I shagged my best friend's wife

de kannibaal said:
I can't help but notice that I am experiencing a rather unpleasant itchiness in my pubic area today. Is it the change in weather do you think? Is my skin getting too dry? It is not as if any man ever forgets to apply cream to his most treasured pleasure spots on his body.

I think I may have to purchase a high quality humidifier, this itching is not good.
Crabs perhaps?:eek:
Crabs, contrary to what some people say, do not itch..

I got them once from a slut I ****ed back in 89'

They feel like someone is plucking each pubic hair individually.

It doesn't really hurt or anything, but it can make you want to scratch the area where the little ******* has infested itself.

A simple delousing shampoo from the pharmacy will cure ya right up !!
Well unless I know them I am not strolling into the pharmacy and telling some old slapper I need crabs shampoo.

**** that. Easier to try a humidifier first.

No flaking skin though.
Good freaking grief. I thought I was the lord and master of the all mighty TMI. Glad I didn't log on while eating.

Never had an STD or any form of lice. Did come down with mange though as a result of helping to take care of some stay kittens. That was enough for me.
phreakwars said:

Yes, but that would be like Builder admitting I win. He has a death grip on his panel right now, it is the last weapon he possesses to maintain a modicum of self respect, which he sold out the moment he hid behind it incidentally.

UPDATE: The itching stopped last night in bed, after a few minutes of furious scratching and my wife complaining about the noise, I fell asleep and enjoyed a wonderful rest.

However, the bloody itching is back. I can't figure this out. And now dry flaking skin. Should I be able to see crabs? How can I tell?
de kannibaal said:
Yes, but that would be like Builder admitting I win. He has a death grip on his panel right now, it is the last weapon he possesses to maintain a modicum of self respect, which he sold out the moment he hid behind it incidentally.

I tell you what's coming. I don't hide it.

You are an idiot troll. You came here to cause ****.

You don't like what's happening? There's always the "**** off" option.

But I don't think you're welcome back at the brawl hall loser's board.
builder said:
I tell you what's coming. I don't hide it.

You are an idiot troll. You came here to cause ****.

You don't like what's happening? There's always the "**** off" option.

But I don't think you're welcome back at the brawl hall loser's board.

Just because you announce to the entire forum that you are an impotent little coward who is going to wave around his little kidney bean of a penis from behind the protection of his big bad mod panel doesn't change the fact that you are a ****ing spastic who can't venture from behind his panel andand engage someone who is clearly and irrefutably leagues ahead of you.

I posted on BH this morning, I have many, many, many friends and acquaintances there. If I weren't welcome I would be IP banned, wankhead, and FYI, they have an "In the box" function there and it is called being pinked. I am not pinked there, meaning I am welcome.

You are a regrettably petty and and inconceibably cretinous if you think that you can second guess my motivations for being here. I am not causing any trouble at all, except maybe for you as you blunder stupidly into my very popular threads, drop your nylon "Slacks" and wave your pre-lubed arse about beckoning me to hop on and **** you silly.

I could give a fart if you are upset about my popularity here. Maybe if you had anything at all slightly interesting to share with people you might not have to cower stupidly behind your panel.
de kannibaal said:
Just because you announce to the entire forum that you are an impotent little coward

Geez, I missed that announcement. Do you have a link?

de kannibaal said:
who is going to wave around his little kidney bean of a penis from behind the protection of his big bad mod panel

My big bad mod panel only comes out when wankers are about.

de kannibaal said:
doesn't change the fact that you are a ****ing spastic who can't venture from behind his panel

Are you still on drugs? Don't you ever come down? You really are a wanker.

de kannibaal said:

And you stutter. There's drugs for that too. But maybe too many drugs is the root causality? Perhaps?

de kannibaal said:
engage someone who is clearly and irrefutably leagues ahead of you.

How could you be leagues ahead? I've seen your pics. You'd be flat out beating me in a rush to the toilet. You have skinny pins for arms and legs, your neck would snap at the slightest blow, because you've doffed so many ekkies, your bones are crumbling. Grow a brain, boy.

de kannibaal said:
I posted on BH this morning, I have many, many, many friends and acquaintances there.

It's clear to us they love you there. They sent a troll to expose you.

de kannibaal said:
If I weren't welcome I would be IP banned, wankhead, and FYI, they have an "In the box" function there and it is called being pinked.

So you're pinked? This involves us how?

de kannibaal said:
I am not pinked there, meaning I am welcome.

Yeah, idiots are still welcome here too, as you've probably noticed.

de kannibaal said:
You are a regrettably petty and and inconceibably cretinous if you think that you can second guess my motivations for being here.

I don't really care if you drink drano. But if you do, don't mix it with hydrochorine. You might be explosive. I'd hate to see the epitaph on your little timber cross that you were a failed suicide bomber.

de kannibaal said:
I am not causing any trouble at all, except maybe for you as you blunder stupidly into my very popular threads, drop your nylon "Slacks" and wave your pre-lubed arse about beckoning me to hop on and **** you silly.

I treat all idiots the same way. Oring told me you have to drop your pants to piss, because your dick has no shank. Just a head. Can't make it past the zipper.

de kannibaal said:
I could give a fart if you are upset about my popularity here.

Oooh, yeah. You're takin' over hombre. Pistols at noon.

de kannibaal said:
Maybe if you had anything at all slightly interesting to share with people you might not have to cower stupidly behind your panel.

Have you checked out the vocab thread? In the member's lounge.
Ignore him DK. He will forever be an ass. Probably got beat up on a daily basis when he was a punk kid. Now he has a little power on a forum. Real tough guy now.:D
Zukiman said:
Ignore him DK. He will forever be an ass. Probably got beat up on a daily basis when he was a punk kid. Now he has a little power on a forum. Real tough guy now.:D

Awwww, you want me to soft-glove your new boyfriend, Suki>?

So, which part of "get a life" are you having issues with?.. :D
bewildered said:
Geez, I missed that announcement. Do you have a link?

No link needed, mongo, your actions speak louder than words. Mod panel abuse is for those that are weak and **** via a colostomy bag.

bewildered said:
My big bad mod panel only comes out when wankers are about.

Sure, so as long as the word "wankers" is defined as those who use you as their personal bukakke receptacle, and "Those" may be defined as anyone NOT named Builder.

Face it cupcake, your mod panel is your only strength but also your achilles heel.

bewildered said:
Are you still on drugs? Don't you ever come down? You really are a wanker.

I have defined "Wanker" as it applies to you above. Don't worry, I'll decorate your leash and collar with some brilliant rhinestones so you look so, so pretty as I parade you around this forum like a show dog at Crufts.

bewildered said:
And you stutter. There's drugs for that too. But maybe too many drugs is the root causality? Perhaps?

A typo lame? Poor sod, reeling so bad from the degrading humilation inflicted upon him the best he can conjure up is that I typed "and" twice. That's some powerful material there, you ****ing deviant cur, I am surprised that with typo lames you feel the need to cower behind that big bad panel.

bewildered said:
How could you be leagues ahead? I've seen your pics. You'd be flat out beating me in a rush to the toilet. You have skinny pins for arms and legs, your neck would snap at the slightest blow, because you've doffed so many ekkies, your bones are crumbling. Grow a brain, boy.

6'2" and 195 pounds? Hardly skinny, Bewildered.

bewildered said:
It's clear to us they love you there. They sent a troll to expose you.

How the story changes. First it was that I was not welcome, when I point out that you are using fallacious and outright erroneous conjecture you have to come back with the next bullshit story to cover your arse.

Some butt hurt little troll that I turfed out of my raid group shows up here with is ears still ringing from the shame he incurred when I boxed him about the ear and you stupidly believe I give a ****?

I had you all running in circles for 18 pages for a laugh, watching you all see red. A magnificent troll, I was laughing so hard I almost gave myself hemmorrhoids.

bewildered said:
So you're pinked? This involves us how?

Nope. Why do you insist on making this so easy for me? If I were not welcome at BH I would be pinked. Such is not the case.

Do I have to refresh your memory of what you said and why it DOES involve you now:

But I don't think you're welcome back at the brawl hall loser's board.

Ring a bell chump? I hate to napalm your desperate clutches at straws, my repgnant little Aussie hermaphrodite, but you accused me of not being welcome, I pointed out that I am not pinked, ergo, you are talking out of your arse.

bewildered said:
Yeah, idiots are still welcome here too, as you've probably noticed.

Yes I have, they made one of them a mod. smirk

bewildered said:
I don't really care if you drink drano. But if you do, don't mix it with hydrochorine. You might be explosive. I'd hate to see the epitaph on your little timber cross that you were a failed suicide bomber.

And how is that relevant to you stupidly trying to second guess my motivations of being here? Take your jaundiced irrelevant vomit and post it in another thread where it might be halfway topical.

Spewing ridiculous metaphors across your screen in some half ****ed and dim witted attempt to sound urbane when it is completely irrelevant to your last fallacious attempt at getting the better of me is some excellent self-ownage, gimp.

Zuki, my man, I am going to entrust you with the key to Bewildered's cage. I will entrust your judgement on whether he gets to enjoy time out of the cage or not, based on his ability not to run head first into cinderblock walls and make a complete mockery of himself.

Our insurance rates here at the forum will surely increase if he is going to remain so comedically accident prone.

bewildered said:
I treat all idiots the same way. Oring told me you have to drop your pants to piss, because your dick has no shank. Just a head. Can't make it past the zipper.

Did he? That's probably because after all the lubeless fistings I gave him all those months that his arse resembles a ****ing Alpenzeller tunnel, and even a horse wouldn't touch the sides on that cavernous rectal shaft.

Do you often speak to others about the genitalia of the male members or do you just have a fixation with mine in particular?

bewildered said:
Oooh, yeah. You're takin' over hombre. Pistols at noon.

I don't need a pistol to own you, Gimpy, you do it all by yourself.

bewildered said:
Have you checked out the vocab thread? In the member's lounge.

No, I find that only my threads beet the stringent quality standards of interest and entertainment, so you will have to forgive the fact that I don't care to revel in proletarian mediocrity so widespread in the other threads.
Zukiman said:
Ignore him DK. He will forever be an ass. Probably got beat up on a daily basis when he was a punk kid. Now he has a little power on a forum. Real tough guy now.:D

Why would I ignore him? The vast spray of post-vindaloo diarrhea I hosed the porcelain with this morning could own him.
Phantom said:
You're married,

I say I am. Who knows? ;)

Phantom said:
you sleep around,

Yes. I like to destroy the self confience of women with very little esteem and make it worse.

Phantom said:
you use drugs,


Phantom said:
but you have two kids? :(

Do I? I might. I might not. Hard to tell on these internet forums, innit?

Phantom said:
Grow up!!

No, then I would be pedestrian and ordinary like you, my tired old slapper.
de kannibaal said:
No, then I would be pedestrian and ordinary like you, my tired old slapper.

I believe you used the slur "tired old slapper" in reference to another member previously on this post. It is my suggestion that you come up with new material. .. and learn the proper HTML code for the quote feature.