[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

thnx for saying the fiona,, *hugs*
but it won't convince me lol
my mom says that i have a big negative image from myself..
:sigh: i can't help it..
thnx for stopping by :)

well both my closest friends are on a holiday..
nienke is staying for 9 days and Manoe for 2 weeks 0_o
so i'm all bored..
and Nick and Kim are mostely off alone with each other.
but today i can go with them to the summer market in town..
but yeah.. i have the feeling that i'll walk alone.. or that i'm like the 5th wheel..
well we'll see
Fiona - ahw.. you're pretty too :)
lol when i say i'm ugly they ignore me.. or say: tss,, you know that's not true..
ahh well

lol i asked them if i aint the 5th wheel for them and kim said hell no
so i think it's alright
thnx *hugs*

Becks - my mom says that i'm too negative..
ahh well..
awh thnx ^^ *hugs* sure i have you guys :)
stupidsoul1 said:
my friends say i am too negative about myself too, so everytime i say i am ugly they slap me...it doesnt make me feel any prettier though T__T

lmao they do the same to me and I agree lol

hiya sis!
just dropping by to say hi and that rymes! ^^
hope you are having fun in vacs!
miss ya alooooooooot
*hugs and smooches*

moi XD
Sis Twi - Yeeeeey! *WELCOME BACK HUG* good to see you..
well to talk to you lol
i don't have an exciting life!.. my life is boring lol :p
good that you're back =) *hugs*

Sis Sammi - SIS! *HUG*
hope that you have a great vacation too :)
take care! *hugs*

well today Kim, Nick and I went to this summermarket in town
it was pretty cool, there were also these men who did stunts on a motercycle =)
we ate an ice-cream and i bought me an other sweat band.. a black one with a bif red star on it ^^
we stayed there for a little.. and when we went to this supermarket we saw these 2 boys..
they looked at us.. and nick was like: they're looking at you!
Kim was like: no way they're looking at Maud!
i was like: nuhuh! they're looking at you, i'm sure!
and so we looked at them and they looked back.. we laughed
and turned away.. then we looked again and they looked too 0_o
they laughed this time..
Nick was like: they're looking at you Kim..!
Kim said: can't be. look! they're looking at Maud! and so on
i was like: no! i'm ugly!
and they kept on entering the store..
when they finally left we watched again.. and they were looking at us.. again 0_o
so we left.. lol it was pretty freaky

so ehm.. when i got home i ate.. ofcourse..
and now i'm online.. and i'm wearing a skirt 0____o
yes! i am wearing a skirt! don't ask me why
that's so not me!

well thnx for reading..take care!
yeah by hearing the word stalker i have to think about Keza..
is that a good thing or a bad thing 0_o

lolo today i'm wearing baggy jeans again :p
i just don't like skirts that much either
thnx for stopping by *hugs*

===Tuesday 19th July===
well yesterday i helped my grandma again
i washed the sunblind.. it was very dirty 0_o
i got some money for it though so it was all good
i earned €5,- :D
ehm and in the evening i walked with my mother and aunt =_=
they forced me to go with them 0_o
grrrmmbbll.. and now i have blisters on my feet T_T
all stars aren't the good shoes for taking long distance walks. T_T
and while we were walking my mom was fasinated by many things o_0
like nuts and rhubarb and flowers and dogs :rolleyes:
and they kept on talking and i was like: are we there yet?
ahh well, and the worst part was that it was windy.. so my skirt was flying up :eek:
it's a longer one but it still flyed up =_=

after that i went online but not for to long..
my dad hired the movie Hitch ^^
lol it was such a funny movie! :D i love it
Will Smith is very good in acting.. :p
i recommend that movie :thumbsup:

well this was what happened yesterday..
today i'm going to be bored again i guess..
well thnx for reading
i saw hitch........................did u realize that in the end will smith controdicts the entire movie........................he says "10 rules 2 get a woman...............well there r no" i think saw it long bal so i dont remeber the exact lines

it was still a nice movie

and walking................well here in india my uncle forces me 2 go for a walk with him he forces me and my brother...............and wen i went it was rainy and my legs actually were sinking in da wet mud
Fiona - ahw thnx for the band aid ^__^ *hugs*

Becks - Well it's about a dating doctor.. you know Will is a dating doctor in NY and he can get every guy the girl of his dreams.. but when he falls in love himself he doesn't know what to do.. that's Hitch :p
awh thnx for the hug :) *hugs back*

NVme4ever - lol good that you like it to stop by :)
i hate it when someone forces you.. specially when they do that to me..
i can't say no T_T
thnx for stopping by

====Wednesday 20th July====
well today i went to look for a new bikini with my mom =_=
it was pretty boring cause my mom always picks the ones i don't like
but i got myself a new one ^^ after trying many ugly looking ones
a red one with a little flower on it.. ^^
so when i got home i had to "show it" to my dad..
so i put it on and i wanted to go down the stairs..
but then i slipped 0_____o
and fell down the stairs
i fell like 6 stairs down ..and my mom was like: OMG! are you alright?!
i was like: ouch.. but lateron i laughed out loud..
and my mom had to laugh too lol..
there i sat on the stairs with my new bikini and a big bruise on my butt.. not the best image lol
ahh well it'll go over.. fast i hope.. my butt hurts even when i sit T_T
but yeah.. that's why i am a member of the falling-down-stairs-club :rolleyes:

well that was my *painful* day :D
thnx for reading *and laughing*
lol thnx Twi :) *hugs* i feel better already :p
yeah i always have to laugh at my dumb actions..
my mom too.. and when my aunt came by she laughed her ass of too =_=
but yeah.. guess i was funny at that moment :rolleyes:
thnx for stopping by *hugs*

ehm well after falling down the stairs yesterday i went for a walk with my aunt and mom again =_=
cause they said that if i came with them i could go on the computer afterwards.. if i didn't i couldn't go on it.. and they wouldn't let me..
grrrr... that's unfair!
and this time my little bro went along too =_=
ahh it was pretty funny.. and we saw a cute shetland pony foal ^^
he/she was so cute ^^ and the mare was cute too :p

today i'm going to help my other aunt.. to wash their garage door,..
and the windows i guess.. so i can earn some money..

well thnx for reading
byes *hugs*