[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

yeah ^.^ but i hope i can do that lol
and that i don't blow it or something..

yeah it's from an anime series.. it's called Wolf's Rain ^^
i'm so into this anime serie at the moment :p
and i love Kiba (L)_(L)

thnx for stopping by ^^

well today i went to the city with nick and kim
to do some shopping lol
ehm i bought these this for on your bike..
dunno how you call them.. anyway
Nick bought himself a new pair of baggy trousers ^^
they looked like mine but in another colour..
his one is red and mine is sort of blue

then we went to McDonald's ^.^
i ate a hamburger for €1,- ..which is very cheap..
after that we went to a music store called sounds
there we saw Bart..
and i saw this LP dvd 0_o.. not frat party * they did have frat party* or anything
but this dvd with interviews and biographie of the band members..
but it was too expensive T_T
and it looked fake,,
but i wanted to have it T_T
ahh well.. and i also saw the MCR cd.. and then ew SlipKnoT cd T_T
i both want to have those..
ahh well..

this evening i'm going to bike i guess..
with Kim, Nick and Jeroen
it will be fun :) i hope

take care and thnx for reading
yeah it is :D
man i love the series lol..

yesterday we went to see the horses from our riding school =)
they're on a 'holiday'
they don't have to ride.. they can just relax in the meadow
so we went over to see them and i saw Boefje ^^
he's the pony i rode on before i got to ride on the horses,, :)
he's so cute ^^ and fast 0_o
and i saw Costello ^^
but he's still lame T_T.. i hope he gets well soon

Kim and Nick came with me..
we stayed at the meadow till 9.30 pm
which was pretty late.. cause kim had to be at home at 9.45 pm
so we had to bike back really fast lol

when i got home my brother was only there..
so i went on the computer ^^
my mom and dad were at this birthday party or something
we went to bed at like 12.00pm

well that was yesterday evening/night.
thnx for reading
take care *hugs*
Becks- yeha ponies are really fast 0_o
boefje has such a fast canter.. it's not normal anymore lol
yeah i hope costello gets well soon too :(
thnx for stopping by *hugs*

Sis Twi - Yeey you're back :) *hugs*
yeah i know it's sad *wipes tear*
i saw Kiba got shot down by Quent T_T
darn stupid cherif >.<
anyways.. thnx for stopping by ^^
*gives you a cookie*

i g2g
my parents don't want me to be behind the computer..
so i'll tell you guys about my day later
take care!
double post =_=
ahh well :D

yesterday i went to the city with Kim..
well first we ate an ice-cream ^.^
3 flavors 0_o.. it was huge.. lol

then we went to the Vibe :cool:
it's this store with all kinds of clothes..
not normal clothes.. if you know what i mean..
they also have Overseas ^^ those skater trousers..
and i forced Kim to try one *evil*
and it suited her very well :)
she even thinks of getting one ^.^

we walked a little further down the city and popped in some stores..
we also saw LP posters ^.^
we both were like: *DROOOOL*

so we had fun :D
and yesterday evening i started to paint my dress guard from my bike ^^
i have a pic of it..
here it is:
btw those white things on the back are the lyrics from papercut, one step closer and point of authority :D

i'm still working on the other one :p

thnx for reading ^.^
take care *hugs*
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Fiona - ICE CREAM YEAH! lol
cool you have a vibe there too? maybe it's an international store then :D
and thnx btw :p

Becks - thnx becks :D.. lol yeah i thought that with the soldier and the logo it would be to empty.. so i came up with the idea to put lyrics on it :D
thnx for stopping by ^^ *hugs*

i finished the other dress guard too :)
it has the hybrid soldier on it too.. but then from the side.. if you know what i mean
and the arrow.. from Hybrid Theory..
and the lyrics from with you, crawling, runaway and in the end ^^
i'll take a pic from it later ;)

today i did some stuff with Kim an Nick..
first we went to kim's dad store.. well show room..
her dad has this car tuning garage.. of BMW..
it has many cars in it including Mini's ^.^
i LOVE mini's !!!!! :D
so we went to the showroom and i saw my dream mini!
it's red with a white roof and 2 white stripes on in ^.^
i felt like stealing it lol

then we biked back to kim's place.. and that's the point when the trouble started..
they wanted to eat an ice-cream.. but i felt like the fifth wheel so i said.. i don't want to go with you guys..
it's to hot.. *it was lke 32 degrees*
they were like: no! you got to go with us..
we went outside and i got my bike and they were like: we're going without a bike
i said that i didn't wanted to come
they started to tickle me and locked my bike..
i said: Fine! then i'll walk home! and started walking..
Kim and Nick were like: oh cool then we'll get the dress guards..
but when i didn't stopped walking they felt something was wrong.
Nick follow me with my bike and told me that kim had to stay inside
i went back with him cause i didn't believed it.
her mom was angry at her..
made kim cry and made me feel guilty

but now i have to stop lol
i'm in a hurry
have to eat and after that i'm going to watch a movie

so byes! *hugs*
heya hybi!!!
just came to say heya and missed u loads!
ur mini sounds awesome, ive seen them they lk so cool...*helps u steal it* lol
well hope ur ok hun, luv u! XxXx
Keza - YOU'RE BACK!!! *hugs*
wb ^.^! *gives you welcome back cookies* damn i'm running out of cookies =_=
ow you want to help me? cool ^^
tomorrow night! i'm going to steal it then muahahahah..
thnx for stopping by ^^

Sis Twi - lol yeah it was an interresting day.. sort of..
it was fun untill Kim got trouble with her mom..
anyway, awh too bad you don't have those..
wait i'll buy you 2 and will paint them with the hybri soldier on it :D
and send them too you :D
take care too! *hugs*

Vash - thnx btw for stopping by.. i think i have to do that too sometimes in your journal :p..
if you don't mind ofcourse
i'm fine thnx :) hope you;re too ;)
take care! *hugs*

well yesterday evening i watched the movie Shallow Ground..
it was a very scary movie.. with lots of Blood 0_o
anyway we had fun.. i had to bring kim home together with nick
she's going on a holiday today.. so we had to say goodbye..
but yeah i felt that i was the fifth wheel again =_=
cause they started kissing and stuff.. so i was like: ehh hello??
i know that they are a couple and that it's usual..
but nick doesn't even notice me when kim is around..
and kim doesn't notice me either..
ahh well
i think that it's just in my mind..

well today i'm going to the market with nick and jeroen.. andm aybe nienke
there is this fight between nick nienke jeroen and kim..
and i'm in the middle of it 0_o
i'm always between twp sides =_=
i hate that..
anyway.. thnax for reading
and i think i'll be less online these days..
cause my mom and dad have rules these days about how long you can stay behind the computer =_=
GODDAMNIT! >.<.. sorry

take care