Insulting peoples children

ToriAllen said:
Now I see why you have so much time to spend on the internet.:rolleyes:

What are you talking about? I'm hardly ever on anymore. Been working my ass off trying to take my company to the next level.

It also explains that mean streak of yours.

Even Mother Theresa had a mean streak. Some of us just learn to hide it in order to fool people into thinking we're safe.

Things might be different if you learned to swallow. That just shows lack of commitment.

Wouldn't this fall under foreplay of which I clearly said I am deprived? Can't swallow if I don't suck- which is foreplay. Pay attention, ****tard.

I'm on my way over, Phanny. Better do those exercises we discussed.

You best hurry. Jack Bauer says we're running out of time.

You know dealing with some women is kind of like bashing your head against a wall. In the end no matter how attractive you thought she was in the beginning its just ends up not being worth it. In the home attitude and over all personality are what give it the home and lovey feeling. eventually even the dumbest of us men will just stop dealing with bashing our heads against a wall and begin what I like to call:

The Guy at the house life & The Real guy every where else life.

Sad to say, your comment, Nazz, made some since although I don't know what to do anymore. I was the wife with the chronic happy disposition, built a business from the ground up, took on his children as my own (when I had none), am solely responsible for tending to the children, keeping the house immaculate due to my obsessive compulsion about cleanliness, I keep up my appearance and maintain my weight, and work about 60 hours a week. If that isn't good enough then good riddance. Being single is lonely but so much more peaceful.

Anywhoo. End of pity party. Didn't realize my previous comment would generate so much interst. I need to keep my rants to myself from now on.
Phantom said:
....Hubby comes home to eat and sleep, hasn't made love to me in about 2 years (not a joke- I only get nooners/quickies), and if I want an orgasm I have to give myself one.

Tsk tsk tsk....what a waste.
Back to the topic...

You may or may not be interested in what happened in an Australian Football League game on the weekend.

One player has a 6yo daughter, and has a tattoo of her on his bicep. His opponent decided to use this by taunting him:

"I ****ed your daughter last night"

To which he responded: "What the hell are you talking about - she's a 6yo girl!"

And the guy replied - "Yeah, well she's a slut!"

The guy then responded by pummelling the guy with a couple of hits and wrestling him to the ground.

Now the guy who did the taunting is being tried tonight at the AFL tribunal, but looks to come out with a slap on the wrist. The father though will cop AT LEAST 6 weeks' suspension for retaliating.

Does this seem like justice to you?
How would you respond if someone came up to your face and made those comments about your 6yo daughter?
cybacaT said:
Back to the topic...

You may or may not be interested in what happened in an Australian Football League game on the weekend.

One player has a 6yo daughter, and has a tattoo of her on his bicep. His opponent decided to use this by taunting him:

"I ****ed your daughter last night"

To which he responded: "What the hell are you talking about - she's a 6yo girl!"

And the guy replied - "Yeah, well she's a slut!"

The guy then responded by pummelling the guy with a couple of hits and wrestling him to the ground.

Now the guy who did the taunting is being tried tonight at the AFL tribunal, but looks to come out with a slap on the wrist. The father though will cop AT LEAST 6 weeks' suspension for retaliating.

Does this seem like justice to you?
How would you respond if someone came up to your face and made those comments about your 6yo daughter?

I would say, "I know. I've trained her every night since she was 4yrs old."
wolvesslasher said:
It sickens me that you make children feel bad about themselves if they want someone to play with their privates or don't mind someone touching their privates. They are going to be touched there eventually in their life, might as well start early if they aren't harmed in the process and if they want someone to play with their private parts. I thought sex was a good thing, not a harmful thing.

You are a ****ing piece of ****, ragging on someones kid like that.....****ing faggot!!!!!!:mad:
Cassiopeia said:
Ok, first of all, I know that I am new here, and I am still getting to know the place. I also realize that people are going to say whatever they are going to say....
But here is my gripe....

Those of us that are members here, are members knowing that there is going to be mud slung in our general direction on occasion. That's all well and good...But what the hell kind of person brings KIDS into the mud slinging?

It's completely uncouth, and in my opinion, anyone that would insult a child as a way to try to upset the parent, is pretty much a scumbag.

So you don't like the parent. So freaking what. Don't bring an innocent child into it.

Just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it, I don't really care...but I had to say something. All that **** being thrown around about somebody's daughter has been pissing me off.

The people who bring peoples kids into things are looking for this kind of reaction.

They aren't being serious, they just enjoy seeing people getting wound up.
I know that is true. It's simply that IRL I have seen some very callous treatment of children(one of my neighbors), and it is doing a good job of eliminating my faith in people.
you ****ers talk too much and your damn kids probably do too. if you wont just kill yourselves and your children to save the rest of us the pain of having to restructure society every ****in day to accomodate your retarded asses then please, please, please, abstain from reproductive activities. assholes.

Did I mention that your kids are all assholes too?
OmegaManiac said:
you ****ers talk too much and your damn kids probably do too. if you wont just kill yourselves and your children to save the rest of us the pain of having to restructure society every ****in day to accomodate your retarded asses then please, please, please, abstain from reproductive activities. assholes.

Did I mention that your kids are all assholes too?

how witty.
OmegaManiac said:
you ****ers talk too much and your damn kids probably do too. if you wont just kill yourselves and your children to save the rest of us the pain of having to restructure society every ****in day to accomodate your retarded asses then please, please, please, abstain from reproductive activities. assholes.

Did I mention that your kids are all assholes too? ****! Then go tell your mother I told you to.
ilikewhatyousay said:
how witty.

sorry, too high brow for ya? I'm just sick of seeing all of these walking houseplants teaching their kids how to be just as retarded as them. It would seem thatthese are the same assholes that go into their kids schools and side with the kid against the teachers, encourage their kids to be little assholes by presenting them with their own abhorent behavior patterns to follow and eventually amplify. You need to display a certain amount of intelligence, social understanding and common sense to graduate from high school, to buy guns, to drive a car etc. Too bad the same is not true for bearing children.
snafu said: ****! Then go tell your mother I told you to.

O.k. so I ate the **** and told my mom that you told me to. Turns out that eating **** is not good for you, in fact after mommy kicked my ass untill I puked then kicked it some more, she told me that if i kept eating **** then I would surely become one of those assholes that I mentioned before. I sure am glad that she was there to teach me that one. whew.....:D