Idiot Box parolees commentary box.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
Cogito Ergo Sum
Lost vote to MRIH in "WHO IS A BIGGER IDIOT" poll.
72 hours
Idiot Box PIONEER !!!

So it was CES who left all those crusty boogers under the desk? Eeeew.

Guilty of stepping on Tori's toes during her period.
48 hours or till her period ended, whichever came first.

Mate, that PMS is more dangerous than a hungry Tiger. Watch it. Oh, and did you crap in the corner? It's all crusty now.

Allah Is Great
Guilty of being a Muslim
Multiple Piss Pot violations
Disgusting sexual perversion in her writing style
Threats of Martyrdom
The IDIOT BOX's Mega Hotty Muslim BABE version of Osama
and faithful Islamic follower at large.

A prettier idiot is yet to be born. She left a lovely sketch of yours truly on the back of the dunny door. Nice work, AIG.

A.I.G's partner in crime
Guilty of being Australian

I'm guilty as charged, your honour. But hey, at least the idiots don't have to crap in the corner no more.

guilty of being a forum whore
guilty of whining
released after 1 week, still guilty of being an idiot
approach with caution.

Yeah, I hear she smells like clams most of the time.

Guilty of associating with a known forum whore.

Complicity will get you every time.

Peaceful Islam Kill
Guilty of brain damage

Find a solid wall, and repeatedly head-butt that wall. Hey, it worked for me.

guilty of Eminem syndrome Yo' !!

Issues with Mommy. How cute.

Guilty of Stockholm Syndrome
Idiot by proxy

Proxy, huh? Burn her. She's a witch.

Guilty of being a Off Topic Forum pervert

That really sucks. Call me.

Guilty of asking stupid questions, being Canadian and bribery
24 hours sentence

The bribery and questions I can cop. Canuck? Very serious charges, your honour.

Guilty of being born
Idiot or drama queen... you decide.

Ah, but we'll all miss her if she goes.

guilty of wiping out over 12,000 Threads in 1 click

You bleedin' idiot. How come they let you out again?

Guilty of deception

Lying cheating *******. Run for political office. You'll be a shoe-in.

Guilty of being my chew toy as a new member

I wondered what that sticky stuff was. spit, hack, cough

Pisspot violation
idiot box poll winner

Haaahahahahahahahahahahaha. Sucks bigtime. Don't it? In your own poll and all.

chairman mao
Guilty of believing her own lies

If you tell a lie enough times, it really does come true. Tap your shoes together and think of Kansas. There's no place like home.

Guilty of thinking he is God.
Brawl-Hall bitch slapper/name caller/sissy

You mean he's not? I'm shattered.

Mr. X A.K.A. EnterNetProphet
guilty of changing his name and thinking we wouldn't notice
30 days each name used

60 days? Change his name to Schappelle Corby.

Guilty of being an a hole (Slipped up there phreak, to the box)

Not another one? I'm an original, and proud of it.

Guilty of thinking he knows how to run a message board

He's only here to pick up pointers. He left an empty box of tissues in there.

guilty of looking at me funny

He looks at me funny too. Box him.

guilty of being Swedish...or was it Swiss ??
f ck it, I hate Europe anyway. (Oh, another slip-up, phreakwars?)

That's where those yodelling complaints from the neighbours came from.

guilty of dissing weed

Geeze Outlaw. I'm surprised they let you out again. What was you thinking?

guilty of annoying eddo
decided we liked that, and released him to annoy eddo some more

Early release for bad behaviour. I like it.

To Be Continued.....
Guilty of stepping on Tori's toes during her period.
48 hours or till her period ended, whichever came first.

Mate, that PMS is more dangerous than a hungry Tiger. Watch it. Oh, and did you crap in the corner? It's all crusty now.


One day, having PMS will be a class-A felony, and people who have it will, um go missing. Therefore it being dangerous will be a thing of the past.

And no I didn't do my business in the corner, that's just Tizz. (although I did put up a few print-outs of hot scat porn in various places around the idiot box)

guilty of dissing weed

Geeze Outlaw. I'm surprised they let you out again. What was you thinking?

Once again, just wait until I take over the world (it's the only way this planet has a chance) Weed will be mandatory.

A.I.G's partner in crime
Guilty of being Australian

I'm guilty as charged, your honour. But hey, at least the idiots don't have to crap in the corner no more

I heard Australia is the Idiot box of the world.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I heard Australia is the Idiot box of the world.

You believe your own press? Now that is funny.

We aren't called the lucky country because we win at sport. We are the only nation to have no borders with any other country.

Oh, and if it wasn't for us letting the yank military place global positioning and tracking equipment here, your forces would be up the proverbial crap creek. :cool:
builder said:
Guilty of Stockholm Syndrome
Idiot by proxy

Proxy, huh? Burn her. She's a witch.


Burn me.

Burn me with your acid tongues.

And slash me with your razor sharp ...... 'wits'.

Cut me to pieces with the harsh cruelty of your collective rejection.

But most importantly, throw scraps of food at me while I'm trapped in the box, and torture me if you have the POWAH.


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phreakwars said:
Sorry, Bi-Polar, I do that sometimes


Do you also run amok at universities and kiss everyone in sight? I had a friend with bi-polar .... extreme bipolar ... and during his manic episodes, he'd do just that.

But, I digress.

The Rock? Stop walking small and welcome yourself back to the jungle, please.
Anna Perenna said:

Burn me.

Burn me with your acid tongues.

And slash me with your razor sharp ...... 'wits'.

Cut me to pieces with the harsh cruelty of your collective rejection.

But most importantly, throw scraps of food at me while I'm trapped in the box, and torture me if you have the POWAH.

Hmmm, I thought I was being rather kind. Seeing as how I didn't know you from a bag of fish heads.

Here you go then. Don't leave any scraps lying around, or you'll get no more treats.

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builder said:
Hmmm, I thought I was being rather kind. Seeing as how I didn't know you from a bag of fish heads.

Here you go then. Don't leave any scraps lying around, or you'll get no more treats.

View attachment 534

What, no gruel?


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Anna Perenna said:
What, no gruel?

So you're bitching already? Some people don't know just how lucky they are.

I give you fresh fish, and you miss your gruel. Poor baby.

I think you've mistaken me for someone who cares.
Anna Perenna said:
Do you also run amok at universities and kiss everyone in sight? I had a friend with bi-polar .... extreme bipolar ... and during his manic episodes, he'd do just that.

But, I digress.

The Rock? Stop walking small and welcome yourself back to the jungle, please.

CLUTCH THE PEARLS the chick can post something personal with feeling and depth

here i thought her cause was lost!
Vortex said:
CLUTCH THE PEARLS the chick can post something personal with feeling and depth

here i thought her cause was lost!

I have a cause?

You give me too much credit.

I am entirely without (honourable, at least) purpose here.
Anna Perenna said:
I have a cause?

You give me too much credit.

I am entirely without (honourable, at least) purpose here.
kinda like tizz, except she is just gonna show tizz how a REAL forum whore gets it done.

Phreak I officially bestowe upon you my monthly "Total Dork" award. You have some serious issues this month, I would suggest you lay off the pipe for a few hours