[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

=========Monday 1st of August=========
ehm well yesterday i did pretty much nothing..
drew a little and listened to some music

in the evening Manoe called.. she asked me if i wanted to go roller blading with her..
i said yes and she called nick too
so at 7.30 pm Manoe arrived at my house..
we went to nick and picked him up..
then we skated to Jeroens place..
first he couldn't come cause he was still at work..
but then when we were almost at jeroens house he called us to ask us were we where
nick was like: ehm about 2 trees from your house.. lol
Jeroen answered: well i can't see you..
nick said: well are you looking in the right direction..?
then we saw jeroen with his phone at the window..
he waved and it was pretty funny to see how nick was talking with him from about 100 m distance.. on the phone..

anyway.. jeroen was back so he could come with us..
he changed clothes.. he put on his LP shirt :D
so we went of skating..
we sat on this bench.. and talked a little.. then a whole group of bikers came by
they were all looking at us lol
we were making fun of them after that.. like: ow that was the bike club flat tire..
or something lol
and then we heard this loud bang..
nick was like: that must have been a flat tire
lol we couldn't stop laughing.. and sometimes an other person on a bike passed..
and we were like: ow that one most have been lost..
or something :p

when we were done roller blading we went over to jeroens place and drank something there..
and talked a little.. and laughed our asses of lol..
cause i wanted to ring this little bell that was hanging next to the door..
but i slipped with one roller blade... so i fell.. luckey i could grab the wall and stop me from falling down.. i hurted my back though.
everyone was laughing out loud =_='
and jeroen fell from the bench when he wanted to grab some crisps :p
so we had alot of fun yesterday =P

today i'm going to my grandma =_=
have to help her with some things..

thnx for reading
byes! *hugs*
Heyhey Hybi!*^^*
*hugs and kisses*
Sounds like you had lots of fun.

Have fun at your grandmas!!
Take care.*hugs and gives you asparagus*
Faded - Hey hey Faded ^^ *hugs and kisses back*
yep i did have fun ^.^
and i had fun at my grandma's too :p
take care too.. and lol.. thnx for the asparagus XD
i love them :p
*gives you cookies in return* sorry i only have cookies

Twi - lol yeah mucho fun! ^.^
awh.. then you should go skating again some time :p
take care too twi :)
lol.. *hugs and gives you some cookies too*

Becks - heya Becks :D
yep yep.. hanging out with friends is great =)..
especially when you're corny XDD
thnx, my granny is well.. and i'm too :)
take care hun! *hugs*

.::Tuesday 2nd of August::..
yesterday morning i went online for about 2 hours..
which is very short.. cause normally i would spent the whole morning on the internet..
but since we have those stupid rules i only get the change to get 2 hours on the internet..
grrr >.<
anyway.. after that i went to my grandma :)
she was so happy to see me 0_o.. when i came into the house she was like:
Maud! ow i'm so glad to see you give me a hug *hugs*
i love my granny :p
anyway i had to clean her closets.. she was very happy that i wanted to do that

when i got home again i played some NFSU2
almost the whole afternoon 0_o
ahh well.. i'm getting addicted to that game again

in the evening Manoe called.. she asked if i wanted to do something with her
but i wasn't in the mood.. so i said no..
then after a few minutes she called again 0_o
this time she asked me if i wanted to go with her to Jeroen.. *not jeroen our best friend but jeroen the vocalist from our local band slashback.. and he's also a friend :p*
she said that Jeroen was bored and that he needed some people to get to his home.
so we called nick and jeroen *our best friend :p* to ask them if they wanted to go with us too.
jeroen wasn't in the mood..
but nick came with us,

when we got there the only persons who were at jeroen's house were jeroen and sander.. the bass player of the band..
we first redecorated the room.. lol.. cause jeroen didn't had a dvd player..
so we had to watch a movie on his computer..
*which was the same as mine XD*
so we moved the couch..
after doing all this we decided which movie we should watch
so after a while we decided that we wanted to see charlie and the chocolat factory

while we were watching it Manoe got called by nick's dad 0_o
nick had to come home.. but nick didn't wanted to go..
so he hung up.. after a while Manoe got called again..
by nick's dad =.=
and this went on and on.. untill nick said that he would go home..
so he went home and then it was just only me, jeroen, manoe and sander.
then suddenly jeroen grabbed some lettuce 0_o
and started throwing with it.. i ended up with lettuce in my hair =_=
lol the whole floor was covered with lettuce 0_o

at 12 o'clock manoe and i went home..
my mom was glad that i got back on time :D

that was my weird yesterday night :p
and day..

thnx for reading ^.^
take care *hugs*
wow, u did lots hybi! busy busy then lol
lettuce in ur hair lol... hope u got it all out...hehe kinda random to suddenly start throwing lettuce...lmao
well hope alls well <3 uuuuuuuuuuuu
Keza - lol well in the afternoon i got bored..
but the evening was busy yeah 0_o
yeah i got it out of my hair lol.. it was only one piece.
hehehe.. jeroen came with the idea to play volleybal with it :p
thnx for stopping by
take care! *hugs* <3 you 2 ;)

Sis - yeah XD..
i love my granny ^.^.. i have an other one,,
but we kinda have this argue with her so i don't see her that much :(
anyway, lol yeah lettuce fights rule! XDD
thnx for stopping bye!
take care too! *hugs*

..::Wednesday 4th of August::..
i went to the city on wednesday.. together with nick and manoe
nick had to go to the market.. to buy his HIM jacket..
but the man didn't had his jacket yet..
nick was pretty dissapointed.. but then he bought this bracelet with the heartagram on it..
and he was happy again :p

then we went to the vibe.. i saw these great LP baseball caps ^.^
and the vans t-shirt i wanted!.. with skulls ^^
after that we went to the McDonald's :)
i ate a hamburger and nick and manoe a menu..
and i ate somethings from them, like fries 0=)

then we went to our bikes again to go home..
when i got home mom told me that nienke called..
i called her back and she asked me if i wanted to go with her to a rehearsel of slashback..
i said yes and nienke would ask manoe too.
we meet manoe at the swimming pool and biked to the place where they were having the rehearsel..
but when we were there the doors were closed..
you could hear the music though.. the guitars and jeroen screaming :p
so we ringed the bell and someone opened it..

we stayed there till 9 o'clock.. they also played rage against the machine - killing in the name of ^.^
i love that song lol

some of the people that were there went to jeroen's place to watch a movie..
manoe nienke and i went home though..
i was tired :p

that was yesterday evening,,
today i'm going to play NFSU2 with manoe and nick :p
well not whole day long.. i think we maybe do something else too lol

take care and thanks for reading
Hey,hybi.^^*hugs and kisses*
Sounds like you had loads of fun.lol

Well,take care.*hugs*
*gives you a 6 pack of beer*
Hey faded ^.^
*hugs and kisses back*
yep i did, i did :p
woah 0_o.. thnx for the beer! *drinks it all at once*
*hiccup.. burp*
woah.. now i feel corney.. heheh
thanx *hugs*

ehm well yesterday nick and manoe came by..
we played NFSU2.. and had much fun 0_o
yeah we laughed our asses of.. cause Manoe wasnt that good in steering..
nick had some troubles too though.. but manoe was the worst..
she bumped into everything she could hit lol
it was pretty funny

and i'm soooooooooooooo ****ing pissed!
at my parents.. and psp =_=
my parents won't let me on the internet..
yesterday evening i wanted to go on the internet..
but my dad screamed that i couldn't..
cause i played games all afternoon =S
i was so pissed..
and the thing with psp is that i can't use it anymore..
damnit! and i want to make sigs T_______T

so yesterday evening i watch a movie..
a sad one T_T
i had to cry.. lol..

today i'm going to the market with manoe, nick, jeroen and nienke..
at least i think that we're going :p.. cause it's raining =_=

thnx for reading
take care *hugs*
awww sorry u cried, hope the film wasnt too sad lol!
and missed u wehn u had to leave from msn, was nice talking to u though lol and hope u dont get too bored not being able to make ur fabby sig, the best one uv ever made is mine though, i love it!
best thing ever!
*stalker hug* well see uaround then babes and hope alls well in ur neck of the woods lol ^^
AAAAAAAARG! goddamnit!
sorry you guys.. i typed a whole journal entry last night.. but then there was something wrong with the server..
so the site was gone..
and the whole journal entry as well T____T

thnx for the comments keza..
i don't really feel like typing the whole goddamn enrty again..
ehm today i read a book again.
damn i got 3 new books from the library yesterday.. and i already finished 2 of them 0_o
anyway.. ehm i listened to some music as well.. i found some old cd's that i made..
there were some good songs on it. so i listened to it..

then in the afternoon manoe called.. i went to her house..
while i was biking.. it started to rain..
a little.. i thought that i would be at manoe's place before it really started to poor down..
but then it started to storm or something 0_0
and i was wearing a simple jeans and LP shirt..
i got soaked =_=
manoe's mom asked me if i wanted her to dry them..
i got a pair of trousers from manoe.. good that we have the same size :D

we had much fun.. we were a little corny.. so we got these major sunglasses form the 80's
and putted on red lipstick..
lmao.. we putted on the cam.. and some people were laughing out loud..
some told us taht it suited great :p

i went home again.. and then nick called..
if i wanted to come to his place after dinner..
till 8 o'clock.. it was early.. but we did have fun..
Manoe and Jeroen where there too..
ehm.. that was my day for today
it was pretty funny :p
thanks for reading :)
take care! *hugs*
Brkng_Th_Hbt: welcome :)
yeah i had a pretty fun day :p
nice that you visited my journal..
take care!

Sis Twi: ahw.. nevermind sis :)
i'm happy that you stopped by =)
ehm i read the books: The Perfect Couple and Deathlike Hush
they were both horror stories.. i love horror ^^
i read 5 books this summer.. :p
wheheheh.. well we made one pic of us.. but that one is really stupid..
so i don't know if i post it 0=)
thnx for stopping by
take care! *hugs*

*listens to Getting Away With Murder CD from Papa Roach*
ehm today my bro got his new bed =_=
so my dad and my uncle spent all morning putting that bed together..
but it's a pretty cool bed.. i'm a little jealous on my bro..
it is a bed with a desk underneath it.. so you have to take some stairs to get on it..
but.. they're going to paint my room soon ^^
and i get new curtains :)

the afternoon i went to the city with Manoe, Nick and Jeroen..
i bought the new Papa Roach cd! I love it ^^
and you never guess who they thanked.. LINKIN PARK :p
i never knew that they yeah work together..
and they also thanked Slipknot and Lost Prophets =P
anyway.. the cd rocks!
and Manoe and Jeroen bought Mezmerize from SOAD

Kim is online tonight ^^ she's on a holiday in France..
and it so hot at the moment in France.. and wth those forest fires and stuff 0_o
but she's ok.. and i miss her =(.. and she misses us too
she's comming back this friday i guess :p
can't wait :)
thanks for reading :)
take care! *hugs*