Hugh G. Rekshun is a ****ing Moron

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2005
I'm callin you out, stupid ass. You are the stupidest son of a bitch I (kind of) know and all of the things you say must be pulled out of your ass. Tell me where you live so I can go all Timothy McVay(sp?) on your ass! You can't spell **** right, you can't even talk right without being a ****ing hypocrite!!! You suck!!!
budda49er said:
I'm callin you out, stupid ass. You are the stupidest son of a bitch I (kind of) know and all of the things you say must be pulled out of your ass. Tell me where you live so I can go all Timothy McVay(sp?) on your ass! You can't spell **** right, you can't even talk right without being a ****ing hypocrite!!! You suck!!!

Matt, save yourself the embarrasment! People (a whole **** load smarter then you) have tried to do this to Hugh G. before, and guess what: THEY GOT BURNED! I don't even think that the word "burned" applies here, the got scorched. Spelling is the most irrelevant think on a site like this, so stop bitching. This site is about posting what pisses you off, not who on the site pisses you off. :rolleyes:

Hugh G., spare him please, he knows not whom he ****s with! :D

ParasiteGod said:
I'm with AITUK on this one, especially with a callout coming from a n00b

It's true, I'm a n00b, but I am tired of this ****. Hugh G. thinks that whatever he pulls out of his ass is true. He can kiss my ass. Anarchy, Hugh is what pisses me off.
Oh boy, now its on !

I'm staying out of this one.
Nope, no moderating here, you done called someone out. Its personal attack time, I love this part....enjoy....

Time to go to school Jr.
There's nothin wrong with being an arrogant *******. I know I get away with it all the time
phreakwars said:
Oh boy, now its on !

I'm staying out of this one.
Nope, no moderating here, you done called someone out. Its personal attack time, I love this part....enjoy....

-munches popcorn- Fight! Fight! Fight!
phreakwars said:
Oh boy, now its on !

I'm staying out of this one.
Nope, no moderating here, you done called someone out. Its personal attack time, I love this part....enjoy....

Thanks. I really want to flame this son of a bitch.
Just calling someone a moron with no examples or proof of anykind is assinine. Any bafoon can make a blanket statement with no facts to back it up. You should at least post something of substance so Hugh will have something to look at when he arrives. At any rate, I kind of doubt you could actually find something on Hugh, He's one of the most intelligent posters on this site. Well, I'm ready to watch to showdown!
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Start flamin' dickwad!

Ok. First of all, you constantly say **** that has no factual basis. You must have no ****ing brain you ****ing dipshit. Anyone can pull **** out of their ass, but only intelligent people can actually pull their head out of their ass and realize there is a whole world out there that doesn't revolve around you.
It's kinda like a really bad car know you shouldn't look, you don't even really wanna look...but damn you just can't help it! :p
MRIH said:
He's one of the most intelligent posters on this site.
be sure to include yourself there MIRH. We may not see eye to eye but I respect your posts. :)

Kinda sad that this will most likely become a "name calling contest"...again :(
p.s. I am aware of the spelling errors (kinda and wanna)
kinda and wanna aren't spelling errors they're dialect. back to the flaming! (I've got 20 bucks on Hugh)
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