[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

omg thanks to all you guys who remembered my birthday ^^
Mnoe told me about it and i was so happy too hear that you didn't forget :)

Twi - Thnx! omg i love the card ^^ thank you so much..
too bad that i can't put it with the other cards that i've got
hehehe... i miss you lots! take care and thnx again for the card ;)

Vash & Chris - thank you too so much for the card -^^-
it's beautiful too =) too bad i can't save the cards at the moment..
thnx for remembering :)

Brkng_Th_Hbt - yeah i got your pm thank you for it =)
i appreciate it that you remembered,, and you don't have to make a card if you don't want to :p
lol yeah Mnoe is my friend hehe..
thnx again ;)

misspiggy - thnx -^________^-

Chris - lol that doesn't matter.. better too late then never ;)
thnx you two

Fiona - thankies! -^^- luv you too ;)

i feel so loved at the moment.. hehe lol
thank you all again.. i wish i could tell you about it but i'm not on my own computer right now
the darn thing is still broken,,
i got me a new LP girly.. hehe,, it's gray ^^
and lots of money and chocolate o.0 ^^
and a new pair of trousers..
and much more... and my b-day was so much fun..
we laughed alot :D

that was it,, i can't stay to long on this computer * it's a computer of my unlce's company so i can't stay long cause they are afraid of virusses =_=*
anyway.. thnx ^^
love you and i hope to talk to you again soon
take care!


heeey i just came by and i have to tell you something..
i'm a big Lostprophets fan now and i'm going to leave you guys.
.Just Kidding :D..
i bought 2 cd's of Lostprophets lately.. and i totally love them :D
but i still like LP ;)
internet is still broken.. so.. i won't be on that much..
god i hate my dad.. he doesn't want to fix it =S

anyway,, how are you guys? *that still take the time to read my journal*
i hope everything's good..

i gotto go again..
take care *hugs*
Hey there Hybs, sorry I haven't been around much, I kinda forgot the journals for a week lol...

but hey, I like the lostprophets, they rock :D
Fribby - lol.. i kinda forget the journals too sometimes XD
i already knew the band Lostprophets and i thought they were ok.. but now i have their cd i think they're great ^^ *and plus they have the same abbreviation (i hope i got that one right..) as LP.. hehe
thnx for stopping by ^^

Sis - hehe yup they sure are *totally love their song five is a four letter word.. :D*
thnx for stopping by!

today i only have one thing to say:

nothing fun happened today.. except i had this meeting with my mentor about my note list..
which was ok..* only maths and frech is terrible * but she told me that i was to shy =_=
i already knew that.. mheh

ehm.. today was totally boring..

anyway.. i have to go now..
got to work at this thing for school.
take care


Hey sweety!
How are you?!
Long time no talk huh?
Well I've been missing you alot!
It was fun seeing eachother on the web ^^
love ya
*hugs tightly*

o_O god , plz temme that you remember me XD

yes Sammi i stil remember you! silly person :p

i just want to tell you guys that my computer is working again,,
but i lost all my music and pictures etc.
but i'm back.. i think

at the moment i just want to say you guys this:


and alot of presents and stuff..

see you guys around..
take care! *hugs* to you all
whooooooooooooo lol
heey Mnoe :)
you're here too? ^^

woah 0_o it's like norway here.. i mean.. it snowed! ^^
and much too! i like snow!.. but i don't like it when you have to ride through it..

cause manoe, jroen and i went shopping for new years day.. and it was so slippy
we were like busy all the time to prevent us from falling XD

and we also watched 2 movies.. Cursed and the Skeleton Key
Cursed *bout werewolves* was okay.. and the Skeleton Key was great :)

eh ehm.. i don't have much to tell you guys at the moment,
i hope that everythings alright

thnx for reading.. and take care :)