I were able to vote in the US Presidential elections I'd vote for Obama, simply for the fact that him winning would ensure that McCain + Palin don't win.

I saw Palin's interview with Katie Couric and her comments about Russia were just plain embarrassing. The woman is like the male Republican version of a Stepford wife - anti feminist, evil and retarded. Not a good combo.

I also don't think much of that walking cadaver McCain.

And you'd be an idiot. Obama proposes over $700 billion worth of entitllement programs, on top of the entitlement programs that we can't afford. Unlike global warming, there isn't a single economist that will back the fact that between Social Security, Medicare and Medicare, the current rate of income can support it, and Obam plans on adding $700 billion in added entitlemements, that's more that a quarter billion dollars worth of entitlements than the last six years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq has cost. I wonder wher that will come from?

As far as Anna's opinion, since she won't be paying for this. I don't care.
Bender said:
caused bye???????

Bush? Yeah lets blame Bush! He done it! He done it all!! I say we string up Bush and fix all our problems with one lynching!
I'll cook the hot dogs.
Bender said:
caused bye???????

Well to anyone who doesn't listen to Nancy Pelosi, it would be started by the Democrats and forced throught the government programs that they bought their votes through so that their poor constituants could get home loans...

Minorities' Home Ownership Booms Under Clinton but Still Lags Whites' - Los Angeles Times / Comment & analysis / Comment - Washington must heed fiscal alarm bell

McCain called for a revamp of Freddie and Fannie in 2005 while Obama became the biggest recipient of money from Freddie and Fannie...

McCain Co-Sponsored Fannie/Freddie Reform? In 2005 | Washtenaw County Republican Committee

Not to mention that the Bush administration called for revamping Freddie and Fannie no less than 17 times, but was fought by Dems every time...

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - White House warned about Fannie and Freddie
snafu said:
Bush? Yeah lets blame Bush! He done it! He done it all!! I say we string up Bush and fix all our problems with one lynching!
I'll cook the hot dogs.

I'll bring the onion, mustard and those lovely soft buns.
Anna Perenna said:
And you'd be a caca poo-poo!

I'm by no means touting McCain, but Obama would be a complete disaster. He even said so when he changed his message on taxes. His biggest claim against McCain is the Bush tax cuts and how they don't promote the economy and only benefit the weathly (bunch of crap). Even though the media didn't reallly say much about it, Obama said if the economy is in a recession he wouldn't repeal the Bush tax cuts. Without saying so, Obama said that tax cuts help the economy, which pretty much negated his prior politics as usual DNC plea to buy votes from the poor that he would tax the rich.
I don't agree with several of the McCain/Palin policies. I don't like the way McCain is addressing several issues; his choice of core issues; and I hate the blatant spin/rhetoric in the wording on his website.


Yet each day he also saw in his fellow prisoners the power of human compassion and the will to prevail against unimaginable evil.​

John McCain believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.​

McCain and Palin seem out of touch with modern life and the rest of the world.

I do agree with most of Obama's policies and I like his 'blueprint for change'. I think he is progressive rather than regressive (see McCain + Palin).

Therefore, my vote (if I had one) would lie with Obama.

Please learn to cope with the fact that I just don't agree with your opinion. This is probably not going to change - least of all if you call me an idiot.
Anna Perenna said:
Therefore, my vote (if I had one) would lie with Obama.

Please learn to cope with the fact that I just don't agree with your opinion. This is probably not going to change - least of all if you call me an idiot.

First off. I still havn't made a choice on if I'll pull the lever for either of the major candidates. Second, your opinion doesn't matter because it won't be you or even a third of the population of the US that will be paying for the immense entitlemnt programs that Obama says he will promote. When he wants to increase the inheritance tax to that around 50% so that neither myself or my brothers willl be able to afford to keep the family farm in the familly, or that many Americans will only keep around a third of their paycheck because of the social programs Obama proposes that nobody is talking about, I hope everyone is happy with Cuiban or USSR style lines to get health care is worth it.
Your complaining about social programs that will benefit you? Explain.
How will they benefit me? I became a profitable member of society that pays taxes, earns a living and pays for their own medical insurance. Even with the BS "stimulus check" I still pay more in for tax than I got back so I don't fall in the "welfare" category.

All Obama's plan willl do for me is make me pay for someone elses' insurance plan and degrade the plan I already have.

Explain. We can't even afford the current social programs the Dems have strapped us with. Social Security, Medicare and Medicade are running in the red. Lets put a trillion dollars worth of programs on top to them. Yah.
Social programs are socialism. Obama wants to lable entitlement programs as social programs. charity should be from charities, not from the Federal Government.

I've lived poor. I've been in the position where I was living off of Ramen noodles, bread, peanut butter, butter, tomato and chicken noodle soup., and so were my kids. Not one bit was paid by charity or the government.

Unfortunately there are too many ready to accept the easy way from the governmet teet.
ImWithStupid said:
How will they benefit me? I became a profitable member of society that pays taxes, earns a living and pays for their own medical insurance. Even with the BS "stimulus check" I still pay more in for tax than I got back so I don't fall in the "welfare" category.

All Obama's plan willl do for me is make me pay for someone elses' insurance plan and degrade the plan I already have.

Explain. We can't even afford the current social programs the Dems have strapped us with. Social Security, Medicare and Medicade are running in the red. Lets put a trillion dollars worth of programs on top to them. Yah.
Show me the data to support this theory.
Anna Perenna said:
So, why bother arguing with me?

I didn't. I spoke of those of the US population that would have to pay the taxes to support the ideas that you support but wouldn't have to pay for.