im just a kid


New member
Oh poor Bobert! *sniffles on shirt sleeve*

Yeah, problems abound for this family! The thing is, in RL I can be JUST like that, I know I can, but when you're in the throes of whatever it is driving you the last thing you do is stop and think. Poor guys - kids included.

Anyway, brilliant as ever. I adore this story - not cause I'm in it (though that helps, hehe) but cause it has heart. You could almost believe this is a biography on a RL family (poor family that being the case), Rob's or not.

Man, I love it. As always.

I have to get my finger out and update mine! I've just been real busy lately... no excuses I know, but I have a day off today so I'll try and post more tonight. We've all hit snags in RL, being so busy and all. Talk about life imitating art etc. Well, gotta go again. Miss you guys.

Take care.

*tackle hugs*

Hopefully talk to y'all soon!

-Rav :D



New member
The next morning, Rob woke up to movement on his left side. He felt something hit him in the stomache. he sat up grogily to find his daughter sitting on his stomache. Mel squealed happily as gave her a good morning kiss. Slightly confused at first, he tried to remember where he was. Suddenly all the memories of last night had hit him like a train. He shook his head. he had to go back some time. He wasnt going to run away from his problems like rav thought he would. Dave called for rob downstairs, telling him they had a gig that night at one of the local clubs. Rob called back to him saying he remembered and that he and Mel were going out to get a new part for his set that he needed. He pulled on his clothes from yesterday and got Mel dressed too.

Rob switched mel to the other arm while he browsed through the music stores selection of High hats for the drum set. he chuckeled as Mel reached out to swat at one of the crash cymbols with her small hand.

"one of these days your gonna make your old man proud."

"And your gettin older by the minute."

A smooth females voice came from behind him. Rob turned to see a slender figure that he recognized.


"Been a long time rob."

The blond girl greeted him. Mel screwed up her face at the older woman and squawked angrily at her. Rob bounced her in his arms as he kissed the top of her head reassuringly.

"aww like chill mel. Your right susan, its been what, almost two years?"

"Just about."

"Youre looking well."

"I see your doing well for your self. Is it yours?"

Susan asked him with a cool voice as she looked down at mel in his arms.

"Shes my youngest. I have a boy and then her twin."

Rob muttered feeling slightly insulted that his ex had just reffered to his baby girl as an 'it'. Rob chuckeled again as he tried to keep Mel from swatting out at Susan. He put Mel on his shoulders and she gripped his head tightly with her small arms.

"I take it you've been busy."

"Extreamly. Managing three kids, working late shift, taking home college classes, and being in a band is no easy feat."

Rob said returning her cold look. There was a squwak from mel as she threw something that looked like a drumstick at susan. Rob took it as his cue to leave.

"Well we got to get going. it was nice talking to you."

Rob turned smartly on his heel and walked out of the store. Mel hugged his head even more tightly.

"Its alright Mel, you wont have to worry about her any more."

Mel gave a small wimper.

"I promise you. "

rob said in a reassuring way as he walked down with her to the next music store that was almost a block away. Rob couldnt help but laugh at her fasination with the drumsets. Once their pay check came in for their album, he would get her a play drum set. Rob set her in the car seat before driving off homeward. He needed to get his sticks so he could play the show that night. He put it off till late in the afternoon. Rav was a little more subdued then she was last night. Rav's mouth was pursed tightly into a thin line as she watched rob busteling about the house, changing Mels clothes and picking up one of her favorite stuffed animals that Mike had given her a while back after a visit to his aunt and uncle in japan.

"Just dont let her get too close to your drums when your playing, I dont want our daughter going deaf."

Rav said as she returned to trying to feed Sarah. Rob raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes now get outta here and go play your show before I change my mind."

Rav said a bit waspishly. Rob just shrugged as mel extended her arms towards him and he picked her up automaticaly. Rob noticed she was a bit pale. Maybe all of the arguing that she did with him was starting to be so emotionaly wearing and tearing, it was starting to get to her physically. Rob parked at the parking lot where they were gonna play. He saw the band van with all their equipment in it being driven by the nerdish vocalist. Joe was jumping up and down from excitement.

"Dude, there are like over two hundered people! thats twice what we normaly play here!"

He said to rob. Rob couldnt help but smile at the Dj's excitement. true, it was the largest crowd that they had played for by far, many of them were regulars to their shows.

"Joe do you think you can keep an eye on Mel durring the show? I wont be able to do it while I'm playing the drums."

Rob asked him earnestly. Joe grinned and nodded. The two men bumpped kuckles. Rob set up his drumset while Joe put mel on his shoulders so he could put his turntables together. It was a pretty funny sight for some of the audience members to see this big burly drummer kissing a little baby girl on the head and then giving her to the Dj. Mel held onto Joes head tightly as she was josteled around a little. once all the equipment was set up, Mike grabbed a guitar and started playing a bit of the song. Joe came in with his turntables and rob on his drums. Mel turned her head to watch her daddy. Rob was playing firecly with all of his heart, Mel squealed happily. She could tell her dad was having fun. Chester's voice came in on the song. The crowd was chanting and singing along with them. Joe glanced up at her quickly and she looked down at his face with a happy smile. Joe gave a childish grin before scratching up another reccord. That song ended and then they started into another song. Mel's eyes darted around the club. her eyes all wide and her breathing more rapid and her shoulders all scrunched up. Everything got quiet for a moment.

"I take it you guys who are our regulars can tell we got an extra Linkin Park-er up here tonight."

The crowd cheered, some of the women in the crowd aww-ing at mel who was still happily sitting up on uncle Joe's shoulders.

"You alright up there mel? need a daiper change?"

Mel shook her head in response to her uncle mikes question. Rob couldnt help but grin at his daughters response to wanting a break. Rob shouted something to Brad which was bearly heard over the roaring crowd. Brad then muttered something to Mike who grinned.

"Rob wants us to play you a new song that we wrote for our new album. This one's for you mel....."

She gave a happy squeal as Joe started in on his synthasizer with a nice piano melody. Mel's ears picked up the sound of a familiar drum rift that Rob started playing. That rift was something she could always counting on letting her know that her father was home.



New member
Aww, that was so sweet. For some reason the last part practically brought tears to my eyes - I can't say why. Good writing I'm thinking. But my *** this story is developing brilliantly. It has all the elements in it... I'm just in awe every update how you manage to keep it consistent - wish I could do that as easily as you seem to.

And as for taking a baby to a concert? (Refer to pic of Draven on Joe's shoulders in Pics thread - That's pretty much exactly what I envisioned when I read this... there ya go!)

Can't wait for more, as always!


-Rav :D



New member
yeah rav i was going for that kind of look now heres the next part hee hee

Rav was out of her mind with worry. She was sick and tired of being treated like she was always lower then him. Rav hated how she was always having to look up at him and feeling tiny and insignificant. She swapped a screaming sarah for her older brother who was crying and bawling his eyes out. She retrieved his teething ring and shoved it at him where he promptly threw it against the wall. Almost pulling her hair out, sarah threw something trying in vain to get her mothers attention. Rav shook her head as she quickly ran to the bathroom to up turn the entire contents of her stomache in the toilet. And where was her young husband now, certaintly not here supporting her. Her wayward husband was playing in a band with his friends comming up truant when she needed him the most. Rav took a sip of cool water as she ran back out to quail the screams of her two children. Rob was out corrupting her youngest daughter to be just like him. Rav had seen it in his eyes everytime he looked at mel. He always showed favoritisim towards her, he wanted her to be just like him. rav cast a worried look at the clock, her eyes traveled down to the calender where in black letters against a pale yellow background telling her she had a doctors apointment the following day. Rav could only sigh and hope that what ever was wrong with her was something temporary, she could ill afford to miss any more work. after about another hour of screams, tears, and fribby's irritated and grumpy growls, she managed to lull them to sleep. she closed the door slightly, leaving it a fraction of the way open. She switched on the TV, flipping through the stations untill she decided on an old black and white Humphry Bogart movie. At this time of night, all of the basketball games and cartoons didnt intrest her in the least. Her eyes blinked as a familiar sound came on the tv. An ad on the TV for her husbands album. She felt slightly impressed but not hardly moved. So her husband was doing something that actually paid off. Rav remembered the many times she had barked and screamed about doing something with his life and to stop chasing his stupid dreams. She quickly changed the channel to some sort of bugs bunny show on the channel up. Rav shook her head. Mel was at such a young age and to have Rob pressing on her things that she would never reach seemed like a stupid idea. Mel was a bright young girl, just like her brother and twin, rav didnt want her chasing the same stupid dream that her father did. Rav sighed as she felt the much needed sleep overcome her.

Rob lifted Mel up off of Joes shoulders and gave her a sweaty kiss. She giggeled and gave him a hug.

"Rob your kids sweet for not ****** on me."

"hey its all good."

Rob said as he wiped his face off with a towel. mel giggeled again as he posed for a picture that Joe was taking with his camera.

"Do something cute with mel, it'll look good on the site."

Rob gave mel a kiss on the crown of her head as she squealed happily.

"daddy all good!"

Mel squealed out loud as rob blew on her stomache making her laugh even harder.

"dude was that like her first sentenance?"

Brad asked as he shook his afro out.

"I think so big bad."

Mike rolled his eyes at brad.

"you cant let her be around brad for too long or she'll start using the 'L' word."

Mike said with a laugh as he swatted brad in the back of his afro.

"thats like not cool. but like lay off, its not like i mean to do anything like that."

Phoenix started laughing.

"brad you got four in one time. cut down on it."

pheonix muttered as he gave brad a rat tail. the thin man jumped and yelped as the towel connected with his skinny backside. Rob chuckeled at his bandmates and glanced at his watch.

"Its almost after midnight. Rav's probably sick with worry about Mel."

"daddy all good."

Mel repeated as rob smiled at her.

"yup thats your kid."

chester commented as the nerdish vocalist seemed to materalize out of nowhere.

"Dave can you take mel for a moment?"

Dave nodded as mel reached for her uncle with outstreatched arms. Rob pulled chester away from everyone else. The older blond male looked like a kid next to the burly drummer. Rob looked him strait in the eye.


"Look Rob I know what youre gonna say."

Rob seemed to be caught off gaurd by this.

"you do?"

"yeah, this is about what happened between me and rav that night at mikes."

Robs frown darkened. Chester continued.

"I'm sorry about it dude. we were both drunk, but however, if you wanna blame some one, blame me. I dont mean to start all this ****."

Rob couldnt believe that Chester was actualy apologizing for what he did. Rob went to say somethign but chester cut him off again.

"I take full responsibility if anything happens. just dont eat me."

Rob's face grew into a smirk.

"Hey its all good man."

Chester smiled a bit relieved. Rob went back and took mel from dave, who was teaching her how do make the rock on sign.

Rav felt sick to her stomache as she stared at the wall across the way from her as if it wasnt really there. Rob was gonna kill her. The worst news she had gottet ever. wild half formed thoughts about doing a runner chased about in her mind. She shook her head, she couldnt leave her kids. Pregnant with chesters kid. how could things have gotten any worse then this. Time dragged on its heels as she waited for rob to return home from work. Mel had said her first sentance and sarah said hers as well. things had been rough since sarah had learned a new word making her list a total of four words including 'no' 'dont' 'won't' and '****'. Rav went to check back on the sleeping twins while fribby was playing silently in his playpen. the mail slot clattered open and Rav went to retrieve the mail. it was the usuaul ****, bills, more bills, junk mail. she sorted it out, robs mail and hers as she heard the door click open and rob sauntered in with his uniform on, slightly stained with coffee. He took off his hat and set it on top of the counter as he grabbed a glass and filled it up with water.

"how was your appointment?'

Rob asked quietly, only breaking the silence because for once there was no screaming or arguing. Rav's lip formed a tight line across her face.

"I'm pregnant."

Rob's jaw dropped open slightly as if he was catching flies.

"Is it mine or chesters?"

"you knew?"

"yeah I did. Chester and I talked about it last night."

Rob said softly. Rav bit her bottom lip, she was just waiting for him to go off on her, yell at her, smack her or something.

"Are you gonna keep it?"

Rob finally asked.

"Do you want it even though its not yours?"

"rav thats stupid to ask. you know how much im against abortion."

Rob said with a slight chuckle. Rav let out a sigh of relief. Her boat was slightly rocked that Rob was taking this like he did.

"yes. but can we not call it 'it' how about algie?"

"works for me,"

Rob picked up his pile of mail as he extracted something from his back pocket. he tossed the small square object at rav across the table.

"I picked this up for you."

Rob looked up to gage her reaction to it. Rav picked it up and turned it over.

"Rob this is good."

she simply said as she looked at the cd case. Robs mischevious grin grew bigger.

"I know that the good looking ones on the cover but you atleast have to listen to some of the songs on it."

Rav smiled slightly as rob then sorted through his mail. He froze as a white envelope came to his hands. Robs mouth read over the letter soundlessly as his eyes grew wider.

"rav, read this."

Rob said with his voice a bit shaky from shock. Rav took the letter and looked it over.

"your reccord went platinum!"

Rav said as she gave the much larger man a hug around his chest. She was only capable of it since he was sitting down.

"thats not it though."

Rob held up a check infront of their eyes. Rav's mouth dropped open as well. that check was a **** of alot more then what the two of them were able to make in three years the way they were working now.

"sixty five thousand...."

"you say that like its suposed to make everything better rav."

"no its not. its just.... maybe we have a chance to turn things around."


Rob muttered as there was a soft cry comming from the twins and fribbys room. Rob stood up to go check on them. It was sarah. Rob knew that almost the instant that she opened her mouth. For being twins, her and Mel were already worlds apart in their personalities. Sarah was stubborn, fiesty and loud while Mel was normaly quiet and enjoied banging around when ever she was able to get a hold of her fathers sticks.

Rob brought sarah into the kitchen as he tried to quiet the crying baby.

"has fribby done anything other then growl?"

He asked as sarah started kicking and crying even harder with her tiny screams of 'no' infused in between her sobs.

"I dont know whats wrong with him.the doctors cant find anything wrong either. I hope that its nothing too bad."

Rob nodded as he gave sarah to Rav.

"I ran into susan the other day."

Ravs lips formed a tight line again.

"yeah you should have seen it. Mel almost skinned her with a stick."

Rav chuckeled.

"Well then i guess I'll have to thank mel when she wakes up."

Rob gave a weak smile.

"I dunno, I thought mel was gonna wreck a couple of the drum displayes if we didnt get out of there fast enough. it was embarrassing."

"like father like daughter."

Rob made a face of mock insult.

"whats that suposed to mean?"

"If I remember correctly you are the one who knocked over the pyramid of soup cans a while back in food lion."

Rob blushed at the memory.



New member
Wow... um... that went better than I expected... ****, I'm starting to wish this Rob were real and that I knew him, or at least his brother *s******s* cause wow... talk about placid.

Having said that the Brad line and the 'L' word at the end of the concert cracked me up, literally. So Big Bad. And the towel flicking. Jesus, I imagine nothing would have been sacred (or safe) in those dressing rooms of the bands formulative days. But I really thought there would have been more to the Rob and Chester confrontation. I'm assuming in this Chas' is married too right? Maybe his own marriage is on shaky ground itself to think sleeping with another man's wife is almost okay... his response to 'if something happens' was worriesome too. What is he, psychic?! This Chas is almost creepy... but I guess in a relatively new city with these relatively 'new' friends and no real other ties around he's probably doing all he can to try and fit in somewhere...

Can't wait to hear what their (esp. Sam's) response to Fox is gonna be though. Uh oh...


Loving it. Loving it. Totally loving it. You capture it so well... I wish you'd quit school and write this all day (just joking - STAY IN SCHOOL! hehe)

But as always will wait for more.

Could have just said what Viking there said ^ but *meh* you know me...

Rant on the Internet, live like a hermit in my RL.



-Rav :D



New member
Ooo, Rob took that way better than i expected....and he didn't even like yell at

MORE MORE MORE!!*pwease*



New member
Rob groaned as he sat up to grab the ringing phone. After running a hand over his chin, he connected the call.

" 'lo?"

He muttered.

"Robert, jesus kid you sleep like your mother."

"Hey dad. Where are you? Are you still in Korea?"

"not hardly, im in Somolia. Didnt your mom tell you?"

"I havent talked to her since you left for korea."

"christ, kid, your moms gonna develop either a complex or die of worry if you dont talk to her."

"haha, thanks dad."

Rob chuckeled as he sat up rubbing his eyes, trying to adjust them to the darkness of the room.

"one of the jarheads from my unit got a package today. after what I saw in it I had to confiscate it."

"Dad your such a harsh captain."

"well I was expecting my son's first album to come to me directly and not in passing from a grunt."

"sorry sir. I'll send you a copy when I get the chance. What do you think?"

"I love it. Youve done well enough to make your old man proud. How are the kids?"

"all whiny and stubborn, just like their mother. Come to think of it Sarah reminds me so much of mom."

"You say that like its a bad thing...."

"well i dont need my daughter and my mother on my case. plus my wife aint too happy about it either."

"You sound like you copped somethin bad."

"Yeah its been rough."

Rob explained what had happened to his dad.

"well kid it looks like your in a rock and a hard place."

"I dont get it though. You and mom got a divorce but you never told me why and you two still act like the best of friends."

"Well kid, I think its time that you finally got the full story. Your mom didnt need the worry of rasing you and david added to the worry of me going everywhere to fight. Being a Jarhead isnt too much different from being a rockstar. Your moving places, not having a good quiet moment at home, people are either gonna love you or hate you. Its nothing that you can change. Your a rockstar because you love your music and im a marine because I love helping people. your mom just didnt understand dedication like that. thats why we split."

"Boy can I relate to that."

"Just remember that I'm only a phone call away. you take care kid."

"I love you dad."

Rob disconnected the call with a bit of worry in the gut of his stomache. Rav sat up in the bed beside him.

"Hows your dad?"

"Hes alright."

Rob knew Rav like his dad better then his mom. His dad never acted like she wasnt good enough to be with him. His dad was a bit more laid back for being a marine.

"are you and the kids gonna come to my show tonight?"

"yeah why not. I dare say I need some fresh air."

Rav muttered as she heard Sarahs soft cries. Rav got up and retrieved sarah from the crib. How was she going to tell chester. ****, he was a married man so why would he care about this? Rav held sarah tightly to her chest as her middle daughters cries subsided. Rob streatched as he got out of bed.

"I have to go into work."

Rob muttered before heading off towards the shower.

"Alright, I'll see you around lunch time.."

Rav said as she put sarah in the high chair. Once Rob came home, she would have to leave to work. It was a wonder that they ever got any time with Rob working from six to lunch and with her working from one to eight and then rob going off at nine to his shows playing them at such an unpredictable schedual. As she waited for rob to open the few jars of baby food, she popped some tatertots in the microwave for fribby, the only food he was eating was potatoes. Rav went in to check on him to find Mel sitting up in the crib looking around for her daddy.


"Sorry kiddo, daddy's in the shower."

Rav said as she picked Mel up and deposited her in the playpen in the living room. Rav hummed to her self as she turned the radio on and promptly started to work on the few dishes that were left over from last night. Up to her elbow in bubbles, rav felt some strong arms snake their way around her waist. She looked up into her husbands face. Rob kissed her on the cheek. A manuver that was slightly complicated but they managed. Rav pulled a face.

"can you open the jars for me?"

Rob chuckeled as he opened up the cans without breaking a sweat.

"Your pathetic you know that?"

"Yeah well atleast I dont gotta worry about hitting my head on the roof."

Rob snickered at the playful banter that was going back and forth. there was a sleepy growl that came from the kitchen doorway.

"Hey fribster."

Rob said happily as he picked his son up. Fribby smiled and laughed.

"Wow something other then a growl. I think things just might turn around."

Rob laughed as Rav retrieved his tatertots from teh microwave. Fribby ate them happily as Rob then gave them all goodbye kisses.

"Wheres my lil phi? shes not up to see her daddy off?"

Rob asked looking around with mock insult. Mel was peering up over the side of the playpen shouting daddy. Rob picked her up and looked at her.

"ok phi, im trusting you to keep an eye out for them alright?''

"daddy all good."

she squealed at him as he kissed her and then put her down.



New member
Awww, 'tis so cute. A rare moment of pleasantries. Seems like the calm before the storm in some respects. But sweet. The glimpse into Rob's family was insightful too - explains why to some degree why he is the way he is, especially when it comes to going on the road (which is coming up) as a natural progressive step. Ravyn's comment about him hitting the roof cracked me up... sarcastic b*tch. Oh so me. But sweet. Just know something's gonna throw a spanner in the works sooner or later... With all the pressure they're under with the work schedules you described it's no wonder things have been tense lately... if tense is the right word for it.


Great. Can't wait for more. Addicted.

-Rav :D



New member
Rob waited for Rav to come backstage. Chester was mulling about uncomfortably in the humidity of the california air. once she was backstage, Rob chuckeled as Fribby automaticaly ran to brad to try to detatch his afro from his head. Rob pulled the three of them into a more quiet area. Rav bit her lip as she cast a worried glance at Dave and Joe playing with Mel and Sarah. After much silence, chester's eyes traveled down towards the ground again.


Rav started as she tried to find the right words, looking at rob as if she was pleading for help. Rob's face showed no emotion then it normaly did under his natural scowl portraying a bit of his german ancestry. Rav swallowed hard as she turned back to chester who looked quite alarmed and suprised.

"I'm.... pregnant."

Chester went from an off white to almost transparent.

"Are you sure?"

Rav glared at him.

"You think I'd joke about that?!"

she snapped. Chester's open mouth snapped shut.


he muttered as he covered his face with his hands and slid down the wall. There was another long string of silence.

"No that ******* cant be right! Not now. no."

Chester seemed to whine over and over. Rob rolled his eyes.

"Grow the **** up chester. How the **** do you think I feel knowing that my wife is pregnant with my bandmates kid?"

"Its not that... its just.... my wife..."

Rav's mouth dropped open.

"You have a ******* wife?! **** desert hick. You have no ******* problem taking advantage of me when you have a wife?!"

"Oh dont make it sound like it was all my **** fault! You were equally **** drunk and more then willing!"

Chester shot back. The slightly nerdish vocalist was almost towering over rav with an equaly sour expression on his face. Rob stepped inbetween them with mike at his side. Mike was the only other person in the band that knew about the present situation.

"Look things arnt gonna be any better by just shouting back and forth at eachother!"

Mike tried to reason.

"We all have to keep our heads up above water before we ask for help. so what do you want to do about it?"

"I dont blame the baby, just the mother."

Chester shot at rav.

"well the wayward father has no room to speak! hes not gonna have to give birth!"


Rob and mike said louder, getting the attention of the of the lanky singer and the shorter woman.

"Look lets just take this one step at a time! lets not go into planning the baby's retirement fund when its still an egg! Rav's keeping the child so thats not a question."

Rob said as he tried to keep his wife from strangling the singer. Rav snorted her breath as she stopped and grasped her stomache as if it was causing her pain. Chester's eyes were wide almost seething.

"Fine what ever. I'm not gonna stay and be insulted by a crazy tripping woman on LSD."

He snapped as he then turned his back. Rob sighed as he then wrapped his arms around his wife. She was close to tears and about to snap at anyone who crossed her path. Rob cast a glance over at Dave, Joe, Mel, and Fribby. Mike rubbed Rav's back.

"He'll come around, dont worry."

Mike said, almost like he was convincing himself that chester would. The Emcee had no idea how bad the vocalist's fiery temper had actualy flared. Rob turned his atention to his other bandmates concerned and confused stares. Unflinchingly, He swept up Sarah and Mel up in his arms with their collective weight at almost sixty pounds. Mel squirmed as she wanted to go back to her uncle phoenix.

"Dave, I dont know what you did to this kid but cut it out or she'll like you more then me."

Rob muttered as Dave grinned while he ruffeled Mel and sarahs hair.

"What can I say, the kid just likes me."

Dave smirked at Rob who in turn rolled his eyes.

Rav groaned as she sat up. Her large stomache getting in the way of letting her know that she had feet once more. Robs side of the bed was vacent, meaning he had already left for work. Rav gave a small smile as she looked at what was her new baby girl.

"You know, your gonna come out and roar at the doctor and your dad."

She mentioned the word 'dad' like it was one of the foulest words in existance. She made a face at the thought of chester. After waddeling out of the room, She saw a note on the table that Rob had dropped mel, Fribby and sarah off over at his dads house since he was home for a measly two week break before going to Iraq. Frowning, she took out a bottle of water. She had time to herself before having to head out to work. Suddenly she started having contractions. with a shaky hand, she reached for the phone, her face screwed with pain.

Rob watched the clock as if he was watching a plant trying to grow. Today was not one of the better days of work. all he seemed to get were ******** for customers. He set the coffees down infront of the two guys that were almost thirty years old with a nice beer gut to match. Their accent, rob placed it from the deep south such as someplace in Mississippi or Louisana. They were rednecks. Rob had to keep his natural frown in check to keep it looking less like a scowl. Rob turned his back to go wait on another table before the rednecks called him back. Rob gritted his teeth together.

"Boy you cant call this coffee! Take it back and git me sumthin that dont taste like ****."

the redneck with a rebel flag hat said a bit loudly, gaining the attention of the rest of the quiet dining room. With his face flushed with color, rob made a painful smile to the point of where his eye was almost twitching.

"Yes sir..."

He said through gritted teeth.


Rob turned to see his boss with the chordless handing it to him.

"Yes sir?"

Rob said, relieved as his manager pulled him over.

"Its your wife. its important."

Rob took the phone. he said nothing but nodded at what Rav told him.

"Alright, I'll be there soon. call Mike, he can get there faster so he can take you"

He dissconnected the call and returned the phone to his boss. Rob quickly explained what was happening while his redneck customers were loudly complaining.

"Alright Rob, get lost. I'll take care of it the rest of the day for ya."

"Thanks sir, your the best."

"Stop *** kissin and go give Ravyn my regards."

Rob gave a sly grin as he pulled off the apron and left the building. He called his dad and told him hed be on the way to pick up the kids. then he called Dave and Brad to let them know what had happened. They said they'd get there as soon as they could. Rob pulled in the driveway of his dads house. His dad had the kids waiting for him. Mel squealed to see her daddy again. His dad insisted that he came with Rob and the kids.

"I dont know why I'm this nervous dad, its not even my kid..."

"Thats because your my son. You have compassion for people even if no one else cares about them."



New member
His dad said as he helped put the kids in their carseats. Rob gave his dad a smirk. His fathers face mirrored the expression. Sighing, Rob got in the car with his dad in the passenger seat. Once starting the car up, pink floyd came belting out of the radio, almost embarrassed, rob turned the radio down a little. After stopping at a stoplight, Rob's cheeks were infused with a tad bit more color as the radio started playing a song from his album. Smiling slightly, rob chuckeled as Mel started squealing to the song almost. In the end was playing. Rob knew the song inside and out. it took alot of will power to keep from drumming out the all familiar rythem on the steering wheel. Mike gave him a ring telling him which room they were in. Rob took Mel while his dad took Fribby and sarah up in the elevator. Dave was waiting with brad outside the room. Fribby automatically headed for Brad. Mel went to dave as Rob rushed in where Mike and Joe could be found coaching rav. Joe gave Rob a pained look as he flexed his fingers. Rob took Joes position.

"Chesters not here."

joe said stating the obvious about the baby's father comming up truant.

"I'm right here."

Chester muttered from the door way. Behind him was a woman who had chester in an evil eye glare. Rob could only assume that this was Sam.

"You made this clusterfuck, now get in there and deal with it."

The woman said with her voice unaturaly calm. Chester meekly took Mikes place. Rob gave Rav encouragement that she was gonna make it. The baby then came out. She didnt cry as she was handed to her mother. Rav kissed the baby as its chord was cut.

"Shes beautiful."

Rob said in compleate honesty. Rav gave chester an evil death glare that was mirrored by Sam and Rob as he picked up the girl. The girl then screamed as if she was a ****** banshee. Chester was caught off gaurd and winced. Man this kid was definently chesters, Rob decided. No one else except maybe rav, could give a kid a set of windpipes like that. Rob swallowed hard as the nurse left leaving sam, Rob, rav, and chester alone.

"So what do you want to do about this?"

Rob finally ventured. Chester looked less impressed as he held his girl. Sam swallowed before she said anything.

"I think that maybe for the first couple of years, she should stay with you. Maybe after then she can come stay with us. The last thing I want to do is to seperate a mother from child."

Sam said slowly. Rob nodded, agreeing with her. Rav continued to give Chester the death stare. Sam offered up a small smile.

"I think that we can still be friends despite circumstances. I blame chester, no one else."

Sam said as Rav turned to her smiling.

"I guess so."

"So what are you gonna name her?"

Rav stared intently at the baby in her hands. She looked devious and mischevious like her father. just like a fox.


Rav finally decided.

"I kindda think she looks like a meghan too."

Rob remarked as the baby was passed to him, kicking and screaming.

"Fox Meghan bourdon. that has a nice ring to it."

Chester finally mummered. He offered a small smile before returning his gaze back to the ground. Rob smirked at him before opening the door of the hospital room. Dave handed back mel to rob. Mel squealed happily to see her daddy again.

"Come on Mel, lets meet your new sister..."

Rob said as he brought her in with brad and fribby and his dad and Sarah following. Mel was fixiated by the baby as rob sat her down on the end of rav's bed amongst the tangle of blankets. Fribby growled at fox, making her scream even louder. Under Robs natural frown as a repremind, Fribby stopped.


Sarah said as she shook her head and pointed at the baby.

"Sarah be nice."

"I wont!"

she pouted. Rob rolled his eyes at his oldest girl.

"Shes getting to really be like you Rav, all stubborn and bitchy."


She said faking mock insult as the guys around her chuckeled. Rob put his hands up as if he was signaling innocents.

"What? i know that the only thing they got from me was the fact they wont need a ladder to see over the counter like their other parent."

Rav smirked up at him.

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