[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Hey Diana! haven't seen you in days! or.. months..
well my life has been very busy..
exams and stuff.. learning doing my homework.. damn i hate school..
how are you??

lol Sis! it isn't that hard to stand on a skateboard :p
when i was skateboarding some guy horned at me from his car and waved and stuff..
lol it was pretty funny.. i waved back and smiled..
some people were looking at me at: Is SHE skateboarding? 0_o
it was fun.. ^^

i've missed you all so much..
I'll try to get online more often.. but i can't garantee it..

take care!
Hybrid-Heart said:
Hey Diana! haven't seen you in days! or.. months..
well my life has been very busy..
exams and stuff.. learning doing my homework.. damn i hate school..
how are you??
Well, I'm pretty ok...life's been ok to me last few months... :thumbsup:
Yeah, school is awful...hate it too...but I kind of got used to it and it's ****! :rolleyes:
However...hope you're fine...*hugs*
yay skateboarding :D
and thnx Fiona.. i didn't win anything with it though.. :p

no your eyes aren't mistaken Fribby! I'm here :D
you're right.. and i started to talk to you right away on msn..
it was nice to talk to you again =)

lol great that your life has been ok :D
i'm used to school too hehe.. but i still hate it..

tonight i'm going to this show.. it's called ISH..
and it's a performance on skates and skateboards..
it sounds pretty cool =)
i have to do it for school.. hehe.. the first thing that's going to be fun *i hope*

thnx for visiting..
and take care ^^
SIS! omgomgomgogmomgomgomgomgomgogmogmogmomg
*hops on you*
I've missed you so much!
omg it's so good to see you!!!
WUV YOU!! =*
Ite! XD
*falls on the ground by the weight of you two and hugs you*
I've missed you too Sis :D
wow it's so good to talk to you again! ^^
*hugs you two again*

i'm sorry that i havn't been here that much..
hopefully i will be online more often from now on :D

btw.. the show i went to was great =)
they did all sorts of things with sound and images..
and they danced and an other person did some beatboxing XD
it was pretty funny =)

today i'm going shopping with my mom :p
my mom wants to by me new jeans =_=
ah well.. that's fine with me :D

thnx for stopping by =)
it was nice to see you again ^_^

take care! *hugs*
twilightcrimson7 said:
Wowies, someone's hyper/in a good mood :D
*hops on you too* :D
How are you lately, dearest???
like..me? o.o
if me, then I have been fin daaaling
if not me then ..wow it's lill embaressing -.-

Hiya other sis! :p
glad the show was good.
buying jeans is so boring you've gotta try like thousands of them and THEN! you find a good one at the next day -.-
wuv ya =*
lol XD
i'm laughing like crazy right now..

*cough cough* anyway..
i'm back from shopping :D *not that it took 2 days or something..*
i've got me new jeans :D and 2 t-shirts.. one army green and a dark blue one..

anyway.. happy easter everyone ^^
*i've been busy visiting relatives and stuff*

and lots of eggs to everyone.. heehe
the easter bunny hasn't stopped by here yet though..

anyway take care everyone :p