Id Cards

This is what I meen hillbilly. It's pointless. WE. WILL. NEVER. MEET.

I find it quite strange though, an obvious, low-key racist claiming such utter loyalty to fighting styles developed by the untermench. Wierd that.

**** off hillbilly, yer a mongo.
not all fighting styles are asian. and its better to mix striking arts and grapling arts together. i know several arts but tae kwon do is the only one that i have a blackbelt in
To the topic.....

Tex said:
DNA's on the cards for the cards too. Just in case you forget your genome when out and about.

Has anyone else got any wonderful ideas I can pass on to my government, in order that they can avoid all that time consuming arseing about with warrants?

Yes. just asked to be mico chiped instead.:rolleyes:
Well i think thats going a bit far there mate.

I too am scottish and can say that we ****ed up the english a lot too, remember bannockburn.

Also the irish couldn't give two flying ****s about us over here and the welsh well they have enough trouble as it is.

Anyway you are a bit of a ******* race too with all of you being decended from immigrants then turning round to others and saying **** you you commie immigrant *******.

Just chill and kick back man. Theres no need for **** like this. I thought this was a "discussion" forum but i suppose that terms used loosely eh?
GF Admin said:
Well Ok maybe your right......:rolleyes: Nawwww two things

1. your NEW so take your beating and like it
2. Your Scottish and right now its bash Scottish time so shut up and take your beating

Now the next thing i want you to do is give me your whore woman, its my lords right to take her over the pig trough while I finger her bung hole and kill your livestock..dont worry you can yo like to do because you have no manhhod of your own

Cheers or what ever the **** you say in Scottish-whore-dullard land

And here children is a pizza faced nerd whos never had his hole.

Dude chill the **** out.
Ha that would be funny if it didn't come from your own experience of your mums grizzled old growler on your face.
his point is that your a serial **** smoker and need an injection of ****ing sanity you emo bitch.
Right mate, as much as I admire your obvious talent for vulgarity, I'm not gonna sit here and match you tit for tat with expleteives. Why? Playing straight into your hands aint it? You clearly have nothing of an real level of intelgence to say. All your info being lapped up by these ultra-right-wing american neo-con propaganda sites. you believe what you want to believe because what these sites and these "politicians" are trying to claim is that no matter how stupid, ignorant and generaly ****ing brain-dead you are, you're better than everyone. Because your American.

Your lot might be stupid enough to go for that ****, but the rest of the world aint. I'm ashamed of my countries "special realtionship" with yours. Of course, no one but your lot and big Tony reffer to it as the special relationship. To us it's more like that scene out of Deliverence. The slobbering red-neck, hillbilly wierdo, bumming **** out of the terrified and violated city boy. That's how I see the relationship betwen Tony and the ape-man.

And then you have the utter ****ing gaul to accuse us of living in the past. Well, we've got an excuse. We have several thousand years of ancient history that we can be proud of. That's where we came from. You ****ers can't go 5 seconds without mentioning WWII and how "we saved you eurofags." Why. Mainly because most of you have to relie on something that's just within living memory as an historical avent....well, because you don't actualy know any other ones. You live in a bubble. You're convinced from day 1 that you're the best country in the world. Sad realy.

Anyway, enough rambeling. My point is NazzNagg, you redneck ****, is that expleteive after curse after vulgar turn of phrase, although ammuses me...Doesn't realy impress me all that much. Get a grip ya ****in' downs-case.
we also kicked your asses in the revolution. we pioneered modern guirella warfar with our militias, knda funny how that vame back and bit us in the ass during vietnam
That staement was a bit of a double entendre.

And we let you win come on we threw you a bone and you gladly took it.
dont spew that bullshit. other wise you would have never came back in 1812. though we lacked organization our troops were still far better then yours
bah ha.

You had inferior skills and were only good in skirmish situations.
You are a hit and run nation.
Skaterdude409 said:
dont spew that bullshit. other wise you would have never came back in 1812. though we lacked organization our troops were still far better then yours

No you just hid in the bushes like apes.
still seems everyone copied us after that. we made mistakes their such as abandoning postions andleaving cannons we had taken from british troops behind which fell back into british hands.
Who cares mate.

It was a pretty pointless war anyway and has no relevance in the world we live in now.