If I Were In A Band This Is What I'd Write


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
Sum'd up in the title.. lol

Seeing the reflection
Seeing the complection
Do you see your self?
That is the question
Push and Shove
Wondering if the is
indeed someone above
Look into the sky
see the moons eye
wondering do angels fly

So many questions but not nearly enough
enough awnsers
So many theories and queries but not nearly enough
enough chancers

We revolved around something
but we only thing we know that something
we go around out of control
but we feel we are in control
we may of lost the plot
but we may of got the lot
seeing distant dreams
and try to get at them...
by any means

So many questions but not nearly enough
enough awnsers
So many theories and queries but not nearly enough
enough chancers
So many go getters but not nearly enough
enough starters
So many time we try but not nearly enough
enough times do we get awnsers

We walk the streets using our feet
only we dont move we just move the street
we think we climb the coperate ladder
only stabbing the above guy with a dagger
we think we satisfy those we love
but we only satisfy the coperate dove
flying and trying
to make u feel good inside
only to take ur money
and take you all for the ride

So many questions but not nearly enough
enough awnsers
So many theories and queries but not nearly enough
enough chancers
So many go getters but not nearly enough
enough starters
So many time we try but not nearly enough
enough times do we get awnsers
uhm nothing as im not in a band currently! lol

I just get bored and knock these up, i mean literally i will start typing n things will come out, that took like 5minutes. Its just something to do, to get some fun out of it and some release aswell as writing practise.... but mainly im just screaming for attention ^_^
I fell forward and backwoard
the moment just felt awkward
armour like swiss cheese
durable as garden peas
we just look forward to find
absaloutly nothing!

We saw we saw
We tore we tore
We all hit the floor
oh no!
We all walked into the door
oh no!
We didnt believe what we saw
oh no!
All we really wanted was
more of that more
more of the thing we just saw

It's just an illusion
something that i couldnt draw a conclusion
It's just an illusion
braught on a wave of emotion
It's Just an illusion
The is no such thing as fusion
It's just an illusion
We dont really have motion

Step back
Step back
Seeing the stuff in the back...
the back of your head
Seeing the thoughts....
the thoughts which werent what we led
to believe
A brick wall surrounding the house
we think nothing is about, not even a mouse
we were wrong
o so wrong

It's just an illusion
something that i couldnt draw a conclusion
It's just an illusion
braught on a wave of emotion
It's Just an illusion
The is no such thing as fusion
It's just an illusion
We dont really have motion

True to urself
finding yourself


It's just an illusion
something that i couldnt draw a conclusion
It's just an illusion
braught on a wave of emotion
It's Just an illusion
The is no such thing as fusion
It's just an illusion
We dont really have motion


It's just an illusion
something that i couldnt draw a conclusion
It's just an illusion
braught on a wave of emotion
It's Just an illusion
The is no such thing as fusion
It's just an illusion
We dont really have motion
Y & Z
whats is that i do see
whats the story tell me
am i tops or all flops
am i good or misunserstood
we just danced all damn night
every single damned nihght
to a song where we moshed
next morning the laundrette where we washed
our dirty
was it threw the days
weeks or even....
even the time when
we looked to each other and said
o we looked to each other and said
this DJ made the club totally dead
we moshed to tunes that we love
we danced to death from above
we requested to the DJ please make it
make it
a little bit more rough

we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything
we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything

We orderd ourselfs another drink
quite frankily its all an excuse not to...
not to...
just an excuse not to think
at all at all at all at all at alllllllll
we bounced around the bouncers
seeked to the information desk for awnsers
sure enough we did get the awnsers
Off to the cloack room
I cant dance
I cant dance
with this on, nuh uh!
£2 for a non-refundable deposit?
well... okay
but dont u loose it
dont u burn it
and sure as hell dont wear it
ur odour is getting to my eyes
flys around it getting there highs

we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything
we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything

The DJ plays the floorfillers
from the prodigy down to the killers
michaels jackson and his thrillers
we dont notice though, no no
our brains right now going, so slow
Our bladders weak, gotta go
Sick on floor of the toilet, o no!
Music ends
we boo
we charge!
Bouncer defends
thrown on our asses
but we want out coats!
they did give us our coats
All night diner
all night diner
our stomachs do now need ya
go to the counter
'sorry i cannot serve ya'
You are a dirty dirty
dirty dirty
diry drunk
You smell as if
u been sprayed by the vodka
the vodka skunk
Sends me on my way
I know im gonna have a hangover
hangover later this day
come rain or fall
threw June to May
every night is a dirty
weekend to me
oh yah lets go!

we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything
we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything

We orderd ourselfs another drink
quite frankily its all an excuse not to...
not to...
just an excuse not to think
at all at all at all at all at alllllllll
we bounced around the bouncers
seeked to the information desk for awnsers
sure enough we did get the awnsers
Off to the cloack room
I cant dance
I cant dance
with this on, nuh uh!
£2 for a non-refundable deposit?
well... okay
but dont u loose it
dont u burn it
and sure as hell dont wear it
ur odour is getting to my eyes
flys around it getting there eyes

we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything
we danced we danced
we romanced we romanced
we did most everything
we did not quite do everything
Hahahaha aww Matty fun Matty lol this is enjoyable! Espacially the last one. Matt's song is that right? You clubber, pubber, hyper dude!!!
"Our bladders weak, gotta go
Sick on floor of the toilet, o no" LMAO at this one!! That cracked me up hardcore!! lol You'd make an interesting indie album out of this stuff Matt, think about it!!! :thumbsup:
Played the fool
Made to fill 2inches tall
you took me to school
now i feel as if
as if
I may of lost it all

Thrown to the lions
pulled different directions like iron
magneticly drawn away
you didnt want to stay
emotion scatterd along the pavement
wondering where the feelings went
A time lost is a time well spent
time to recover and never may repent
I thought I knew it all
I then hit the emotional wall
I now only felt 2inches tall
I know now I have seen it all

Drawn to u like north to south
Now I wish I never even opend my mouth
the antidote is now missing to me
the cure is gone and I can no longer see
no longer see the path i once saw
my emotions are everywhere they have been on tour
pending on the borderline
feelings that truley dont feel like myn
lost my mind doing the things
we shouldnt of done, o those things
missing link on a ball and chain
all of these good things flushed down the drain
now i may of said it once but i'll say it again
I got my thoughts clogged up in vain

Turley missing the 3rd dimention
one piece short i didnt care to mention
the fact i never wanted it to happen
an island now just like manhatten
but you know it all makes sense
you know its all in past tense
its time to move on now
its time to move on now

I thought i saw it all
Now I feel 2inches small
lost my mind but got it back
time to give this pain the boot and sack

Its all in the past its all in the past
time to see these feelings shouldnt last
I had the good times now they're past
so to the bad times are also past
looking on the bright side
these feelings i now feel inside
are sure to go but damn they lied
they are still here
and now i got no one to hold dear
trials and tribulations held inside
inside my body of myn
pain is eating me now, time to dine
it should all go threw time
Pump the pump truck up
pump the pump truck up
and we will no longer
we will be come
all become
all become unstuck

So we thought we knew the way
so we thought we knew the day
but what the tall man didnt say
is that **** just doesnt pay

So you loose your head
you loose your bed
but its alright
its alright
we all know your not dead

We all play our games
we all know our names
we got a feeling for it all
we know whats over the wall
we believe we know the score
so we all do know what its good for

Shake your hips like salt shakers
Grab and grope and be world class love makers
we lost our phone but that dont matter
its time to go now and scatter

Jesus son you thought u knew
u just didnt know what to do
so you jump down stairs and see
that you just grazed your damn knee
but thats okay thats okay
for we all know it heals at the end of the day

Jack went with everyone else
but we just me somone else
we didnt want to stick to normal
now we want to show them all

Guided tours threw your life
Crack a joke about your wife
you see yourself in the mirror
and stay

Colours swirl intensley
what the hell was that we see
its a giant flower bee
drinking a cup of fine tea

Its all just a dream
its all just a dream
played my imaginations stream
nothing is ever to seem
as it should seem
When I got down to it
Nobody knew why o why
I even wanted to show
The day of the day
The Outcome of the Outcome
Braught out in a rash
thats nothing lets see it all

The bottle rings to the tone
the tone of the unknown
but still we all knew how
how to bake a cake
so i said this aint to bad
lets just go up to the guy
and shake his hand
we climb the stairs
and then we pull the attic shutter
proceed to climb
that metaphoric ladder

We climb we climb
We climb we climb
O god no i missed

Ah damn he wasnt home
we will try again some time soon
we then felt the need to do a deal
a deal with the guy downstairs
we open the basement a step
step down
But we didnt want to
a light very bright light
draws us in
see murderes and villains
yet the guy
the guy downstairs wasnt home

We step We Step
We step we step
O God No I Missed

We were looking for the guy
downstairs and up
look in the back garden
and in the kitchen
loosing all eyes and sight
of what we were doing
we thought we knew
we thought we knew
but we didnt and we
we just caught a glimpse
in the town and society
we saw the guy from upstairs
and the guy from downstairs
shaking hands and doing a deal
they were here all along
they were here all along
they shook hands
they knew what they were doing
but what where they doing
i dont know what i been told
i dont know what i been told
i dont know what i been told
but this religious bulshit is getting old

We saw we saw
we saw we saw
O God their both out to get us

We saw we saw
we saw we saw
O God their both out to get us
Matt you're so smart you really are. Like I told you earlier your brain works on different wavelengths than our (or at least MY) common brain... Those lyrics got me thinking. You got talent there that you should take more seriously I think. I always knew you're special :thumbsup:
Chili bamboo whatcha gonna do
I saw this thing
this tiny tiny lil thing
seeing it threw my thing
I dunno it just seems to be my thing

I dont know what to do
I just hoppe o hope i get to do
what i want to do
so lets go down
and do

Threw the days and nights
loosing all sights
traverling this long road
in auto drive mode
it guides me like a missile
make a prat of myself
...... all the while

I drove the longest mile
It took me a bloody while
to realise my brains missing a file
i dunno wethere to cry, shout or smile


u do whatcha gotta do
I dunno what that is to do
I hope the right thing is what i do
I sure as hell hope thats not what i do

it took me a while to go
i didnt want to go
but i had to go
where do i go

I thought i got to see it
but it turns out i didnt
didnt know what to say
when i learnt i didnt
so i took out my arms
ran back
and lept into ur arms
joyus sacralidge!
At last i know i know
i know just what to do

I drove the longest mile
It took me a bloody while
to realise my brains missing a file
i dunno wethere to cry, shout or smile


I didnt get it
but now i got it
now i dont want to loose it
but im pretty sure i will loose it

I dont know what i did
but i tried i did
wish i did
i did

so u swang with me
u saw me and said me
me n u know
i got to go
but i will be back
i went okay... see
see you later
see you later
see you later
call you later
call you later
call you later
miss you later
miss you later
miss you later

I drove the longest mile
It took me a bloody while
to realise my brains missing a file
i dunno wethere to cry, shout or smile


Just smile
Its true that true
true beuty tends to unfold
after all of those
nice nice stories that u told
saw you in brimstone
then i saw the true halo
and if i could i would
never let these good times go

ooooo why ooo why
i love you
ooooo why ooo why
i despised you
I saw it once, saw it twice, saw it thrice
never knew this was you
but im glad i got to know you
its like myths untrue
now i know i really like you
jar with no label
opend u and enjoyed
what i got inside
but i guess thats the beauty of mystery
it gives u whole new lights to see

when i first met you
i saw the devil beaside you
now when i look into your eyes
I see lil winged angel type guys
dont burn to your touch any more
now when i touch i know what Gods for
you got me in ur hands
and i got you im my hands
i dont want to ever let you go
but i guess u got things to do so!!!
I let go cause i love you
and u know that u really do
glad i got to read you
glad i managed to read all the way threw
didnt skip to the end or stop half way
now i know what you had to say
and at the end of the day
I really like it this way
Felt like making something more upbeat lol... due to recent complaints that i may be turning into a depressive kid type person

O damn o damn o damn
what to do what to do
I just dont know what to do

So much time on my clock
maybe we should a walk on the dock
but this is a problem the is a whole in my sock
maybe its best not to walk
u said why and why o why
I said maybe a blister, i will want to die
so then they asked what to do
we could take a train down to crewe!
they shouted what the hell!
and i went why dont u try aswell
so we got our thinking caps on
ponderd whilst snackin on a bour bon

So we wrote this song to say
Oh my god what an uneventful day
we snacked on sandwhiches
cant u see our social riches?

So we thought some more and got an idea
and we went to the supermarket to get us self some beer
and we said all along that all will be well
but soon enough we descended hell
we forgot our ID's
shopping clerk said lets see some id's
and we said
we dont have any damned ids

Foiled at the last hurdle we hurried back home
started to break the nearest clump of styofoam
the look on my mums face you should of see her
when she saw the mess we left on the sofer
so we ran away o we ran away
had no where else to stay
we went down to the bowling alley
got served by a clerk called dynamyte salley
she said sorry all the lanes are closed
so we just looked at her and we proposed
the wrong sort of proposal!
since when was this ever considerd harrasment!

So we wrote this song to say
Oh my god what an uneventful day
we snacked on sandwhiches
cant u see our social riches?

So we went down to the sea
we wanted to see what things we could see
baught some chips kept em by my knee
then all of a sudden a saw the sea
comming closer to me
we ran away and it took my chips into the sea
god damned it sea those chips where for me

So we wrote this song to say
Oh my god what an uneventful day
we snacked on sandwhiches
cant u see our social riches?

We now hungry and bored
why o why lord o lord
we sat on a bench in our local park
then we heard this horrific bark
it was a big ass dog long and dark
and it just bit into my foot arc
and I yelled!
Owowowowowowowow owwwwwwwwwwwww
owowowowowowowow owwwwwwwwwwwwwww

So we wrote this song to say
Oh my god what an uneventful day
we snacked on sandwhiches
cant u see our social riches?

We plotted our route back home
walked past this all mighty dome
white as white not unlike our styrofoam
then we realised, that was the last bus home!
we ran we ran we ran
we ran we ran we ran
but damn we missed the last bus home

So we wrote this song to say
Oh my god what an uneventful day
we snacked on sandwhiches
cant u see our social riches?

So we wrote this song to say
Oh my god what an uneventful day
we snacked on sandwhiches
cant u see our social riches?