[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

Fribby - yeah 0_o.. i saw the german news today.. and there was like 5 cm snow!
and it's likely that it's going to snow here again today..

Fiona - hey nice to talk to you again ^^.. does it snow in Australia? i dunno.. but it's summer there now right? a snow field? you mean with real snow? or fake :p

We've got a cat ^^,, well only to take care of it for a while..
his name is Timo, and his fur is black with white paws. he's so cute ^^
but he's still a little scared of us..
you can pet him but he looks at you like: please don't hurt me! lol
he's from my uncle and his gf.. and they went to Rome

maybe we get a cat of our own when Timo is away.. cause my mom really want's one..
but then again.. the cat has to stay away from Mikey! *hamster*
because when he only lies one finger on him i'll kick his butt.... carefully

anyway.. thnx for visiting..
take care! *hugs*
_de(\)emy_ - heh well thank you :p
thnx for stopping by.. and eh byes :D

Fribby - yep.. and on the news they said that it's going to snow even more in the south.. *where i live*
actually it's not our cat. it's my uncle's.. we have to take care of it for a while :D

a little something bout yesterday evening..
there was this mid winter festival in our street.. with all kinds of fairytales and things..
there were people dressed like snowwhite..and trolls and other persons from fairytales
and there was a stable with jesus..

so when i looked out of our window *you could see almost everything from our house* i suddenly saw a camel walking by,,
and i was like: WTF! mom! there's a camel walking down our street!
my mother was like: hehe very funny...
I said: no i'm serious! look!
my mom and dad looked out of the window and there it was again..
with this little child on his back,,
people could ride on it for free..

we went outside and watched it.. and i even touched it and petted it.
he was cute ^^
we were making jokes about it the whole time..
they call my dad the camel *don't ask me why =_='*
so we were like: he dad! how can you be in your chair here.. and the same time walking down the street? lol

well that was all that was worth telling you..
hmm.. anyway take care
and thnx for reading! :D
whehe, riding on camel is so much fun! very..bumpy XD
anyways HI SIS!!!
yaaay, again, good to know that you're back again.
I saw this program on tv about Holland and it was in Dutch...it was cool lol but I didn't understand a **** about it XD
Hope to ttys ^^
Love ya


( I keep forgeting about it >< ) heh.. :rolleyes:
_de(\)emy_ - thnx ^^ happy new year to you too!
thnx for stopping by again =)

sis - lol! was it about holland? what did they show? :p
happy newyear to you too =)
take care!

keza - a haaaaaaaaappy newyear to you too! you derserve it too ;)

i'm sorry but i don't have the time to visit other journals or stay long.. or write entries and stuff
i'm busy busy =_=
anyway thnx that you guys still take the time to visit mine =)
take care *hugs*
Sis - lol well i know Dutch is hard XD
i've got some time now.. but i'm still busy with school =_=
take care hon *hugs*

Fiona - camels rule! well as long as they don't drool on me >_>
thnx for stopping by :)
take care *hugs*

today i finished my drawing for this contest ^^
it's about depression
i'll post it here. tell me what you think of it..

that purple cloud is the depression.. and in the back you can see these small paintings with happy people on it..

i can win €250,-
i don't really think i could win anything with my drawing..
but it's nivce to try :)

thnx for visiting my journal..
take care *hugs*
wow that's really good

This one should have a shot at winning, it's so good. It shows the emotions so well, it's amazing...

great job :thumbsup:
it's awsome! defintely! I wish I was that good on colour painting :p
it's beautiful, the dead flowers, shadow on the ground from the cloud of depression..
As Fribby said, this drawing has a shot of winning!
Heaven yeah! :D
btw sorry to hear that you're so busy with the damn school. Geez, is it really a school or a 24/7 torturing building thing!?!
poor sis!
*hugs tightly*
Love ya =*
WOW, thats an awesome drwing, and i havent been in here in ages...im really sorry >.<
but yeah that drawings is really good! *claps for you*