Hugh G. Rekshun is a ****ing Moron

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I am a racist who hates black people. White people rule. We need to kill all of the ******s and bring back the South! KKK forever!!!
Where in the past have I EVER said this??? NOW you are interjecting words that were never derived from me. You are insighting more trouble ****-for-brains!
I think I have made my point. I am not going to waste my typing fingers on an imbecile such as you. You cannot even back up what you set out to feebly attempt to accomplish. You are an ass clown of the 'inth degree and this needs no further retaliation. You cannot nor will not in this lifetime or any other begin to ruffle my feathers let alone even contemplate the veracity of which I can unveil upon a shitstick the likes of you. You need to concede and accept defeat because any further confrontation will be futile.
Judging by Budda's last couple of post, I think we can all agree he just got OWNED by Hugh...Hmm lets vote on it.
Doesn't matter what I think, its what the Poll numbers show.

The polls say you got whooped.

If your gonna call someone out on a BBS system, then I think a fair poll of fellow readers could easily decide who wins.
Feel lucky you lasted so long, last ****er that called me out only got one post, and turned into my temporary net bitch.

You will learn butterfly, you will learn.

Name calling with only the basic cuss words will get you owned every time. There too redundant, and show no intelligent words could be created.
I see. I have learned from this. I will not challenge someone of Hugh's caliber for a while.
Whatever it takes to help you sleep at night budda. Its going to be a while before the emotional scars heal though.
Hell, Hugh, I don't even like you and I gotta admit you pwnd his ass.

Though, one thing was going through my mind the whole time reading that - If we were really talented, he could fit BOTH ends of the gerbil in his ass...
Boy I learned alot of new ways to trash someone!!

I'm sure glad I didn't get in the middle of all that.
I kept my head down all this time.
Is the coast clear?

I Will Never Forget! I the only one who sees how god damn nerdy this all was.
budda49er "called out hugh" on an internet chat board.
then they typed some stupid **** back and forth. and some one got "burned"

i only read one page of this and dont know how either was burned, i didnt take the time to read any more.
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