Hyper's [JouRnaL] v2

So I decided against trying to convince Josh to unlock my other thread so I could post this. So I'll post it here. Although, I doubt any of the culprits will read this.

Okay then, I apologize for my, non speedy reply, I was actually getting a haircut, so I had to step out for a bit. What you guys need to understand is that you all do the same things I do, you just don't do it as effectively. I by no means try to make enemies, they just kinda get mad at me and form a gathering.

Cyro ~ You say I'm too intense and rude when I make a point. But let me ask you this [rhetorical question] what would you do if you were trying to make a point, and nobody would listen to you unless you did it strong and straight to the point. In the LPF Awards thread I did not bash Mark. I counter-bashed him. I'll explain if you ask me over AIM.

It's not as if I have lied about something. Nor have I made any rumors about anybody. I call it like I see it, and I do it honestly [bluntly]

Everybody who wanted this closed in the beginning ~ Why? It does not matter to me that everybody in that chat was getting bashed. No, it matters that I got bashed. I wasn't even there, how cowardly do you think that is? To bash somebody who's not there. It's like, some fifteen year old guy arm wrestling a six year old girl, wow, what an accomplishment.

Stenners ~ Glad you feel that way.

Ryan ~ Glad I have somebody who is behind me, without kissing my ass. If I could say stuff without pissing people off, believe me, I would. But the fact of the matter is, people get offended and pissed off when somebody disagrees with them. It's just natural.

And now this brings me to my absolute *favorite* person on the forums.

Mark ~ You dude, need to take a step back. I have not seen any respectful post from you. Not in the last month I've been here. You're always giving people the benefit of the doubt via association. If they like porn and you like porn, you support them. You need to learn to think for yourself. Your little selfish sprees are getting on the annoying side. It seems lately that whenever there's a big ruckus, it concerns you. Now, I am aware that you are one of the main people that has a problem with me. I have a problem with you. And I voice that, in a civilized way, I don't go around saying "**** Hahninator" nor do I bash you when you're not around. In fact, I don't bash you. I put you in your place. Your place being a respectful member of the LPF. Do I do it in a disrespectful way? Would you be able to comprehend otherwise? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm trying to get you to stop being one.

Now, I didn't make this thread to start some more drama. I made it because I'm sick of people talking **** behind other people's back.

This is for anybody else who wishes to speak ill of me. PM me some message, tell me. Don't think you're cool because you and Joe Schmoe can talk **** behind my back. I can do it to you. But I don't. Because I'm too mature to do that.

Sorry for the uber-stupidness Josh.

Not in any offense but Hyper you do not know whole story. I can only think of one person not flamed in that chat room that was present, and must I remind you it was teenagers having fun that got out of line. If you have any response contact me on AIM "InYourPoo" or PM me. I will go into detail on how stuff really went down. This is not an offensive post just telling you that you don't have story straight.
Dude, I don't care anymore.
You win. How's that.

Everybody else -- I think I'm going to take a break. Possibly a permanent one. The reasons are as follows:

1. I have a great live going for me right now. I have a wonderful girlfriend, I have a good job. My schooling is great. All I've gotten out of LPF recently is a bunch of heartache. Is it really worth it?

2. I really do want to be a mod. But it seems that my over bluntness is going to permanently hinder that option. Ever since about the second week after I joined here, I had one goal. To be a mod. To be someone of importance. But now, being Elite, it seems that being Elite isn't important. It just makes you a kiss ass when you defend the mods, even tho they're right. Is it really worth it?

3. I realize mark doesn't have a problem with me anymore. But a lot of people do. I try to keep my cool, I try to be respectful, but nobody cares. My energy put into being a good member are wasted. Is it really worth it?

4. I know the LPFA are just a fun thing. But it shows who people's allegiance lie in. My post quality must not be up to par. I know I don't deserve the sig award, I haven't made a sig in ages. And more importantly, I don't deserve to be a mod. Is it really worth it?

5. Now, I know I'll probably be punished for my involvement in the 'war' with mark. but if I'm gone, does it matter? Is it really worth it?

6. I'm sure I'd come back if I were to be promoted to mod. but again, I'm 99.9% sure that I won't. so if by some odd reason I am, somebody hit me up on AIM, and i'll be back.

Now, misery deserved what he got. so don't think this is turning into some 'mark spree' or anything. but i'll be gone. and as the lpf awards show, you guys won't be losing a valued member. just an antagonist in the story known as LPF.

I care Hyper.... but the thing is, if I was to prove the point the most people aren't listening to, but I can't, cause I'll get in more trouble, because I'm just a regular member... I didn't understand the concept, but I wasn't mad at you in preticular, It just upsetted me. Sorry if Implyed otherwise.

And honestly, I understand and agree with many things you've said after just hereing the straight truth on everything... You shouldn't leave...
If you really want to be a mod, I'd hate to say it, this is probably hurting your chances. And I'd say you're pretty close to achieving your goal, as well.

As for people having a problem with you.. well, no matter where you go, there's always going to be someone who disagrees with you. I think you're forgetting all of the good friends you've made on here.

And like you said, the LPFA are just for fun, it's really not all that accurate of an indicator of who is best at what, or who deserves what. Being nominated is a huge recognition from the mods, though. And if I recall correctly, you were nominated for some pretty important things, one which includes being a mod..

Now I know I didn't change your mind or sway your decision, but I really hope you stay, because despite what you think, you are a valued member.

It'll be sad to see you go.
Dear God your intellegence is so far beyond mine, haha. That read was a bit intense and emotional though. I've got to say, being a mod has also been a hidden goal of mine... I strive to be as good as a member as I can and hope one day I might make it. But for now, I feel I'm to young at the moment and not fit for it. Plus, once I became elite, that was more than enough for the time being. But being a mod would make my life complete, haha.(well maybe not)

The only thing that upsets me is that you are basically saying "if I can't be a mod, then bye". I just want to say it's not all about that.

So you're leaving? Well we've never got a chance to really hang out or anything. Maybe I'll get my AIM back up one day and add you bro.

I respect everything you've written in your posts and I'm sorry you had to go through all that with people talking behind your back and crap. Hope you have fun with your life.. and er... stuff. :thumbsup:


Matt's right. You are a valued member, and I do hope you choose to stay. But if you have a lot going on in your life, then we understand. That's what I was trying to say when I said it's not all about being a mod.
I know it seems like I'm saying make me a mod or I'm leaving. But look at it this way. A mod is best when the people are behind them. Take a look at the awards. Sure, it's a game, but it's serious at it's worst. I don't want to be the kind of mod that people hate. The kind that people are like "wtf why is he a mod"

That's partly what got me in that chat. I straight up saw somebody say that. That means I've failed at that. One person makes a group. A group makes a community. A community follows it's leaders. It's that simple.

Pretty much everybody with a voice got to vote in the awards. I was in them, so that is not a plausible excuse. Matt won, nothign against him, he's one cool cat. But that shows more people are behind him than me. Everybody has their time to be selfish. This is mine. But I will not be selfish enough as to say I should be a mod over him, he's obviously got the support needed, which in all honesty would make him the best candidate.

I know at the beginning of this, Mark hated me. But now, he's begging me to stay. I guess that could be an indicator that people want me here. I mean, if I can sway the biggest Hyper-hater out there, maybe I can sway everybody.

Again, I do want to be a mod. and part of that also includes approval from chris, and i'm pretty sure all of the other mods.

So, i don't know what I'll do. I've got to say, it's really heart warming, the way people have reacted to this [both on AIM + on the boards] so perhaps I'll stick around. but you can definately count on me being a bit more chill and reserved.

Phort Mineur (9:20:37 PM): it's just good to have you around
Phort Mineur (9:20:39 PM): it really is
Phort Mineur (9:20:55 PM): I've thought this whole time you were an unheartful little *******
Phort Mineur (9:20:58 PM): and then I realized
Phort Mineur (9:21:03 PM): you have a different way of doing things
Phort Mineur (9:21:05 PM): a better way
Phort Mineur (9:21:08 PM): you're ****ing smart dude
Phort Mineur (9:21:15 PM): you're a perfect person to be a mod
Phort Mineur (9:21:20 PM): you showed that through all of this
Phort Mineur (9:22:20 PM): stay.
Phort Mineur (9:23:29 PM): if I said 3 reasons, it'd look stupid

Mark, you have no idea how much respect I just gained for you.
Hyper said:
I know it seems like I'm saying make me a mod or I'm leaving. But look at it this way. A mod is best when the people are behind them. Take a look at the awards. Sure, it's a game, but it's serious at it's worst. I don't want to be the kind of mod that people hate. The kind that people are like "wtf why is he a mod"

That's partly what got me in that chat. I straight up saw somebody say that. That means I've failed at that. One person makes a group. A group makes a community. A community follows it's leaders. It's that simple.

Pretty much everybody with a voice got to vote in the awards. I was in them, so that is not a plausible excuse. Matt won, nothign against him, he's one cool cat. But that shows more people are behind him than me. Everybody has their time to be selfish. This is mine. But I will not be selfish enough as to say I should be a mod over him, he's obviously got the support needed, which in all honesty would make him the best candidate.

I know at the beginning of this, Mark hated me. But now, he's begging me to stay. I guess that could be an indicator that people want me here. I mean, if I can sway the biggest Hyper-hater out there, maybe I can sway everybody.

Again, I do want to be a mod. and part of that also includes approval from chris, and i'm pretty sure all of the other mods.

So, i don't know what I'll do. I've got to say, it's really heart warming, the way people have reacted to this [both on AIM + on the boards] so perhaps I'll stick around. but you can definately count on me being a bit more chill and reserved.

Mark, you have no idea how much respect I just gained for you.

Mark is right, your honestly the only person to come forward and explain themselves... I really respect that, and I agree with him.
Hyper, I love to you dude. Your awesome and I just happen to throughly enjoy 95% of your posts because that's what I'm really like, I just don't want to type all of it out. I hope you stay, if you don't that will be pretty bad, LPF is doing pretty bad right now and the last thing we need is good, solid members leaving. :]
Lemme put it like this to you man.

I went from this renegade, I dont give a **** kinda person to IMO a more mature definate helper in LPF. I contribute my ass off and try to help out any chance I get. Why? Becuase for one I just like helping people and two I want to be a mod aswell. I know I might not ever get that chance even If I think I am deserving of that posistion. Is it fair? IMO no but I wont complain about it. I know theres a few people on this forums that think I'm an ass. I remember when I was arguing with practically everyone on the forums with my back against the wall. But I stuck to it and the person I argued with is gone and Im here. As long as I know I am doing what I think is right then I am fine. If I get mod I'd love it but I don't anticipate and search the page everyday looking for it.

I'll be the first to admit, at times you can get on my nerves. But I mean do I think you'd be a good mod? Sure. Every mod has flaws. I mean for Christ sakes Vash just recently told a member to shut the **** up for a tottaly unlegitimate reason. Woody did state a valid reason for always receiveing heat for starting arguments and then when someone else does they get a pat on knuckles. He made a totaly uncalled for move but hell we all do it. So I rekon hell, so what if there are one or two people who don't like you. As long as you play fair then its all good. As long as you don't abuse your status don't sweat it.
Okay, so I'm pretty much goin to just chill with my activity here. I won't be gone, I just won't be as.. openly opinionated as usual.

Anyways, things that've happened since the weekend ended.

- My brother proposed to his girlfriend on Sunday. She said yes. I'm happy for them and all, but they're 19, a little young IMO to be married. But they've lived with each other for a year, so I guess whatever makes them happy makes me happy.

- Felicia got ungrounded. God damn did I miss that girl. We spend yesterday afternoon together, it was great. I also got 'the talk' from her father. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. I also met the father's girlfriend, which is a huge breakthrough, because that means I'm welcomed as part of the family. Most importantly, he is okay with me dating his daughter.

- This evening was the kicker. My Mom wanted me to call her, cuz I needed gas. She basically bitched at me cuz I owe her twenty, but she owes me ten, and I left ten for her at home. Then she hung up on me. Whatever. She gets off work at five, she just barely got home. It's past midnight. She's obviously drunk off her ass, probably popped some pills. I was in the ****ing kitchen getting a drink and she yelled at me. She told me to go **** Felicia [something I'm blaming on the alcohol. Cuz man would that piss me off if she was sober] She also kicked me out. Now, she told me to leave, buh-bye, but I don't know if she's serious. So.. yeah

Any advice?
Mainly with what to do with the alcoholic mother.
You can discuss my lover if you'd like :D
Well, it's cool that you'll still be here :) Glad you didn't go.

Umm. Yea, I think they're a little young, but like you said, whatever makes them happy. Congrats to your brother.

Glad everyhting is going well with Felicia. Glad her dad is okay with everything.. that can always be tough, getting through the meeting with the parents, lol.

As for your alcoholic mother.. well, there's not a whole lot you can do. Hopefully she's not serious.. if she's as drunk as you say she is, then I doubt she is. I wouldn't worry too-too much about it. I dunno, I guess you'll find out in the morning, but I'm sure you'll be fine. If not.. well, I don't know. We can discuss that if it actually comes down to it :p
ya so the cops just left.
they didn't arrest her.
she ****in called 9-1-1 then pulled the plug on the house phone
they came, almost busted her for weed [cop pulled her out of her car and didn't look in it]
but they let her go for a walk.
she's sitting on the side of the house now
but she's still out of it =/
i know she's drunk and all..
but idk, she says some disheartening things.
like i'm a mistake. she doesn't love me. stuff about felicia.
i know she's drunk.
but she still says it =/
and.. idk, she never talks about it.
i confront her about her alcohol problems, and she threatens me
with grounding. no internet..
**** like that.
it sucks monkey balls.
speaking of teens doing things too fast..
my convo with felicia..
too fast?

gosh.. i really love you babe.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=29426586&MyToken=dcf3671d-4fe7-43a1-9161-2dd074d2d8f2'>Felicia</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 1:05 AM

well still i'm sorry i happened.
i'd love to live my life with you

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=45888134&MyToken=49da9b5e-9b64-4d7e-b038-3d7dd573499b'>I s a a c</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 1:03 AM

don't worry about it. it's all in the past. and she buys the facade.
i do..

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=29426586&MyToken=0a2175da-d62a-4df5-9454-88faf4cc01ec'>Felicia</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 1:01 AM

i'm sorry that happened to you.
you do?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=45888134&MyToken=b13bea3e-230a-498a-adf3-d96dd4d4bb29'>I s a a c</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:58 AM

i'll be fine babe.
my love for my mother vanished the first time she hit me when she was drunk. as did my respect for her.
plus, i figure i want to live my life with you, not her.
you're all i need.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=29426586&MyToken=9e6d7e78-694c-49c5-9005-d0747fa31912'>Felicia</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:55 AM

that's sweet, but i'm worried. are you going to be alright?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=45888134&MyToken=e0fe9971-2d1a-4789-83a5-0169fce6953f'>I s a a c</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:52 AM

it's okay babe.
as long as i have you my heart will keep beating. <3

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=29426586&MyToken=2fa9dde2-d5b6-41c5-8bcd-a5da1e8dfa4f'>Felicia</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:43 AM

i'm sorry. i love you too

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=45888134&MyToken=705d2fad-a89d-4adb-9f18-900ce0dc28c7'>I s a a c</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:41 AM

let me break it down like a fraction.
mom gets off work at five.
she didn't get home until just after midnight.
she's obviously drunk, she's obviously been poppin pills.
i was getting a drink and she told me to go **** off.
she told me she wanted me out. and that i was a waste of her time for the past seventeen years.
then she chose some choice words about you, which.. well, i walked away at that point.

and apparently the cops just came.
and yeah..

i love you..

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=29426586&MyToken=fe10960f-8160-464d-ac1d-a749dff0b3c7'>Felicia</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:36 AM

babe, what the hell are you talking about.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=45888134'>I s a a c</a>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:33 AM

mom pretty much just kicked me out.
she's drunk tho..
so i don't know if i should..
plan on not being here..
or what.
Well, it's not my place to judge, really, lol. If that were me, I'd think it were too fast, but it differs for people :p But you guys seem really happy, and as long as you're both happy there's no such thing as too fast, at least in my opinion..